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Yesterday Wo Utatte

MMORPG: Der Aufstieg des Ur-Gottesschmieds

"Hätten wir doch nur früher gemerkt, was da passiert..." "Wenn wir nur stärker wären..." "Dann wäre das alles nicht passiert." Bedauern. Valyr empfand großes Bedauern, als er sah, wie die Welt vor ihm ins Nichts zerfiel... Nur weil sie die letzte Schlacht verloren hatten. Obwohl er das Ergebnis bereits akzeptiert hatte, fühlte er, dass es falsch war. Er klammerte sich an seinen letzten Hoffnungsschimmer und beschloss, in seinem letzten Moment dem Himmel zu wünschen, dass er eine zweite Chance bekommen würde. Eine zweite Chance, bei der er dafür sorgen würde, dass ihre Seite gewinnen würde, wenn alles so ausgehen würde wie bisher. Zum Glück für ihn... Der Himmel hat zugehört. Wiedergeboren in dem Spiel, in dem alles begann und alles endete, wurde Valyr schnell klar, dass er nicht als Spieler wiedergeboren worden war. Stattdessen war er nun ein NSC. Ein NSC des Spiels namens Greater Beyond. Zunächst verwirrt, begann Valyr sich allmählich an seine neuen Umstände zu gewöhnen und beschloss, den Weg des Schmiedens, den er in seinem vorherigen Leben gewählt hatte, weiterzuverfolgen und ihn zu nutzen, um größere Höhen zu erreichen. Dabei würde er dafür sorgen, dass sie alle für die letzte Schlacht gerüstet waren. Werden Sie Zeuge von Valyrs Reise zum Gipfel, wo er schließlich zum... Der Ur-Gottesschmied des Größeren Jenseits. ---------- Zusätzliche Kapitelziele: Erreiche die Top 100 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 1 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 80 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 2 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 50 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 3 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 100 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 1 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 80 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 2 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 50 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 3 Bonuskapitel Schenke dem Roman ein Schloss - 2 Bonuskapitel ---------- Gewöhnliche Kapitelveröffentlichungsrate: 2/Tag (ohne Bonuskapitel) Du kannst gerne dem Discord beitreten:
TrueDawn · 98K Views

Die Erbin schlägt zurück

Sharon war eine gewöhnliche Person, während ihr Mann, Wallace Harris, ein vielversprechender und gut aussehender Mann war. Seine Familie gehörte zu den angesehensten und reichsten Familien in New York City. Dass sie Wallace heiraten konnte, war ein Zufall. In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Wallace nie mit Sharon geschlafen. Auch seine Familie überredete ihn immer wieder, sich von Sharon scheiden zu lassen. Es war die Geburtstagsfeier der alten Matriarchin der Familie Harris, und alle jungen Leute der Familie Harris hatten die teuersten Geschenke gemacht, um die alte Dame glücklich zu machen - alle außer Sharon. Sie bat Madam Harris um Geld für den alten Haushälter, Onkel Smith, da er kein Geld für seine medizinische Behandlung hatte. Aber wie zu erwarten war, wurde sie von der Familie Harris gedemütigt, als sie darum bat. "Die Familie Harris hatte noch nie eine arme Verwandte wie dich. Lass dich nie wieder in meiner Gegenwart blicken! Wallace hätte Crystal heiraten sollen. Sie ist sicherlich eine junge Dame, die es wert ist, in unsere Familie einzuheiraten", sagte Madam Harris. "Bitte weiß, wo du hingehörst und verschwinde von hier. Bleiben Sie nicht mehr in unserem Haus. Wie kann Wallaces Großvater so töricht sein, eine arme, nutzlose Frau wie dich mit meinem Sohn zu verheiraten?", sagte June, Wallaces Mutter. "Es sind nur ein paar Millionen Dollar, aber du bist so arm, dass du dir von unserer Familie etwas leihen musst. Wie kann eine Frau wie du es verdienen, mit Wallace zusammen zu sein? Wenn es Crystal wäre, hätte sie uns bestimmt nicht so blamiert!" An diesem Abend überreichte Wallace Sharon eine Bankkarte, auf der Millionen von Dollar standen. "Die Firma ist in der Entwicklung, deshalb habe ich nicht viel Bargeld. Du kannst das benutzen, um Onkel Smith zu helfen." Angesichts der Feindseligkeit der Familie Harris erklärte Wallace: "Da ich sie geheiratet habe, bin ich für sie verantwortlich. Egal, ob sie reich oder arm ist, Sharon ist meine Frau." Erst als eines Tages ein Fremder Sharon ansprach, wusste sie, dass sie eine Frau war. Erst da wusste Sharon, dass sie die Tochter einer angesehenen Familie war, die Anspruch auf ein Vermögen von mindestens zehn Milliarden hatte. Plötzlich besaß sie das größte Unternehmen in New York und eine Bankkarte, die Hunderte von Millionen an "Taschengeld" enthielt. Im Handumdrehen hatte sich ihre Identität verändert. Sie war nicht mehr die arme Schwiegertochter, die von der Familie Harris nicht bevorzugt wurde. Stattdessen war sie die angesehenste Person in New York geworden!
Mountain Springs · 100.1K Views

