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Dhim Tana Dhim Tana

Taming Heat

|No rape*| ~~~~~ "I'll be your voice as long as your heart keeps beating for me," ~~~~~~~ Ian had everything, money, dashing looks, a supportive mom and a perfect life but some said he came straight from hell, others said he was the general of the army of demons, many said he was the devil himself who was always willing to devour, destroy and burn. He was given these numerous titles all because of his only and greatest flaw - anger management issues. This flaw destroys his numerous relationships and he's unaware of this fact. But his mom finds a way to end this madness and an arranged marriage is the only reliable option. There are many fishes in the ocean,so they say but Ian's bride had to be Ivy - an 18 year old with total mutism. Despite the fact that she isn't perfect,Ivy is bold and courageous but can she handle the heat emanating from this hot devil? ~~~~~~~ •Excerpt I Bea hurriedly went to meet Ivy who sent her a text as soon as she sat close to her. "I'll help you Mrs. Kim, your sister told me about your plight,I do not love your son but if getting married to him will help you then I will if he doesn't change in two months, I'll file for a divorce," Bea almost teared up after reading the text, she couldn't believe her eyes. Ivy actually cared about her to the point of endangering her life by getting married at the age of 18 to a monster she gave birth to. •Excerpt II For a few seconds, Ian froze.. he was still trying to heal from the first stab - she's a mutism patient and Bea just had to drop the bomb - you'll be getting married to her. Niel was right, he wasn't going to end up with Tania after all instead he was going to end up with this doll like figure. FOR GOOD. "Hold on a sec.. y'all are joking now, huh?" "This is not a joke Ian! " Anika corrected. " This is total shit!, I'm not going to get married to a mute freak! "he yelled. •Excerpt III " What is wrong him, anyways? " Ivy asked via her device. "Anger issues, he's fire Ivy and it's up to you to contain that heat, "
TANA_ELIS · 239.4K Views

Puppets of Faith: Theory of Communal Strife

The sublimity of Muhammad's preaching in Mecca and the severity of his sermons in Medina make Islam a Janus-faced faith that forever bedevils the mind of the Musalmans. This thought-provoking work, besides dissecting the anatomy of Islam, steeped in the Quran, seeks to depict the psyche of the Musalmans, shaped by the proclivities of their prophet, vicissitudes of his life and the attitudes of his detractors, which the mechanism of their umma perpetuates. More to the point, aided by “I’m Ok – You’re Ok”, the path-breaking work of Thomas A. Harris and Roland E Miller’s “Muslim Friends–Their Faith and Feeling”, this book, for the first time ever, psycho-analyzes the imperatives of the Muslim upbringing, which has the potential to turn a faithful and a renegade alike into a fidayeen. Also, apart from delving into the ironies of the faiths that affected the fate of the peoples, eclipsed the cultures of communes, altered the course of history and afflict the politics of the day, this book examines how the sanãtana 'Hindu' dharma came to survive in India, in spite of the combined onslaught of Islam and the Christianity on Hinduism for over a millennium. This book is for those who wish to be aware of the follies of their faith and the foibles of others to lighten the burden of dogma and reduce the baggage of prejudice postulated in its thirty-four well-structured chapters. Also, besides providing a panoramic view of the Indian history, this thought-provoking book appraises the way Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, Azad, Ambedkar, Indira Gandhi, Narasimha Rao, Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi, Narendra Modi et al made or unmade the post-colonial India. Possibly in a new genre, this free ebook is a book for our times.
BS_Murthy · 24.9K Views

