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Lilac Hatsukoi

L'Amour d'un Lycan

``` TERMINÉ ! Extrait : Il y a un an, Raine a été libérée de l'institution mentale et a dû vivre dans l'orphelinat. Ce n'était pas le meilleur endroit. Surtout pas pour quelqu'un comme elle. Jusqu'à cette nuit fatidique où elle l'a rencontré. *** Il arrêta la voiture. L'étreinte sur la couverture se resserra alors que Raine se demandait si elle avait fait quelque chose de mal. Elle le sentait lorsque Torak tendait la main vers elle. Va-t-il me frapper ? Raine frissonna à cette pensée. Torak repoussa la capuche de sa tête et replaça doucement ses cheveux derrière son oreille. "Ne fais pas ça." Il dit fermement, "Je veux te voir, ne te cache pas..." ************** "L'esprit de l'ange gardien insufflera une nouvelle vie à l'enfant humain. Trois anges gardiens naîtront de nouveau dans le monde terrestre et vous trois serez leurs protecteurs." "Protecteurs !?" s'exclama Jedrek. Finalement, il s'arrêta de marcher et se retourna pour regarder la déesse lunaire de loin, ses yeux luisants de colère rouge. Son loup était furieux. "Pourquoi penses-tu que nous aiderons ?" demanda Kace en rétrécissant ses yeux noirs d'obsidienne, son loup prenant le contrôle de lui. Il était le plus jeune des trois et le moins colérique d'entre eux. Les trois étaient maudits par Sélène à cause de leur action féroce pour acquérir un pouvoir suprême et une autorité. La déesse lunaire ne les a pas bénis avec une âme sœur comme punition de leur manière atroce et les a forcés à s'impliquer dans cette guerre mortelle avec les démons. "Vous allez nous transformer en esclaves pour ces créatures maladives !?" demanda Torak avec incrédulité. "N'as-tu pas peur que nous les brisions en deux ?" L'ange gardien était si fragile et eux, en tant que lycanthropes, n'appréciaient pas les faiblesses. "Non, vous ne le ferez pas." dit Sélène avec patience. "Vous ne serez pas leurs esclaves ni ne leur ferez de mal, vous les chérirez de toutes les manières possibles." Jedrek rit menaçant en entendant cela, ils se fichaient de la résurrection de la bête, une fois qu'elle traversait leur territoire, avec ou sans l'ange gardien, il déchirerait leur corps en morceaux. "Je serai la dernière personne qu'ils verront, une fois que je les trouverai." Il faisait référence à l'ange gardien et au démon. Mais, la prochaine voix de Sélène était empreinte de bonne humeur lorsqu'elle parla. "Tu ne blesseras pas ton âme sœur." ============================ Session 1 (chapitre 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (terminée). Session 2 (chapitre 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Espérance (terminée) Session 3 (chapitre 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (terminée) Session 4 (chapitre 1084 - en cours) : Histoires annexes ============================ Ceci est une histoire de loup-garou et bien sûr de la fantasy ! Comme tout le monde a sa propre version de la vie surnaturelle, voici que j'essaie d'écrire la mienne. Si vous avez lu d'autres histoires de loups-garous, vous remarquerez qu'il y a des similitudes et des différences. ============================ ***Attention ! L'anglais n'est pas ma langue maternelle, il est donc possible que vous trouviez des erreurs grammaticales (je ne l'ai pas fait intentionnellement), si cela vous met mal à l'aise, veuillez me le faire savoir afin que je puisse corriger cela. *Vous êtes prévenus ^^ Toute critique constructive est la bienvenue ! .......................................................................................... ##Rencontrez-moi sur Instagram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Couverture par : @Gisel.arts Découvrez mes autres histoires : **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```
jikanyotomare · 165.9K Views

Die Liebe eines Lykaners

