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Kam Urog Shrine

Verliebt in meinen unfreiwilligen CEO-Ehemann

Das Aufwachen aus dem Koma war die geringste von Serenas Sorgen, als sie erfährt, dass sie verheiratet ist! Sie kann sich nicht mehr erinnern, wer sie ist. Ihre Eltern haben vor, sie zu töten. Was macht eine junge Frau in so einer Situation? Sie fängt natürlich ihren gutaussehenden, reichen Ehemann ein! Serena wird ihn nicht gehen lassen, bis sie die Wahrheit herausgefunden hat. Aiden Hawk hat aus Bequemlichkeit geheiratet. Von seiner Großmutter erpresst, hat er sich den perfekten Plan ausgedacht. Eine Frau auf dem Sterbebett zu heiraten und die Rolle ihres trauernden Liebhabers zu spielen. Wenn sie stirbt, kann er tun und lassen, was er will! Doch zur Überraschung aller kam sie lebend zurück! Mehr noch, sie klebt an ihm wie Leim! Wird ihre zufällige Ehe funktionieren oder werden sie für immer getrennt sein? *Picture credits: Queenfrieza Schnipsel: Ihre Augen weiteten sich vor Schreck, als er hinüberging und die Tür des Krankenhauszimmers mit einem Klicken verschloss. "Was tun Sie da?", fragte sie zittrig. Der Ausdruck auf seinem Gesicht gefiel ihr nicht. Er hob eine Augenbraue und zog grinsend den Mundwinkel hoch. "Was glaubst du denn, was ich tue?" "Warum... warum hast du die Tür verschlossen?" "Meine Frau ... Du bist nach so langer Zeit aufgewacht. Natürlich muss ich etwas Zeit mit dir verbringen, ohne dass du mich störst..." Serena beobachtete ihn, als er auf sie zuging, seine Anwesenheit schien den Raum zu erfüllen. Ihr Herz drohte ihr fast aus der Brust zu springen... Sie wollte vom Bett springen, aber ihre Beine waren nutzlos und sie hatte keine Kraft...
har_k · 21K Views

Nachdem sie von ihrer Familie reingelegt wurde, wurde sie von einem CEO aus einer reichen Familie verwöhnt

Jing Yao schlief mit dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden aus einer reichen Familie, dem nachgesagt wurde, dass er sich von Frauen fernhält. Sie wurde sogar schwanger. Jing Yao wuchs ohne jegliche Liebe ihrer Eltern auf. Obwohl sie und ihre Schwester Zwillinge waren, sah sie ihrer älteren Schwester überhaupt nicht ähnlich. Ihre Eltern bevorzugten ihre ältere Schwester. Jing Yao war gezwungen, schon in jungen Jahren zu arbeiten, während ihre Schwester zu Hause bleiben und nichts tun konnte. Jing Yao musste ihr Schulgeld selbst bezahlen. Eine einzige Handtasche, die ihre Schwester besaß, kostete mehrere zehntausend Euro. Und nicht nur das, ihre ältere Schwester kam sogar mit ihrem Verlobten zusammen, mit dem sie seit ihrer Kindheit verlobt war. Formal gesehen war Jing Yao die zweite Schwester in der Familie. In Wirklichkeit war sie jedoch so arm, dass sie nicht einmal ihre eigene Miete bezahlen konnte. Ihre Familie hatte sich nie um sie gekümmert oder ihr Zuneigung entgegengebracht. Um die Heirat ihrer älteren Schwester zu ermöglichen, stellte Jing Yaos leibliche Mutter ihr eine Falle, indem sie sie mit einem Investor trinken ließ. Sie wurde sogar unter Drogen gesetzt. Zum Glück war sie wach genug, um wegzulaufen. Allerdings rannte sie in die falsche Richtung. Das Ergebnis war, dass sie mit Liang Xun schlief. Als sie nach Hause kam, schrie Jing Yaos Mutter sie an. Ihr idiotischer Verlobter hat sie gedemütigt. Jing Yao sagte die Hochzeit auf der Stelle ab. Seitdem hat sie die Familie Jing verlassen. Später fand Liang Xun heraus, dass Jing Yao schwanger war. Er trat an sie heran und bat sie, ihn zu heiraten. Jing Yao wies ihn jedoch zurück. Liang Xun bot ihr direkt 100 Millionen als Hochzeitsgeschenk an, und sie willigte schließlich ein. Im Internet machten Gerüchte die Runde. Jing Yao, eine weibliche Berühmtheit, die in letzter Zeit an Popularität gewonnen hat, soll sich in die Beziehung ihrer älteren Schwester eingemischt haben. Einige behaupteten sogar, sie sei Liang Xuns Sugar Baby. Obwohl sie kritisiert wurde, veröffentlichte Jing Yao einen positiven Beitrag als Antwort. "Ich habe keine ältere Schwester und bin Liang Xuns Zuckermami". Liang Xun kommentierte ihr Posting sofort. "Meine Frau hat recht."
Mountain Springs · 52.6K Views