Eine wilde Nacht

Lucinda Perry, ein sozialer Einsiedler und Workaholic, nimmt sich vor, an ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag so richtig die Sau rauszulassen und sich sogar einen One-Night-Stand zu gönnen, wenn sie auf der Arbeit ihre längst verdiente Beförderung erhält. Wenige Tage vor ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag wird sie nicht nur in eine höhere Position befördert, sondern auch in die Hauptverwaltung in einer anderen Stadt. Da sie ihre Geburtstagsnacht in einer neuen Stadt verbringen muss, geht sie in einen Club, wo sie einen sehr gut aussehenden Fremden, Thomas Hank, kennenlernt, der ihr anbietet, ihr One-Night-Stand zu sein, nachdem er einen Blick auf ihre "Dare-to-Do"-Liste geworfen hat, auf der auch ein One-Night-Stand stand. Thomas Hank, der in der Vergangenheit von mehreren Frauen ausgenutzt wurde, ist fest entschlossen, die Frau seiner Träume zu bekommen, die ihn um seiner selbst willen liebt und nicht wegen seines Reichtums. Als er im Club die süße und naive Lucinda Perry kennenlernt, beschließt er, ihr seine wahre Identität vorzuenthalten und herauszufinden, ob sie es wert ist, ihn zu halten. ***Auszug*** Was gibt es Unterhaltsameres als eine verrückte Nebenfigur? Begrüßen Sie Sonia und Bryan. Sonias Herz hörte für eine Sekunde auf zu schlagen, und dann schossen ihr im selben Moment verschiedene Gedanken durch den Kopf. Bryan Hank? Ihr prominenter Schwarm kniete direkt vor ihr und bat sie, seine Frau zu werden? Hatte er sie mit jemandem verwechselt? War es möglich, dass es sich um einen Sketch handelte, oder vielleicht um einen dieser Prominentenstreiche, bei denen Kameras darauf warteten, sie dabei zu erwischen, wie sie sich zum Narren machte? Oder träumte sie vielleicht? fragte sich Sonia, als sie sich umschaute, aber alles, was sie sah, waren Schaulustige. "Bitte! Werden Sie meine Frau und machen Sie mich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt", sagte er mit sehr lauter Stimme, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich zog. Ihr Redakteur, auf den sie seit über einer Stunde wartete, weil er versuchte, einen Vertrag mit einem Filmproduzenten abzuschließen, der sich für eine ihrer Geschichten interessierte, tauchte in diesem Moment auf: "Sonia, Sie kennen Bryan Hank?" fragte ihr Redakteur erstaunt, als er die Szene vor ihm sah. Es schien eine Stunde vergangen zu sein, seit Bryan auf die Knie gegangen war, aber es war nur eine Minute gewesen. Bryan wusste, dass keine Frau so verrückt wäre, einen solch verrückten Vorschlag anzunehmen, und selbst wenn, wäre es ein Leichtes, sie zu bezahlen und die ganze Sache abzublasen, denn alles, was er wollte, war der Skandal, der daraus entstehen konnte. Die Schlagzeilen würden entweder von seinem abgelehnten Heiratsantrag oder von seiner angeblichen Verlobung handeln, was ausreichen würde, um Sophia vom Haken zu lassen. "Ja!" sagte Sonia, während sie aufgeregt mit dem Kopf wippte und ihm den Finger reichte, damit er ihr den Ring anstecken konnte. "Ja?" fragte Bryan verwirrt, als er ihre Antwort hörte. "Ja! Ich werde deine Frau sein und dich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt machen!" sagte Sonia kichernd und wackelte mit ihren Fingern, bis Bryan den Ring auf ihren Finger schob. Überraschenderweise hatte der Ring genau ihre Größe, und er saß an ihrem Finger, als wäre er nur für sie gemacht worden. Um sie herum ertönte Applaus, als Sonia mit einem breiten Lächeln im Gesicht aufstand und Bryan umarmte, bevor sie ihn direkt auf die Lippen küsste. Bryan war von ihrer Dreistigkeit etwas überrascht, erholte sich aber schnell wieder, denn dies war sein Spiel, und er musste mitspielen. Schließlich war er derjenige, der sie zuerst angesprochen hatte. Als sie also versuchte, den Kuss zu unterbrechen, hielt er ihr Kinn und knabberte langsam an ihrer Unterlippe, bevor er ihre Lippen mit seiner Zunge teilte und neckisch daran saugte, was Sonia ein Stöhnen entlockte. Sonia fühlte sich schwindelig. Das war zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Es musste einfach ein Traum sein. Wie sonst sollte sie sich erklären, dass sie in einem Moment in der Lobby eines Hotels saß und auf ihren Redakteur wartete, und im nächsten Moment mit ihrem prominenten Schwarm verlobt war und ihn hier auf offener Straße küsste? (PS: Das Foto stammt von mir, das Bild von @imagineTishaD)
Miss_Behaviour · 130.5K Views

