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Lan Chi

Gadis Peternakan yang Beruntung

Setelah meninggal secara tak terduga, dia dilahirkan kembali sebagai seorang gadis kecil berusia sepuluh tahun di keluarga petani kuno, dengan hanya beberapa ruangan di rumahnya dan lebih sedikit lagi lahan, belum lagi rumah tangga yang dipenuhi oleh orang tua, lemah, sakit, dan cacat. Untungnya, para tetua di keluarga itu baik dan jujur, saudara-saudaranya penyayang dan berbudi luhur, dan tetangga-tetangga hidup rukun dan ramah. Bagi Yang Mengchen, yang telah menderita siksaan dari kerabatnya dan bertahan dari berbagai ejekan dan omelan sejak kecil, ini sungguh merupakan berkah dari surga. Untuk mendukung keluarga yang ia cintai, ia dengan tegas mengambil tanggung jawab berat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Jika dia, seorang CEO korporasi modern yang pernah mendominasi dunia bisnis, tidak dapat memberi makan sebuah keluarga, lantas siapa lagi? Resep farmasi, membangun rumah kaca, membuka toko-toko... Tidak hanya keluarganya mulai hidup nyaman dan sejahtera, tapi dia juga memimpin desa-desa di sekitarnya dalam menciptakan pemandangan pastoral yang megah! Dengan uang dan ketenaran, saat dia tumbuh dewasa, Yang Mengchen memutuskan sudah waktunya untuk memilih suami, dan dengan demikian, pemuda-pemuda berbakat dari seluruh dunia mulai berdatangan kepadanya. Siapa yang tahu dewa kematian bermuka masam akan memblokade pintu masuk rumah Keluarga Yang? "Kamu terlalu tinggi, kamu terlalu pendek, kamu terlalu gemuk, kamu terlalu kurus, kamu terlalu gelap, kamu terlalu pucat, kamu tidak berpendidikan, kamu licik dan penuh tipu muslihat... Semua gugur!" Dalam sekejap, pintu masuk menjadi kosong, dan Yang Mengchen langsung marah, "Pangeran, kau telah mengusir semua orang. Bagaimana aku seharusnya memilih suami sekarang?" "Saya ingin melihat siapa yang berani menikahi Anda. Saya tidak keberatan mengirimnya ke Dunia Bawah sebagai pengantin pria!" Yang Mengchen... Seorang Pangeran tertentu menghitung kelebihannya dengan jari-jarinya: "Saya memiliki kekuasaan, prestise, dan substansi, tidak memiliki selir, tidak ada cinta rahasia, tidak berkeliaran— Saya mewakili standar tiga ketaatan dan empat kebajikan suami... Singkatnya, hanya saya, pria baik yang tak tertandingi, yang layak untuk Anda!" Pengawal: Oh Pangeran yang bijak dan gagah berani, apakah benar-benar bagus untuk begitu kurang dalam peran Anda sebagai suami?
Lan Shao · 44.7K Views

Transmigração: Lady Chi Conquista o Gelado Professor Jun

``` Quando Chi Lian morre em seu mundo, ela acorda no corpo de outra garota com o mesmo nome que o dela em uma terra diferente. Uma com impérios e famílias reais. Pobre e desesperada para sobreviver, ela está vinculada a um sistema de pet virtual que pode acessar a tecnologia de seu planeta de origem para que ela possa usar. Só há um porém. O único trabalho que ela pode fazer é o de paparazzo. A partir daí, ela está determinada a construir seu próprio império de mídia e recuperar o que sua família perdeu. Seus principais alvos dignos de notícia são os solteiros mais desejados, porém difíceis de se alcançar do império. Eles são ricos, bonitos e a mídia tem medo de publicar suas fotos e informações. Mas de alguma forma, Chi Lian consegue fazer o impossível, ela tira fotos deles o tempo todo. Afinal, qual mulher não pagaria por suas fotos exclusivas e notícias. Um em particular a atrai mais, o frio CEO e Professor Jun Muyang que todos dizem ser indiferente às mulheres. Com sua tecnologia e inteligência, Chi Lian e sua filha adotiva encontram todas as maneiras de invadir seu espaço e no processo, roubar seu coração. Mas até onde ela está disposta a ir para derreter o coração do professor cubo de gelo e manter suas concorrentes à distância? Todas aquelas mulheres no império que queriam Jun Muyang aguardavam ansiosamente por sua rejeição. Mas seria uma longa espera. Semana um..." Jun Muyang, comprei essas flores para você." Jun Muyang: "Vá embora." Ano um..."Amor, preciso de outro beijo." Chi Lian..."Vá embora." Outras obras. Transmigrando de um mundo zumbi para se tornar a esposa do rei dos mechas[em andamento] ```
1cutecat · 30.8K Views

Crônicas Abissais