ライラの清大の呪い (Raira no Seida no Ju)

Konoe no Lina is a child from the Taira no Kyodai clan. She has the advantage in her life of being able to see supernatural creatures since she was 8 years old. She got this advantage through her family inheritance which came from her grandmother. Lina lived with her grandmother after her father and mother died in an accident. Lina's grandmother was the custodian of the Toji-in Shinto Shrine in Wakayama Prefecture, Miyama Village, Japan. Lina is the successor and keeper of the last temple of the Konoe clan after her grandmother died when she was in junior high school. Now Lina lives alone while still maintaining the legacy of the Konoe clan, namely the Toji-in temple and the Sakaki tree which is 700 years old. One day Lina was forced to change schools, which was originally in Tokyo and now had to go to school in Miyama Village. Lina moved to Nippaku high school which was not far from where she lived. At the beginning of school, Lina found friends and an environment that made her feel like family, Lina had friends named Kina, Angga, and Rikki, they were classmates who were always with Lina when they went for walks, attended parties, etc. Until one day an incident occurred that they didn't think about, namely a female student was found dead in a class with scratches on her neck and chest. This incident shocked all the students and wondered what was going on. After that incident, mystical events began to occur at the school which resulted in Miyama village being attacked by evil forces. Many Yokai attacked local residents at night and quite a few of them kidnapped them and made them their food. This incident forced Lina to carry out a cleansing ritual in the village and carry out traditional rituals, but it was not as easy as Lina thought. When Lina wanted to carry out a cleansing ritual, the ghost that caused this incident began to attack Lina and her friends. Lina and her friends tried to stop this incident by entering the ghost world and immediately stopping the incident in the ghost world while finding out why the ghost attacked the village.
SuamiSakuya · 4.5K Views

