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Igarashi Rika

Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO

In the year 2173, the world's first Full-World Virtual MMORPG game 'Astral Online' changed the face of the blue planet Asteria. With its revolutionary Digital Capture System, players could scan themselves into the game with up to 20% beautification, and millions flocked to play it. The game's popularity skyrocketed with the introduction of the Real Money Trading (RMT) system, and professional players formed guilds and factions to increase their profits. But this prosperity was short-lived, as players began to fuse with their avatars, gaining powerful abilities in the real world that tipped the balance of power and caused chaos. Two years later, demons and monsters from inside the game invaded the real world, decimating over 90% of humanity. The remaining survivors were left hiding in fear, unable to fight back against the invaders. Zell was an average player who spent most of his life working overtime to make ends meet; although he inherited a wonderful house thanks to his parents, most of his wages went to the property tax and food bill. He found solace in collecting beasts in the game and evolving them into humanoids, primarily females. When the end came, he was powerless and alone, with only his pets and Rika, his cherished Flame Rabbit, as his companions. In a final act of bravery, Zell sacrifices himself to save the life of a strange girl with white wings. But instead of dying, he awoke in an empty white room with a single computer and a game-like screen that allowed him to edit his IRL avatar and persona. Zell's second chance at life came with a mission: survival. But who gave him this second chance, and for what reason? Could he meet Rika again, or was she lost forever? As Zell navigates this dark new world, he must confront the harsh realities of survival, face danger at every turn, and make difficult choices to determine his fate.
Duke_Asmodeus · 3.4M Views

Chosen Legacy

I stared across the clearing into the piercing golden eyes of the wolf that I had seen a thousand times before. However, despite seeing her over and over again, I had never once seen her face to face. While I was running, I kept repeating a word in my head. The same word over and over again. “Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I thought at first that it was me saying it, but it wasn’t my voice, not exactly. It was close to my voice, but not a perfect match. “Is that you?” I asked myself as I ran deep into the forest. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer. “Is that really you?” I sobbed in relief.. Rika is nineteen and has a secret that she has been keeping from her family. She is a wolf shifter in the most famous and well-known pack in the world. She is daughter to Trinity and Reece Gray, the King and Queen of all the shifter and magic users in the world, and yet, Rika is losing touch with her wolf more and more each day. Not only that, but she can feel her slipping away from her inch by inch, and fears that she might lose her altogether. On top of feeling as if one day very soon she might never be able to shift again, Rika and her twin brother Reagan have been given a very complicated task. They must help foster the peace between the humans and non-humans of the world now that the veil of secrecy has been removed. The world knows now that the creatures that go bump in the night, vampires, werewolves, witches, Fae, werebears, and more, oh my, are all real. Not all of those people who now know the truth are all that happy about it. Foster a positive relationship with the humans, sure thing. Find the group of people responsible for supposed monster bashings, no problem. Navigate life while also trying to find their own mates. Now that might be a problem. On top of all the other things on their plate, Rika, Reagan, and all the other children of the fabled legacies must learn how to be themselves in a world that will never be the same again. Love and lust, anger and rage, happiness and confusion, emotions will be all over the place as the Chosen Legacy fight for all mankind, human and not. “Rika, you need to tell someone about this. You need to tell them what is going on.” Reagan was glaring at me as I fought that empty feeling inside of me. “I can’t, Reagan. You don’t get it. You don’t know what it’s like to lose that part of you.” “You’re right, I don’t, but it will never get better if you don’t try to do something about it.” His anger made his eyes flash bright blue in the darkness of the night. The way that they were shining, I could tell that it wasn’t just the reflection of the moon, this was his power, this was the essence that was my brother. “Leave me alone.” I snapped as I ran away from him. I was fighting against my tears, holding them back so that he wouldn’t see how much this was hurting me. Not only that, but I couldn’t let him see that it was too late, that my wolf was already gone. Chosen Legacy is a story that has a little bit of everything. It is a coming of age story, where multiple legacies, Rika included, matures emotionally and mentally while learning to navigate the ever-changing world. It is a mystery and suspense as the twins, along with their group of friends, search for the group that has been attacking innocent people around their campus. And it is a hot and steamy romance where each of the legacies will find their one true love to last a lifetime. Who and what does fate have in store for these legacies, and what adventures will they have along the way? This story will change the POV so that it will focus on multiple characters. The character name will be in the chapter title and at the top of the chapter. This is a massive story that will encompass many mating between different characters and a lot of the cast from the book 'Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha'. It is a stand-alone book. However, you do not need to have read the original to follow along.
