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Boba Fett Omnibus

O Mais Fraco Domador de Bestas Consegue Todos os Dragões SSS

"Dragões e seus descendentes dominam os céus, a terra e os mares... a humanidade sobrevive nas brechas, sonhando com um retorno." O poder vem da besta que você doma. Lobos, falcões, serpentes, aranhas, quimeras, quanto mais forte sua invocação, mais brilhante seu futuro. Pena para o nosso protagonista. Quando todos os outros invocaram salamandras, águias, cães trolls (não doge) ou tigres, ele conseguiu... Bem, digamos que a única coisa mais baixa na cadeia alimentar é a terra. Zombado, intimidado e vivendo como o alvo de todas as piadas, ele não está exatamente ganhando. Mas desistir não é uma opção... Seus pais idosos venderam tudo para sua chance "fracassada", e ele não vai deixar que seja em vão. Mas bem, esta é a história dele. O domador de bestas mais fraco? Aqui está a coisa sobre estar no fundo: isso ensina você a escalar. E dragões? Acontece que eles também começam pequenos. À medida que reinos desmoronam sob a ganância e ameaças externas, o domador mais fraco começa sua ascensão. Siga seu caminho enquanto ele desbloqueia um potencial tão raro, tão aterrorizante, que leva a dragões... Cada linha evolutiva leva aos mais fortes 'Dragões SSS'. Aviso: Contém dragões que podem acabar com o mundo, vingança do azarão alimentada por ridículo, protagonista com escamas de dragão, nobres moralmente questionáveis, evoluções assustadoras de criaturas e tantas reviravoltas que você se perguntará se o mais fraco realmente significa o mais sortudo. Um protagonista que quer provar que todos estão errados... mesmo que isso o mate. Alerta de spoiler: Não vai. Para aqueles que adoram muita diversão, este é para você. Se você está procurando uma história mais sombria, procure em outro lugar (Talvez Sistema Utopiano (;) Este é sobre se divertir e domar expectativas. Se você quiser saber mais sobre a capa: Sim, essa é a Luna, a FL... A pele e as roupas dela estão se transformando em escamas cintilantes por causa de seu poder de dragão. Lembra da Sailor Moon? Garotas mágicas? Agora imagine se a roupa mágica não fosse um vestido fofo, mas um dragão de verdade! O dragão é o vestido... Não é apenas moda; é fusão. Bestas de alto nível tendem a deixar sua marca, e Luna usa isso como um chefe, realizando o movimento de poder supremo. Vamos usar o mesmo Discord do meu primeiro livro, venha se juntar! Etiquetas bobas que parecem importar muito para alguns leitores: Sem Yaoi, Sem Yuri, Possivelmente Harém (Vote! Posso escrever qualquer um, e em qualquer caso, haverá várias meninas. A única diferença é se ele escolhe uma no final ou segue a rota "liberal"... a democracia é sua!), Sem NTR.
Dagzo · 1.6K Views

Drifter Omnibus

Fet and Shalam find themselves in desperate situations. Fet is trapped in a prison, with no knowledge of how he got there or how long he will be there. Meanwhile, Shalam is being held captive by insect-like creatures and forced to do their bidding. Desperate to escape, she finds herself in a dangerous situation as she is sent on a mission to map the remaining part of a mysterious land called the Node. As they struggle to survive in their respective predicaments, Fet and Shalam's paths eventually cross, and they must work together to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. With danger lurking at every turn, past reconnecting with the present, and the present changing the future, the stakes are getting higher than ever. Will they be able to make it out of the Node alive? Drifter Omnibus: Shalam is a gripping tale of survival, magic, and the (un)breakable human spirit. --- The story is told from the perspective of Fet, who for some reason is also the author of the book. by sending me a (Neorealist) weekly journal written in a magical format and device, to which I cannot share more details on what and how I can translate it into what Fet calls Earth Tongue (it's just English) for public consumption. Though, I am not sure how long will he keep on sending me his journals, I do not know. For now, I have been translating them so that we can all enjoy the process of finding his lost memory. --- Also, there is no tentative date of release yet. But I am making sure to translate the journal as rapidly as I can. --- Note from the Author: The story is based on true events unless 'says otherwise'. However, please note that any resemblance to actual events, living or dead, on Earth or across the Pan universe, is or are purely coincidental. The author takes no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from reading this story, including but not limited to the desire to become a wizard, join a fellowship, start a quest to destroy a magical ring, or sign a petition reinstating Henry Cavill's back as the Witcher. Note from the Translator: I say otherwise.
Neorealist · 867 Views

