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Tia Adolescente Manhwas


Όνειρο: Κλειδί που Ξεδιαλέγει Μυστήρια (Oneiro: Kleidi pou Xedialegei Mystiria) DREAM: KEY TO UNRAVEL MYSTERIES The Dreamcatcher “As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my dreams were trying to tell me something. And then, I heard the whisper: ‘When the wings of slumber beckon, beware the shadows that take flight.’ I didn’t know what it meant, but it sent a shiver down my spine.” The five-letter word “dream” holds a mystical allure, whispering secrets to those who dare to listen. As we surrender to its embrace, the dream reveals itself as a master key, unlocking doors to diverse realms. Love, hope, adventure, sorrow, and the unknown await beyond the threshold. The enigmatic key is humankind’s most potent possession, capable of conjuring worlds within and beyond our wildest imagination. As the wise ones have said, “Let your dream be your wings.” Yet, I, Cynthia – affectionately known as Tia to those who hold a piece of my heart – never foresaw the awakening of my own dreams. They stirred, sprouted wings, and transported me to an uncharted realm of mystery and danger. My story begins at the precipice of reality and the unknown, where the fabric of my dreams transformed into a living nightmare. In this realm, the boundaries between love and loss, hope and despair, blurred. My loved ones and I found ourselves teetering on the edge of existence, our lives hanging in the balance. The dream that once lifted me up became a desperate quest for survival. Join me on this journey into the heart of the unknown, where the lines between dreams and reality dissolve, and the true essence of the human spirit is revealed.
Adnic_symurgh · 1.1K Views

Transmigração: A Pequena Chefe Que Manda

``` Novo romance "Tremam, Grandes Seres do Universo" está sendo serializado~ De um dia para o outro, uma bela deusa culinária se transformou na desprezada Pequena Estrela do Desastre Uma casa em ruínas com três cômodos, um pai deficiente, uma mãe frágil e duas irmãzinhas magras para cuidar O quê?! Sua mãe deu à luz três filhas apenas porque trouxe dificuldades para a vida dos seus irmãos? Seu pai caiu do telhado e está acamado por meio ano, só porque ela estava brincando com terra por perto? Se ela liga para os avós uma vez, instantaneamente um adoece e o outro sofre um acidente; até os filhos amados da família do Tio se engasgam com a comida porque justamente naquele dia era o aniversário dela Humph! O Tio pode tolerar, mas a Tia não! Se eu não mostrar meu poder, vão todos me tratar como o gato Garfield?! Eles acham que por cinco taéis de prata, podem me vender para um doente fraco para dar sorte? Tudo bem, já que eu sou a Pequena Estrela do Desastre, vamos transformar a casa de vocês numa zona de desastre! Querem vender minha irmã para uma casa rica para se tornar uma escrava ou empregada? Ela grita, pega um cutelo, luta com os demônios que encontra e mata os fantasmas no seu caminho. De agora em diante, sua fama de mulher selvagem se espalha por toda a vila Que seja selvagem, então. Pelo bem dos entes queridos, me torno com gosto a selvagem Dama da Cozinha. Com minhas excelentes habilidades culinárias, abro um restaurante, me torno uma chef de topo, desenvolvo novas receitas, conquisto os corações dos amantes da comida e até descubro novas maneiras de fazer uma grande fortuna, levando toda minha família a uma maior riqueza e padrão de vida melhor! Quanto àqueles parentes sem-vergonha que lambem suas caras e voltam para reconhecer parentesco, ela dá um doce sorriso, acena adeus: Boa viagem. O papel de deserdar já está emoldurado e pendurado na parede! Quanto aos homens, bem, até minha irmãzinha sabe: Ser bonito não enche o estômago. Um homem que ganha dinheiro, mima a esposa e segue as três obediências e as quatro virtudes é um cunhado de primeira qualidade. Declaração séria: Este artigo é puramente fictício. Por favor, não imite nenhum enredo, comportamento, ação, etc. Valorize sua vida e viva bem~ ```
Xin Yue Ge · 64.6K Views

Após ter tudo tirado, ela retorna como uma deusa.