Deni_Chance · 756.9K Views

Síndrome do Filho do Meio

``` _ _ _ _ Relacionamento MXFXF. Por favor, leia a nota. Adicione isso à coleção e me apoie. Todos os comentários serão apreciados Ela não era a herdeira, a mais velha, nem a mais nova. Ela apenas existia na família, mantendo a cabeça baixa e se deixando desvanecer até que pudesse partir. "Eu tentei me destacar, ficar em silêncio e até expressar meus pensamentos. Mas não importa o que eu faça, nunca sou reconhecida. Minha existência tem importância? Afinal, não é como se alguém nesta família gostasse de mim." Rika Goodwill era a vergonha de sua família. Nascida a filha 'beta' do meio de um casal de Alfas e ômegas de destaque, era natural que ela fosse negligenciada em comparação com seu perfeito irmão Alfa e sua doce irmã ômega. Sua situação fora da família não era melhor. As pessoas a evitavam por causa de sua família da máfia e julgavam sua natureza sem uma segunda reflexão. Seus únicos amigos eram o 'casal queridinho do século'. Mas Rika de alguma forma se tornara uma terceira roda entre as brigas e rompimentos frequentes deles. Ao longo de seus 17 anos de vida, Rika aceitou seu destino e seguiu em frente. Afinal, nenhuma quantidade de queixas mudaria sua situação de ser uma terceira roda. A faculdade deveria ser sua grande chance. Era para ser a época em que Rika tinha para si mesma, onde ela poderia se sentir ela mesma, então ela se candidatou para um lugar onde ninguém a conhecesse. Esta deveria ser a sua oportunidade de ouro! Rika deveria se libertar de sua vida cada vez pior. Mas nem sua família nem seus 'amigos' estavam prontos para deixá-la ir, e não demorou muito para que sua vida pacífica se tornasse amarga. ____________ Esta história terá um par romântico hétero, bem como Yuri e também é um omegaverse. Alfas femininas são Futas. Se não é o que você gosta, saia antes de entrar. Deixe muitos comentários para mim ```
Holy_mackrel · 37.5K Views

Das Syndrom des mittleren Kindes

_ _ _ _ MXFXF-Beziehung. Bitte lesen Sie den Hinweis. Bitte fügen Sie es dann der Sammlung hinzu und unterstützen Sie mich. Alle Rückmeldungen werden geschätzt Sie war nicht die Erbin, nicht die Älteste und auch nicht die Jüngste. Sie existierte einfach in der Familie, hielt den Kopf unten und ließ sich wegspülen, bis sie gehen konnte. "Ich habe versucht, mich abzugrenzen, ruhig zu bleiben und sogar meine Gedanken zu äußern. Aber ganz gleich, was ich tue, ich werde nie beachtet. Ist meine Existenz überhaupt von Bedeutung? Es ist ja nicht so, dass mich irgendjemand in dieser Familie überhaupt mag." Rika Goodwill war die Schande ihrer Familie. Als mittleres "Beta"-Kind eines prominenten Alpha-Omega-Paares geboren, war es nur natürlich, dass sie im Vergleich zu ihrem perfekten Alpha-Bruder und ihrer süßen Omega-Schwester vernachlässigt wurde. Ihre Situation außerhalb ihrer Familie war nicht besser. Die Leute mieden sie wegen ihrer Mafia-Familie und beurteilten ihre Art ohne zu zögern. Ihre einzigen Freunde waren das "Lieblingspaar des Jahrhunderts". Aber Rika war irgendwie zum dritten Rad am Wagen geworden, weil sie sich zankten und häufig trennten. Im Laufe ihres 17-jährigen Lebens hatte Rika gelernt, ihr Schicksal zu akzeptieren und weiterzumachen. Schließlich würde kein noch so großes Gejammer etwas daran ändern, dass sie das dritte Rad am Wagen war. Das Collage sollte ihr großer Durchbruch werden. Es sollte die Zeit sein, die Rika für sich selbst hatte, in der sie sich wie sie selbst fühlen konnte, also bewarb sie sich an einem Ort, an dem sie niemand kannte. Das sollte ihr Glücksfall sein! Rika sollte von ihrem sich verschlechternden Leben wegkommen. Aber weder ihre Familie noch ihre "Freunde" waren bereit, sie gehen zu lassen, und es dauerte nicht lange, bis ihr friedliches Leben ins Wanken geriet. ____________ Diese Geschichte wird sowohl ein heterosexuelles Pairing als auch Yuri haben und ist auch ein Omegaverse. Weibliche Alphas sind Futas. Wenn das nicht dein Ding ist, dann geh, bevor du eintrittst. Hinterlassen Sie viel Feedback für mich
Holy_mackrel · 30.6K Views

Syndrome de l'enfant du milieu

