Iron and Ki: Gunsmith of the Immortal Realm
The story follows an orphaned American male in his thirties, a skilled chemical engineer working at a weapons manufacturing plant. Living a quiet life in the suburbs, his ordinary routine is shattered when he is tragically shot and killed one evening on his way home.
In an unexpected twist of fate, he is reincarnated into a xianxia world brimming with mystical energy, ferocious monsters, and humans possessing earth-shattering power. He is reborn into a family of blacksmiths, inheriting both their craft and a chance at a new life.
Armed with his modern knowledge of chemistry and engineering, he blends the principles of science with the magical essence of this new world. Together with his family, he revolutionizes traditional weaponry, crafting firearms, mech armor, and other technological marvels powered by mystical energy.
As he grows stronger and builds bonds with his family and allies, he navigates a world where the strong prey on the weak, aiming to carve a legacy for himself. Along the way, he must face dangerous enemies, overcome the challenges of merging two worlds' knowledge, and discover his ultimate purpose in a realm where power is the key to survival.