Mafia Boss's Secret Promise: You're Mine

Have you ever wondered how fate is a huge joke? - I mean it, like a literal clown trying to make people laugh at cold jokes that not many would understand.  Ivy Hui-Clover was told at a young age that she can live up to 25 years old. And the only way for her to survive is to find her Mr. Right and... - well that's for another time to continue.  "Is it wrong to want to sabotage my own blind date?" Ivy slurped her boba milk tea and focused intensely on chewing the pearls. As she savored the sweet flavor, her fraternal twin, Chloe answered her question. "What do you think?" Compared to her, Chloe had it easier when it came to looking for a partner.  "Then being a savage, it is." Ivy cupped her cheek, clearly in a good mood from having her favorite drink in her hands.  -- "Ivy went where?!" Selina's high pitched voice made her husband, Jason cover his ears. Rereading the note that Ivy had left behind, her left brow twitched unhappily. "Who told her Chloe was going there?! Nuh uh. No way! I need to send someone to get her back." She slammed the note against the table. At the same time, fate played a twist on Ivy.  After roaming around the unfamiliar mall, she finally purchased a new laptop for herself. Her clumsy friend destroyed her old one in the most peculiar way anyone can ever imagine. As she walked out of the store, she bumps into a young man, causing her swirled glasses to fall. The stranger gasped when he saw her face and she quickly took her glasses from his hands before heading off the opposite direction. Not long after, she found herself surrounded by guards in suits with a weapon in their blazer. "Don't move and follow us," the guard said. "Interesting," Ivy smirked at his challenge. -- "How did you get here?" His voice was so deep, causing ripples in her chest. It sent shivers down her spine, making her tighten her legs around his waist. Mark Williams was told that the girl he's been looking for might be found - his friend had run into her in front of the electronic store. However, she ran away like a frightened bunny. It was a game of tag at this point, and he had a time limit - to catch her before she leaves this mall. In the midst of looking for her, he found a girl flying towards his direction - yes, flying. He caught her, and one of her mustache swirled glasses lens fell off, revealing her energetically innocent puppy eyes. 'It's her' His heart beat against his chest rapidly. "I flew here." She replied. And this was the start of their twisted fate. What would happen when she learns about his profession and realizes he wasn't who she thought he was? Yet, it brought her such excitement as it dragged out her crazy fantasies from her private library of Mafia Romance books?
Sweetflowlips · 23.7K Views


#Fantasy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The prophecy rewrite's the genesis. And what we see, isn't what we expect. A demigod is born. To save the world from a great demon, casted down by the gods themselves. A young girl, known to be a princess from a good Kingdom, finds herself in a big celestial situation. Which was caused by her stubborn undying curiosity to adventure. But as the story goes on, she finds out that she is no where near an ordinary Princess with a lowlife. Instead, she is been given a great responsibility that could shake the world's new beginning. But unfortunately, she seems to not be sure if she could carry that kind of responsibility. And yet, will she have a choice? #Romance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my mouth, to take in air as I felt my face dripping with water. I turned to face Remiel. And he held a very serious look, while staring deeply into my eyes. And for some reason, his eyes seemed to glow more in the night. I was mesmerized by the sight. But why did he drag me out all of a sudden? I haven't totally ran out of breath. "Isn't it obvious little human?" I heard his dark voice. "It seems the beautiful sight is making you forget my presence. And we don't want that..." I felt my eyes widen at his statement. I thought I didn't hear him right. But when I looked up at him, his lips had curved into a deep devilish smirk.
Teresa_Boba · 11.7K Views

Nach der Auswanderung hat die fette Frau ein Comeback geschafft!

