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Wiedererwachen: Ich steige mit einer legendären Klasse auf

Almond Crowshade war der letzte überlebende Mensch in einer sterbenden Welt, deren Bewohner es nicht rechtzeitig geschafft hatten, den 30. Stock des Großen Abgrund-Labyrinths zu erobern. Die Welt wurde zerstört, und Almond war der Letzte, der trotz der bevorstehenden Vernichtung des Planeten den 30. Stock mehrmals herausforderte. Er besiegte schließlich den Stockboss mit seinem letzten Atemzug, indem er ein wahres Erwachen erlebte und ein X-Rang-Merkmal erwarb, das grenzenloses Potenzial symbolisierte. Leider hatte er gewonnen, aber es gab keine Heimat oder Zukunft mehr, wofür er gekämpft hatte. Doch eine geheimnisvolle Gestalt tauchte auf, die Mitleid und Belustigung empfand. "Dies ist ein zu kostbares und unterhaltsames Spielzeug, um es hier verrotten zu lassen. Du sollst wiedergeboren werden und aufsteigen, um die Dinge interessant zu machen." [Transfer in eine andere Welt wird eingeleitet...] [Deine Erinnerungen werden versiegelt, und du wirst in einer anderen Welt wiedergeboren, die wie diese das Tutorial der Grimwelt begrüßt hat. Das Klären jedes Stockwerks des Großen Abgrund-Labyrinths wird einen Teil deiner Erinnerungen freischalten, bis zum 10. Stock, auf dem du deine vollen Erinnerungen zurückerhältst.] 'Ich gebe dir eine zweite Chance. Diesmal musst du das Tutorial der Grimwelt abschließen und ins große Spiel einsteigen, um die Dinge interessant und unterhaltsam zu machen.' [Viel Glück.]
I_Cook_Limitlessly · 562 Views

Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

>This is a GL XIANXIA CULTIVATION NOVEL!!!! >No misunderstandings , Relatively fast paced romance, No other love interests. >There will be quite a few GL & BL side couples. Mo Yuxin was once a brilliant young billionaire—a self-made genius whose life ended too soon. After her untimely death, a mysterious self-proclaimed god chose to bring her back by bestowing a powerful cultivation system upon her. This unique inheritance would allow her to grow stronger in a world where people improve their spirit and body through cultivation. In her previous life, Mo Yuxin had been an orphan, but now she is reborn into a loving family with a caring adoptive mother and a little sister who quickly becomes dear to her heart. Before her reincarnation, Mo Yuxin spent years in a separate realm known as the Inheritance Space. There, she trained relentlessly and achieved a golden core—a mark of extraordinary power. To honor her perseverance and to compensate for her previous life’s lack of a physical form, the self-proclaimed god granted her a golden buddha body, an indestructible and immortal form. Along with this gift came three remarkable blessings: a divine sense that sharpens her perception of the world, a mysterious power whose full potential is still hidden, and the crucial soulmate bond. This bond is essential not only to complete her inheritance but also to share it with her destined partner. It isn’t long before fate leads Mo Yuxin to meet Su Yubing, a kind and brave man who is, in fact, the reincarnation of death itself. Their connection is instantaneous and deep. From the moment they first cross paths, a spark ignites between them. They share quiet, intimate moments under the starlight, where Su Yubing listens with gentle care as Mo Yuxin reveals her hopes and memories of a past life. During moments of danger, he holds her hand and offers a comforting embrace that speaks volumes of his commitment. Their growing closeness deepens into tender romance—each soft kiss and whispered word of love strengthens the soulmate bond that is so vital to unlocking her full inheritance. As their journey unfolds, Mo Yuxin and Su Yubing discover a startling truth: Mo Yuxin is the chosen successor of a long-dead god known as the “Rule,” one of the divine beings destined to manage the entire universe. This revelation ties her fate to cosmic forces far beyond anything she imagined. Soon, they learn of an ominous conspiracy led by a dark force called Sha—an embodiment of all negative energy determined to wipe out the original gods. Realizing the gravity of the threat, the couple embarks on an epic quest that takes them across five different worlds. Their mission is to find and destroy the five cores of Sha, with each shattered core weakening the dark entity’s power. Along the way, two powerful women named Law and Life—beings of ancient origin like Mo Yuxin and Su Yubing—guide them and reveal more secrets of the universe and the true extent of their abilities. Throughout their dangerous expedition, the bond between Mo Yuxin and Su Yubing only grows stronger. In every battle and every quiet moment of shared vulnerability, their love proves to be the ultimate source of strength—a light bright enough to challenge even the deepest darkness. Their heartfelt romance becomes the key not only to their own transformation but also to saving the universe from the looming threat of Sha.
Saim_Hossain · 695.7K Views