[Doce, Satisfatório e Apaixonado; Mimos em Grupo; Torturar Casanovas] Si Fuqing abriu os olhos para descobrir que sua sorte havia sido roubada. Todos queriam que ela saísse da indústria do entretenimento também. Depois de receber uma segunda chance na vida, ela só queria não fazer nada dessa vez. No entanto, algumas pessoas que não conheciam seu lugar continuavam tentando se aproveitar de sua fama sem ter talentos genuínos para mostrar. Isso não podia continuar. Ela tinha que fazer algo a respeito deles. Si Fuqing apertou seu pulso e tomou uma atitude. Depois disso, a internet a criticou por ser descarada o suficiente para cortejar Yu Yao, e que sua vida privada era indecente, mas… Uma cantora internacional: Estou aqui hoje tudo por causa de Qingqing. Um celebridade masculino de primeira linha: Fiquem longe da minha irmã #YuYao Um canal oficial de esportes internacionais: Parabéns a Si Fuqing por garantir a 13ª medalha de ouro pessoal. No início, Yu Yao não prestou atenção em Si Fuqing. Mas quando ele mais tarde descobriu a verdade e se arrependeu, até se ajoelhando para que Si Fuqing voltasse a olhar para ele, ele só pôde postar um status nas redes sociais dizendo, [#SiFuqing, Olá, Nona Tia]. Naquele dia, a internet ficou paralisada. Nos registros da história, Imperador Yin tornou-se famoso ainda jovem. Ele era perfeito, poderoso e benevolente. No entanto, ele morreu aos 27 anos devido a uma doença, tendo vivido apenas uma vida curta sem esposa ou filhos. Ele era um Adônis inalcançável para muitos. Ninguém sabia que quando ele abriu os olhos mais uma vez, ele acordou no futuro onde 1500 anos haviam se passado. Dessa vez, ele viu prédios altos que ele havia imaginado antes. Pouco depois, a identidade do Imperador Yin foi exposta. Quando Si Fuqing descobriu que seu ídolo estava ao alcance dos braços, ela ficou tão impressionada que queria… Si Fuqing: Vou me esforçar! Imperador Yin: Repague-me com seu corpo. Si Fuqing: ??? 'Aqui estou tentando me esforçar, mas você quer a mim em vez disso?' Uma deusa bela e versátil x Um imperador resoluto e nobre De ser desprezada na internet, a ser coroada como número um enquanto lutava um-a-um com seu Adônis.
Qing Qian · 66.1K Views

Altered reality

Our protagonist was an ordinary guy with an aspiration to be called hero, yet people mistook his actions. Until one day he woke up to find himself in the very world of an anime he watched for the first time. But he isn't the protagonist, instead, he's a minor bullied character who never even appeared in the series. Determined not to get involved with the main characters for fear of changing the plot, he plans to stay in the background to plan for his future and let the protagonist handle everything. However, fate has a different surprise for him. As events unfold, he realizes that he may have a bigger role to play than he ever imagined. Can he navigate this new reality without altering the story, or will he have to step up to shoulder the responsibility he took upon himself? Discover the twists and turns in this fresh new Rom-com series Altered Reality. Note: Please endure the slow pace in the first couple of chapters, it gets interesting as the story unfold, trust me ;). Note: This story is heavily inspired by the anime Re:zero and the manhwa Webtoon character Na Kang Lim, both are awesome, give it a try if you haven't yet. You can call it a rip off version of them, if you please, LMAO. But hey, this story has it's own plot, objective, goal, characters, and ending, which i hope you will find enjoyable. And if you do, please support it to the least you can, thanks. Note: I am extremely, because of my own stupidity i had to delete the previous book, and even got many chapters deleted, now i have to write those deleted chapters all over again T_T. But on the bright side, i could improve the quality of those deleted chapters 13-19.