Married to the loveless CEO

In a society where marriage has lost its true essence and has been distorted, reducing it to a transaction devoid of love and commitment, a mere agreement for personal benefits. Silvia Reyes found herself caught up in the chaos as she was about to be forced by her parents into marrying a man she despises. She was able to bail herself out of her dilemma as she offered a marriage of convenience to Davian Randell, who in turn needed it too to solve his dire situation. But life rarely goes as planned, does it? Will they find a way to reclaim love and commitment in their own lives, or will they succumb to the societal pressures that have tarnished the institution of marriage? Excerpt:- "If you think I'm gonna marry that man, then sorry, I'm not!" She said to her father. "You are, Silvia." Her father declared. "I have a man!" She said. "What?" Her parents chorused. "You have a man. You should have told us earlier instead of letting us go through all that trouble." Alan said. "We've been dating for some while now and he proposed to me recently and I accepted it." She showed them an engagement ring on her finger, which she bought before coming to the mansion. "It's beautiful. How come you weren't wearing it yesterday?" Her mother asked. "I didn't wear it yesterday." She answered simply. "Then why did you go through the trouble of attending the dinner date?, you could have just told us," Her mother added. "I wanted to see the man you were setting me up with. I was so angry because I knew I was taken already. I didn't want to tell you guys yet, I didn't want to introduce him to you guys till a couple of days time. You spoilt the surprise." Silvia explained. "Oh I see. So when can we meet this lucky man?, do we know him?" Alan said. " you don't. You'll meet him in a couple of days time, he's a really busy man." She almost stuttered. "Okay, dear. We'll be waiting." Her mother said. What has she done?, how was she going to get a man that will be willing to marry her in just a couple of days time.
Goodness_OG · 391.8K Views

Legacy of the Greats

Faced with an ominous danger, Reida is tasked to gather all prophesized beings to aid in battle for all in existence, convince them to fight along side her. But then finding herself entangled in their own affairs. Reborn as a Shifter, a Dimension Drifter, she lives a second life with a heavy burden. The lives of all which exists lands onto her palms. Reida reluctantly agrees to carry the responsibility, her reason being, her newly born child and now widowed husband will also be facing the ominous danger. Will she succeed alone? [COLLABORATED PLOT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {WHAT'S A COLLABORATIVE PLOT?} Well first, it doesn't mean that multiple people works to write this story, no, not at all. I am a one (wo)man team, it simply means I have collaborated multiple book plots into one big story. In more detail, I have combined all my unfinished books into one in order to compromise and finish them all together, with less chances of burn out since I only need to work on one book now. {MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE BOOK} Completely Fantastical, contains slow burn romance sub plot. Has multiple variations of love story stereotypes. Namely, Love triangles, Enemies to lovers, friends to lovers you name it! It also involves a form of Mystery/Thriller and a fair share of Action too as a main plot. This story explores the perspective/ POV(point of view) of the sub-protagonists, as I call them. {WHAT ARE SUB PROTAGONIST?} It sounds awfully like a side character, just an important one. But not exactly, I call them sub protagonists as the story also revolves around their lives. As I said this is a Collaborative plot, so the main characters from my previous books are also included. Though the main character here is Raya/Reida and her journey, there will also be instances where the spot light will be given to the previous main characters and have you explore their journey. So this book will be a roller coaster! You'll be experiencing, reading through the journey of various characters. Each facing different obstacles, Reida here is a Main character as she is the core, she finds herself involved in their journey as she is ordered to bring them together. Often finding herself entangled in their own conflicts, so this will be one heck of a journey. READ AND JOIN THIS ROLLERCOASTER WITH ME!
Cha_Hayven2 · 1.6K Views