ABGESCHLOSSEN! Schnipsel: Vor einem Jahr wurde Raine aus der Nervenheilanstalt entlassen und musste im Waisenhaus leben. Es war nicht der beste Ort. Zumindest nicht für jemanden wie sie. Bis sie eines Abends auf ihn traf. *** Er hielt den Wagen an. Sie klammerte sich fester an die Decke und Raine fragte sich, ob sie etwas falsch gemacht hatte. Sie konnte es spüren, als Torak seine Hand nach ihr ausstreckte. Wird er mich schlagen? Raine schauderte bei diesem Gedanken. Torak zog ihr den Kapuzenpulli vom Kopf und strich ihr sanft das Haar hinter das Ohr. "Tu das nicht." Sagte er fest, "Ich will dich sehen, versteck dich nicht..." ************** "Der Geist des Schutzengels wird dem Menschenkind neues Leben einhauchen. Drei Schutzengel werden wieder in die irdische Welt hineingeboren werden und ihr drei werdet ihre Beschützer sein." "Beschützer!!!?" Jedrek schnaubte. Schließlich blieb er stehen, drehte der Mondgöttin den Rücken zu und blickte sie aus der Ferne an, seine Augen glitzerten rot vor Zorn. Seine Wölfin war wütend. "Warum glaubst du, dass wir dir helfen werden?" fragte Kace und verengte seine obsidianschwarzen Augen, während sein Wolf die Kontrolle über ihn übernahm. Er war der Jüngste der drei und der am wenigsten temperamentvolle unter ihnen. Die drei waren von Selene verflucht worden, weil sie mit ihrer Wildheit die höchste Macht und Autorität anstrebten. Die Mondgöttin segnete sie zur Strafe für ihr grausames Verhalten nicht mit einer Gefährtin und zwang sie, sich an diesem tödlichen Krieg mit den Dämonen zu beteiligen. "Ihr wollt uns zu Sklaven für diese kränklichen Kreaturen machen!?" fragte Torak ungläubig. "Habt ihr keine Angst, dass wir sie in zwei Hälften reißen?" Der Schutzengel war so zerbrechlich und sie als Lykanthropen wussten die Schwächen nicht zu schätzen. "Nein, das werdet ihr nicht." sagte Selene geduldig. "Du wirst nicht ihr Sklave sein und sie nicht verletzen, du wirst sie in jeder Hinsicht wertschätzen." Jedrek lachte bedrohlich, als er das hörte, die Wiederauferstandenen der Bestie waren ihnen egal, sobald sie ihr Territorium betraten, mit oder ohne Schutzengel, würde er ihren Körper in Stücke reißen. "Ich werde der letzte Mensch sein, den sie sehen werden, wenn ich sie finde." Er bezog sich sowohl auf den Schutzengel als auch auf den Dämon. Aber die nächste Stimme von Selene war von Heiterkeit durchzogen, als sie sprach. "Du wirst deiner Gefährtin nicht wehtun." ============================ Sitzung 1 (Kapitel 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (abgeschlossen). Sitzung 2 (Kapitel 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (abgeschlossen) Sitzung 3 (Kapitel 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (abgeschlossen) Session 4 (Kapitel 1084 - in Arbeit) : Nebengeschichten ============================ Dies ist eine Werwolfgeschichte und natürlich eine Fantasy! Da jeder seine eigene Version des übernatürlichen Lebens hat, versuche ich hier, meine zu schreiben. Wenn du schon andere Werwolfgeschichten gelesen hast, wirst du wissen, dass es Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede gibt. ============================ ***Vorsicht! Englisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, daher besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie grammatikalische Fehler finden (ich habe es nicht absichtlich getan), wenn es Ihnen unangenehm ist, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen, damit ich es korrigieren kann. *Du bist gewarnt worden ^^ Jede konstruktive Kritik ist sehr willkommen! .......................................................................................... ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover by: @Gisel.arts Schau dir meine anderen Geschichten an: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: am liebsten durch die Zeit **DIE GESCHICHTE DER DÄMMERUNG
jikanyotomare · 194.3K Views

La Luna Maldita de Hades

En un mundo donde los Lycans y los hombres lobo son enemigos jurados, Eve Valmont es una loba hombre lobo maldita por una profecía y enmarcada. Traicionada por su propia manada y encarcelada durante años, su destino toma un giro más oscuro cuando es ofrecida al Rey Lycan, Hades Stavros, un gobernante temido por sus conquistas despiadadas y su destreza mortal. Atada por una antigua profecía y perseguida por los fantasmas de su pasado, Eve ahora está a merced del único ser que debería odiar y temer más—El Mano de la Muerte mismo. Hades, un rey tallado de sangre y la decadencia de su propia alma, determinado a vengar la masacre de su familia y librar a su gente de los hombres lobo. Cree que Eve es la clave para su victoria. Para él, ella no es más que un arma anunciada por la profecía, una herramienta que empuñará para destruir las fuerzas opuestas que amenazan a su