Fantasy_Maniac · 1K Views

Le Paria Destiné de l'Alpha : L'Ascension du Chanteur de Lune.

« Je ne serai pas définie comme une 'déviante sans loup' » Je ne serai pas un pion dans les 'jeux des Alphas' Et je refuse d'être unie au parfait inconnu qui a déboulé dans ma vie et a tout bouleversé... Cela pourrait pourtant être mon plus grand défi. » C'étaient les mots que Lyla se murmurait à elle-même alors qu'elle quittait le gala annuel des loups-garous, trempée de sa sueur et de ses phéromones. Il y a seulement quelques jours, elle était une adolescente heureuse existant dans le monde humain – essayant de terminer l'université et de partir loin, d'oublier tout ce qu'elle avait vécu et de recommencer une nouvelle vie, mais maintenant, elle est au milieu du gala, étalée sur le sol avec ses désirs étalés au visage de tous et Alpha Ramsey Kincaid – le leader Lycan du Trône de la Lune Blanche tendant ses mains vers elle. Si elle les prend, elle apportera du déshonneur à sa famille car elle n'est pas en état de fréquenter quiconque, encore moins le leader Lycan qui est hors de sa portée et si elle refuse, elle risque d'être envoyée à la prison de la meute pour ne pas avoir mieux pris soin d'elle-même pendant ses chaleurs - Oui, c'était un crime pour elle d'être sans loup. Mais lorsqu'il la touche, quelque chose en elle s'éveille... Des désirs ? Oui ! Des pouvoirs cachés par la déesse de la lune ? Oui ! Et peut-être, juste peut-être, l'éveil de son loup manquant dont la voix peut apaiser les loups féroces et guérir... Peut-elle apprendre à faire confiance à cet homme dont la bouche dit une chose et les mains en disent une autre, ou va-t-elle devenir un pion - une pièce d'échecs dans les jeux 'des Alphas' ? Une chose est sûre - Lyla Woodlands en a fini d'être la 'déviante sans loup' sale et petite de la meute. Il est temps que cette merveille sans loup leur montre de quoi elle est faite. # Brisement lent # Vieilles prophéties floues # Triangle amoureux - ML et meilleure amie de la FL #Vilain amoureux de la FL Rejoignez mon groupe discord :
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 961.7K Views


(21+ CERITA INI MENGANDUNG UNSUR DEWASA, MOHON BIJAK DALAM MEMILIH DAN MEMBACA, PASTIKAN ANDA SUDAH DEWASA DAN TAU RESIKONYA) Hola Semua! Setelah hampir 10 tahun hanya jadi silent reader di forum tercinta ini, akhirnya saya beranikan diri untuk membagikan pengalaman hidup pribadi dalam bentuk tulisan ini lewat perantara dari akun ini, mungkin thread ini tidak akan sebagus thread dari suhu suhu lainnya, tapi saya coba buat sebisa dan sebagus yang saya mampu. Kisah ini merupakan pengalaman pribadi saya ditambah bumbu - bumbu agar lebih terasa nikmatnya (60% Real Story + 40% Penyedap Rasa) Nama tokoh - tokoh dalam cerita ini sudah pasti disamarkan, namun sebenarnya hanya diplesetkan sedikit saja dari nama aslinya agar lebih menantang (Ada juga yang menggunakan nama asli) Ataupun saya ambil dari nama belakangnya, bukan nama panggilan yang banyak orang tau. Untuk barbuk atau mulustrasi saya tidak berjanji ada, namun akan saya cari sampai saya menemukan yang kemiripannya minimal 60% baru akan saya cantumkan. Begitupun dengan timeline cerita ini akan disamarkan mengikuti alur cerita, tetapi semua kejadiaannya dalam garis besar berdasarkan kisah nyata saya. Jika ada dari suhu - suhu yang mengetahui siapa sebenarnya saya, atau mengenali salah satu tokoh dicerita saya, dimohon untuk PM aja hu, jangan sampai ada pikiran untuk menjadi PK! Ayo Berlangganan Cukup Dengan Paket Professional Rp. 100,000 Kalian Sudah Bisa Mengakses Semua Konten Saya Dalam Karyakarsa Mulai Dari Konten Cerita, Doujin, Manga, Manhwa, Dan Hentai Dll. Dukung dan Support Supaya Saya Bisa Meluaskan Bakat Saya Ini... Jangan Lupa Follow Semua Sosial Media Saya
Widasu · 526 Views

Relic Hunters: The Apex Predators

