The Legendary Beast Slayer
In this world, monstrous creatures suddenly arise, feeding on human vitals to amplify their powers. Zion, a young boy, witnesses his blind father's brutal death, sparking an unyielding quest for vengeance. Driven by rage and sorrow, Zion enlists in the Beast Slayer Organization alongside his friend and companion Aria who happens to be a monster.
Unfortunately, Zion has no magic to begin with but that didn't stop him from training hard. And as he and Aria work hard, their bond strengthening, Aria's exposed secret threatens their livelihood. Thus forcing them to leave the organization.
Expelled from the organization, they venture into a hostile world, navigating treacherous places, rival beast slayers plus those who are after Aria, and also menacing creatures. Zion's determination to become the strongest beast slayer drives him forward.
However, during his journey, he uncovers a shocking truth — a dark reality tied to his own destiny, challenging everything Zion thought he knew about his family. Will he find answers to his questions, or will the weight of this truth define his future?