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Pink Bey

Alphas abgewiesene Gefährtin kehrt als Königin zurück

"Ich, Benson Walton, lehne es ab, dass du, Selma Payne, meine zukünftige Luna und Gefährtin bist. "Wenn du vernünftig bist, wirst du dir einen ruhigen Ort zum Sterben suchen, anstatt den Ruhm unseres Volkes zu beflecken. "Du bist nur eine hässliche Kröte. Bleib ruhig im Schlamm und belästige unser Rudel nicht." An Bensons neunzehntem Geburtstag erfuhr er, dass wir als Gefährten bestimmt waren. Aber ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass er lieber große Schmerzen erleiden würde, als mich zu akzeptieren. Jedes Wort, das er sagte, traf mich mitten ins Herz, und der Schmerz ließ mich unkontrolliert zittern. Ich erfuhr, dass ich nicht das leibliche Kind meiner Eltern war, als ich sechzehn war. Sie hielten mich zwar für einen Engel, den ihnen ein Storch gebracht hatte, aber das änderte nichts an der Tatsache, dass ich ein schwacher, kleiner Mensch war. Ich war nur ein weiches Ei, das bei einem Stoß umfallen würde, ein Versager, der ohne Hilfe des Mondlichts nicht einmal die Straße sehen konnte. Meine Existenz brachte Schande über meine Eltern und über mein Rudel! Vielleicht hätte ich von Anfang an in den Wäldern sterben sollen. Mit diesem Gedanken im Hinterkopf beschloss ich, ihnen heute Nacht ein reines und makelloses Rudel zurückzugeben. Also sprang ich von einer Klippe und dachte, ich würde sterben. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich gerettet werden würde, und es stellte sich heraus, dass ich in Wahrheit die einzige Tochter des Lykanerkönigs war, die vor achtzehn Jahren verschollen war. Außerdem war ich Thronfolgerin! Das hat mich sehr überrascht. Ich war tatsächlich ein Werwolf? Aber... Warum war ich so schwach? War das alles nur ein Irrtum? Um ein qualifizierter Erbe zu werden, verheimlichte ich meine Identität und ließ mich ausbilden. Aber konnte dieser leichtfertige Ausbilder, der für meine Ausbildung zuständig war, mir wirklich helfen, meinen Wolf zu erwecken, oder wollte er mich nur ausnutzen? Als ich immer stärker wurde und in der Öffentlichkeit auftrat, griffen mich andere an und schmiedeten Intrigen gegen mich. Hatten sie etwas mit denen zu tun, die mich vor all den Jahren entführt hatten? Ich muss sie fangen! Ich werde meine Familie und meine Geliebte beschützen!
Mountain Springs · 194.6K Views