Wiedergeboren als Gefährtin des verfluchten Alphas

Was passiert, wenn sich eine Göttin in einen Shifter verliebt? Asara, die Göttin der Liebe, wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Gott des Donners, bestraft. Ihr Verbrechen war es, sich in einen sterblichen Shifter-Alpha zu verlieben. Um für ihre Sünden zu büßen, wurde sie als Cassandra LeBlanc wiedergeboren; eine sterbliche Prinzessin im magischen Königreich von Speldaria. Ihre Familie und ihr Königreich, mit Ausnahme ihrer mittleren Schwester, mieden sie, weil sie ohne magische Fähigkeiten geboren wurde und sich nicht an ihre wahre Identität erinnern konnte. Ihr Verlobter, der mächtige Magierkommandant von Speldaria, war von ihr unbeeindruckt. Er wünschte sich eine starke Frau. Cassandras Leben geriet aus den Fugen, als sie vom mächtigen Alpha von Dusartine eine Kriegersklavin geschenkt bekam. Sie wurde gebeten, an dem jährlichen Arenawettkampf teilzunehmen und mit dem Krieger zusammenzuarbeiten. Cassandra hasste die "Arena" mit ihrem eigenen Atem. Ein Ort, an dem Blut wie Wein floss und das Leben billiger war als die Luft, die sie atmeten, verstand sie nicht, was sie dort sollte. Hinzu kam, dass der geheimnisvolle Krieger sie in unvorstellbarer Weise beeinflusste. Sein hypnotischer Blick beunruhigte sie. Seine seltene Essenz überwältigte sie. Sein muskulöser, gebräunter Körper verzehrte sie mit sündigen Gedanken. Sogar die Träume aus ihrem früheren Leben quälten sie. Als "Die Arena" begann, kamen die verborgenen Absichten und unterschwelligen Wahrheiten ans Licht und Cassandra wurde vom Schicksal in die Hände gespielt. Ihr blieb keine andere Wahl, als sich zu fügen und einen Weg zu wählen. Die Frage wird sein. Wie wird Cassandra zurechtkommen, wenn sie von dem Fluch erfährt, der auf ihr lastet? Wird sie in der Lage sein, ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erhalten und sich gegen ihren Vater zu behaupten? Wer wird ihr auf ihrem Weg helfen? ~Auszug~ Dann spürte sie ihn, ihn ganz und gar. Seine ganze Schroffheit. Die Stärke seines Arms. Die Sanftheit seiner Lippen. Den Griff seiner Hand. Die Wärme seines Atems. Jeder Muskel in ihrem Körper spannte sich bei dem Gedanken an den Schlaf in den Armen eines Mannes an. Sie hatte noch nie in der Umarmung eines Mannes geschlafen. Ihre ganze Haut kribbelte wie kleine Funken, die auf den Stellen tanzten, die mit ihm verbunden waren. In den Spalten ihres Gehirns waren diese Erinnerungen, die nicht die ihren waren. Irgendwie kam ihr diese Berührung nicht fremd vor. Sie fühlte sich in seiner beruhigenden Umarmung sicher und wollte ihn nicht wegstoßen, und doch wusste sie, dass dies alles andere als angemessen war. Cassandra versuchte, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien, aber seine Arme schienen aus Eisen zu sein, denn sie ließen sich nicht bewegen. Das leichte Kleid, das sie getragen hatte, hatte sich von ihrem milchigen Oberschenkel gelöst und entblößte ihn, während sein braungebrannter, muskulöser Schenkel darauf lag. Und jetzt spürte sie, wie etwas in ihren Rücken stach. Ihre Augen weiteten sich plötzlich bei dieser Erkenntnis und Cassandra geriet völlig in Panik. "Lass los!" stieß sie schwerfällig hervor. Siroos hob langsam sein Bein und lockerte seinen Griff um ihre Taille, damit sie wegschlurfen konnte. Er war aufgewacht, als sie sich zum ersten Mal versteift hatte, aber er wollte sehen, was sie versuchen würde. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen warf sie einen Blick auf den Mann, der sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz, seinen Schatz, in seine Umarmung gehüllt hatte. Seine geschmolzenen goldenen Augen hatten aufgeflackert, und da war diese Sanftheit und Sehnsucht, mit der er sie anstarrte. Die weichen braunen Locken fielen ihm über die Augen, während er vergaß zu blinzeln und die zeitlose Schönheit betrachtete, die sie war. Ihr einzigartiger Duft war eine Tortur für seine Sinne. Wie sehr wünschte er sich, ihren zierlichen Knöchel zu packen, sie von ihm wegzuziehen und sie unter sich auszustrecken. Die Haut zu küssen, die diesen Duft verströmte, der ihn in den Wahnsinn trieb. Stattdessen legte er den Arm unter seine Wange und benutzte ihn wie ein Kissen, um sie mit begehrlichen Augen zu beobachten. Die peinliche Pause zwischen ihnen wurde noch länger, als Cassandra sich räusperte. "Musstest du auf mich klettern, um zu schlafen?" "Es war keine Absicht, aber es war sehr verlockend, und es wird bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein." Seine zutiefst hypnotisierende Stimme war so früh am Morgen noch verlockender, als sie um sie herum erklang. Das Buchcover ist von mir.
Sunny_Shumail · 25.9K Views

