Swordcraft: From Fallen To The World's Strongest
Takahisa, an ordinary high school student, finds himself unwillingly transported to another world alongside his classmates. Unlike the others, who are celebrated as heroes with powerful skills, he is branded as the weakest and betrayed by the one he trusted the most—Shizuka, his childhood friend and first love. Humiliated, abandoned, and left for dead, Takahisa vows to survive in a world that seeks to crush him.
But his journey takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious power awakens within him. With nothing but his resolve, he begins his climb to become the strongest, facing monsters, conspiracies, and his own inner demons.
As Takahisa grows stronger, his feelings for Shizuka become a dangerous mix of love and hatred, driving him toward revenge.
In a world of swords, magic, and shattered dreams, will Takahisa find redemption, or will his desire for revenge consume him entirely?
"Swordcraft: From Fallen To The World's Strongest" is a story of betrayal, survival, and the unyielding will to rise above despair.