Verliebt in den König der Bestien

[Reth pirschte sich an sie heran, das Kinn gesenkt, so dass der Schatten, den sein harter Kiefer warf, den dicken Pelzkragen seiner Weste streifte. Sein Haar war ihm bei dem Handgemenge über die Augen gefallen, so dass er sie dadurch wie ein Löwe im Gras ansah. Mit jedem Schritt erinnerte sein anmutiger, rollender Gang sie an ein Raubtier, das sich an seine Beute heranpirscht. Obwohl der Waldboden mit Zweigen und Blättern übersät war, gab er keinen Laut von sich. "Wer bist du?" stammelte Elia und wich mit erhobenen Händen zurück. Er kam ihr Schritt für Schritt entgegen, bis sie hart gegen den Baum hinter ihr stieß - und blieb erst stehen, als er über ihr aufragte, so breit, dass seine Schultern und seine Brust eine Wand vor ihr bildeten. Sie konnte die Hitze seiner Haut in der kühlen Nachtluft spüren. "Ich bin der Leonische König." Seine Stimme war ein dunkler, heiserer Schotter. Hinter ihm erhob sich ein Chor aus Keuchen, Heulen und zustimmendem Gezirpe von den Zuschauern. "Und du bist?" "Elia", hauchte sie. "Elia", knurrte er, lehnte sich näher heran und brachte den Duft von Kiefernholz und Regen und den Moschusgeruch von etwas eindeutig Männlichem mit. "Ich bin Reth." Er sagte den Namen mit einem seltsamen, gutturalen Räuspern in der Kehle. "Ich bin der König der Bestien. Ich bin Clanführer, und ich bin der Alpha von WildWood. Aus der Menge hinter ihm ertönten mehrere Knurrlaute, aber er ignorierte sie. Elia schluckte, als er sich zu ihr hinunterbeugte, bis seine Kinnlade ihre Wange berührte. "Ich bin der König", sagte er, "und du wirst meine Gefährtin sein." Der Wald hinter ihm brach aus. ****** Elia ist eine arme Universitätsstudentin, bis zu der Nacht, in der sie in die Welt der Anima entführt wird - regiert von Menschen, deren uralte Herzen mit dem Blut von Tieren pulsieren. Dort wird sie in einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod gezwungen. Doch als Elia überlebt und sich weigert, ihren letzten Gegner zu töten, muss der König entweder Elia selbst töten oder sie als seine Gefährtin nehmen. Reth, der brutale König der Bestien mit dem Blut von Löwen, schockiert alle, als er die schwache, menschliche Elia zu seiner Königin erwählt. Er verspricht ihr alle Annehmlichkeiten seines Reichtums und seiner Stellung - aber er ist sich sicher: Sie wird nicht sein Bett wärmen. Er wählte sie aus, um diejenigen zu besiegen, die ihn in die Enge treiben wollten, um seine Leonische Linie mit den Wölfen zu vermischen. Elia braucht die Hilfe der Anima, um stärker zu werden und sie gut zu regieren. Doch die rachsüchtigen Wölfe sehen in ihr nur einen schwachen Menschen, der ihnen Schande gebracht hat. Während Elia und Reth sich näher kommen, sind die Wölfe entschlossen, sie zu vernichten. Werden Reth und Elia sich ihre Gefühle füreinander rechtzeitig eingestehen, um für das Königreich - und ihr Leben - gegen den bösartigen Wolfsstamm zu kämpfen? Oder werden die Wölfe Elia töten und den Thron an sich reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt - keine sexuelle Gewalt] Titelbild mit bezahlter urheberrechtlicher Genehmigung verwendet. Illustriert von Aenaluck - sieh dir mehr wunderschöne Kunst an und unterstütze sie auf
AimeeLynn · 77.1K Views

Mundo Etéreo: Estrada da Imortalidade do Figurante Vil

Bei YueYue era uma pessoa desinteressada e gentil. Depois, ela transmigrou e se tornou 'Huang Ying Yue', uma figurante malvada que é famosa por sua vileza, crueldade, luxúria, inumanidade e tinha uma personalidade ninfomaníaca no romance imortal que acabara de ler. No romance, a original ‘Huang Ying Yue’ fez incontáveis más ações para ofender muitos dos personagens poderosos presentes. Não apenas a heroína do romance, até todos os homens do harém da heroína foram assediados e abusados física e mentalmente por ‘ela’ de diferentes maneiras. O caminho para a imortalidade é cheio de espinhos, perigos e ameaças imprevisíveis. Os cultivadores do mal, monstros e demônios estão à solta em todo lugar. Enquanto perseguem o caminho da imortalidade, todos os cultivadores têm que se unir para eliminar esses seres do mal. Enquanto tenta alcançar seu objetivo, YueYue tem que enfrentar inimigos poderosos que 'Huang Ying Yue' ofendeu no passado, bem como as dívidas que 'Huang Ying Yue' cometeu. Ao mesmo tempo, ela tem que enfrentar a heroína de beleza glacial, Huang Bai Xing, que está cercada por inúmeros homens belos e fortunas desafiadoras do céu. Com o dedo de ouro e o amor dos céus, Huang Bai Xing recebeu dedos de ouro. Com dedos de ouro, Huang Bai Xing se torna mais forte dia após dia e espera pela melhor oportunidade para matar ‘Huang Ying Yue’. Pessoas poderosas, os homens de Huang Bai Xing, um por um sacam suas armas, com a intenção de matar e ensinar-lhe uma lição horrível porque 'ela' machucou a mulher deles. Felizmente, com o mundo pequeno etéreo desafiador do céu que ela recebeu, ela pode plantar as plantas espirituais, colher os frutos espirituais, cultivar com o abundante poder espiritual e enganar o tempo, tomando banho com a cascata espiritual dentro do espaço, enquanto mantém sua vida 'pacífica' de perseguir o caminho da imortalidade. Com o seu leal exército de bestas, ela embarca no caminho do cultivo para conhecer novas pessoas, amor, amizade, dificuldades, excitação e passado misterioso enquanto muda seu destino e o de todos ao seu redor para um futuro melhor. Subconscientemente, ela nem mesmo percebe que, por causa da sua personalidade, atrai inúmeros pêssegos em flor que mudaram sua vida monótona para sempre. Aviso: Final 1VN, uma mulher acaba com muitos homens. Existem amores proibidos (mas não sem cérebro) Por favor, leia as etiquetas antes de mergulhar no meu mundo. Capa de: Pinterest, Créditos ao legítimo proprietário. Minha conta no Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Meu nome de usuário do DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Meu segundo livro: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate Esse livro está participando do WSA 2024 (Em progresso) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboo #Darkromance #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivo #Aventura #Imortalidade #Poligamia #Muitoshomensbonitos #Transmigrou #cannonfodder #Romance #Luta #Besta #Múltiploscontinentes #Passadomisterioso #FLgentilebondosamasnaofraca #Perdoarmasnaoesquecer #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 79.4K Views