Desafie o(s) Alfa(s)

Dois séculos após a Grande Guerra, a paz entre humanos e lobisomens finalmente foi alcançada, ou assim todos acreditam. Lobisomens reinam como deuses, e os humanos permanecem blissfully inconscientes de seu verdadeiro lugar na nova ordem mundial. Para manter esse frágil equilíbrio, a cada ano, um punhado de humanos "sortudos" é selecionado de vários distritos para frequentar a Lunaris Academy, uma instituição prestigiosa que promete glória, status e uma chance de se misturar com a elite. Os escolhidos são celebrados como os poucos sortudos, destinados a casar-se com poderosos alfas e ascender como luna. Este ano, Violet Purple está entre os escolhidos, para surpresa de todos. Para uma garota órfã adotada por uma prostituta desonrada, este é um bilhete dourado para uma vida melhor, ou pelo menos é o que dizem a ela. Mas a Lunaris Academy não é o paraíso que aparenta ser. Tudo o que Violet e seus companheiros humanos foram ensinados é uma mentira. Os humanos estão longe de serem iguais; são peões em um jogo muito maior. A academia é nada mais do que uma gaiola dourada, e os alunos são cordeiros levados ao abate, brinquedos para os alfas se divertirem em seus jogos impiedosos. Para piorar as coisas, Violet chama a atenção dos jogadores mais perigosos deste jogo, os Quatro do Terror: o Alfa do Norte, Alfa do Sul, Alfa do Leste e Alfa do Oeste. Cada um é mais perigoso, mais perverso e mais poderoso que o anterior. Mas mesmo entre si, os alfas estão divididos, cada um com suas próprias ambições mortais. Ainda assim, todos têm os olhos sobre ela. Eles esperam que Violet siga o fluxo, caia na linha como os outros que adoram aos seus pés, se quebre sob seus jogos. Mas Violet não é como os outros. Ela se recusa a se curvar. Ela vai desafiá-los a todos.
Glimmy · 176.3K Views

Mia ist kein Störenfried!

Die Familie Miller hatte eine Unruhestifterin in der Familie. Ihr Name war Amelia Miller. Ihre Mutter starb bei der Geburt, als sie geboren wurde. Ihre Stiefmutter stürzte während der Schwangerschaft von einer Treppe und starb. Amelias Vater bestrafte sie, indem er sie mit dem Gesicht zur Wand auf dem Dachboden stellte. Auf dem Dachboden war es dunkel und feucht, und es gab überhaupt kein Sonnenlicht. Niemand brachte ihr etwas zu essen, und Amelia dachte, dass sie vielleicht dort sterben würde. Kurz vor ihrem Tod wählte sie eine Nummer, die ihre Mutter ihr vor ihrem Tod gesagt hatte. Nachdem sie aufgelegt hatte, hörte sie ein Rumpeln um sich herum. Das Haus der Familie Miller war von einer Gruppe schwarz gekleideter Leibwächter umstellt. Acht Männer stiegen aus ihren Autos aus, jeder mit einer anderen Aura. Sie gingen direkt auf den Dachboden. Der Mann, der sie anführte, kniete nieder und hielt Amelia, die bewusstlos war, in seinen Armen. Er hatte einen ernsten Gesichtsausdruck. "Die Familie Miller muss bankrott gehen." Nachdem sie die ganze Nacht geschlafen hatte, wachte Amelia auf und musste feststellen, dass ihr Vater bankrott war. Ihre Familienmitglieder waren alle obdachlos. Inzwischen hatte sie... Sie hatte acht Onkel und einen netten Großvater, der sie sehr liebte. Amelias Vater bereute, was er getan hatte, und war nicht bereit, sein Schicksal zu akzeptieren. Und was ist, wenn Amelia jetzt ein gutes Leben führt? Sie war immer noch die Unruhestifterin, die für den Tod ihrer Mutter und den Bankrott ihres Vaters verantwortlich war! Er ahnte nicht, dass sich ihr Glück nach Amelias Rückkehr ins Haus ihres Onkels nur noch zu verbessern schien. Sogar ihre bettlägerige Großmutter konnte jetzt aufstehen und auf dem Platz tanzen! Schließlich behauptete ein gottähnlicher Mann, ihr Vater zu sein. Er verwöhnte sie so sehr, dass die ganze Welt neidisch auf sie wurde.
Nunu · 24.1K Views