Nuclear war has devastated the Earth, leading to the abandonment of nuclear weapons following the discovery of relics and bloodline traits. A contractor of a relic is endowed with superhuman strength and speed, as well as resilience to most physical damage and illnesses. Dante's job is to subdue contractors and recover illegal relics. He is the only contractor capable of bonding with five relics. As the youngest member of the famed legends, Dante was believed to have a perfect life. However, everything changed in an instant, shattering his ideal existence. For the first time, he found himself powerless. Once hailed as both a hero and a prodigy, Dante had been reduced to nothing more than a ruthless hunter. Although his team's efficiency and recovery rate are outstanding, their brutal methods often overshadow their achievements. Dante is no longer seen as the prodigy of the legends. His comrades view him as a loyal guard dog, while his enemies see him as a ruthless bloodhound. The Apex Institute is where teenagers train to become future leaders. Thalia and her friends are graduating this year. Thalia possesses a unique bloodline trait that allows her to command the weather; she can invoke storms simply by concentrating. She wants nothing more than to use her powers to help the relic retrieval task force. Apex has created special task forces, such as the Legends, to prevent relics from being used to cause harm. Thalia has always admired the Legends, and their dedication to justice is the primary reason she enrolled in the institute. The Legends are known as the champions of justice because they maintain order within the safety zone. Thalia desperately wants to change this twisted world and dreams of being a hero like her aunt (Tia) to save their crumbling world. Hi guys the book has a slow start by design to fully immerse you in the characters and world. I hope you enjoy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------ What to expect? [steady pacing] [Supernatural abilities & Relics] [Overpowered main character] [Trauma, Drama, Subtle Romance, Tragedy] [Solid Team Building & Multiple Character POV] [Adventure & Action based] All rights reserved.
An_Ordinary_Writer · 3.7K Views

Fallen General's Omega (BL)

I watch him, his green eyes brimming with concern as he gently massages my scarred leg. The sensation is both soothing and a stark reminder of my own inadequacy. The once-feared Crimson General, a symbol of power and invincibility, is now nothing but a frail shadow of his former self. I’ve been abandoned, left to decay in this forsaken place, my family and comrades long forgotten. Darkness had become my only solace, and I had resigned myself to it. Then he arrived, a beacon of light in my endless night. His presence, his care—it’s more than I ever deserved. Yet, I find myself clinging to him with an intensity that borders on madness. I hate that I need him so desperately, that his every action and word have become my lifeline. It consumes me, a torment I can't escape. "You don't have to do this. Please, don’t do this. I’m nothing. You deserve better. Leave. Please," I beg, my voice trembling with raw anguish, the very words tearing me apart. He continues his work, seemingly unaffected by my pleas. "Why are you here? Look at me! I’m nothing." Desperation and anger swell within me, mixing into a maelstrom of anxiety. I can’t comprehend the emotions coursing through me. "You're my alpha, where else would I be?" he responds softly, his gaze unwavering, as if my pleas were mere background noise. My heart races, torn between overwhelming relief and paralyzing dread. In that moment, I realize the truth: you would have to tear him from my cold, lifeless arms. I’m never letting go. - General Thorne, betrayed and broken, finds new life and love with Omega Noelle, who nurses him back to health. Their deepening bond reveals Thorne’s softer side, offering a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, Thorne’s past soon catches up with them, threatening their newfound peace. **** STOP!!!! HERE IS 9 REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS A SHOT 1. Omegaverse 2. The Alpha is a greenflag. 3. Fluff, and cheesey cliche romance. 4. Faceslapping and revenge. 5. Smut, with no dubcon or noncon. 6. OP husband. 7. Really cliche plot honestly. Those historical manhwas but make it gay. 8. The omega/bot is not a pushover. 9. I'm asking you give it a shot please.
