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Lan Wangji Recognize Wei Wuxian

Global Ice Age Survival: Starting with SSS+ ranked Talent

Lan Sol was a beta tester for an open-world survival strategy game called *Global Ice Age Survival*. The game had only released its beta version over the years, with no sign of a public release anytime soon. The premise of the game was simple: Upgrade the campfire—the most crucial source of warmth and the heart of the territory—build various structures, recruit workers, and survive in the frozen world. Sounds boring? Not quite. The game featured monsters, magic, dungeons, and numerous kingdoms scattered across multiple continents. Players could ally with kingdoms, conquer them, or even dominate the entire world. The ultimate goal? Transform a medieval-themed kingdom into a modern, automated one. The game was difficult but oddly satisfying. Lan Sol had finally achieved a 100% completion rate. He eagerly awaited the official release, excited to conquer the game once more. But when he woke up the next day, he found himself in a snowy wasteland. A cold wind howled as the world around him lay blanketed in white. It was so cold that it felt as though the sun no longer existed. It didn’t take long for him to realize he had been transported into the very game he had played for over a year. And he wasn’t alone—every individual on Earth had been transported to this icy world. Waking up next to a campfire, Lan Sol began his journey by upgrading it, knowing it was the first step to survival. Before long, he discovered he had received an exclusive reward: an SSS+ ranked talent.
Magic_is_Cool · 28.4K Views

Semua Orang Ingin Memanjakan Putri Keberuntungan

``` Keluarga Duke sudah seabad tanpa adanya putri. Ketika akhirnya seorang putri lahir, seharusnya dia menerima segala cinta dan manja, tetapi ternyata putri yang sebenarnya telah tertukar saat lahir dan dibesarkan oleh keluarga pemburu yang baik hati. Sejak mereka mengadopsi gadis tersebut, para pemburu tampaknya menjadi beruntung dalam segala hal—binatang buruan tampaknya berlari ke dalam perangkap dan jaring yang mereka pasang, dan mereka selalu menemukan ramuan langka di mana pun mereka pergi. Sepuluh tahun kemudian, keluarga Duke akhirnya menyadari kebenaran bahwa putri mereka telah tertukar dan melakukan perjalanan ribuan mil untuk membawanya pulang. Setelah kembali ke keluarga aslinya, putri tersebut tidak diragukan lagi dimanja habis-habisan oleh setiap anggota keluarganya... Setelah dewasa, Lin Qingluo menguasai seni bela diri dan mencapai puncak dunia persilatan. Bergabung di medan perang bersama saudara-saudaranya dan ayahnya, dia menghancurkan musuh-musuh mereka dan dikenal sebagai Dewi Perang, mendapatkan tak terhitung pengagum. Tuan dari Pavilion Rahasia Surgawi: Reputasi Anda mendahului Anda, nona—tak ada yang sebanding dengan Anda, seperti rumor yang mengatakan. Kepala dari Lembah Ramuan: Kemampuan Anda dalam pengobatan luar biasa, dan saya mengakui keahlian Anda. Saya bersumpah setia sebagai imbalan atas bimbingan Anda untuk berlatih pengobatan dan membantu orang-orang. Pangeran Pertama dari Negara Qi: Terima kasih telah menyelamatkan saya. Saya berhutang nyawa pada Anda. Lin Qingluo: Seorang pangeran yang lekat hati telah mencuri hati saya, dan dia lah yang selalu saya pikirkan. Tak ada orang lain dalam benak saya. ```
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 21.3K Views

Das glückliche Bauernmädchen

Nach ihrem unerwarteten Tod wurde sie als zehnjähriges Mädchen in einer alten Bauernfamilie wiedergeboren, mit nur wenigen Zimmern in ihrem Haus und noch weniger Hektar Land, ganz zu schweigen von einem Haushalt mit alten, schwachen, kranken und behinderten Menschen. Glücklicherweise waren die Ältesten in der Familie freundlich und ehrlich, ihre Brüder liebevoll und gutmütig, und die Nachbarn harmonisch und freundlich. Für Yang Mengchen, die seit ihrer Jugend unter den Qualen ihrer Verwandten gelitten und alle Arten von Spott und Schimpfworten ertragen hatte, war dies wahrlich ein Segen des Himmels. Um die Familie, die sie liebte, zu unterstützen, nahm sie entschlossen die schwere Verantwortung auf sich, für sie zu sorgen. Wenn sie, eine moderne Konzernchefin, die einst die Geschäftswelt dominiert hatte, keine Familie ernähren konnte, wer dann? Sie entwickelte pharmazeutische Rezepte, baute Gewächshäuser, eröffnete Läden... Nicht nur ihre Familie begann, ein komfortables und wohlhabendes Leben zu führen, sondern sie führte auch die umliegenden Dörfer dazu, eine herrliche pastorale Szene zu schaffen! Als sie mit Geld und Ruhm aufwuchs, beschloss Yang Mengchen, dass es an der Zeit war, sich einen Ehemann zu suchen, und so begannen junge Talente aus der ganzen Welt zu ihr zu strömen. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein grimmig dreinblickender Todesgott den Eingang zum Haus der Familie Yang versperren würde? "Du bist zu groß, du bist zu klein, du bist zu dick, du bist zu dünn, du bist zu dunkel, du bist zu blass, du bist ungebildet, du bist hinterlistig und verschlagen... Alle eliminiert!" Im Nu war der Eingang leer, und Yang Mengchen war sofort wütend: "Prinz, Sie haben alle vertrieben. Wie soll ich mir jetzt einen Ehemann aussuchen?" "Ich würde gerne sehen, wer es wagt, dich zu heiraten. Ich hätte nichts dagegen, ihn als Bräutigam in die Unterwelt zu schicken!" Yang Mengchen... Ein gewisser Prinz zählte seine Verdienste an den Fingern ab: "Ich habe Macht, Ansehen und Vermögen, keine Konkubinen, keine heimlichen Liebesaffären, kein Flirten - ich verkörpere die Standards der drei Gehorsamkeiten und vier Tugenden eines Ehemannes ... Kurzum, nur ich, dieser unvergleichlich gute Mann, bin Eurer würdig!" Die Wachen: Oh weiser und tapferer Prinz, ist es wirklich gut, dass Ihr Eurer Rolle als Ehemann so wenig gerecht werdet?
Lan Shao · 12.4K Views

Beau PDG, chère épouse

"Tu es le clair de lune qui éclaire l'obscurité de la nuit~" "Tu es la pluie qui adoucit les terres asséchées~" "Tu es le souffle qui maintient mon coeur en vie~" "Haha, mon chéri, tu deviens meilleur pour me flatter" "Tant que c'est pour toi, je peux devenir meilleur dans tout ce que tu veux, ma chère petite femme." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - En fuyant pour sauver leur vie, elle se sacrifie pour laisser s'échapper son bien-aimé. Hua Lan se réveille dans une chambre luxueuse et inconnue, incapable de se souvenir de qui elle est. Apprenant que toute information sur son existence a été effacée et qu'elle doit se méfier des gens qui lui en veulent, Hua Lan commence une nouvelle vie sous une nouvelle identité. Entourée de son mari attentionné et beau, ainsi que de sa famille aimante, Hua Lan (maintenant Mu Lan) s'adapte à sa nouvelle vie. Mais désormais, dans ses rêves, elle entend une fille murmurer : "Jusqu'à ce que tu me dises 'Je t'aime', garderai nos souvenirs. Adieu, mon amour." Mu Liang sait qu'il se passe quelque chose de mystérieux autour de lui. Elle a des antécédents mystérieux et des capacités déconcertantes. Mais il ne se soucie pas de qui elle était dans le passé et pourquoi ils continuent de l'attaquer. Tout ce à quoi il peut penser, c'est l'aimer, la chérir, la garder auprès de lui pour qu'elle ne retourne jamais à son passé. Parce qu'il sait qu'il ne pourra pas vivre un instant sans elle. Ils essaient de résoudre le mystère concernant Hua Lan. Mais elle a besoin de retrouver sa mémoire. Le meilleur médecin ne comprend pas pourquoi elle ne se rappelle de rien. Cependant, en regardant une paire d'yeux cruels, sa tête lui fait mal. Puisqu'elle ne peut pas retrouver sa mémoire, ils doivent choisir une autre manière de résoudre ses énigmes. Mais que fera-t-elle après avoir retrouvé ses souvenirs ? Quelqu'un et certaines personnes devront recevoir une gifle. Mais qui recevra la gifle ? Et qui sera capable de rire à la fin ? ~BIENVENUE AU PREMIER LIVRE ORIGINAL DE PDG SUR WEBNOVEL~ ***C'est l'histoire d'une fille qui se bat pour elle-même et les gens qu'elle aime. Elle essaiera de découvrir qui elle est après avoir perdu sa mémoire et les gens autour d'elle l'aideront à résoudre les mystères qui l'entourent. ***en cours de révision. si vous trouvez des erreurs, veuillez nous en faire part*** **AVERTISSEMENT : NE PAS PLAGIER OU PUBLIER CET OUVRAGE SUR UN AUTRE SITE. SI VOUS AIMEZ LE TRAVAIL, DITES AUX AUTRES DE LIRE SUR WEBNOVEL.COM __________________________________ Série de livres : 1. Beau patron chéri de l'épouse 2. Ma femme est une déesse: 99 Baisers secrets 3. Bonheur Perdu 4. Le Cobra Autres livres : 1. Mon Aimé 2. Emmêlé par le destin __________________________________ Discord serveur- Instagram: Page Facebook: Flow07 Soutenez-moi- Patron : Achetez-moi un café:
Flow07 · 211.4K Views

The Lucky Farm Girl