Mundo Etéreo: El Camino de la Inmortalidad del Carne de Cañón Despiadado

Bei YueYue era una persona desinteresada y amable. Posteriormente, transmigra y se convierte en Huang Ying Yue, un personaje femenino secundario conocido por su maldad, inmisericordia, lujuria, inhumanidad y personalidad ninfómana en la novela inmortal que acababa de leer. En la novela, la Huang Ying Yue original había cometido incontables actos malvados que ofendieron a muchos de los personajes poderosos que aparecen en ella. No solo la heroína de la novela, sino todos los hombres de su harén fueron acosados y abusados física y mentalmente por ella de diferentes maneras. El camino hacia la inmortalidad está lleno de espinas, peligros y amenazas imprevisibles. Cultivadores malvados, monstruos y demonios están haciendo estragos por todas partes. Mientras persiguen el camino de la inmortalidad, todos los cultivadores deben unir fuerzas para eliminar a esos seres malévolos. Mientras intenta alcanzar su meta, YueYue debe enfrentarse a innumerables enemigos poderosos a quienes Huang Ying Yue ofendió en el pasado, así como a las deudas que Huang Ying Yue contrajo. Simultáneamente, tiene que enfrentarse a la belleza fría y heroína de la historia, Huang Bai Xing, que está rodeada de incontables hombres hermosos y fortunas desafiantes del cielo. Con el favor del cielo y el dedo de oro, Huang Bai Xing recibió dedos de oro. Con estos dedos de oro, Huang Bai Xing se fortaleció día tras día y esperó la mejor oportunidad para matar a Huang Ying Yue. Gente poderosa, los hombres de Huang Bai Xing, uno tras otro, sacan sus armas, con la intención de matar y enseñarle una lección terrible porque ella hirió a su amada. Afortunadamente, con el desafiante Pequeño Mundo Etéreo que recibió, ella podía plantar las plantas espirituales, cosechar las frutas espirituales, cultivar con el abundante poder espiritual y engañar al tiempo, bañándose con la cascada espiritual dentro del espacio, mientras mantenía su vida ‘pacífica’ persiguiendo el camino de la inmortalidad. Con su leal ejército de bestias, se lanzó al camino de la cultivación para conocer nuevas personas, amor, amistad, dificultades, emociones y un pasado misterioso, mientras cambiaba su destino y el de todos a su alrededor hacia un futuro mejor. Subconscientemente, ni siquiera se dio cuenta de que debido a su personalidad, atraía incontables flores de durazno que cambiaron su monótona vida eternamente. Advertencia: Final 1VN, una mujer termina con muchos hombres. Hay amores tabú (pero no sin cerebro) Por favor lea las etiquetas antes de sumergirse en mi mundo. Portada de: Pinterest, los créditos van al legítimo propietario. Mi cuenta de Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Mi nombre de usuario de DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Mi segundo libro: Mito del Milagro: Renacida para Desafiar mi Destino Ese libro es para participar en el WSA 2024 (En proceso) #EspacioPortal #HarénInverso #Tabú #RomanceOscuro #ProtagonistaFemeninaXianxia #Xianxia #Sinparejas #Cultivación #Aventura #Inmortalidad #Poligamia #Muchoshombreshermosos #Transmigrada #CarneDeCañón #Romance #Lucha #Bestias #Multicontinentes #PasadoMisterioso #FLamableygentilperonodébil #Perdonarperonoolvidar #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 82.7K Views

