Ascend: Soul Hunter
In a future Earth, humanity has discovered a hidden world teeming with monstrous creatures. Ye Chen, a witty and ambitious young man trapped in a cramped apartment, dreams of escaping his mundane life and becoming a Soul Hunter. These brave (or foolhardy) individuals venture into the Hidden World to slay monsters and claim their souls, gaining incredible powers in the process.
Ye Chen's journey begins with a comedic scramble for basic equipment and a perilous first foray. Through sheer luck and cunning, he manages to kill a weak monster and obtain its soul, granting him a modest power boost. This unexpected success ignites his determination to climb the ranks of Soul Hunters.
As he delves deeper, Ye Chen encounters a harsh reality. The world beyond the portal is filled not only with fearsome beasts but also with ruthless competitors and hidden agendas. He befriends a fellow hunter, navigates betrayals, and uncovers the secrets of the power structure within the Hidden World.
Through relentless training, strategic thinking, and a healthy dose of humor, Ye Chen assembles a team of skilled allies. Together, they tackle progressively challenging expeditions, facing Iron and Silver level monsters and uncovering the dangers lurking within the Hidden World itself.
Their success attracts unwanted attention. A shocking revelation about the true purpose of the Hidden World forces Ye Chen and his team to make a difficult choice. They must decide whether to conform to the established powers or forge their own path, even if it means confronting powerful entities and challenging the status quo.
Ascend: Soul Hunter promises a thrilling adventure filled with action, humor, and the underdog's struggle for power. Will Ye Chen and his team overcome the odds and ascend to the top of the Soul Hunter hierarchy, or will they succumb to the hidden dangers of this extraordinary world?