Xiaobai's Split Life
The story revolves around Su Bai, a woman caught in a turbulent emotional struggle. Her husband, who is portrayed as a complete scoundrel, has left her heartbroken. Su Bai, once meek and soft like a "soft package," has had enough. In a dramatic turn, she decides to fight back—not only against her unfaithful husband but also against her own inner conflicts.
Su Bai has a dual personality. One persona is a self-sacrificing, devoted wife who clings to her husband, no matter how badly he treats her. The other is a carefree, rebellious side that despises love and is unwilling to submit to anyone. This clash between her two personalities ignites a fiery internal conflict, as they vie for control over her actions and decisions.
The war within Su Bai becomes more intense as her two selves fight for dominance, especially over the man who has caused her so much pain. Unbeknownst to Su Bai, the greatest enemy she faces isn't just her husband or the external challenges, but her own second personality. The struggle for control over her body becomes a battleground, and in this war, she must confront not only her husband but also the very nature of who she is.