Yesterday's Refrain

In 2006, a new college graduate lady with a secret crush on the local newspaper's elusive editor-in-chief, saw her dream come true when their late-night texts turned into a chance meeting that changed her life forever. Their first meeting was explosive and unplanned, leading to an intense, whirlwind romance that quickly turned complicated. Yet, as their love blossomed, she found herself torn between her dreams and the future he offered. She chose her path, leaving behind promises of forever and his heartfelt vows, unable to reconcile her family responsibilities and career goals with their relationship. Their relationship unraveled amidst secrets and betrayal, leaving her heart shattered and lost. Her rejection and his subsequent emotional withdrawal left a void that he later filled with betrayal and secrecy, deepening her heartbreak, she faced a heart-wrenching decision: stay and lose herself in the pain or leave to protect her own future. She chose to leave, her heart breaking as she boarded a plane to a new life. After thirteen years, their paths collide once more when he becomes the university president at her workplace. Now, she must navigate a web of professional decorum and lingering emotions, while he harbors a cold, resentful demeanor. As their eyes meet across a crowded hallway, the unresolved past and old wounds resurface, threatening to unravel both their lives once again. Will the echoes of their forgotten promise lead to a second chance, or will the ghosts of their past keep them apart forever?
AlexandraMariz_85 · 2K Views

Come, Just as You Are

Dear Diary, What is going on!? Am I seeing things- are my eyes going bad!? I keep on seeing these gray hazy shapes beside people! And no, they're definitely not shadows! They shape is completely different from what it's next to- well, most of the time. I'll just ignore it and maybe it'll go away. -Week later- Dear Diary and my sanity if it's listening, Things are going from delusional to outright cuckoo crazy! I swear I saw a face in the gray globs I've been seeing, but it wasn't scary or anything, it was like catching the face of an angel. And it wasn't like he had perfect features or anything, but his eyes. The care and heartfelt love in them was so... unbelievable? I guess? I can't explain it... I can neither explain what I saw today, but it wasn't the sort of spooky but endearing sort of thing I saw yesterday, but a bewildering (?, yeah, I would put it that way) scene of a witch riding on a broom through out traffic on the highway. Every once in a while, she would disappear into one of the cars and then jump into another one. Strangely enough, after she came out, most of the people driving would either start becoming careless or be shooting off their horn at another car. I am seriously considering going to see a psychiatrist, but I don't want to explain why to my dad, so I'll just ignore it for now. Surely, it'll go away!? -Week later- Dear Diary!!! It hasn't gone away!!!! It's getting worse!! I keep on seeing roads disappearing and being replaced with wide open fields as if no man has touched it before! Not only that, sometimes I see part of a building missing as if a line was drawn straight down in a clean cut and a forest begins as if it was natural! I've been keeping my distance from these strange things I've seen, but now I wonder if I should investigate? I picked a flower from one of my 'hallucinations' and it was real! Maybe, the rest is real too? Could it be possible? But if it is, why did it have to be me? I'm just a normal girl in high school trying to graduate so I can go to college with a dance scholarship. Maybe go on a few dates or see if Sean would help me find a guy from the soccer team? They are so hot! Isn't that hard enough for a girl? -Couple of days later- Dear Diary!!!!!! I have HUGE NEWS! I'm not crazy after all, I actually found someone who gave me some answers! His name... did I ask him? I'm sure I did, but I don't remember! Darn my horrible memory that acts like a willful child choosing what it wants and doesn't! Anyway, I atleast remember the most important thing- I'm not crazy! So it turns out, I came across our forgotten world. Or should I say kingdom. Anyway, he tried to explain that the world is like a coin with 2 faces on it- same world but two parts that can't face each other. Although, we did at one point, but that was before the rebellion and this really evil guy took a third of the kingdom to go up against the king. He didn't win though and retreated. .... but then, what was it? He put out a bet to the king? or something? Ah, faulty memory, I'll have to ask again. But in the long run- he and his minions are fighting the King and his loyal people for our world.... or something. I don't think it has anything to do with me, I'll just enjoy the new scenery I get to see now. -Couple of Months Later- "EXCUSE ME!? You want me to do WHAT NOW!? I must've heard you wrong!"
Smile_4_Life · 4.9K Views