Ascensão do Alfa Escuro

``` [COMPLETO - GANHADOR DO PRÊMIO SILVER $8,000USD: Competição de Lobisomens 2022] Zev avançou em direção a ela, toda uma brilhante e brutal beleza, o queixo baixo e aqueles olhos incríveis e penetrantes fixos nela. Ele não parou até que estivessem frente a frente e ele bloqueasse sua visão de qualquer outro macho no círculo. Seus olhos desceram para a boca dela enquanto ele se inclinava, seu sussurro brincando em sua pele. "Você. É. Minha." Sua voz profunda ressoou na barriga dela enquanto os uivos da matilha de lobos surgiam por trás dele, ecoando pelas montanhas de Tana, enquanto os outros Quimeras protestavam contra sua reivindicação. Segurando o impulso de acariciar o amplo peito nu dele com suas mãos trêmulas, Sasha forçou-se a inclinar a cabeça e erguer uma sobrancelha. "Tão ousado para um filhote que acabou de encontrar suas presas." Os outros machos rugiram de riso. Ignorando suas provocações, os olhos de Zev brilharam e ele se inclinou ainda mais, a barba por fazer em sua mandíbula fazendo cócegas na bochecha dela enquanto ele sorria. "Tão ousada para uma humana que já conhece o prazer de ofegar meu nome." Ela estremeceu quando os dentes dele roçaram sua orelha. ***** Apenas dias depois de Sasha se entregar ao amor de sua infância, ele desapareceu. Cinco anos depois, em uma escura rua da cidade, Zev voltou - com perigo seguindo seus passos. Zev é Quimera: Metade humano, metade lobo. Criado em um laboratório de pesquisa seguro, sua existência é um segredo. Mas quando os homens poderosos que o criaram tentam matar a única mulher que fez seu coração cantar, Zev rompe sua coleira e a sequestra para o mundo brutal e oculto dos clãs dos Quimeras. Dividida entre a atração magnética de seu primeiro amor e a dor da traição de seu desaparecimento, Sasha tenta manter Zev a uma distância segura. Mas quando chegam a esse mundo misterioso, Zev descobre que, em sua ausência, os humanos tomaram o controle e roubaram quase todas as fêmeas. Os Quimeras estão morrendo - e Zev não é mais o Alfa. Agora, Zev deve lutar contra seu próprio povo para ganhar o direito de acasalar com seu único amor. Será que ele consegue provar a ela que sua promessa de muito tempo atrás, de proteger seu coração, bem como seu corpo, era verdadeira? Ou os humanos atravessarão mundos para caçar o lobo e separar os amantes para sempre? [Conteúdo maduro, sem assalto sexual] Imagem de capa por Aenaluck e usada com permissão com direitos autorais pagos. Veja mais arte deslumbrante e apoie o artista em ```
AimeeLynn · 105.9K Views

Contribution oromo people in Ethiopian empire

Oromo, the largest ethnolinguistic group of Ethiopia, constituting more than one-third of the population and speaking a language of the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic family. Originally confined to the southeast of the country, the Oromo migrated in waves of invasions in the 16th century CE. They occupied all of southern Ethiopia, with some settling along the Tana River in Kenya; most of the central and western Ethiopian provinces, including the southern parts of the Amhara region; and, farther north, the Welo and Tigre regions near Eritrea. Wherever the Oromo settled in those physically disparate areas, they assimilated local customs and intermarried to such an extent that much of their original cultural cohesiveness was lost. They were eventually subjugated by the Amhara, the next largest ethnolinguistic group in Ethiopia. Borana Oromo The Oromo pursued pastoralism before the great migration, and that way of life still prevails for the great numbers of people in the southern provinces. In the east and north, however, long mingling and intermarrying with the Sidamo and Amhara resulted in the adoption of a sedentary agriculture. The challenge came from the Oromo, a Cushitic-speaking pastoralist people whose original... The southern groups, such as the Arusi and Boran (Borana) Oromo, have remained pagan, believing in a sky god. They have retained virtually intact the gada, or highly formalized age-set system (a system in which all members of society are included in separate age groups for life). Those traditions have been diluted in the north, where the Oromo are either Muslim or members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and where many Oromo have, through acculturation, become social equals to the dominant
Hosea_Tilahun · 1.6K Views

Oromo people historically

Oromo language and people   Login Oromo Table of Contents HomeGeography & TravelHuman GeographyPeoples of Africa Oromo people Actions By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica • Edit History Table of Contents Oromo, the largest ethnolinguistic group of Ethiopia, constituting more than one-third of the population and speaking a language of the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic family. Originally confined to the southeast of the country, the Oromo migrated in waves of invasions in the 16th century CE. They occupied all of southern Ethiopia, with some settling along the Tana River in Kenya; most of the central and western Ethiopian provinces, including the southern parts of the Amhara region; and, farther north, the Welo and Tigre regions near Eritrea. Wherever the Oromo settled in those physically disparate areas, they assimilated local customs and intermarried to such an extent that much of their original cultural cohesiveness was lost. They were eventually subjugated by the Amhara, the next largest ethnolinguistic group in Ethiopia. Related Topics:  Boran Oromo See all related content → The Oromo pursued pastoralism before the great migration, and that way of life still prevails for the great numbers of people in the southern provinces. In the east and north, however, long mingling and intermarrying with the Sidamo and Amhara resulted in the adoption of a sedentary agriculture.  READ MORE ON THIS TOPIC eastern Africa: Rise of the Oromo The challenge came from the Oromo, a Cushitic-speaking pastoralist people whose original... The southern groups, such as the Arusi and Boran (Borana) Oromo, have remained pagan, believing in a sky god. They have retained virtually intact the gada, or highly formalized age-set system (a system in which all members of society are included in separate age groups for life). Those traditions have been diluted in the north, where the Oromo are either Muslim or members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and where many Oromo have, through acculturation, become social equals to the dominant Amhara. This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy McKenna. HomeGeography & TravelHuman GeographyPeoples of Africa Shona people Actions Alternate titles: Mashona By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica • Edit History Table of Contents Shona, group of culturally similar Bantu-speaking peoples living chiefly in the eastern half of Zimbabwe, north of the Lundi River. The main groupings are the Zezuru, Karanga, Manyika, Tonga-Korekore, and Ndau.  Shona man Shona healer dressed in traditional costume, Zimbabwe. Hans Hillewaert The Shona are farmers of millet, sorghum, and corn (maize), the last being the primary staple, and a variety of other crops such as rice, beans, peanuts (groundnuts), and sweet potatoes. Cattle are kept by most groups, but, although useful for their milk, they are mainly for prestige, as a store of value, and for bride-price payments. Villages consist of clustered mud and wattle huts, granaries, and common cattle kraals (pens) and typically accommodate one or more interrelated families. Personal and political relations are largely governed by a kinship system characterized by exogamous clans and localized patrilineages. Descent, succession, and inheritance, with the exception of a few groups in the north that are matrilineal, follow the male line. Chiefdoms, wards, and villages are administered by hereditary leaders. Shona traditional culture, now fast declining, was noted for its excellent ironwork, good pottery, and expert musicianship. There is belief in a creator-god, Mwari, and a concern to propitiate ancestral and other spirits to ensure good health, rain, and success in enterprise. Elementary education, Christian missions, and partial urbanization have weakened traditional institutions and leadership. However, magic and witchcraft continue as important means of social control and explanations for disasters. Th... Load Next Page 
KUNO_TUBE · 1.9K Views
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