Na parte norte do mundo, uma longa batalha entre várias raças e a raça demônio finalmente alcançou seu fim. A Senhora Demônio, uma figura de cabelos negros e olhos vermelhos, reina de seu palácio de obsidiana, tendo derrotado repetidamente a Deusa, o ser mais poderoso do mundo. No entanto, ela se abstém de matá-la, sabendo que ela apenas renascerá para liderar outro ataque. Enquanto a deusa se ajoelha diante dela, gravemente ferida e impotente, os sons de explosões ecoam do lado de fora, sinalizando a iminente vitória da aliança. Apesar de seu imenso poder, a senhora demônio reconhece a fraqueza geral dos demônios comparada aos humanos e à Aliança. O desenvolvimento da energia de luta e mana permitiu que humanos ordinários lutassem contra demônios, levando à derrota do exército demônio. Consciente da intenção da Aliança de escravizar o demônio abissal, a Senhora Demônio decide lançar um feitiço proibido que custará sua vida. Quando as forças da Aliança invadem o palácio, hesitam ao sentir a energia do feitiço. A Senhora Demônio jura resistir e renascer para salvar seu povo. Enquanto isso, a deusa reflete sobre o tratamento passado da senhora demônio para com ela e reconhece seu respeito e dedicação ao seu povo. Enquanto a senhora demônio se prepara para lançar o feitiço, a deusa pergunta se ela pode abandonar seu plano e viver livremente. No entanto, senhoras demônio têm o dever de restaurar a glória da raça demônio e proteger seu povo. Entendendo a resolução da senhora demônio, a deusa prepara sua espada, pretendendo colidir com o feitiço proibido da senhora demônio. A explosão resultante cria uma nuvem em forma de cogumelo, marcando o fim do conflito e o início de uma nova era. A Senhora Demônio e a Deusa se tornam figuras históricas, suas histórias contadas ocasionalmente.
Hail_The_loli · 14.1K Views

Não é Fácil Ser um Homem Depois de Viajar para o Futuro

Após morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Madam Ru · 74.8K Views

La fille chanceuse de la ferme

Après être morte de manière inattendue, elle renaissait en tant que petite fille de dix ans dans une famille de fermiers de l'époque ancestrale, avec à peine quelques pièces dans sa maison et encore moins d'arpents de terre, sans parler d'un foyer composé de personnes âgées, faibles, malades et handicapées. Heureusement, les anciens de la famille étaient gentils et honnêtes, ses frères affectueux et bienveillants, et les voisins harmonieux et amicaux. Pour Yang Mengchen, qui avait souffert du tourment de ses parents et enduré toutes sortes de moqueries et de réprimandes depuis sa jeunesse, c'était véritablement une bénédiction du ciel. Pour soutenir la famille qu'elle aimait, elle prit résolument la lourde responsabilité de subvenir à leurs besoins. Si elle, une CEO d'entreprise moderne qui avait autrefois dominé le monde des affaires, ne pouvait pas nourrir une famille, alors qui le pourrait ? Recettes pharmaceutiques, construction de serres, ouverture de magasins... Non seulement sa famille commença à vivre une vie confortable et prospère, mais elle mena également les villages environnants à créer une scène pastorale magnifique ! Avec de l'argent et de la renommée, en grandissant, Yang Mengchen décida qu'il était temps de choisir un mari, et ainsi, de jeunes talents du monde entier commencèrent à affluer vers elle. Qui aurait su qu'un sombre dieu de la mort bloquerait l'entrée de la maison de la famille Yang ? "Tu es trop grand, tu es trop court, tu es trop gros, tu es trop maigre, tu es trop sombre, tu es trop pâle, tu es inculte, tu es trompeur et sournois... Tous éliminés !" D'un coup, l'entrée était vide, et Yang Mengchen était instantanément furieuse, "Prince, tu as chassé tout le monde. Comment suis-je censée choisir un mari maintenant ?" "J'aimerais bien voir qui oserait t'épouser. Je ne m'opposerais pas à l'envoyer dans le Monde souterrain en tant que marié !" Yang Mengchen... Un certain Prince énumérait ses mérites sur ses doigts : "J'ai du pouvoir, du prestige, et des biens, pas de concubines, pas d'amours secrètes, pas de frasques — J'incarne les normes des trois obéissances et des quatre vertus d'un mari... En bref, seul moi, cet homme sans pareil, suis digne de toi !" Les gardes : Oh sage et vaillant Prince, est-il vraiment bon d'être si en manque dans ton rôle de mari ?