Shy Succubus

The city of Voxsturm stands as one of the last cities of Lyra, and after the calamity of Stormfall, humans and all the demi-human and beastkin races struggle to survive, all the while living under constant threat of the storms above. If not for the city's walls, or the wards of the Majari, all would've been lost long ago. It is in cities like these that technology runs amok, rivaled only by the magic handed down by lesser gods. And despite the gifts of the Majari or the most innovative of inventions, it all finds itself fueled by greed, superstition, and corruption. And yet, in this dystopian world, people dream of breaking free from their prisons, and uncover the truth of the storms. When he was only twelve, while walking home from school, Theo Serrano noticed something odd in an alley near his home. He wasn't sure what it was about the cardboard box that seized his attention, only that it definitely wasn't there yesterday, and upon further inspection he was shocked to find a young girl abandoned and starving. With a whip lash tail at the ready, the poor thing was absolutely terrified, but ever the altruist, Theo rescued the poor succubus and even allowed her into his home. That was something his mother wouldn't tolerate for long. Receiving shelter, food, clothes, and even giving her a name, Lorelei was completely mystified. Sadly, there time together was short, as they were separated shortly upon discovery. Ten years later, as the world readies itself for yet another war amongst the humans and demi's, both these childhood friends must rediscover one another, before the sky breaks above them. This story features magic and science, a dystopian setting, and humans living to struggle with plenty of monster races. Some monster races include (but aren't limited to): Cubi, Lamia, Vampires, Beastkin, elves, dark elves, dragonkin, wyvern, and more. Adult content is to be expected, but in tasteful amounts. Expect new chapters every friday.
ScribeSaga2 · 1.4K Views

PREJUDICE-The Sable Syndicate

Josep frowned as he looked at the few newspapers spread out on the table. In an instant, he understood Annelie's point. Seeing the seriousness of the situation, Josep waved his hand to the guards who were still in the room. ‘Leave us.’ he ordered. As soon as the guards left and the door closed. The atmosphere in the room became more private. Annelie, who had been watching Josep's movements unconsciously, sensed that something was different. Those orderly and deliberate movements, as if the leader was used to dealing with pressure. However, she could not forget what he was for yesterday. ‘All the commotion in town,’ Annelie said, pointing to a pile of newspapers, ‘has one brain behind it. And as Duke, you must immediately arrest whoever is responsible for this mess.’ Josep leaned back in his chair, his seemingly flat face hiding something that caught his attention. ‘So, you believe that all this social chaos has been organised by one person?’ Josep asked in a flat voice. Annelie nodded before continuing, ‘I've read all this over and over again. Although all of these papers were written by different authors and printed in different presses, their writing styles are suspiciously similar.’ Annelie began to point out some examples that could be used as evidence for her conversation that afternoon through the newspaper. ‘The key sentences used seem like they came from a single thought. This is no coincidence, a person or group must be controlling this information to set the narrative in Eldbourne.’ Annelie's continuation made Josep stare at the newspaper calmly. Although in the back of his mind, he knew that Annelie was off the girl's track. ‘When is Lord Harrington home?’ A question that annoyed Annelie because Josep was trying to divert the conversation from a topic that he thought was very important. ‘He should be home. But, what does that have to do with my father?’ Annelie asked in an annoyed tone. Josep did not answer directly. But the young man got up from his seat and walked over to Annelie before looking at her for a moment and saying, ‘I'll take you home.’ Annelie was surprised by Josep's change in demeanour. However, Annelie should not have delved further into the riots that took place in Eldbourne. The events of that day were the gateway that made Annelie always remember the impudence that changed the fate of her life in the future. Which is full of darkness and gripping secrets.
_rosetavarid · 2.1K Views

Wounded Hearts'