How Deep Will You Go For Love

Everyone knows the classic Cinderella story. A prince who falls in love with a commoner and unintentionally rescues her from her abusive household. But… What if Cinderella were a prideful young man, and the prince… was a princess who could barely admit her own feelings? Oh. The things people will do for love. The illegitimate son from the Xie family is laughed at the aristocratic circle. Proud, aloof, and undeniably rude, he’s everything but likable. His only saving graces are his unmatched grades and a face that could stop traffic. Yang Qinru, the "tyrant" of Imperial Academy, is no damsel in distress. With a bat in one hand and wit sharp enough to cut steel, she’s both feared and respected. But behind her rebellion is a girl who’s unafraid to take what she wants—even if it’s someone as infuriating as Xie Xinglin. ... "You’re kind of cute,” Yang Qinru mumbled, her cheeks betraying her with a faint pink hue. "What was that?" Xie Xinglin looked up, frowning. "I said you look like you crawled out of a garbage can!" she snapped, cheeks flaming as she spun on her heel and stormed off. Later, Wang Ye leaned in with a sly grin. "Boss, you into him? Like, fantasizing-about-him kind of into him?" Yang Qinru shot him a glare. "Like who?" "You know… him. Do you, like, daydream about holding his hand and skipping through fields of flowers or something?" She snorted. "Of course not! What kind of nonsense—?" She paused, her voice dropping to a mumble. "It's not like I imagine us getting married, building a house in the countryside, and adopting five cats or anything." Wang Ye blinked, stunned. "Uh… boss, that’s oddly specific." "Shut up!" she barked, shoving him away. This isn’t your typical fairy tale. When the "Cinderella" isn’t waiting to be saved, and the "prince" has his own walls to break down, what’s left is a whirlwind romance of rivalry, sarcasm, and reluctant confessions. After all, love doesn’t always follow the script.
rhaini · 2.5K Views

Standing Next To You

A man in his thirties was standing in front of she-devil's grave, under everyone's watchful eyes, he dropped the flower to her coffin, his tone was full of ridicule. "Congrats on your death." Next year he came, "I won. You lost to me and I will live well. Just rot in there." Next year he came again, "I have a pretty girlfriend and I will marry next year. My life is good. Nothing to worry about." Next year he came once more, "I will stop visiting and forget you! My life is better without you! See, I live well!" But he came again the next year and the years after that. People said he was hunted by his so-called arch-enemy. That even after death, the devil did not even let him go. He stood in front of her grave. His once handsome face had turned old and wrinkly. "Bei Sangyun, I cursed you. You are not allowed to rest in peace. You must be suffering there like me, right? You devil..." He might be the last one standing. But his life was the same as the dead's- lifeless and empty. He did not live well, he never once marry and his heart was never at peace. And it was all the fault of one person. ***** Bei Sangyun was a big bully in high school. The target of her bullying was the skinny boy in her grade, Fei Chuan. They were classmates once in kindergarten and met again in high school. But one day, just a year left before graduation, the big bully suddenly changed. One day, Fei Chuan hesitantly opened his locker. The other night, the big bully said that she left something in his locker. He did not really want to open it. He was afraid a poisonous snake would come out of his locker. However, his report card was there. With gritted teeth, the young boy opened it. However, what appeared was not a hideous thing as he expected, but a bright pink letter with a little heart sticker as a seal. It turned out, the surprise was scarier than a snake. Was this a new form of torture? Since then, Bei Sangyun relentlessly chased the young Fei Chuan until the two got married. ****** This is a story of rebirth. The two arch-enemies who could not live under the same sky had become sweet lovers.
Avalondra · 1.5M Views

Testament Of A Survivor

The world around me lay in ruins, a haunting reminder of what once was, my hand squelched in the thick, dark liquid that stained the cracked pavement—blood, pooling from the fallen, a testament to the chaos that had unfolded. Buildings, once towering symbols of human achievement, now stood as skeletal remains, their shattered windows resembling empty eyes staring into the abyss. The air was heavy with the stench of decay and despair, mingling with the acrid smoke that still curled from the remnants of pink fires still burning brightly . Strangely everywhere was silent, as i searched for a sign of life in this hellish landscape, searching for any sign of life or hope. Every shadow felt like a threat, and every sound made my heart race. In this world, weakness was the greatest sin. As I looked down at my chest only to see it peirced by a metal rod and my leg twisted as if ensuring i wouldn't try to walk, i was filled with so much pain that i couldn't think straight as my mind was filled with the death of my parents and the destruction that seems to echo around me. Only the remnants of my humanity and the pain that I was feeling that was judging my presence in this broken reality. I wanted to stay alive i truly did, but the weight of the image of my blood-soaked dead bodies of my parents lingered in my mind, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the darkness that had consumed us all. Thinking back I thought 'what has led to this.'
Noblebird_Supreme · 1.1K Views

