Under the School Roof
In a future city where dreams are built on ambition, Hamza, a gifted volleyball player, arrives at the prestigious National Kuala Baru Sporting Academy (NKSA) with a chance to escape his troubled past. Awarded a partial scholarship for his unparalleled skills, he hopes to thrive in a world defined by athletic excellence, competition, and camaraderie. But beneath the surface of his promising future lies a secret he can't share—a haunting incident that fractured his family and left him feeling isolated.
As Hamza navigates the challenges of school life, he encounters Elice Rosmayanti, a talented and intimidating second-year student, whose own traumatic experiences leave her reluctant to trust. Together, they must confront the fears and insecurities that hold them back. While Hamza longs for connection, the pressure of expectation looms large, and Elice’s past has taught her to keep her distance from men.
As their paths intertwine on the volleyball court, friendship begins to flourish amid the competitive fervor. Or, is that true? What if everything is much more vague and complicated that it seems?