_ _ _ _ Relation MXFXF. Veuillez lire la note. Veuillez l'ajouter à la collection et me soutenir. Tous les retours seront appréciés Elle n'était pas l'héritière, l'aînée, ni la cadette. Elle existait juste dans la famille, gardant la tête baissée et se laissant emporter jusqu'à ce qu'elle puisse partir. « J'ai essayé de me démarquer, de rester silencieuse, et même d'exprimer mes pensées. Mais quoi que je fasse, je ne suis jamais reconnue. Mon existence a-t-elle seulement de l'importance ? Après tout, ce n'est pas comme si quelqu'un dans cette famille m'aimait vraiment. » Rika Goodwill était la honte de sa famille. Née ‘bêta’ comme enfant du milieu d'un couple Alpha-Omega éminent, il était naturel qu'on la néglige par rapport à son parfait frère Alpha et à sa douce sœur Omega. Sa situation en dehors de sa famille n'était pas meilleure. Les gens l'évitaient à cause de sa famille mafieuse et jugeaient sa nature sans réfléchir. Ses seuls amis étaient le « couple chouchou du siècle ». Mais Rika était devenue en quelque sorte la cinquième roue du carrosse entre leurs querelles et ruptures fréquentes. Au cours de ses 17 années de vie, Rika avait fini par accepter son sort et passer à autre chose. Après tout, aucune quantité de plaintes ne changerait jamais sa situation de cinquième roue du carrosse. Le collège était censé être sa grande chance. C'était le moment où Rika pouvait être elle-même, où elle pouvait se sentir elle-même, alors elle a postulé pour un lieu où personne ne la connaissait. Ça devait être sa chance inespérée ! Rika était censée s’échapper de sa vie qui s'empirait. Mais ni sa famille ni ses « amis » n'étaient prêts à la laisser partir, et il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que sa vie paisible tourne au vinaigre. ____________ Cette histoire aura une relation hétérosexuelle ainsi que Yuri et c'est aussi un omegaverse. Les Alphas féminines sont des Futas. Si ce n'est pas votre tasse de thé, partez avant d'entrer. Laissez beaucoup de retours pour moi
Holy_mackrel · 30K Views

Middle Child Syndrome

_ _ _ _ MXFXF relationship. Please read the note. Please add it to the collection then and support me. All feedback will be appreciated. Check my profile for more work She was not the heiress, the eldest, or the youngest. She just existed in the family, keeping her head down and letting herself wash away until she could leave. "I tried standing out, staying quiet, and even voicing my thoughts. But no matter what I do, I am never acknowledged. Does my existence even matter? After all, it's not like anyone in this family even likes me." Rika Goodwill was the shame of her family. Born the middle 'beta' child of a prominent Alpha-Omega couple, it was natural for her to be neglected compared to her perfect Alpha brother and sweet Omega sister. Her situation outside of her family was no better. People avoided her because of her mafia family and judged her nature without a second thought. Her only friends were the 'sweetheart couple of the century'. But Rika had somehow become a third wheel between their bickering and frequent breakups. Over the course of her 17-year-old life, Rika had come to accept her fate and move on. After all, no amount of complaining would ever change her situation of being a third wheel. Collage was supposed to be her big break. It was supposed to be the time Rika had for herself, where she could feel like herself, so she applied for a place where no one knew her. This was supposed to be her lucky break! Rika was supposed to get away from her worsening life. But neither her family nor her 'friends' were ready to let her go, and it did not take long for her peaceful life to turn sour. ____________ This story will have a straight pairing as well as Yuri and is an omegaverse as well. Female Alphas are Futas. If it's not your cup of tea, leave before you enter. Leave a lot of feedback for me
Holy_mackrel · 1.2M Views

Highschool hero

Yuki Tanaka is a high school basketball prodigy with dreams of leading his team to the national championship. Joined by his loyal friends, they forge an unbreakable bond on the court. But in the pivotal final match of his career, everything changes in an instant when a brutal foul from his rival, Akira, leaves Yuki paralyzed and shattered. For seventy long years, Yuki lives in misery, haunted by memories of his dreams and the life he could have had. As he watches Akira thrive and marry his long-time crush, Hana, Yuki's world crumbles around him. With no hope left, he decides to end it all, only to be faced with an impossible choice: return to the past or fade into oblivion. When Yuki chooses to chase his dreams once more, he finds himself reincarnated as a teenager, back in the gym with his teammates. But this time, he’s not just fighting for glory; he’s on a mission for revenge against Akira. With Hana still smitten by his rival and a devoted friend, Rika, by his side, Yuki is determined to rewrite his fate. As he navigates the complexities of friendships, rivalries, and unrequited love, Yuki must confront his inner demons and seize the opportunity to reclaim his life. But can he outsmart Akira in the game that once destroyed him, or will he succumb to the same fate? Join Yuki on an exhilarating journey of redemption, determination, and the quest for victory in "Highschool Hero." Will he rise to become the hero of his own story, or will the past repeat itself?