After dying unexpectedly, she was reborn as a ten-year-old little girl in an ancient farming family, with barely a few rooms in her house and even fewer acres of land, not to mention a household of the old, weak, sick, and disabled. Fortunately, the elders in the family were kind and honest, her brothers loving and good-natured, and the neighbors harmonious and friendly. For Yang Mengchen, who had suffered from her relatives' torment and endured all sorts of mockery and scolding since she was young, this was truly a blessing from heaven. To support the family she loved, she resolutely took on the heavy responsibility of providing for them. If she, a modern corporate CEO who had once dominated the business world, couldn't feed a family, then who could? Pharmaceutical recipes, building greenhouses, opening storefronts... Not only did her family start living a comfortable and prosperous life, but she also led the surrounding villages in creating a magnificent pastoral scene! With money and fame, as she grew up, Yang Mengchen decided it was time to choose a husband, and thus, young talents from around the world began to flock to her. Who knew a grim-faced god of death would be blocking the entrance to the Yang family's home? "You're too tall, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, you're too dark, you're too pale, you're uneducated, you're deceitful and sly... All eliminated!" In a moment, the entrance was empty, and Yang Mengchen was instantly furious, "Prince, you've driven everyone away. How am I supposed to choose a husband now?" "I would like to see who dares to marry you. I wouldn't mind sending him to the Underworld as a groom!" Yang Mengchen... A certain Prince counted his merits on his fingers: "I have power, prestige, and substance, no concubines, no secret love affairs, no gallivanting— I embody the standards of a husband's three obediences and four virtues... In short, only I, this unparalleled good man, am worthy of you!" The guards: Oh wise and valiant Prince, is it really good to be so lacking in your role as a husband?
Lan Shao · 1.2M Views

Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

The Duke's family has gone a century with no daughters. When a daughter was finally born to them, she should have received all the love and pampering, but it turns out that the real daughter had been swapped at birth and taken in by a family of kind-hearted hunters. Ever since they adopted the girl, the hunters seemed to get lucky in everything—game seemed to run into the traps and nets they set, and they would find rare herbs wherever they went. Ten tears later, the Duke's family finally realized the truth that their daughter had been swapped and journeyed over a thousand miles to bring her home. After she returned to her real family, the daughter was undoubtedly spoiled rotten by every member of her family... After she grew up, Lin Qingluo excelled in martial arts and rose to the peak of the martial world. Joining the battlefield with her brothers and father, she crushed their enemies and became known as a Goddess of War, gaining countless admirers. Lord of Heavenly Secret Pavilion: Your reputation precedes you, milady—none compares to you, just as the rumors say. Chief of the Potion Valley: Your skills with medicine are extraordinary, and I defer to your expertise. I pledge my loyalty in exchange for your tutelage to practice medicine and help people. The First Prince of Qi Nation: Thank you for rescuing me. I owe you a life debt. Lin Qingluo: A clingy prince has stolen my heart, and he is all I can think about. There is no other person on my mind.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 1.7M Views

Wei Zhiruo’s Journey To Immortality

Slipping through the gravels of time, she found herself in a new land that she had never dreamed of. Here she was nothing but a female supporting Character to a tale of a reborn heroine, her life meaningless but around some set lines. Watch her navigate through these murky realms of cultivation, paving way through her hard work and perseverance while seeking the truth of her existence! ******************************************************************************************************************************************** Wei Zhiruo suddenly finds herself transported to a cultivation world, full of Dao seekers, and immortals on their path to seek immortality. Coming from a world of magic and magical creatures, she starts learning the new style of cultivation using her insights from previous life. But in the midst of her own personal growth, she constantly stumbles into strange people, and gets embroiled in unwanted troubles. While digging up some conspiracies, she finally understands why. Wei Zhiruo hadn't just transmigrated to a simple world of cultivation - but this new world, in some people's mind was just a book! What about ‘heaven’s chosen one’s’, ‘book-transmigrators’, ‘people who are suddenly reborn and are adamant on changing their past lives’ – she found that she had a trouble-seeking-constitution which would always force her to meet such weird characters and play a side character in these people's tale of grandeur! Will Wei Zhiruo be able to steer clear of such forces or will she have to face them head on to change her own side-character aura? cover from pinterest