Re: Evolution Online

An einem ganz normalen Montag startete ein neues Virtual-Reality-Spiel namens "Evolution Online" aus dem Nichts und eroberte die Welt im Sturm. Die Menschen waren begeistert von den hyperrealistischen Funktionen und den endlosen Abenteuern des Spiels. Alle, von kleinen Unternehmen bis hin zu großen Konzernen und Regierungen, bemühten sich, bei diesem geheimnisvollen Videospiel Fuß zu fassen. Was sie jedoch nicht wussten, war, dass dieses Spiel in Wirklichkeit eine Anleitung für die bevorstehende Apokalypse war, die über den Planeten hereinbrechen sollte! Das Spiel war ein Vorläufer der ersten Evolution der Erde, bei der das Mana in der realen Welt entfesselt werden sollte! Liam, ein High-School-Schüler, der in seinem Leben zahlreiche Rückschläge hinnehmen musste, wandte sich an "Evolution Online" in der Hoffnung, sein Schicksal zu ändern, aber stattdessen wurde er in der verdrehten Welt des Spiels gefangen, und die Dinge wurden immer schlimmer. Als die Apokalypse schließlich eintrat, konnte Liam gerade noch entkommen, aber seine Situation verbesserte sich nicht. Zusammen mit Millionen anderer starb er einen elenden Tod, unfähig, sich zu wehren, und voller Bedauern. Liams Geschichte war damit jedoch noch nicht zu Ende. Er fand sich auf unerklärliche Weise in der Zeit zurückversetzt, bevor alles begann! Bewaffnet mit dem Wissen, was kommen würde, war Liam entschlossen, der stärkste und mächtigste Spieler zu werden und die Welt zu zerstören, die ihn zuvor ruiniert hatte! Dieses Mal sollte alles anders werden!
Yolohy · 174.5K Views

Reincarnated and Regressed Villain - Make heroines beg for forgiveness

"So, Diana, what's your excuse for betraying me?" His amber glinted eyes bore into the woman with bloodied, broken blue hair, kneeling in complete disarray. "... you're evil." "Oh, so, looking out for all of you makes me evil?" The man narrowed his eyes, contemplating the echoes of protagonist halos and heroines' mentality, starkly real now. Coming from a world far removed from such grim reality, he had read about these personalities in novels, but experiencing their shortcomings firsthand was a different story. "How am I evil?" He looked down at his foot where a young man, limbless and crushed, lay in a state of complete brokenness, mustering the little strength he had left to utter some words. "... y.. you ba..stard, You killed millions." Hearing these words, the man's internal amusement grew at the absurdity of these hypocritical people. He had eradicated all the evil organizations within the Empire after ascending to his throne. Wars were waged to crush rebellious kingdoms that stood against his Empire, uniting the entire Heidal Continent under one flag—the Selvius Empire. He shifted his gaze towards another woman with pink hair, her body completely broken, supported by a rock to maintain a semblance of balance amidst the devastation. "Hmm, so what about you, Karina? Wasn't your family about to be executed by the Aidiac Royal family? Is it wrong for me to have intervened?" "You killed them without mercy, and although you saved my family, it was not worth it." "I just saved—" "It's bullshit. You could have solved everything peacefully without drawing so much blood." Hearing all this, the man began to understand why those novels depicted these people as hypocritical and low in intelligence. If he hadn't saved them, they would have suffered the most gruesome fate. Yet, despite being saved, these ungrateful individuals chose to blame him. The bitter irony of their ingratitude gnawed at him, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. "Guess you all have the same reasons." The man looked towards the seven people, their disdainful gazes directed at him. He had only aimed to change their fates, to rescue some from slavery, others from crippling circumstances, and a few from inevitable betrayal. Yet, they all blamed him for saving them, unable to comprehend that he had severed the root causes that would have subjected them to excruciating suffering. "Hahaha." "Indeed, now I see." He now understood what those novels had tried to convey—'these idiots think this whole world works like they think it would.' 'System......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join Discord for Faster Update notification:: Additional Tags :- Smart MC, Harem, Time Travel, Yandere, Tsundere, Ruthless, Manipulative, Cunning, Regret, Reincarnation, Transmigration, System, No-forgiveness, Betrayal, elves, werewolves, vampires, dwarves, demons. **NO YURI, NO INCEST, NO NTR and Anything That Readers Hate, Me myself being a Reader, will never provide content that will destroy reader's mood. **MC is not Weak and Simp, his mentality maybe, to have soft corner for people in need but by no means he is blind, Don't take his Silence as his weakness. **About My Writing style - I love to keep Readers on edge, Don't believe what your eyes read as maybe they are some illusions, Coming to conclusions about plots will be your biggest mistake. Lastly, Don't Ask Questions in Review, it is for your true opinion about Novel, Go through novel once and leave a review, if you like it. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE ~ you can expect some errors Villain
A4KL · 2M Views

