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Marvel Classics Comics Omnibus

Drifter Omnibus

Fet and Shalam find themselves in desperate situations. Fet is trapped in a prison, with no knowledge of how he got there or how long he will be there. Meanwhile, Shalam is being held captive by insect-like creatures and forced to do their bidding. Desperate to escape, she finds herself in a dangerous situation as she is sent on a mission to map the remaining part of a mysterious land called the Node. As they struggle to survive in their respective predicaments, Fet and Shalam's paths eventually cross, and they must work together to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. With danger lurking at every turn, past reconnecting with the present, and the present changing the future, the stakes are getting higher than ever. Will they be able to make it out of the Node alive? Drifter Omnibus: Shalam is a gripping tale of survival, magic, and the (un)breakable human spirit. --- The story is told from the perspective of Fet, who for some reason is also the author of the book. by sending me a (Neorealist) weekly journal written in a magical format and device, to which I cannot share more details on what and how I can translate it into what Fet calls Earth Tongue (it's just English) for public consumption. Though, I am not sure how long will he keep on sending me his journals, I do not know. For now, I have been translating them so that we can all enjoy the process of finding his lost memory. --- Also, there is no tentative date of release yet. But I am making sure to translate the journal as rapidly as I can. --- Note from the Author: The story is based on true events unless 'says otherwise'. However, please note that any resemblance to actual events, living or dead, on Earth or across the Pan universe, is or are purely coincidental. The author takes no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from reading this story, including but not limited to the desire to become a wizard, join a fellowship, start a quest to destroy a magical ring, or sign a petition reinstating Henry Cavill's back as the Witcher. Note from the Translator: I say otherwise.
Neorealist · 859 Views

Not a Classic Wedding

Adult Romance (21+) _____________________ Series Wedding #1 [Not a Classic Wedding] Kalvian dan Kalebriena melakukan perjodohan tanpa drama, kontrak, atau syarat apapun. Menurut mereka, menolak perjodohan hanya akan membuang waktu mereka. Pernikahan tetap terjadi, mereka tinggal menjalaninya. Namun, siapa yang menyangka bahwa mereka telah mengenal jauh sebelum perjodohan ini berlangsung. Bukan hanya mereka berdua, tapi juga melibatkan sepasang hati yang lain. Tapi hal itu hanya masalalu mereka, individualis seperti briena dan vian tidak akan pernah membiarkan masa lalu merusak masa depan mereka. Sekalipun harus menyakiti hati oranglain, bahkan juga hati mereka sendiri. Tidak perlu ada drama yang memuakkan. This is not a classic wedding _________________________________________ Series Wedding #2 [CEO Scandal's : Married with Benefit] "Menikahlah denganku," ujar pria itu masih dengan nada dinginnya. "Apa?" Lona begitu terkejut dengan ucapan pria itu. Perempuan itu berusaha menormalkan degub jantungnya yang tiba tiba menggila. "Oke, tenang, Lona. Mungkin saat ini kau masih terjebak ke dalam skenario yang kau ciptakan sendiri," ujarnya dalam hati. "Sadarlah!" "Menikahlah denganku, Nona Hilona Anpuanra." Pria itu samakin menajamkan pandangannya dan Hilona nyaris tenggelam karenanya. "Kenapa? Kenapa aku harus menikah denganmu?" tanya Hilona setelah tersadar jika lamaran yang di utarakan pria itu bukan dialog dalam skripsi imajinasinya. "Karena saat ini, kau sudah terlibat ke dalam skenario hidupku dan mau tidak mau kau harus menerimanya." Salah satu alis tebal milik pria itu terangkat ke atas. Ada senyum yang tertarik dalam sudut bibirnya yang penuh. "Tunggu! Apa maksudmu aku harus menerimanya?" tanya Hilona masih tak mengerti dengan skenario yang tiba tiba saja terjadi. "Anggap saja, pertemuan kita kemarin malam adalah skenario Tuhan untuk mempertemukan kita. Aku akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut setelah kita resmi menikah." Setelah mengatakan hal tersebut, pria itu pergi meningalkan Lona begitu saja. Gila! Ini benar benar skenario yang gila! Bagaimana bisa tiba tiba ada seorang pria melamar Hilona? Menyatakan seolah tidak ada skenario lain selain menikah. Wait! Pria itu mengatakan tentang pertemuan kemarin malam? Pertemuan apa? Hilona berusaha untuk menggali ingatannya tentang pertemuan yang di maksud pria itu. Ia sendiri masih bingung dengan apa yang terjadi. Dia sedang menceritakan kisah kelamnya dan tiba tiba saja salah satu skenario yang ia bayangkan terjadi di hidupnya. Perempuan itu menoleh ke samping, ia baru tersadar jika saat ini tidak sedang berada di apartemen lusuhnya. Semua perabotan di ruangan ini terlihat mahal dan berkelas. Hilona menatap pantulan dirinya yang terlihat sama, ia kemudian menatap ke arah satu titik. Ke arah kalung yang saat ini ia pakai. Perempuan itu tak ingat pernah memiliki kalung ini sebelumnya. Lalu tiba tiba sekelebat ingatan muncul di ingatanya. Tentang kejadian malam itu. Kejadian yang membuatnya terjebak dengan pria yang baru saja melamarnya. Pria rupawan dengan jabatan tinggi dan sangat terpandang. "Sial! Aku benar benar harus menikah dengan Kalan Arusha Adhyasta!" Hilona mengusap rambutnya frustasi.
seinseinaa · 1.3M Views