Sofie_Vert01 · 1M Views

The vampire girl, who don't give a shit.

note: i was going to go for "new life, who dis" for the title. but didn't cause . . . it tells nothing. also i am shit at Synopsis p.s this is not going to be serious at all. writing serious scene's aint my style. its like a half crack fic. ### oh no, i have died. oh no, i have been reincarnated into a fantasy world. oh no, i am a vampire . . . do i care? abso-fucking-lutely not. i may be a "monster" but that wont stop me from my goal what that goal might be you ask? getting laid. ### Our MC, a lazy, perverted high school girl (who might i add, is hella into Yuri), meets an untimely end after making a joke that the universe deem too shitty for her too live. (or maybe because she was too lazy? too mean? idk The universe works in mysterious ways) as her eye's flash before her eye's she had one complaint about it "damn, why was i bitchless" and that was it as her life was snuffed out due to her injuries, now only a dark void filled with nothing remained . . . . . . . . . light erupted into her vision as their eye's fluttered open once again. and they regret that instantly as the sun burns there eye's Disoriented, the mc realises that this is not earth. Why? Because a rabbit with a club the fucking size of that mother fucking comically large spoon, is charging straight at them, aiming to snuff that once re-lit flame out. the mc is definitely not going to die again . . . no, not just yet, a certain overpowered being needed some entertainment from her. but that doesn't mean she will get an easy life though, no . . . the entity's gotta make it an entertaining story to watch. so on her second death bed (a literal patch of grass in the middle of a forest in the middle of another world) time stops and a very familiar semi-transparent screen formed infront of her eye's (think of the screen from ORV or Solo levelling. something like htat) well done for being the host to the ULTIMATE DELUXE SUPER FABULICE VAMPIRE SYSTEM "is this a fucking joke? Am i a joke to you?" Yes "ah, i see" since the host is in danger and has not fucking clue how to fight "hey, i took karate when i was 10!" . . . noted . . . since the host has a fighting ability THAT IS NOT ON THE LEVEL to combat the enemy at this very moment. the system will take over host body temporally. "wait what!?!?" :) ### Warnings i am not, a good writer. perverted mc maybe harem (i dislike harem cause usually any time there is a harem, each member is bland as fuck, so most is gonna be 3 other people) do not take this seriously, this might as well be a crack fic with no fic and toned down a couple levels. OP mc the mc will get item's/powers of characters from different anime's/show's/movie's. no characters though. took ideas from some manwha (cough cough solo leveling) and a few others for the world. but atleast it isn't a carbon copy like most . . . all manhwa (like every single one has something from solo levelling in it.) (the world will be orignal, characters too. but the powers wont)
spider_lover · 3.4K Views

Joy Davidson Series

In a world where the past never truly stays buried, Joy Davidson finds himself at the center of a mystery far greater than he ever imagined. What begins as a simple love story soon spirals into an intense battle for survival, scientific discovery, and the fight against a powerful force determined to control the future. Book 1: Joy Davidson – Into the Jungle Joy Davidson had everything—a promising career, the love of his life, and a secret he barely understood. On the night he planned to propose to Tia Carter, everything changed. One moment, he was in a candlelit restaurant; the next, he woke up in the depths of the Congo Basin, alone and hunted. Struggling to survive in an endless jungle with no memory of how he got there, Joy encounters deadly predators, an abandoned hut with a terrifying past, and a mysterious leopard he names Leo. As he forms an unlikely bond with the beast, he begins to piece together a chilling truth—his presence in the jungle is no accident. Someone sent him here, and they don’t plan on letting him leave. Meanwhile, back home, his daughter, Tina Davidson, finds a hidden diary, a cryptic map, and a strange stone