Meine geliebte Super Fierce Wife

"Das neue Buch 'Gescholten wie der Stern des Todes - Alle Großen der Hauptstadt wollen mich verderben' ist jetzt erhältlich!" Auch bekannt als "Reborn Era: Reich werden mit dem Check-In-System". [Ein körperlich starkes weibliches Kraftpaket gegen einen rachsüchtigen, sarkastischen und eleganten männlichen Protagonisten] Nach einer Laborexplosion kehrt Lin Tang in diese verarmte Ära zurück und ist an ein Check-in-System gebunden. Bevor sie das Geschenkpaket für die Neuankömmlinge in Empfang nehmen kann, kommt ihr Verlobter, der sich selbstbewusst gibt, um die Verlobung zu lösen. Der Grund: Er ist dabei, sich einen festen Job zu sichern. Lin Tang sieht den einfachen, aber selbstsicheren Mann an, spitzt leicht ihre roten Lippen und sagt: "...Schluss machen!" Weniger als einen Monat später wurde ihr Ex-Verlobter aus irgendeinem Grund gefeuert. Lin Tang machte einen Spaziergang durch den Bezirk und wurde leitender Angestellter der Rundfunkstation in der Textilfabrik. Interne OS des Ex-Verlobten: Ist es jetzt zu spät, sich zu versöhnen? - Diese Zeiten waren hart! Obwohl sie von ihren drei großen Brüdern und ihren Eltern sehr geschätzt wurde, brauchte man für alles, von Lebensmitteln über Kleidung bis hin zu Seife, Gutscheine... Selbst ein sparsamer Lebenswandel konnte die miserable Lage nicht lindern. Beim Anblick des schwarzen Breis in der Schüssel verstummte Lin Tang: "......". Zum Glück hatte sie ein System! Brauchen Sie etwas? Einfach einchecken, um es zu bekommen. - Viele Jahre später. Ein gut aussehender Mann schaute seine zierliche Frau mit dem hellen Teint an und schaffte es, sein Gesicht nicht zu verziehen, als er sagte: "Ich habe gehört, du kannst ein Wildschwein mit nur zwei Schlägen ausschalten?" Lin Tangs Augen funkelten, ihre Finger übten sanft Kraft aus, und der Emaillekrug in ihrer Hand verformte sich. Sie antwortete streng: "Unsinn! Glauben Sie nicht an diese Gerüchte. Wir sind zivilisierte Menschen und können nicht so barbarisch sein!"
a visitor from South Flight · 26.5K Views

Meine Frau ist eine Geisteraustreiberin

Song Yan lebte ein unglückliches Leben. Sie wurde mit einem großen Vermögen geboren, aber ihr "Glück" wurde ihr von ihrer Halbschwester "weggenommen". Es war ihr Schicksal, dass sie Fu Yusheng, den Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Besitzer des Fu-Konzerns, heiraten sollte. Doch ihre Halbschwester, die eifersüchtig auf sie war, griff in ihr Schicksal ein und raubte ihr das "Glück". Von da an hatte Song Yan unzählige Probleme, sie hatte Unfälle, verlor ihre Schriften und starb schließlich bei einem Verkehrsunfall. Aber sie wollte nicht, wollte nicht, weil sie Fu Yusheng und ihren Sohn liebte, den sie in der Familie Fu zurückließ. Ihre Seele, die vor König Yama in die Hölle gebracht werden sollte, verwandelte sich in einen bösartigen Geist. Erst als sie zum Geist wurde, erkannte sie, was für eine perfekte Täuschung ihre Halbschwester für sie geplant hatte. Glücklicherweise, bevor ihre Seele noch dunkler wird und zu einem bösartigen Geist wird, kreuzt sie den Weg eines himmlischen Meisters, der ihr einen Neuanfang verspricht, solange sie bei ihm bleibt und den Weg des Übernatürlichen lernt. So wurde Song Yan die Schülerin des himmlischen Meisters und diente dem himmlischen Meister und seiner Familie weiterhin als Geist. Nach fünfhundert Jahren des Dienstes wird sie von ihrem Meister befreit und erhält die Chance auf eine Wiedergeburt. Sie wird an dem Tag wiedergeboren, an dem sie einen Autounfall hat. In diesem Leben ist sie mit übernatürlichen Kräften ausgestattet, um die himmlischen Wahrheiten zu sehen. Sie schwört, sich und ihren Sohn zu rächen, der wegen ihrer Halbschwester einen unglücklichen Tod erlitten hat. Aber warum ist ihr apathischer Ehemann, der sich nie um sie gekümmert hat, hinter ihr her?
fairytail72 · 9.4K Views

The Ogre Strength Fairy and the Eldest 'Son'