Beauty and the beast Classic Tale ~ Fairy Tale Stories for Kids

Beauty and the Beast THERE WAS ONCE a very rich merchant who had three daughters; being a man of sense, he spared no cost for their education. His daughters grew to be very beautiful, especially the youngest, who was called Beauty, a special name that made her sisters very jealous of her. The two eldest had a great deal of pride because they were rich. They gave themselves ridiculous airs, and would not visit other merchants' daughters, nor keep company with any but persons of quality. They went out every day to parties, balls, plays, concerts, and so forth, and they laughed at their youngest sister, because she spent the greatest part of her time in reading good books. Beauty and the Beast Suddenly, all at once the merchant lost his whole fortune, accepting a small country house at a great distance from town, and told his children with tears in his eyes that they must go there and work for their living. The two eldest answered that they would never have to leave the town, for they had several prominent merchants who they were sure would be glad to have them, though they had no fortune. But the good ladies were mistaken, for their lovers slighted and forsook them in their poverty. As they were not liked on account of their pride, everybody said; they do not deserve to be pitied, we are very glad to see their pride humbled, let them go and give themselves quality airs in milking the cows and minding their dairy. But, added they, we are extremely concerned for Beauty, she is such a charming, sweet-tempered creature who speaks so kindly to poor people and has such a friendly, gracious nature. When they came to their country house, the merchant applied himself to farming and Beauty rose at four in the morning. Before the others stirred, she made haste to clean the house and prepare breakfast for the family. In the beginning she found it very difficult, for she had not been used to work as a servant, but in less than two months she grew stronger and healthier than ever. After she had done her work, she read, played on the harpsichord, or else sung while she spun yarn. On the contrary, her two sisters did not know how to spend their time. They got up at ten and did nothing but saunter about the whole day, lamenting the loss of their fine clothes and acquaintance. "Do but see our youngest sister," they snickered, one to the other, "how well she's suited to a life of menial labor." Beauty and the Beast The family had lived about a year in the country house when the merchant received a letter with an account that a ship he thought had been lost at sea, that held on board dozens of bolts of cloth and silks he had purchased, had in fact safely arrived. The family rejoiced in the turn of their fortune. When the two eldest daughters saw their father ready to set out, one begged of him to buy her a new necklace of gems, and the other a thick golden chain, but Beauty asked only for a rose.
Catalyst_Horror · 2K Views
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