When a tragic workplace accident lands ambitious engineer Josh in the hospital, his perfectly ordered world begins to unravel. Burdened by the expectations of running his father’s prestigious company, Josh hides his vulnerabilities behind a wall of pride and independence—until he meets Josie, a compassionate nurse with a kind smile and a determined spirit. Josie’s days at Beacon Health Hospital are spent mending wounds and offering hope, but her own past has left scars that refuse to heal. When fate brings Josh into her care, their connection is immediate yet complicated. Beneath their sharp banter and undeniable chemistry lies a chance for something neither of them expected: a second chance at life and love. As they navigate the challenges of recovery, career pressures, and personal demons, Josh and Josie find themselves drawn together in ways they can’t ignore. But with secrets lingering in their hearts and the weight of their separate worlds pulling them apart, they must decide if love is worth the risk. Can two wounded souls find healing in each other, or will the barriers between them prove insurmountable? **Excerpt** Josh winced as Josie gently unwrapped the bandages on his arm, revealing the angry red gash beneath. She worked carefully, her hands steady and sure, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Does it hurt much?" she asked, her voice soft but professional. He looked at her, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than he intended. "Not as much as it did yesterday. Your touch helps," he said, a small smirk playing on his lips. Josie rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide the faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Flattery doesn’t speed up healing, Mr. Josh" "Josh," he corrected. "I told you, call me Josh." She nodded, her focus returning to the wound. "Okay, Josh. But you’re still my patient, so let me do my job." The silence that followed was heavy but not uncomfortable. Josh watched her, noticing how the light caught the strands of hair that had slipped from her bun. She was efficient, focused, yet there was a warmth to her that put him at ease in a way he hadn’t expected. "You're good at this," he said suddenly. "At dressing wounds?" she asked, glancing up briefly. "At making people feel like everything’s going to be okay," he replied, his voice quieter now. Josie paused, her eyes meeting his. For a moment, the world outside the hospital room seemed to fade away. "That’s my job," she said softly, breaking the silence. "To make sure you leave here better than you came."
toyinwrites · 1.4K Views

The Vampire CEO's Soulmate

Dominic chuckled and tucked his hands in his pockets. "This is what you signed yesterday, darling. You agreed to be my wife and the contract cannot be broken, you'll be mine forever." He whispered into her ear. Celine broke down in tears and pushed her away. She had said it that this man was dangerous! No wonder she doesn't want to have anything to do with him in the first instance. Why is her life so full of troubles? First, she was living in fear of being harassed by the loansharks and now she's married to a man she barely knows- this is even worse! "You fooled me and I can never forgive you for this!" Dominic moved closer, grabbing her waist and Celine pushed him away. Why was he so fond of grabbing her by the waist?! Dominic pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her neck. "You pervert! How could you?" She seethed. Dominic brought out a diamond ring box from his inner pocket, he took the ring and slipped it into Celine's fourth finger. "You should never take that ring off your finger. I don't want anyone to snatch you away from me because you're only for me and I'm serious about this. Always put if on!" He told her seriously. Celine tried to remove the ring but he held her hand. "Don't Celine! Don't take it off! I want to see it on you every time!" He declared. Celine wept more, her life had been ruined just in a matter of days! Dominic who was touched by her tears, wiped it with his handkerchief. "Cry no more, my love. I hate to see this way." "CEO Dom….." "Do not doubt my love for you. I promise to protect and cherish you all my days. I'll give you anything you want, Celine. You're my world." He said as their gaze locked. *** All she thought she signed was a business agreement, she thought she signed the documents for the loan grant but turns out Celine signed a forever marriage contract with the Vampire CEO. Will Celine be able to cope with her marriage? What is Dominic Davenport's hidden agenda? What would be Celine's reaction when she realized she's married to a vampire? Join me to unravel these secrets in this intriguing book. You'll surely love it.
Crystal_Prism_5155 · 21.3K Views

Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent [English]-吞噬星空2起源大陆•Tunshi Xingkong