The Immortal Akira

[ORIGINAL] Story by: Saromaru Art by: Hero Attention to all readers, there are maybe lots of grammar mistakes when you read. I promise I'll adjust it and will improve the story mistakes. Pardon me, If I published very long, but it usually takes me 1-3 days not to publish. So, not to worry. The reason why I published late: is because I was fixing the grammar and the story, I could be sick, and probably I was busy doing school stuff, you know that's a pain in the a$$. That's all my message, for those who read this have a good day and god bless you all! :D Reminder: stay healthy cause its corona. . . . ______________________________ [CONGRATULATIONS!!] You have unlocked your main ability. Main ability: [IMMORTALITY] ------------------------------------- Skills: None. Passive skills: Infinite regeneration. ------------------------------------- Stats: Strength: 100. Mana: 1000/1000. Speed: 100. HP: ∞ Durability: 100. Bonus stats : None. ______________________________ "Wait what? Immortality??!" The boy was confused because he wasn't expecting how things turned out. In a world where magical powers and monsters exist in this world. 72% of people have this kind of power and they can see a system in front of them or they don't even have any. Systems are where they can see their data powers and ability chains, and where they have to level up until they reach their full potential by training. Many monsters have also inhabited this world, and their powers are shown by ranks. Magical powers can come from lineages or shrines if they are lucky enough to be chosen. Magical powers that come from lineages can not provide a system board. These magical powers are available when the person reached the age of 10, and they will unlock an ability called "Main Ability." These main abilities are shown to have different types, such as; physical, mage, support, and other types. Akira Keita, a warrior from a distant land, travels to the central city of Celesta. A city where warriors, soldiers, and knights fought for the city's sake and a safer place to live. Akira achieves his main ability, called "immortality," And he can't die from anything, literally. Even though he died many times, he still managed to live without harm. He is one of the warriors whose healing rate is the highest amongst the warriors from Celesta. But as he grows and trains, he gets stronger and stronger until he finally reaches his goal of becoming the strongest warrior in all corners of the world.
Morororo · 376.9K Views

Victim of Circumstance: Rising Plum Blossom

Volume 3 Forced away from the magical palace that has become home, Umeko embarks on a journey to The Creator of Japan's shrine with hopes of persuading him to come to his son's aid. Meanwhile, the seemingly all-powerful, Dragon King, Ryu, gains more control over the banished moon god's assets as he prepares to take over all the realms. Surrounded by danger and death during her fight to survive in a life that she previously wanted to abandon, does Umeko have what it takes to commit to her vow of saving Tsukiyomi from the ultimate evil trapping him from the inside? ***** WARNING This book contains graphic, adult content that may be triggering for some individuals, including but not limited to: the opposing forces of good and evil, talking to the Creator, manipulation, imprisonment, servitude, inner conflict, demonic possession, murder, sacrifice, self-loathing, de-programming from upbringing, near-death experience, idolization, differences between gods/humans/demons, blurred lines of friendship, betrayal, discussions of universal domination, casual sex, sex addiction, profanity, theft, mind games, same-sex content, psychological thrill, BDSM, humiliation, mention of group sex, abuse of power, wanting/begging to die, aftermath of self harm, talk of suicide, self-sabotage, harem activities/gossip, mention of threesomes/group sex, and drinking. ***** Find out where your donations go by copy & pasting: Stay connected to author's works:
Angel_Shine · 15.6K Views

Legacy of the Lost Age

In "Legacy of the Lost Age," an ancient god-king awakens from centuries of slumber, finding himself stripped of divine power and cast into a mortal body. The world he once ruled is unrecognizable, his once-glorious empire now lost to myth and legend. Where he once walked as a being of light, revered and feared, his name and legacy have been twisted into tales of ruin and curses. Villagers whisper of "Lost Ones," ancient beings of immense power who vanished from history, leaving behind relics that are now regarded as forbidden and dangerous. Confused yet resolute, the fallen god-king embarks on a journey to reclaim his forgotten legacy. Guided by faint echoes of his former self, he discovers remnants of his past scattered across the land—old shrines, enchanted artifacts, and places of power that have faded into obscurity. Along the way, he encounters Nia, a young girl drawn to the mysteries of the old world. Through her eyes, he begins to understand how fear and reverence have morphed his legacy into a warning tale, casting shadows over his once-respected rule. But his journey is fraught with danger. Ancient forces lurk in the darkness, entities that have grown powerful in his absence, corrupting the very essence of his world. To restore his power, he must face formidable foes and unlock secrets long buried, risking the wrath of those who would prefer the past remain forgotten. As he reclaims each piece of his former strength, the god-king must confront a critical choice: will he rebuild his empire as the god he once was, or reshape his legacy to protect the people who fear him? The path he walks could either restore the world to its former glory—or plunge it further into darkness.
Johmyzill · 10K Views