A Lustful Journey Through Forbidden Desires - NTR

"Finally, freedom," Xiao Yi put down her heavy luggage and surveyed the room. After a twenty-hour flight, she had finally arrived in the USA, where Xiao Yi would begin her journey as an international student. Like most international students, she rented off-campus housing. She lived in a two-story building near a park. The first floor had a large living room and a storage room, with no one living there. The second floor had a bathroom, kitchen, small living room, and two bedrooms; Xiao Yi rented one of the rooms. "Hehe, finally no one to boss me around." The nearly twenty-hour flight had left her exhausted, feeling like she was falling apart. "First, a nice bath, then sleep." With a kick of her beautiful legs, her flip-flops flew off. She quickly changed into pajamas and ran into the bathroom. Squeezing some pink shower gel into her palm, her beautiful, crystalline hands evenly spread the gel over her jade-like breasts. Then her hands continued to knead her breasts, carefully rubbing the mature, perfect bosom. The full, snow-white peaks felt indescribably comfortable under the massage of her palms. When her fingers brushed over the cherry-like nipples, she felt a surge of excitement. Enjoying the sensation of water jets stimulating her breasts, under the impact and stimulation of the water, Xiao Yi's alluring, large breasts swelled, and her nipples, like red beans, became even more erect and upturned. "Hehe, no need to worry about being discovered anymore..." #Debauchery #sexslave #Nude #DifferentWorld #Exotic #Orgy
NTR_NOVELS · 29.2K Views

Ruby Ring : War in Life

Two twin sisters Ruby and Runa, total strangers by birth, have lived parallel lives in London. Ruby, the older twin, is actually a stranger, adopted by their mother as an infant. Runa, on the other hand, is their mother's biological daughter. Their mother, driven by a desire to provide a loving family, had kept the truth hidden, raising both girls as her own. As a result, Ruby and Runa grew up with a deep-seated bond, unaware of the secrets that lay beneath the surface. Ruby has always excelled, while Runa feels overshadowed. Ruby's success includes a high-paying job and engagement to billionaire CEO Ethan Blackwood. Runa's life, however, is marked by failed attempts to snag a rich husband. Her latest relationship leaves her pregnant and stuck with a poor boyfriend. A tragic car accident disfigures the twins, leaving them unrecognizable. In the chaos, their mother, frantic with worry, mistakenly identifies Runa's body as Ruby's, pointing out the engagement ring and pink dress Ruby had loaned to Runa. Unbeknownst to their mother, Runa had been wearing Ruby's belongings at the time of the accident. The doctor, relying on their mother's identification, uses Ruby's photos to reconstruct Runa's face, and vice versa. The surgical mix-up swaps their identities, leaving Ruby with Runa's face and Runa with Ruby's face. As Ruby awakens from a coma, she discovers the shocking truth: her life, her fiancé, and her wealth are all being hijacked by her twin. Runa, now with Ruby's face, has seized the opportunity and seamlessly stepped into her sister's life, impersonating her sister and manipulating those around her to maintain the charade. Ruby's memories return, and she discovers five years have passed. She learns that Runa, with her face, is married to Ethan and has been living her life. Ruby must decide: keep a low profile, allowing Runa to live her life, or reclaim her lost identity, ring, face, and love. Determined to reclaim her identity and expose Runa's deceit. Will Ruby be able to outwit Runa, reclaim her rightful place, and shatter the curse of their family's dark legacy, or will Runa's ruthless ambition destroy them both?
Daoist6QbrvM · 157 Views