manada. Sin embargo, se encuentra anhelando a esta mujer poderosa pero rota. Dejándole preguntarse si realmente es su arma o la destinada a desentrañar sus cuidadosos planes. Se acercó a mí, un depredador cerrando en su presa, sus ojos oscuros e inescrutables. ¿Así que te ríes?", dijo su voz, baja, peligrosamente suave, haciendo que los pelos en la nuca se erizaran. Tragué saliva, de repente consciente de lo difícil que se había vuelto respirar. "Hades, yo—" "Pero solo te ríes de las bromas de otros hombres", interrumpió, su mirada penetrante, desprovista de cualquier humor. "No de las de tu esposo." La acusación en su tono era aguda, cortando el aire entre nosotros. Una risa nerviosa se escapó de mí. "No puedes estar hablando en serio... Él es tu beta, por el amor de la Diosa." En un instante, él cerró la distancia entre nosotros, tan rápido que me dejó sin aliento. Sus manos agarraron mi cintura, atrayéndome contra su cuerpo, el calor de él haciendo que mi piel hormigueara. Jadeé, pero antes de que pudiera decir una palabra, sus labios se estrellaron contra los míos, reclamando mi boca con una fuerza que envió ondas de choque a través de mí. El beso era castigador, hambriento, no podía respirar, no podía pensar. Cuando finalmente se alejó, temblaba, mi pecho subía y bajaba mientras luchaba por recuperar el aliento. Sus ojos, oscuros y tormentosos, buscaban los míos con una intensidad posesiva. "No necesito tu risa", susurró, su voz un peligroso raspado mientras sus dedos se deslizaban hacia abajo, enviando un escalofrío por mi espina dorsal, "pero vendrás con mis dedos." Tembé, un calor se acumulaba bajo en mi vientre ante sus palabras, su toque. El mundo a nuestro alrededor se difuminó, desapareciendo en la nada mientras su mano se deslizaba más bajo, arrancando de mis labios un jadeo entrecortado. La mirada en sus ojos me decía que sabía exactamente lo que me hacía, y no se podía negar la conexión primaria entre nosotros en ese momento. "No necesito tu risa", murmuró contra mi piel, su aliento caliente en mi cuello. "Tendré cada otra parte de ti en su lugar."
Lilac_Everglade · 1M Views

Hades' Cursed Luna

In a world where Lycans and werewolves are sworn enemies, Eve Valmont is a werewolf cursed by a prophecy and framed. Betrayed by her own pack and imprisoned for years, her fate takes a darker twist when she is offered to the Lycan King, Hades Stavros—a ruler feared for his ruthless conquests and deadly prowess. Bound by an ancient prophecy and haunted by the ghosts of her past, Eve is now at the mercy of the one being she should hate and fear the most—The Hand of Death himself. Hades, a king carved from blood and his own soul's decay, determined to avenge his family's slaughter and rid his people of the werewolves. He believes Eve is the key to his victory. To him, she is nothing but weapon foretold by prophecy, a tool he will wield to destroy the opposing forces threatening his pack. Yet, he finds himself craving this powerful yet broken woman. Leaving him questioning if she is truly his weapon or the one destined to unravel his carefully laid plans. *** He stalked toward me, a predator closing in on its prey, his eyes dark and unreadable. "So, you laugh?" His voice was low, dangerously soft, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I swallowed hard, suddenly aware of how difficult it had become to breathe. "Hades, I—" "But you only laugh at other men's jokes," he interrupted, his gaze piercing, devoid of any humor. "Not your husband's." The accusation in his tone was sharp, slicing through the air between us. A nervous chuckle escaped me. "You can't be serious... He’s your beta, for Goddess’ sake." In an instant, he closed the distance between us, so fast it left me breathless. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me flush against his body, the heat of him making my skin tingle. I gasped, but before I could say a word, his lips crashed onto mine, claiming my mouth with a force that sent shockwaves through me. The kiss was punishing, hungry—I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. When he finally pulled back, I was trembling, my chest heaving as I struggled to regain my breath. His eyes, dark and stormy, searched mine with a possessive intensity. "You can’t laugh at my jokes..." he whispered, his voice a dangerous rasp as his fingers trailed lower, sending a shiver down my spine, "but you’ll come with my fingers." I shivered, heat pooling low in my belly at his words, his touch. The world around us blurred, fading into nothing as his hand slipped lower, drawing a ragged gasp from my lips. The look in his eyes told me he knew exactly what he was doing to me, and there was no denying the primal connection between us in that moment. "I don’t need your laughter," he murmured against my skin, his breath hot on my neck. "I’ll have every other part of you instead." **** Dark fantasy romance Morally Grey ML Angst Suspense ENEMIES to lovers Smut (like sprinkles on your ice cream)
Lilac_Everglade · 1.8M Views

I Scored Myself a Mate

Alex always felt out of place. Isolated and mistreated by his family, his life was pure torture. He believed he had managed to get out, and run away from the beatings and the hate. He wanted a peaceful life, a way to be happy. For a second when he met Luke, a mysterious young man, through a fatal mistake, happiness seemed to be in his grasp. Still, everything began to crumble. The silver eyes that shone under the moon were the bringers of deceit and he felt lost once again, trapped until... ...until he met him. The cold and saddened elf king, living in an endless winter, hidden inside an icy palace. Hair white as snow and eyes a pretty lilac, Alex had never seen someone so divine. Just the sight of him triggered a past he didn't know he had. Opening up a way through the secrets and finding the truth from his hazy dreams Alex struggles between who he is and what he is turning to. An endless journey and his only guide a blurry figure in his mind. "I love you...forever" he whispered and Alex could only cry. Who was he and where could he find him? His only comfort. His only home. Welcome to the The Veil! Filled with unspoken horrors and divine pleasures. A place that only in your wildest dreams...or maybe nightmares, you would have imagined. What lies beneath the covered eyes of the humans? Are you curious to know? Read and find out. .... Also, check out my other Fantasy Romance The Tears of a Prince which is the crazy adventure of a vampire prince as he tries to run away from the people who are after him and the man who changed his life forever!
Yaminoyosei · 1.5M Views

Farming Space Makes Me Rich

After Xiao Lingyu was betrayed by her boyfriend, she had the scumbag underneath her feet and along with the slut. Then, she used the spatial jade pendant to return to her hometown and began planting. She planted, planted, and planted before selling, selling, and selling. After that, she built, built, and built. She went on a frenzied path of establishing her farm kingdom, running further and further away! Until one day, under the peach blossom tree in Tao Yuan Village… A cute little toddler who was about four or five years old tried his best to raise his head. When he finally raised his head, he straightened up. Uh, his neck was starting to hurt from him raising it, but he still stubbornly maintained this posture. His big round black eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked curiously, "Who are you? Why do you look so much like me?" The man peered at the cute child who looked exactly like him when he was young. The man was tall, handsome, and exuded an extraordinary aura. He narrowed his eyes and asked coldly, "Who are you?" In his heart, he was trying to guess which bold woman was behind this. If she dared to do it, she must pay the price! However, before he could make the woman pay the price, this cute little toddler came over and held his hand. With a longing gaze, he said, "Uncle, I'm lost. Can you bring me home?" As the man held the little boy's hand and led him to a farmhouse in an unexpected turn of events, he heard the little boy's excited voice. "Mommy, you can get married now! I've finally found a man who looks like me!" Everyone, "…" This child really went nuts in his quest to find himself a stepfather! In short, this was a story of a white-collar worker who was reborn in the city. After getting set up by someone and obtaining a spatial tool by accident, she returned to the countryside, farmed, and raised her son. She was also cared for by the man her son brought back and transformed into a rich lady.