xeno1 · 9.9K Views

The Class F Guide Among Us

Human have mutated to adopt powers as a way to prolong their survival in this continuously evolving universe. They are put into different classes in accordance to the level of their power. Having above-average powers, Class A and B will find it easy to climb the social ladder of modern-society. Class C is the average. Class D is somewhat struggling, but they get by. Class E is considered powerless and is often seen as disabled. Class S is a rarity, and they are often recruited to join the country's team of espers to fight mutants. YES is Neo Japan's newly built Esper organization recruiting aspiring Esper trainees as young as 15 years old. Its core team, Team Phoeinix, is the only Esper team in Japan that consists of all S-Class Espers with Neo Japan's beloved young Esper, Takenouchi Sora, as its leading figure. This series follow the story of these elite Espers and the little secret they keep in the team; an F-Class Guide, This story will be divided into a number of Arcs: Book 1: Being a class S grandson of a once famous esper, Shuu knows it won't take long for his potential to attract the attention of Neo Japan's recently formed team of young espers, YES, which consists of 5 class S espers. Follow Shuu as he figures out the innerworkings of an Esper Organization, keeping up with his seniors, working hard, and, to his surprise, finding an F-Class member to the team.. Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Shounen Ai, a little Horror, a little school life-ish Book 2: Arilio Banks is known as Team Phoenix's manager; but those who know him better call him the team's babysitter. It's difficult having to deal with kids with the strength and the temperament of S-Class; with all the screaming, the fighting, the power struggle and the knowledge that these kids can beat you to shreds anytime. No matter! Arilio Banks has long figured out a way to deal with his wards in the form of a Guide. This book follows Arilio Banks as he struggles with building a team; starting from meeting the enigmatic Sora, figuring out the struggles of working with Class S teenagers, and welcoming a guide into the team. Genre: Comedy, Shounen Ai, Yaoi, Action, Fantasy Book 3: With Shuu joining the team, Sora's design for the most powerful team to defeat the Great Mutant that attacked Japan half a decade ago is complete. But victory can only be achieved with understanding the enemy. What are mutants and where do they come from? The further they go to find these answers, the closer the get to the place where their team finally began; Shun-En High School. Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Horror, Yaoi, Shounen Ai Book 4: After the murder of Hinata Ren, YES is finally dissolved with all of its Espers given the choice of retiring early or to join a different Esper Bureau. Takao, after witnessing all the horror of Shun-En and knowing what mutants are, picked the prior and returned to his hometown to take over the small family business with his brother. It's nice living the problem-free life in the country side and ignoring the fact that they have lost their weapon against The Great Mutant. Takenouchi Sora has disappeared, Abe Koukichi left for America, Kikuya Rika abandons her Esper career to become a pop sensation, and the Segawa brothers have gone rogue; one was said to be in a mental institution, and the other joined the enemy's side. It would be easier if only Guide Hinata is alive, but he’s now asleep in his coffin. Or so Takao thinks, until he sees the Guide sipping coffee in his family’s small restaurant. Genre: Comedy, Action, Shounen Ai, Mystery Book 5: ??? ** This story uses an alternate plot and system to another story I am currently writing. I figure that everything I can't put in that story shall go here. Here are other tags that I would like to add to this novel: #guideverse #esper #harem-ish The story will mainly focus on bl (sadly it has become my expertise at this point), but there are some hetero couples here and there.
MissTeaCup · 23.8K Views
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