~Updates Daily~ (usually near 8PM ET / 1AM GMT) Other Tags: #GL #Slice of Life #Comedy #TheStrongActingWeak #ChildhoodSweethearts (It counts!) Single love interest Yuri! No lengthy misunderstandings over this fact~ --- After failing to ascend to the heights of Divinity despite all her preparations, an ancient cultivator finds herself not embracing the emptiness of the void - but the interior warmth of a womb. Her memories intact despite her spirit being a merest fraction of her height - and her trusted Astralism unchanged - she carefully starts over from an infant. How to navigate her family: [really easy with only two parents and an estate full of servants!] How to portray herself: [everyone likes 'sweet' kids and trusts (underestimates) 'weak' girls!] How 'quickly' to reveal the power she gathers: [this region is a 'backwater', let's just take it slow~] How her marriage was arranged before birth: [my parents adore me so at an appropriate time I'll just have it cance- oh?] Dealing with an 'amusing' deceit: ['he' looks worried still, but 'he' doesn't have to worry from me!] Confronting the 'boy' in private: [whatever their iffy plan is, I just obtained a husband-wife~] Even in a new life, | Elua er Goltbred | can't and doesn't *want* to change who she really is. A scheming cultivator. A possessive lover. Neither of those things had been a real hindrance to the Peak of Demi-God. Balancing the two in this life - without driving away the young 'boy' she decided would be hers - centers as much around helping | Qatrand er Yecine | find herself... as it is hoping to ease the fiance into how messed up the 'younger' girl honestly is. It's a good thing that the reborn cultivator can improvise with her ridiculous control of an Illusion Astralism - because plans fail and unexpected things happen when you're not *really* a genius. Like her Physique in this life allowing the lightest 'grip' to crack stone... | Qat | (the nickname picked almost instantly!) despite being a little stunted by her family environment early on, finds her future wife to be 'cute' on their first meeting. ... she really shouldn't have let on. It made her | El | kind of vain. Oh, and muscles. | Elua | : I just like looking at them, okay!? Is it so weird? People can have hobbies... - - - > Types of Cultivation // Spiritual (Soul), Physical (Body), Essence (Qi) > Aspect Trinity // Astralism, Physique, Element 'Ranks' Initial - Early, Mid, Late Lower Realms // Enchanter, Primalist, Breacher Upper Realms // Defier, Demi-god, Divinity - Echelons (First -> Seventh[Peak]) - - - Cover Art: AI Text Prompt Generation + title (etc.) added with an image editor. I also tend to do other 'fixes' in post! Potential trigger warnings: > A FL that may seem (to some) like they are being groomed due to 'true age' difference. > A MC that gets a little 'thirsty' a little 'young' but tries to 'keep her own pants on' until the proper age. > A toxic family environment willing to force an unloved child into the role of a crossdresser. A child that grew more than okay with it. > 'Pretty Good Dad' intentionally 'picked on' by his 'sweet daughter' for being a relatively 'minor obstacle'. Seriously, you were warned, average fathers with teenagers. Do not engage your trauma.
Seraphelki · 320.6K Views

Reborn Revenge: Crazy Queen's Mate is Her Enemy's Lethal Enforcer [GL]

"In another life, kitten… may we meet again,” she whispered defeatedly to her lifeless mate. "I promise I’ll make them pay…” she added before she breathed her last too. **** When Alpha Yuzuki loses her mate and family in an ambush by the werewolf king — Kazuya, she swears with her last breath to get vengeance in her next life, hoping to meet her mate again. Twenty-eight years later, Yuzuki is reborn as a powerful werewolf queen, Kuramitsu, whose kingdom is enemies with Kazuya’s. Yuzuki doesn’t mind whatever she has to do to make Kazuya pay, especially when she learns that this queen’s identity has been hidden her entire life. So, when King Kazuya announces a mating ball, Yuzuki is more than glad to go and attend the ball as an unmated wolf. After all, she wants to find her mate in this life, and this is her chance to check the weaknesses of Kazuya’s kingdom too. What better way to start than with Kazuya’s loyal enforcer? ——— Ayami Araki is the most lethal enforcer in the realm who many kings and queens would kill to have on their team — but Ayami has sworn her unconditional loyalty to King Kazuya, who has been nothing but kind to her. She would give up her life for her king without question — until Yuzuki. Despite all the training against being emotional, or even thinking of a mate, Ayami feels it all begins to slip away for Yuzuki. She knows it’s not a good idea, but she wants her, hence her homework. However, Ayami’s findings have her questioning everything she believes in. But she’s loyal, right? What happens when the truths of their past surface? Will Ayami’s loyalty still be steel-clad? Will Yuzuki’s love for her mate remain unconditional when she has to go through Ayami to get to King Kazuya? Will Yuzuki’s mission to eliminate the Kazuya kingdom still stand?
she_osprey · 1.1K Views