Buy me a Coffee ☕ ______ Luo Feng, accompanied by Boundary Beast Morosa, traversed reincarnation and arrived at the Origin Continent… The Continent of Origin is the origin of the three-thousand-dimensional Universe Oceans. Each Ocean has an Original Universe and a Reincarnation Channel, and the three-thousand-dimensional Ocean is also the foundation of the prosperity of the Origin Continent. The sky of the Continent of Origin is vast and deep, with 'stars' shining brightly. These 'stars' are actually the Miniature Universes of its residents, with the most terrifying stars being the Miniature Universes of the God Kings. The Law of Chaos can be clearly sensed, unlike in the Original Universe. Beings born on the Continent of Origin can usually become True Gods. There are also strange beasts that the God Kings allow to occupy most of the territory of the continent. Cultivators from all races kill these beasts and collect their body materials as resources for cultivation. While the beasts can become incredibly powerful due to their bloodline, they are less intelligent than the cultivators. Beasts who reach the God King level are generally kept in captivity by the other God Kings. Those born on the Continent of Origin has various special bloodlines in their blood, allowing them to follow the Bloodline Cultivation Method to reach the Primal Chaos Sovereign level. Author: I Eat Tomatoes Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi 我吃西红柿 Disclaimer: This is not my original work. I translate official Chinese novel into English and I do not take any credit for it. All credit goes to this novel's official author “I Eat Tomato.” If you are the official publisher of this novel and you want to remove it then I will remove it immediately. Please support the author at: Have a nice day.
Shadow_Knight_AK · 468.5K Views

Meine Frau ist die Asura-Kaiserin

[Eine der besten Harem-Geschichten auf WN] [#WPC320 #Villain_Theme Winner] [Lies nur, wenn du einen tollen Plot, eine süße Romanze und einen perfekten Harem ohne erzwungene Entwicklung willst]. [Dieser Roman ist keiner, in dem der MC die Handlung beherrscht und allein wächst. Die Geschichte gehört sowohl dem MC als auch seinem würzigen Harem (Mädchen)]. Betreten Sie eine Welt der magischen Bestien, in der die Menschheit um ihr Überleben gegen eine außerirdische Rasse kämpft. Nachdem die Menschen einen Krieg gegen die ruchlosen Dhovrix verloren haben, gelingt ihnen ein technologischer Durchbruch und sie entdecken ein Portal zum Land der Asuras, wo sie übermenschliche Fähigkeiten erwerben können, indem sie magische Bestien besiegen. Angesichts der drohenden Gefahr durch die Dhovrix wird Rio, ein 16-jähriger Junge, nach Asuras geschickt, um stark zu werden. Aber das Schicksal hat andere Pläne für ihn, und er findet sich auf einem Weg wieder, der ihn dazu bringt, die Asura-Kaiserin zu heiraten und sich gegen seine eigene Art zu wenden. Wird er sich dafür entscheiden, für die Menschen zu kämpfen, die ihn großgezogen haben, oder wird er sich an der Seite seiner Asura-Braut einem mächtigen neuen Schicksal stellen? Begib dich mit Rio auf eine epische Reise und finde heraus, wo seine Loyalität in dieser spannenden Geschichte über Macht, Liebe und Aufopferung liegt. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Join us at: Discord= instagram=
thewhitesnow · 45.8K Views


“Who are you?” The voice said who stared at Roselina with curiosity in his gaze. Roselina opened her eyes and saw the man's face and jumped to sit upright on the bed with a scream. She tried to get off the bed but felt soreness between her legs and realized she had slept with the man and lost her virginity to him. “Go away.” She screamed without looking at the man's face as he left the bed for the bathroom. He didn’t meet her in the room before he came back as she left with no traces. Roselina drove home looking rough and sad, crying while driving back. She met her father with his wife. “Where have you been since yesterday? Look at you, you spent your night out there with whom?” Her father yelled at her. “And who are you to ask me that? You're not my father, why yell at me like that, do you even care?” Rosalina yelled back with tears. 20 hours ago...(Yesterday)... “Don’t worry, father, I'll disappear as you want,” Rosalina yelled to her father, who was fuming with anger, his eyes all red. “How dare you raise your voice at me, you unfilial daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo yelled at Rose, who was not going to engage with whom he wanted her to marry. “I dare, father, I have told you I don’t love him, U-Jin is just my friend and yet you’re forcing me to get engaged to someone I don’t love for your reasons… you can just choose your second daughter to marry him, okay.” Rose yelled and ran to her room, locking herself up. “Honey, why don’t you just leave her since she won’t listen, after all, she’s not your daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo's wife, whose name was Yeri, said, rolling her eyes. “If she’s not going to do what I want, then she should leave my house.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo said angrily while Rose came out of her room and unknowingly, heard them. “What! Did she just say I’m not your daughter?” Rose said, shocked and unable to believe what she heard. Mr Kim Hyun Woo was shocked to see her because they thought she was in the room. “Huh… well… uh” Mr. Kim Hyun Woo didn’t find suitable words as he stuttered, but Rosalina stormed out angrily with tears, entered her car, and drove with speed as she couldn’t believe she was just a bastard of the Kim family. “I’m not going back to that house,” Roselina muttered to herself with tears as she tried calling her friend’s number, but it was off. Then she decided to go to her house, but she didn’t find her at home as her door was locked. Rosalina was so sad and thought of going to the hotel and spending her night there, but she drove to a club to have fun, maybe she could forget all she had on her mind. POV This is Roselina, but her Korean name is Yoona. She lost her mother when she was ten, who died of a heart attack the day her father confessed he had a wife and a daughter but later brought them to the mansion. Mrs. Min-Ji didn’t look like she was hurt and accepted the fact that her husband married and had a daughter secretly and brought them to the mansion because of how much she loved him. But things changed when Mrs. Yeri and her daughter started living in the mansion and always caused trouble, especially with her daughter. When Rose and Mrs. Yeri's daughter are fighting, Mr. Kim Hyun Woo takes Mrs. Yeri’s side, shouts, and yells at Roselina’s mother. The day they fought, Mr. Hyun Woo refused to see Mrs. Min Ji, who was having a hard time in her room, crying until she started having a hard time breathing and died from a heart attack. QUESTION...… Who was the young man? Do you think their one-night stand was destiny? Would destiny get them to meet again after that night? How would Roselina live her life when she found out she was pregnant? Are you curious to know about this novel? Okay, let’s look into this story and grab our popcorn as we check into this serial novel and find out what it has for us.
Rikky_Joy · 176.4K Views