Lilac in May · 4.1M Views

The Crown Prince's Possessive Love

"I...i.. don't want to.…marry you" she said nervously looking at the men sitting on his desk staring at her. She gulped and was ready to sprint away any moment. The men's face darkened, hearing her he stood up from his chair and took a few steps in her direction. "Why?" His voice was calm but she was no new to not notice his rage filled eyes glaring down at her. She gulped as she stepped back looking at him. "" she tried to convince him. He moved towards her as she stepped back at the same time. "Give me a reason cariño" he smiled, a smile that scared her more. He was raged she was sure of it. She only wanted to run away from him and hide in her room, under the blanket where she felt safe. She immediately grabbed the door handle and opened the door just as she was about to step out of the door. A pair of hands grabbed her and the next second she was pinned to the now closed and locked door with her hands held behind her. He stared in her scared lilac coloured eyes which were now glistening with tears. "Why?" He asked softly. He lowered his head and his nose grazed her neck causing her to turn her face on the other side away from him. "Hmm?" "I...i.. love someon..." she stuttered. "Aghhh" He bit her harshly. "You i can't marry you." She finished difficultly. And her lips were taken in a brutal kiss. She tried to resist and free herself but he kissed her more harshly. "I'm. Not. Your. Brother." He gritted out as he flushed her tiny frame against his broad one.
REINA · 45K Views

The Love of a Lycan

COMPLETED! Snippet: A year ago Raine was discharged from mental institution and had to live in the orphanage. It wasn't the best place. At least not for someone like her. Until one faithful night she met him. *** He stopped the car. The clutched on the blanket tightened as Raine wonder if she did something wrong. She could feel it when Torak reached out his hand at her. Will he hit me? Raine shivered with that thought. Torak pulled back the hoodie off her head and gently tucked her hair behind her ear. "Don't." He said firmly, "I want to see you, don't hide yourself…" ************** “The spirit of the guardian angel will breathe new life into human child. Three guardian angels will be born into terrestrial world once again and the three of you will be their protectors.” “Protectors!!?” Jedrek snapped. In the end, he stopped walking and turned his back to look at the moon goddess from far distance away, his eyes glistening red with anger. His wolf was livid. “Why do you think we will help?” Kace asked while narrowing his black obsidian eyes, his wolf took control of him. He was the youngest among the three and the less temperamental among them. The three of them were cursed by Selene because of their ferocious action to gain supreme power and authority. The moon goddess didn’t bless them with a mate as a punishment of their atrocious way and forced them to involve in this deadly war with the demons. “You will turn us into a slave for those sickly creatures!?” Torak asked incredulously. “Aren’t you afraid that we will snap them into two?” The guardian angel was so fragile and they as lycanthropes didn’t appreciate the weaknesses. “No, you will not.” Selene said patiently. “You will not be their slave nor hurt them, you will cherish them in every way possible.” Jedrek laughed menacingly upon hearing this, they didn’t care about the resurrected of the beast, once they crossed their territory, with or without the guardian angel he would tear their body apart. “I will be the last person they will see, once I find them.” He was referring to both the guardian angel and the demon. But, the next voice from Selene was laced with mirth when she spoke. “You will not hurt your mate.” ============================ Session 1 (chapter 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (completed). Session 2 (chapter 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (completed) Session 3 (chapter 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (completed) Session 4 (chapter 1084 - on going) : Side Stories ============================ This is a werewolf story and of course a fantasy! Since everybody has their own version of the way supernatural life, here I am trying to write mine. If you have read other werewolf stories, you will be aware there are similarities and differences. ============================ ***Caution! English is not my first language, so there is a possibility that you will find grammatical error (I didn't do it intentionally though), if it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know so I can fix it. *You have been warned ^^ Any constructive criticisms are very welcome! .......................................................................................... ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover by: @Gisel.arts Check out my other stories: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK
jikanyotomare · 11.4M Views
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