Elysium: Desired by the Cold-hearted Princess [GL]

 It all started with losing her mother, getting thrown into a boarding school, and then having the rumored witch-like princess of the kingdom desire her and want her by all means necessary. But it isn't the innocent type of desire she had expected. It's something much darker than she could ever handle.         ****  Sera didn't think her life would ever take a turn for the worst until her worthless father remarried her mother's half sister and, on her orders, sent Sera to a boarding school that was far off in a different kingdom—Elysium High, an all-girls academy for the most prestigious daughters in all of the seven kingdoms.    In Elysium, only the most powerful could survive, as even the prettiest and most innocent-looking faces had skeletons in their closests and would ruin anyone or anything that got in their way. Unfortunately for innocent and naive Sera, she would become the newest prey of Elysium, and everyone wants a piece of the beautiful redhead.     But what happens when the most unexpected person also takes an interest in her?   Electra's name alone was enough to get the entire school shaking in fear. Not only was she the only heir to the most powerful kingdom in the realm, she was also known as the cold-hearted queen of Elysium High. Nothing and no one ever caught Electra's attention, until the arrival of Sera, where everything changed.     And all it took was for clumsy Sera to bump into the most powerful one of them all.  *** THIS BOOK IS RATED 18+! It contains matured content such as: ⁃ Bullying ⁃ Smut (BDSM included) ⁃ Violence. So read with caution, and don't say you weren't warned!
jobetgrayson · 587.4K Views


After having A traumatic past, Finally You Started to live A Normal life but The Life has some other things planned for you. One unfortunate day, You gets kidnapped and tortured nonstop for next six months and what? You finally got out as a female? And as a first dragonoid in existence? But wait a minute you are still under one of the plans, of those who kidnapped you. What will you do in this situation? Have a normal life? Forget everything that they done to you and start a new fresh life? Or..... Revenge? Most likely the answer would be Revenge but In this Path Of Revenge, Without even you knowing, That now you are bounded by a fate, A Greater Fate that will lead you to fight "Him". But again, The life has some other things in plan, Your fate grew stronger and stronger, So much that it became an destiny! And Coincidentally or not coincidentally, This Change will lead you to a journey to Fight "him" But in a unique and different way, Both as a Hero and Also as a villain. An isekai adventure with your best friend and many other loving companions and not just isekai world but also Heaven, Abyss, Planted of Dragons and many other things. This is the legend Of "Scarlett Nova". (Well... It's a GL and MC's personality can be feel like out of place like making jokes and not a bit panick even after getting tortured, That a person wouldn't do but i have a special reason for that that i will reveal like 500 or so chapters later so don't ask me yet. and also there's first arc where mc gets into academy as a status of slave... that definitely make many or most people angry but don't worry it's a temporary thing not for the rest of story, Just only till chaptet 40...) Discord Link :
Lie_Eater777 · 139.9K Views

Female Consort (GL)

In Qiu Che’s previous life, she disguised herself as a man to take the imperial examination for her brother. For the so-called great plan of her father and brother, she married the most favored princess of the dynasty, Li Qingwu, at all costs. But after ten years of marriage, she never touched her finger. On the day she became the powerful prime minister, she died at the hands of her biological father. Her brother stepped on her corpse and became famous. And she died quietly in the prime minister’s mansion in the cold spring night. It was her wife who she had never seen once, who collected her corpse for her, set fire to the prime minister’s mansion, and finally committed suicide with a sword in front of her grave. When she opened her eyes again, she returned to the eighteenth year of Zhenfeng. It was the year when she had just passed the imperial examination and was in high spirits. She rode a horse through the streets, and suddenly raised her eyes and saw a man standing by the pavilion with a crowd on his left and right, looking at her quietly from top to bottom. Vermilion mole, red lips, beautiful beyond compare. In her eyes are endless sparks. It was not until this life that Qiu Che finally knew that the bad fate in her previous life, which she thought was obtained by despicable calculation, was actually the fate that Li Qingwu had sought after three bows and nine kowtows in the Golden Palace. She is Li Qingwu, a model of a lady from a noble family, and she is a rebellious person only once in her life. It is also the one that the other party has been seeking for countless days and nights. -------------------------------------------------------- You can also join my patreon for more chapters, just search: Crimson_Lore Patreon
Crimson_Lore · 13K Views
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