Despite how young Kawaragi Ryusaki was, he became the Commander of Japanese Division WDC— World Dimensional Council, an international organisation that fights and prevents the invasion of other races from different dimension.
Since the ancient times, Dansaks, monstrous races from a different dimension, were continually trying to invade human dimension. Though each time they were prevented by the members of WDC. Most of the members hold the ‘Race Value' of Houtens, commonly known as Heavenly Angels. Top of that every single one of them either belong to a noble lineage or part of those families.
Ryusaki, however, is a simple human being. Though he has what it takes to be an exponential fighting maniac. While maintaining his private life, Ryusaki fights those Monsters along with his teammates who are connected to the noble lineages. Common people don’t have the slightest idea how they put their lives at risks to ensure other's wellbeing as their identity remains in the dark.
The Dansaks are divided into many types based on how much damage they can cause to the earth. [EDR= Estimated Damage Rate]
These Types are D2[EDR-0.001-0.01%]
Following by D1, C3, C2, C1, B4, B3, B2, B1, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, S10, S9, S8, S7, S6, S5, S4, S3, S2, S1,
And finally S+[EDR-100% or more]
The have specific names for each category.
D-> Defectives [EDR 0.001-0.1%]
C-> Collaptors [EDR 0.1-03%]
B-> Brusters [EDR 03-20%]
A-> Annihilators [EDR 20-70%]
S-> Supernovas [EDR 70-?? %]
These numerous value will be explained better in due time.
[There are more complex mechanism and events that are detailed in the novel. Do read if you felt like reading a super action fighting novel]