The Ultimate BeastMaster

Disclaimer: Please read the initial chapters to get an insight of the story! I High recommend you all to stay till chapter 15-20 and then decide to add or drop. thanks! In a world ruled by beasts, only the strongest rise. But true power? It belongs to those who dare to claim it. Five centuries ago, Valezar, the Dragon-deity and God of all beasts, was struck down, his mana core fractured in a cataclysmic battle. Since then, his slumbering form has remained hidden, waiting for the one who could reawaken him and harness his power. Legends say whoever forms a blood pact with Valezar will ascend as the Legendary BeastMaster, the ultimate ruler of man and beast alike. Wu Chen grew up hearing these tales. But they were only stories—until the night they became his nightmare. The village of Seaspirit lay in ruins, his family slaughtered by ruthless Beast Tamers searching for Valzar’s hidden shrine. Powerless, unable to even awaken his own abilities, Wu Chen could only watch as an SSS-ranked Night-Crawler tore his world apart. Now, with nothing but a burning vow for revenge, he embarks on a journey no ten-year-old should face: to unlock his dormant powers, seek the Dragon-deity, and make a pact with the god of beasts. But to do so, he must not only awaken the strength within but face creatures and challenges beyond imagination. His path is fraught with danger, and each step brings him closer to the darkness that threatens to consume him. In a land where the mightiest beasts rule and only the strong survive, can a boy with nothing left to lose rise to become the Legendary BeastMaster—or will he be devoured by the darkness within? __________RANKING_______ Simple brief~ More details will be given in the Auxiliary Chapter. Awakening: The Tamer discovers their connection to beasts. Low-Level Spirit: They can now communicate with minor spirits. Primary-Level Spirit: Control over basic spirit creatures begins. C-Ranking Beast Tamer: Gains command over common, moderate beasts. A-1 Class Beast Master: Can tame rare, powerful beasts. Level-3 Spiritual Stage: Achieves deep, near-telepathic bond with beasts. Primary-Level Beast Monarch: Commands multiple elite beasts with ease. Celestial Beast Monarch: Controls legendary, mythical beasts. SSS-Ranking Beast Titan: Dominates massive, fearsome beasts. SSS+ -Ranking Otherworldly Beast Lord: Masters beasts from other realms. Legendary BeastMaster: Commands all creatures, mythical and mortal. _______TROPES______ -Weak×Strong. -Survival. -Revenge. -Level-up. -Plot Armour -Beast Master. -Medium-paced. -Third person POV. ____________________ Book- The Ultimate Beastmaster Author - Mu_siya Instagram - Mu_siya_ Email-
Mu_saiya · 5.6K Views

Wandering Knight Too Angry to Die

In the shadowy depths of an ancient forest in Heian Japan, a nameless European knight finds himself inexplicably transported from his homeland to a realm unknown, hundreds of kilometers away from the familiar landscapes of Europe. Lost and bewildered, he stands amidst the towering trees of a foreign land, his armor gleaming like a beacon in this distant time period. As the knight grapples with the enigma of his sudden displacement, he soon discovers that this world is teeming with malevolent forces, demons, and spirits drawn from the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore. They torment him, as if toying with the interloper who has unwittingly stumbled into their domain. Each encounter with these supernatural entities becomes a harrowing battle, his sword clashing against the eerie, otherworldly forms that emerge from the shadows. Yet amidst the chaos and danger, a ray of hope emerges in the form of a mysterious shrine maiden. She becomes his guide in this realm, her gentle presence a lifeline in a sea of unfamiliar customs and an impenetrable language barrier. Together, they embark on a quest, not only to confront the demons that have ensnared him but also to decipher the ancient mysteries of Heian Japan. Their journey takes them through a world of vividly painted landscapes, from the bustling streets of Heian-era Kyoto to the serene tranquility of remote mountain shrines. Along the way, the knight gains a deep appreciation for the life of the common folk in this ancient East Asian society, as he witnesses the delicate interplay between Shinto and Buddhist practices and becomes entwined in the cultural tapestry of the time. As the battles against the malevolent spirits intensify, the knight's quest for a way back to his European homeland becomes deeply personal. The demons have not only transported him across time and space but have also tampered with his very existence. Determined to reclaim his lost identity and return home, he must muster every ounce of courage and determination, forging an unbreakable bond with the shrine maiden.
Clocktower_Lucil · 52.8K Views