Vom Rebellenkönig gestohlen

Als Prinzessin, die nicht zaubern konnte, bestand Prinzessin Daphnes einziger Wert für ihr Königreich in ihrer arrangierten Ehe. Die Aufgabe war einfach, aber als Daphne entführt und in die kalten Berge von Vramid gebracht wurde, wurde ihr klar, dass sie überfordert war. Sie hatte schon einmal von diesen verfluchten Bergen gehört - felsiges Gelände, eisige Temperaturen, und das Land wurde von einem Mann regiert, der von vielen auf dem Kontinent gefürchtet wurde. König Atticus Heinvres, der blutdürstige Herrscher des Nordens. Obwohl sie ihm noch nie begegnet war, erzählte man sich Geschichten über die Skrupellosigkeit von König Atticus. Manche sagten, er sei ein Ungeheuer, andere behaupteten, er sei der Teufel persönlich, aber wie auch immer die Geschichte lautete, jeder kannte den Mann, der über ungeahnte Kräfte verfügte. Er konnte Armeen stürzen und Nationen mit einer einzigen Handbewegung zerschmettern, unterstützt von einem Ring aus verfluchtem Obsidian, wie es hieß. Niemand außerhalb von Vramid war dem furchterregenden König je begegnet. Nicht bis Daphne. Bei der Begegnung mit dem furchterregenden Mann fand Daphne jedoch heraus, dass der König vielleicht gar nicht das Monster war, für das ihn andere gehalten hatten. Das, was sich unter dem Obsidianschild verbarg, könnte tatsächlich ein Rohdiamant sein. - [Auszug] "Also ... wo soll ich euch beide unterbringen?", fragte er beiläufig, ohne eine Antwort zu erwarten. "Es ist bedauerlich, dass ich nur einen Kronleuchter habe." "Unter meinem Bett? Nein, nein, zu schmutzig. Das haben meine Staubhasen nicht verdient", sinnierte Atticus vor sich hin. "Der Kaminsims? Wie wäre es mit dem Frisiertisch? Ich nehme an, wenn ich einen eurer Köpfe abschlagen würde, könnte ich ihn dort anbringen... Frau, welchen Kopf willst du anstarren, während du dir die Haare machst?" "Atticus!" Daphne schrie. "Ich will keine Köpfe! Lass sie los!" "Na gut." Atticus zuckte mit den Schultern und schnippte mit den Fingern. Es gab zwei identische Knackgeräusche, als beide Hälse auf einmal brachen. Daphne keuchte entsetzt auf. Dieser Mann, ihr Ehemann, hatte gerade zwei Männer mit einem Fingerschnippen getötet, als würde er Kerzen auslöschen. "Ich habe dir gesagt, du sollst sie gehen lassen!" Daphne schrie auf. "Ja, ich habe sie gehen lassen", sagte Atticus. Dann verfinsterten sich seine Augen. "Um das göttliche Urteil des Himmels zu empfangen." - Discord Server:
saltedpepper · 157.1K Views
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