Qiao Mei tauchte in einem Roman als Nebenfigur mit demselben Namen wie sie auf, der es an Präsenz fehlte. Diese Nebenfigur war ein Bauerntrampel, der wegen seines Übergewichts nicht heiraten konnte. Nach dem ursprünglichen Drehbuch war dieses Landmädchen Qiao Mei eine von ihrem Großvater verwöhnte Fette. Ihre Verwandten waren jedoch allesamt bösartige und grausame Menschen. Ihr Großvater war gesundheitlich angeschlagen, so dass die Verwandten nach seinem Tod sein Vermögen aufteilen und verschlingen würden. Daher war es der größte Wunsch ihres Großvaters, Qiao Mei zu verheiraten. Dafür opferte und verriet er sogar den Enkel seines guten Freundes, Xia Zhe. Großvater machte Xia Zhe betrunken und ließ Qiao Mei den starken und gut aussehenden Xia Zhe mit ihrem mehr als zweihundert Pfund schweren Körper gewaltsam entführen. Am nächsten Tag erwischte der Großvater die beiden und zwang Xia Zhe, Qiao Mei zu heiraten. Doch damit begann das unglückliche Leben von Qiao Mei. In der ursprünglichen Geschichte nahm Qiao Mei auch die geheimnisvolle Jade von Xia Zhe in Besitz. Doch aufgrund von Qiao Meis Dummheit hatte die Schwester ihrer Cousine Qiao Mei dazu gebracht, ihr die Jade zu geben, was dazu führte, dass die Familie der Cousine reich wurde. Als Qiao Mei hierher wanderte, geschah das in dem unangenehmen Moment, als sie mit dem Mann schlief, nachdem sie ihn betrunken gemacht hatte. Als sie am nächsten Tag wach wurde, stand Opas Team bereits vor der Tür. Qiao Mei war erschrocken. Sie wollte nicht auf dem ursprünglichen Weg weitergehen und einen Mann heiraten, der sie nicht liebte. Also log sie und jagte Großvater fort. Sie stieß auch den Mann hinaus, bevor sie sich zwang, ihr gebräuntes und pummeliges Spiegelbild zu betrachten! Leider weinte sie über ihr hässliches Aussehen... Sie sah aus wie ein Sumo-Ringer in großer Stoffunterwäsche, und selbst in den Geschäften für Übergrößen gab es keine Kleidung in ihrer Größe. Und ihr Gesicht war so groß wie eine Pizza, eine verbrannte Pizza! Qiao Mei beschloss, ihr Leben zu ändern! Der erste Schritt: Abnehmen! Der zweite Schritt: ihr Zimmer aufräumen! Früher war sie sehr auf Sauberkeit bedacht, und obwohl ihr jetziges Haus einen riesigen Innenhof hatte, konnte sie es nur als unordentlich bezeichnen! Der dritte Schritt war, die Jade gut festzuhalten, damit ihre gierige Cousine keine Chance hatte! Nur, sollte der große und gut aussehende Xia Zhe sie nicht hassen, wie es in der ursprünglichen Geschichte hieß? Warum war er dann immer netter zu ihr?
Mountain Springs · 59.6K Views

A Verdadeira Herdeira é a Grande Figura

``` A ex-grande senhora, Ying Zijin, acordou um dia como a filha perdida da família Ying, que estava desaparecida por quinze anos. A família Ying prontamente adotou outra criança para substituí-la. Ao retornar à família abastada, todos a ridicularizaram por não ser tão inteligente, capaz, sensata e elegante quanto uma falsa herdeira. Seus pais a consideraram uma mancha na família e a advertiram para não alimentar ilusões de ser uma dama da família. Eles disseram que ela deveria ser grata por ser uma filha adotiva, ou senão a mandariam embora. Ying Zijin: "Então eu vou embora. Não precisam me acompanhar." Enquanto a família Ying celebrava com alegria e outros esperavam para ver a verdadeira herdeira fazer papel de boba, figuras influentes de várias áreas entraram em ação. O ídolo mais bem cotado com os fãs mais influentes disse, "Senhorita Ying, é só me avisar se precisar de algo." O herdeiro de um monopólio econômico global disse, "Família Ying? O que é isso? Chefe, devemos simplesmente acabar com eles?" O número um artista marcial no país perguntou, "Quem ousa intimidar minha mestra?" O gênio garoto adolescente com um QI de 228 disse, "Essa é minha irmã." Um homem com uma aparência incrivelmente sedutora sorriu preguiçosamente e casualmente, dizendo, "Certo, então me chame de cunhado." As figuras influentes ficaram confusas. Quando a verdadeira identidade da herdeira foi restaurada, isso causou uma sensação na internet. A família Ying enlouqueceu e se ajoelhou, chorando e implorando para que ela voltasse. A família poderosa internacional disse, "Desculpem, deixem-me apresentá-la. Esta é a nossa verdadeira herdeira." Renascido como um rei, fazendo um forte retorno e lançando um contra-ataque! ```
Qing Qian · 59.5K Views
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