The Scents: SunItsuki

One of the books of a girl-2-girl collection of The Scents: Romantic but Irritating Mates of the SunItsuki Kingdom. In another realm where all night creatures exist beyond the knowledge of humans, three kingdoms were supposed to be one, and one of them is the SunItuski. The majority population living in the SunItsuki were witches, priestesses, tamers, or hunters were four families of Fujishima, Quinton, Reynolds, and Ibarra lives. Each of the families might have their own beliefs and old teachings that were being passed down through generations but things kept changing. One of the daughters of the shrine maidens of the Fujishima family has to do the last task and perform a ritual dance before turning into a full pledge shrine maiden. But a lot of ruins came when the said soul beast that is entrapped in their warehouse began to bow at will toward the hired huntress who has a deep connection to the family and the new shrine maiden of the family. On the other part of the kingdom where a well-known hunter facility governed by the Reynolds, the head of their organization began making extra perimeter checks due to the recent reports and attacks that kept happening around the land. In the middle of her rounds, she fatedly ran into a dragon centaur beast causing her rounds difficult yet became her savior and awakened the hidden power residing in her. There’s no exception even to the Quinton family's head, a priestess who came across with a very irritating family's head, a tamer from Ibarra. Both had built a very unusual bond of love and hate banter that bloomed into romantic feelings despite being the founders of their school where they found unique and promising successors who soon be connected to the chosen trigger of the wheel of change. Everyone has connections to each other but none of them could see a very powerful old unrestricted magic that had been unleashed into their hearts and nobody can break the blessed love bestowed by the Moon. All Rights Reserved
MistIris · 77.1K Views

Hero To Overlord: Arlott the Unfettered!

[On Hiatus] Warming: Mature Content. R18 and Dark but cute and wholesome too. Balanced dose of both. Despite doing nothing but good, Arlott received nothing but bad. He saved the world by being an unaware puppet, but all he got was darkest of mud plastered on him after "they" stripped him of his powers that he thought were his. Drug Addict. Abuser of power. Executing manslaughter just because of a few mocking words and getting offended easily. A sexual beast who would take any woman he liked with his power. The hero, Arlott, was never a savior! All he did was to gain the favors of the public, high status, and riches. With his God-given talents, he was a mighty hero of the masses outside and a devil in private! Those who used him and threw him into the sea of despair didn't even bother to kill him because they kept him as a live example to the other rising tides of the world. And they enjoyed seeing him struggling, doing reckless things, experimenting on himself, and doing anything for that far away chance of revenge. But at the age of forty six, his search for revenge and power finally made him stumble upon an encounter--a sea of malevolence, a shrine of cosmic catastrophe-- that forever changed his fate as his path to vengeance finally started with a second chance at life after being born as a son of one of his main betrayers. This time, Arlott would have his revenge as he walks on the path of an overlord, a ruthless tyrant, and a villain in their lives as he vows to make their life a living a hell, all while thoroughly enjoying his new life in the lightest and darkest ways. Discord: ——————————————————————— Disclaimer: [This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.]
Eminent_Vellichor · 239K Views

A Samurai in Ancient China?!

In a world where ancient traditions collide with modern struggles, "Hiroshi: A Samurai In Ancient China?!" takes you on an epic journey of courage, destiny, and self-discovery. Hiroshi, a young Japanese boy burdened by the expectations of his samurai heritage, grapples with the pressures of school and the weight of his family's legacy. His life takes a dramatic turn when he and his revered grandfather, Kaito, embark on a quest to uncover the secrets of a hidden shrine. What begins as a search for spiritual enlightenment transforms into a breathtaking adventure that defies the boundaries of time. As they open a mystical gate within the shrine, Hiroshi and Kaito are transported to ancient China—a world of profound mysteries and perilous challenges. In this enigmatic land, Hiroshi faces the heart-wrenching loss of his grandfather, whose spirit becomes his guide and mentor. Alone in a strange new world, Hiroshi must navigate the complex landscape of ancient China, learning the ways of this new era while honoring his samurai lineage. With the help of a wise female martial arts master and a formidable rival warrior, Hiroshi embarks on a quest that will test his resolve, skill, and spirit. Amidst breathtaking landscapes and ancient rivalries, he uncovers hidden truths about himself and the legacy he is destined to uphold. "Hiroshi: A Samurai In Ancient China?!" is a captivating tale of bravery and tradition, weaving together rich cultural heritage with the timeless struggle of finding one's place in the world. As Hiroshi grapples with his past and his future, readers will be drawn into a world where honor, courage, and self-discovery intertwine in an unforgettable narrative. Join Hiroshi on his transformative journey through history, magic, and the path to becoming the warrior he was always meant to be....
Fujioka_Sama · 6.3K Views