Raise Love

[Handsome and Mischievous & Sweet and Soft Girl] [Unrequited Love Comes True + Sweet Pampering + Both Pure] Ryder once found a pink love letter in a math book. The handwriting of the young girl was elegant, with shyness and youth between the strokes. The content of the love letter was very short, unsigned, and only one sentence: "Today I saw you, and suddenly I wanted to take you to Laguna Beach to see the sea." ... Aria has done two out-of-the-ordinary things in her life. One was writing an unsigned love letter when she was young. The second was secretly loving Ryder for six years, then gritting her teeth and repeating a year to get into the same university as him. She is not smart, and this is all she can do. People who know Aria say she has a reserved personality, beautiful but like a handful of ice and snow in the winter mountains, gentle yet aloof. Only Ryder knows that aloofness is just her protective color, the girl is timid and vigilant, squatting by the roadside in the misty morning to feed the stray cats of the school. He witnessed Aria's fear and helplessness when she was trapped in a nightmare. He saw her, after drinking, clutching his sleeve, her apricot eyes wet, looking as if she had lost the whole world. The girl's eyelashes trembled as she confessed her feelings to him, her voice soft and helpless, choking on her words: "I, I turned back, but he is just very good..." He is not good. Ryder thought, as if bewitched, it was her. Once fallen, there is no cure. Later, he took her to see the sea of "Kekexili", knelt on one knee for her, and gently kissed her ring finger under the girl's slightly red eyes. At the age of twenty-two, in the morning, holding her hand, the other hand held their marriage certificate. In this book, we will witness the two-way journey of a wealthy, handsome, and mischievous young man and a sweet, soft girl, six years of life, from middle school to high school, and then to university, starting from secret love and running towards the marriage hall.
chaoqun_zhang · 380 Views

Ethereal World: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei YueYue was an unselfishness and a gentle person. Afterwards, she transmigrated and became 'Huang Ying Yue', a female cannon fodder who is being famous for her viciousness, merciless, lustfulness, inhuman and had a nymphomaniac personality in the immortal novel which she just read. In the novel, the original ‘Huang Ying Yue’ has done uncountable evil deeds to offend a lot of the powerful characters inside. Not only the heroine in the novel, even all the heroine’s men in the harem were harassed and abused physically and mentally by ‘her’ in different methods. The road to immortality is full of spicules, hazards, and unforeseeable threats. Evil cultivators, monsters and demons are rampaging everywhere. While pursuing the immortality road, all the cultivators have to join force to eliminate those evil beings. While trying to accomplish her goal, YueYue has to face countless powerful enemies whom 'Huang Ying Yue' offended in the past as well as the debts which 'Huang Ying Yue' committed. Simultaneously, she has to face the iceberg beauty heroine, Huang Bai Xing who is surrounded by countless beautiful men, and heaven defying fortunes. With golden finger and the love from the heaven, Huang Bai Xing received golden fingers. With golden fingers, Huang Bai Xing grew stronger day by day and await for the best opportunity to kill ‘Huang Ying Yue’. Powerful people, Huang Bai Xing’s men, one by one take out their weapons, intend to kill and teach her the horrible lesson because 'she' hurt their beloved woman. Fortunately, with the heaven-defying Ethereal small world that she received, she could plant the spiritual plants, harvest the spiritual fruits, cultivate with the abundant spiritual power and cheating time, bathing with the spiritual waterfall inside the space, while keeping her ‘peaceful’ life of pursuing the immortality road. With her loyal beast army, she embarked on the cultivation road to meet new people, love, friendship, hardships, excitement and mysterious past while changing her and everyone’s fate around her for the better future. Subconsciously, she didn’t even realize that because of her personality, she attracts countless peach blossoms that changed her dull life eternity. Warning: 1VN ending, one female end up with many men. There are taboo love here Please read the tags before you immerse yourself in my world. Cover from: Webnovel AI Generator Character Image: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner My Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ My DISCORD Username: littlecarrot6510 Please comment for the discord link. My second book: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate That book is for participating in WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboolove #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Adventure #Immortality #polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Forgivebutnotforget #CleverFL
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