Legend of the Seven Territories
In the martial world of the Seven Territories, where the strong battles for power and resources, Karl Sox is an unremarkable student from an ordinary martial clan. Without the blessings of a bloodline or exceptional talent, he relies solely on perseverance and unyielding will to stand out in the Fourth Martial Academy.
But everything changes when Karl wins a one-time-use artifact—a Time Orb—from the legendary Inheritance Tower. Peering into the future, he glimpses records from the library of his descendants, uncovering the shocking truth behind the fog that confines humanity and the forgotten Blood Race sealed by the Dragon Ancestor.
These records unveils the existence of the Five Temples, mysterious wonders locked within the human body that holds the key to immense potential. Armed with this knowledge, Karl embarks on a perilous journey to shatter humanity’s chains, and lead the fight against extinction..
Follow Karl’s epic journey of grit, self-discovery, and the quest to uncover the truth behind the Legend of the Seven Territories.