The Card Maker Who Disrupted the Academy
In a world where magic cards determine power and prestige, Dekan, a 15-year-old card maker with unmatched skill, unintentionally creates cards that disrupt the very foundation of the Royal Capital’s elite Hevenlit Magic Academy. Armed with his unorthodox creativity and a knack for designing hilariously overpowered yet bizarre cards, Dekan sets out on a journey to master his craft, make a fortune, and live a carefree life.
But as his seemingly innocent creations turn the world of magic upside down, Dekan finds himself at the center of chaos—gaining allies, enemies, and an unshakable reputation along the way. With exams to conquer, rivalries to face, and Shadow Worlds threatening the kingdom, Dekan must prove that even the most unconventional methods can lead to legendary success.
Funny, thrilling, and full of surprises, this is a tale of ingenuity, ambition, and the magic of thinking outside the deck.
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