Lan Shao · 62.8K Views

Das glückliche Bauernmädchen

Nach ihrem unerwarteten Tod wurde sie als zehnjähriges Mädchen in einer alten Bauernfamilie wiedergeboren, mit nur wenigen Zimmern in ihrem Haus und noch weniger Hektar Land, ganz zu schweigen von einem Haushalt mit alten, schwachen, kranken und behinderten Menschen. Glücklicherweise waren die Ältesten in der Familie freundlich und ehrlich, ihre Brüder liebevoll und gutmütig, und die Nachbarn harmonisch und freundlich. Für Yang Mengchen, die seit ihrer Jugend unter den Qualen ihrer Verwandten gelitten und alle Arten von Spott und Schimpfworten ertragen hatte, war dies wahrlich ein Segen des Himmels. Um die Familie, die sie liebte, zu unterstützen, nahm sie entschlossen die schwere Verantwortung auf sich, für sie zu sorgen. Wenn sie, eine moderne Konzernchefin, die einst die Geschäftswelt dominiert hatte, keine Familie ernähren konnte, wer dann? Sie entwickelte pharmazeutische Rezepte, baute Gewächshäuser, eröffnete Läden... Nicht nur ihre Familie begann, ein komfortables und wohlhabendes Leben zu führen, sondern sie führte auch die umliegenden Dörfer dazu, eine herrliche pastorale Szene zu schaffen! Als sie mit Geld und Ruhm aufwuchs, beschloss Yang Mengchen, dass es an der Zeit war, sich einen Ehemann zu suchen, und so begannen junge Talente aus der ganzen Welt zu ihr zu strömen. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein grimmig dreinblickender Todesgott den Eingang zum Haus der Familie Yang versperren würde? "Du bist zu groß, du bist zu klein, du bist zu dick, du bist zu dünn, du bist zu dunkel, du bist zu blass, du bist ungebildet, du bist hinterlistig und verschlagen... Alle eliminiert!" Im Nu war der Eingang leer, und Yang Mengchen war sofort wütend: "Prinz, Sie haben alle vertrieben. Wie soll ich mir jetzt einen Ehemann aussuchen?" "Ich würde gerne sehen, wer es wagt, dich zu heiraten. Ich hätte nichts dagegen, ihn als Bräutigam in die Unterwelt zu schicken!" Yang Mengchen... Ein gewisser Prinz zählte seine Verdienste an den Fingern ab: "Ich habe Macht, Ansehen und Vermögen, keine Konkubinen, keine heimlichen Liebesaffären, kein Flirten - ich verkörpere die Standards der drei Gehorsamkeiten und vier Tugenden eines Ehemannes ... Kurzum, nur ich, dieser unvergleichlich gute Mann, bin Eurer würdig!" Die Wachen: Oh weiser und tapferer Prinz, ist es wirklich gut, dass Ihr Eurer Rolle als Ehemann so wenig gerecht werdet?
Lan Shao · 18.4K Views

A Void For Eternity

A Brazilian Novel "Not even the gods, the demons, or fate itself could make me retreat. Least of all when it comes to you, Your Highness. I know you have longed to see me for these hundred years, even if you would rather die than admit it." When reading this book, consider also listening to the audiobook — the experience is truly amazing! Born to rule, Lin Ziyu was a prince destined for greatness. However, fate seemed reluctant to grant him happiness, relentlessly burdening him with countless tragedies. For a hundred years, he lived under the protection of his mother, only to witness her tragic downfall—stripped of her title as Empress and confined to the dark, desolate Palace of Tears—while his own status was taken from him and he was condemned to oblivion. Refusing to wither away within the walls he once called home, Lin Ziyu escapes the imperial palace, determined to forge his own path in the vast and unforgiving world of martial arts. However, his journey takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with Lan Fengxian, a demon cultivator on the brink of death, fleeing from a sect now seeking his annihilation. With few options left, Lan Fengxian clings to Lin Ziyu for survival. And although reluctant, the young Wangzi allows him to stay—on one condition: no trouble while they are together, and to locate a person who has been marked in his heart for a hundred years. Yet, a much older and more formidable threat begins to stir across the Jianghu—Ancient Gods are awakening, drawn by the hidden power that resides within Lin Ziyu. And now, to survive what is to come, they will need to test both their strengths and their weaknesses—if they still wish to find their place in the world.