Demon Arise

Title: Demon Arise Lyfax, a half-human, half-demon, rejects Queen Seraphina's order to invade the human world and collect souls. Instead, he seeks revenge for his mother's death and aims to stop the Uncrowned Demons. Chapter 1: Arise Lyfax refuses the mission and heads to the human world. He meets Ayushi, who is scared of him at first. He plans to apologize and find someone named Katamatsu to help him. Chapter 2: Allies and Enemies Lyfax finds Katamatsu, a skilled warrior. They become allies. Meanwhile, the Uncrowned Demons split into groups to hunt Lyfax and collect souls. Chapter 3: The Battle Begins Lyfax, Katamatsu, and Ayushi prepare for battle. They defeat Naberius but realize they must keep moving to stay safe. Chapter 4: The Forbidden Path Katamatsu leads the group to the Seimiei Shrine to find the Demonic Phantom Sword, which belongs to Lyfax's father. Lyfax and Ayushi grow closer during the journey. Chapter 5: The Uncrowned Demons' Next Move The Uncrowned Demons, led by Sargatanas, spy on Lyfax instead of attacking. Lyfax and his friends reach the shrine and start training with the sword. Chapter 6: The Training, Ambush, and a Confession While training, Ayushi confesses her love to Lyfax, but he is focused on revenge and doesn't respond. They are ambushed by spirits, and Ayushi faints. Lyfax and Katamatsu fight off the spirits. Next Chapter Lyfax must face his father's dark legacy while preparing for the final battle against the Uncrowned Demons. His bond with Katamatsu and Ayushi strengthens as they fight to save the human world from the demonic invasion.
Jayvior · 8.5K Views

Shrine Of Legacies

A long-forgotten servant has been loyal for countless years doing his mandated daily activities. Before his masters were destroyed, he served. After they were annihilated, he served. Until the very object of his assignment was destroyed he felt free and became free. Zamright was left with no path, no goals and he was never a child with lofty ambition. In the countless years he performed his assignment he had dampened his emotions to the lowest level. However, as he returned to his motherland, he was met with a multitude of choices: should he leave it to be destroyed, or should he save it? With no grand desire to be a ruler, one thing led to another and before he realized what had happened he was sitting on the highest throne of the Great Lantern, commanding absolute power and authority! Reigning over ancient monsters, beasts and old souls of the forgotten past and mundane people. Contending against the whole world, clashing with conceptual monsters and winning! However, he was blinded to the true nature of the ancient land—the Great Lantern. The whole world is terrified of that cursed land, and the only way to save it is to rip it up from the crust and flip it back to Earth! By the schemes of the hidden hands, by the countless hax from the shadows, by the monstrous intention of the darksides, by the strange abilities of Source Wilders, Zamright was controlled, swayed in matters of Nation wealth and many hid behind him silently for their desire to be fulfilled. But with every passing day, he grew stronger and broke from the shackles, gleaned through their insidious nature and countered in the most silent way conceivable, until his Sovereignty was absolute! But the layers of the schemes are older than the stars themselves! ***** Peace Dreamers are waiting for their Messiah. The Ancient Titan Moon was disdestroyed. The arrival of the Messiah. Throne Relic has chosen a new master. Seed of Hope was planted in everyone. "These are the signs of another Great War" Cardinal Of Knowledge sighed, "can we survive again?" even as a knowledge devourer he doesn't have the answer.
Black_Turban · 25.8K Views
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