The Immortals: odyssey
In the dawn of time, a family of ordinary sailors and fishermen unknowingly stumbles upon a fate that would forever alter their destiny. A goddess, angered by their alleged act of theft against her, cursed them to sail the seas eternally, plundering treasures and pillaging wealth. And they came to be known as the first pirates to ever exist. This curse, however, came with an unexpected twist; immortality.
For centuries, the family navigated the treacherous waters, exploiting their newfound gift, to amass power and riches. They became the stuff of legend, feared and revered by all who crossed their path. Their dreaded name, "The Damned Ones," struck terror into the hearts of both men and gods.
Years passed, and the goddess, seemingly capricious, lifted the curse, allowing the family to set foot on land once more. But this freedom came with a catch; their immortality remained, a double-edged sword that rendered them virtually invincible and more formidable.
And as the ages went by, the family's exploits became the tales told in myths and legends, but they themselves, lived among the humans. They built civilizations, sowed chaos, and reveled in their unparalleled power. Even the powerful rulers and other immortal factions trembled at the mention of their name. They were an overpowered, unkillable set of monstrosities that wanted nothing more than to have fun.
After years of separation, the family reunites, only to discover that one of them had gone missing, but that was only just the beginning.
A new enemy had emerged from the darkness, one who had in his possession a mysterious and terrifying power, one capable of killing even the unkillable family.
The family, driven by a mix of concern and self-preservation, put aside their differences and joined forces to vanquish this threat.
As they stood together, allied once again as one, their unyielding resolve and unmatched power would be tested like never before, but one thing was certain– they would not go quietly into the night. They had lived for tens of centuries and have gotten unaccustomed to death. The battle for their existence had begun, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.
They battle against both new and old foes, in a world where the supernatural was nothing more than fairy tales, living up to their mythical title as the... IMMORTALS