linked to an ancient secret. As she and her cousin Roy dig deeper into Joy’s disappearance, they realize that his vanishing is connected to something far bigger than they ever imagined. But the jungle holds its own secrets, and as Joy fights for his life, he must uncover the truth before it’s too late. Because the forces hunting him are closer than he thinks—and they want him silenced. Book 2: Joy Davidson – The Project Months after Joy Davidson’s mysterious return, his past refuses to let go. A name haunts his nightmares—Victor Esono, a powerful figure lurking in the shadows. When Tina and Roy uncover more of Joy’s research, they realize he was working on something dangerous—Project Vitalix-X, a genetic experiment with the power to alter human DNA. But Joy was never a willing participant. Forced by Victor Esono, a ruthless billionaire with a dying son, Joy was pushed to create a cure—one that could either save a life or destroy countless others. And when he tried to escape, he paid the price. As Tina and Roy chase the truth, Joy is pulled back into a world of deception, blackmail, and scientific horrors. And when he’s abducted once more, he awakens in a place he knows all too well—the jungle. This time, he remembers everything. The virus inside him, the experiments on the animals, and the truth about Leo. With time running out, Joy must rally the jungle’s survivors—including Leo and the victims of the experiment—to take the fight back to those who wronged them. Because Project Vitalix-X isn’t just about control. It’s about reshaping the world. And if Victor Esono succeeds, there will be no escape for anyone. Book 3: Joy Davidson – The Legacy The war isn’t over. With Joy missing once again and the jungle’s secrets spilling into the world, Tina and Roy must finish what he started. A single name holds the key—Henry Banner, the scientist who disappeared decades ago, leaving behind clues in the diary Joy left behind. As they uncover the final pieces of the puzzle, they realize the truth: Project Vitalix-X wasn’t just about a cure. It was about evolution. The virus isn’t just inside Joy—it’s inside Tina, Roy, and countless others. It’s changing them, and soon, the world will never be the same. With Victor Esono tightening his grip on power, the final battle begins. Tina must embrace her father’s legacy, Joy must face the monster he helped create, and Leo must lead the jungle’s warriors into a fight that will determine the fate of humanity itself. Because some secrets should remain buried. But when they surface, they rewrite history. And in the end, the jungle never forgets.
Ur_Mri · 3.4K Views

Three Phase Saga

This story follows jurney of 'Yukihiro Shinuchi ' (MC) A normal and 'average' High school student,who encounters an unexpected turn of events with his friends on a trip. The discovery of unheard and Unimaginable existance, which changes his entire life...... ____________________________________ Overview of story This story will consist of total 3 volume/saga. first 2 book being completely different from eachother and with 3rd book everything comming into a circle. with the explanation and answers of all the unexplained mysteries and unanswered questions I would request to atleast stick around till the end of volume 1 and if you find it wast of time or not your tast you should drop it. But... Book 2 will be entirely different from Book 1 in every aspects _____________________________________ AUTHOR'S NOTE: It's my first time writing a fictional story with this being my first web novel. I'm stepping into the world of web novel writing """THIS STORY WILL ALWAYS BE COST FREE""" I don't plan on making any type of contract with 'webnovel' Please support me by READING AND FAIR RATING and giving me feedback on comments """ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE""" I might make some mistakes in chapter please do not rate it down due to grammatical mistakes It might not be upto your standards and you might find it similar to many other stories. I got inspired by many anime, manga, manhwa, light novels and web novels. I cannot write down all the 20 to 25 names that I got inspired from.
Aether_Fantacy · 424 Views
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