The Mad Eccentric
In a forest teeming with life, a young boy’s corpse mysteriously begins to heal from a lethal poisoning. As he revives, he grapples with disorientation and a torrent of thoughts, trying to understand how he ended up there. The last thing he remembers is being a 25-year-old man, working as an accountant for an elite family, involved in everything from butler duties to criminal activities.
His past is marked by a ruthless drive for survival and success, fueled by a childhood in an orphanage that secretly groomed children for the family's sinister purposes. This background shaped him into a relentless, cunning individual who would stop at nothing to outshine others. As he navigates the forest, his survival instincts kick in, revealing his capacity for cold, calculated decisions and a disturbing willingness to do whatever it takes to remain at the top.
This is a story of a man whose survival is a testament to his dark, relentless pursuit of excellence, and his rebirth in the forest hints at an unsettling journey ahead, where morality and sanity blur.