Matorres4 · 861 Views

The Spoiled and Malicious Young Miss Awakens

Miss Chi Yu of the Chi family has been plagued with misfortune since birth. She has endured car accidents, kidney failure, and experts predicted she wouldn’t live past eighteen. Fortunately, those around her dote on her excessively, indulging her bad temper and pampering her into a spoiled princess. However, one day she accidentally opens a book and discovers that she is actually an adopted child of the Chi family, meant to serve as a scapegoat for the true heiress, the real Miss Chi born on the same day, month, and year as her. They elevated her to the clouds, subjected her to public scorn and hatred, all to later declare that the “innocent” girl was the true heiress once she was gone. Desperate to change her fate, Chi Yu finds herself thwarted by a mysterious force—destined to die on her eighteenth birthday. In her despair, Chi Yu turns dark. If she’s doomed to die a wretched death, then no one else will have a peaceful life! She becomes increasingly ruthless and arrogant, forcing her deceitful assistant to apologize on his knees and disrupting her uncle’s multi-million-dollar deal. They are furious, enraged, and helpless. If they want the kitchen maid’s daughter to survive, they cannot touch her. Everyone hates her, except for the newly hired bodyguard who brainlessly defends her to the end. “Miss, you’re spot on, brilliant, and absolutely infuriating!” Chi Yu: Although he seems a bit foolish, he’s quite endearing, isn’t he? As her eighteenth birthday approaches and she resigns herself to her grim fate, a prominent family from the capital arrives, claiming their lost daughter…
KatherineJe · 579.5K Views

I am the hidden class: Beast master

Mr writer : The series may seem slow until Chapter 7, but trust me, by Chapter 8, things get really interesting. Stick with it—once you hit Chapter 8, you'll be hooked! Prepare for a wild ride as Lan Tian’s journey unfolds and his true strength begins to emerge. Don't miss out on the exciting twists and epic battles that await! SYNOPSIS- in the sky and professions dictate humanity's fate, Lan Tian Hao was once humanity's greatest hero—a Thunder Swordsman who rose to SS-class, only to be brought low by monsters immune to his power. Betrayed by fate and haunted by failure, Lan Tian lost everything—his friends, his family, and the world he swore to protect. But destiny is not finished with him. Waking up six years in the past, Lan Tian finds himself at the turning point of his life, with a rare opportunity to rewrite history. The profession system, a phenomenon that grants humanity their fighting abilities, has yet to choose his path. This time, he abandons the road of the Thunder Swordsman and embraces the mysterious hidden class: Beastmaster. With the power to tame and command legendary creatures, Lan Tian vows to rebuild his strength, master his new abilities, and prepare for the Second Catastrophe before it can strike. Armed with knowledge of the future and fueled by an unyielding determination, he must uncover the secrets of the dungeons, rally unlikely allies, and face enemies both monstrous and human. But fate has a way of testing even the strongest resolve. Can Lan Tian navigate the perils of his second chance and save humanity, or is history doomed to repeat itself? In this epic tale of redemption, resilience, and power, one man must rise from the ashes of his past to lead humanity toward an uncertain future. The world is watching. Will Lan Tian emerge as the ultimate savior, or will he fall once again?
MR_Writer_ · 13.8K Views

The CEO's Naughty Wife

In the eyes of her peers, Chi Yue stands out. She often skips classes, but never fails any. She comes from an impoverished area, but never lacks money. She has a face that could make her the campus belle, but she doesn't date. She has earned a lot of money, but never spends a penny. In Mr. Qiao's eyes, Chi Yue is... well, a nutcase. That night, when Chi Yue pulled open his robe and saw his secret - she became a dark moonlight in his heart that haunted him, causing heartaches whenever he thought about it. He is Mr. Qiao, the one and only in the whole world. She is the one and only for Mr. Qiao. ☆★☆★ Everyday life story One: The two of them went out. Mr. Qiao tossed a mask to Chi Yue. Chi Yue: Is there smog today? Mr Qiao: I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist kissing you in public. ☆★☆★ Everyday life story Two: Whenever Chi Yue gets angry, Mr. Qiao buys her something. Chi Yue: Do you see me as such a materialistic woman? Mr. Qiao: Of course not. He calmly gave a limited edition handbag to the cleaning lady. Later, Chi Yue was heartbroken when she saw the cleaning lady use it to carry vegetables. ...... ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Highly recommend Si Jin's completed works. Modern: "Muchuan Xiang Wan", "History's First Spoiled Marriage", "Step by Step Startling Marriage", "Only Wish Not to Disappoint You in This Life", "Addicted to Indulgence" Ancient: "Lend Time to the World", "The Lonely King and the Single Woman" ......
Si Jin · 135.9K Views
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