The Universe’s Number One Mecha Operator
In a future where humanity has entered the age of interstellar exploration, Earth and the Moon have become the primary centers of habitation. As humans push forward with their expansion to other planets, military strength becomes the cornerstone of this endeavor. Two rival factions, the United Solar Empire (USE) and the New United Pact (NUP), engage in a covert struggle for dominance, each representing conflicting interests.
Amidst this backdrop, Li Feng, a young dreamer, aspires to become an elite mobile warrior. However, his poor performance in exams threatens to shatter his hopes of entering the prestigious military academy. Just when his dreams seem beyond reach, a meteor strike changes his fate forever. From this cosmic event emerges a mysterious artifact from a parallel world—a sentient relic he names “Little Gold.” Imbued with the knowledge of a prehistoric civilization, Little Gold subjects Li Feng to grueling training, unlocking his hidden potential.