What is Left of Me
In the year 2037, the world is engulfed in chaos and violence. Nations crumble under the weight of relentless wars, and humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. Amid this turmoil, a young man named Lee Geon discovers his destiny as the 13th zodiac, Ophiuchus. Once an ordinary individual, Lee's life takes a dramatic turn when he awakens his affinity with divinity, unlocking the unparalleled powers of Ophiuchus.
As the 13th zodiac, Lee inherits the abilities of all the other zodiacs, making him a formidable force in a world where power dictates survival. Each zodiac power he wields brings its own strengths and challenges, but the collective might of these abilities also marks him as a target for those who seek to control or destroy him.
Lee Geon, now bearing the weight of his new identity, must navigate a landscape of ruthless factions, corrupted governments, and ancient prophecies. With enemies lurking in every shadow and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, he embarks on a perilous journey to harness his powers, uncover hidden truths, and confront the dark forces threatening to consume the world.
As he battles through treachery and bloodshed, Lee grapples with his own humanity and the burdens of his divine heritage. In a world where trust is scarce and betrayal is commonplace, he must decide what is left of himself to hold onto—and what he is willing to sacrifice for the greater good.