cloud7 · 6.2K Views

Immortal Sovereign's Ascension

Immortal Sovereign's Ascension: The Rise of Zhang Wei When Zhang Wei, an ordinary office worker, dies unexpectedly, he awakens in a mystical realm governed by cultivation, where strength determines one’s destiny. Gifted with the enigmatic Heavenly System, Zhang Wei is thrust into a world of unparalleled dangers and opportunities. With the system as his guide, Zhang Wei begins his journey as a lowly mortal, striving to ascend the ranks of cultivation. Armed with knowledge from a past life and the system’s abilities, he faces ferocious beasts, enigmatic sects, and ancient ruins filled with treasures—and traps. His acquisition of the Celestial Sword marks the beginning of his rise, but it also draws the attention of powerful enemies. As Zhang Wei gains allies and builds a growing harem of fiercely loyal companions, he unravels the secrets of his transmigration. Shadows of his past life intertwine with the fate of this new world, revealing an ancient prophecy foretelling the rise of an immortal sovereign. But with each step, the challenges grow more insurmountable, and the cost of power threatens to consume him. Will Zhang Wei ascend to become the ruler of the heavens, or will the weight of his destiny crush him before he can grasp immortality? Immortal Sovereign's Ascension combines breathtaking battles, an intricate system-driven cultivation journey, and an unforgettable cast of characters in an epic tale of ambition, love, and destiny. NOTE: Cover picture was generated by AI
Ifeoluwa_8756 · 18.1K Views

Xuyên Thời Đại Âu Lạc

Trần Hạ, một học sinh lớp 12 đam mê lịch sử, tình cờ xuyên không về thời kỳ Âu Lạc, vào khoảng năm 200 TCN. Trong lúc đi qua một khu rừng và bị cuốn vào cơn bão kỳ lạ, anh ngã xuống sông và bị ngất. Khi tỉnh dậy, anh phát hiện mình đã không còn ở thế giới hiện đại mà ở một thế giới hoang sơ, đầy thử thách. Mai Lan, một cô gái trẻ từ đất nước Âu Lạc, đã cứu Trần Hạ khỏi dòng nước. Mai Lan nhận thấy anh không giống như những người dân trong thời đại này, và quyết định giúp anh làm quen với cuộc sống mới. Cô giải thích cho anh về xã hội cổ đại, những mối nguy hiểm từ các kẻ xâm lược và những vấn đề mà người dân nơi đây đang phải đối mặt. Trần Hạ, mặc dù hoang mang và sợ hãi, dần dần học cách sinh tồn và giúp đỡ người dân trong việc áp dụng các kiến thức hiện đại mà anh mang theo. Anh sử dụng trí thức về y học, quân sự và nông nghiệp để thay đổi cuộc sống ở Âu Lạc. Dần dần, Trần Hạ trở thành một người quan trọng trong triều đình và góp phần giúp đất nước chống lại các thế lực xâm lược. Trái tim Trần Hạ cũng bắt đầu rung động với Mai Lan, người luôn đồng hành cùng anh. Tuy nhiên, Trần Hạ phải đối mặt với một sự lựa chọn khó khăn: liệu anh có nên ở lại Âu Lạc để thay đổi lịch sử, hay quay lại thế giới hiện đại để sống một cuộc sống bình thường?
DaoistQXoiPp · 68 Views


I once got into a terrible predicament after losing a sizable portion of my Ethereum (ETH) investment in a fraud. I was inconsolable, felt like I had reached my lowest point, and had no idea how to get my money back. However, a buddy advised me to use the Asset Rescue Specialist service just when I believed there was no more chance. I made the decision to contact the Asset Rescue Specialist team because I was feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time. They were renowned for their proficiency in handling the fallout from internet frauds and assisting victims in getting their money back. When I reached out to the Asset Rescue Specialist, their team immediately got to work. In order to track down and retrieve my lost Ethereum investment, they carefully examined the digital trail that the scammer had left behind. As he effortlessly navigated through intricate algorithms and cast spells, it was like witnessing an Asset Rescue Specialist at work. As the days stretched into weeks, I marveled at the Asset Rescue Specialist team's relentless efforts to retrieve my lost money. With frequent progress reports and assurances that they were doing all within their power to assist me, they kept me informed at every stage. My lost Ethereum investment was successfully recovered, the Asset Rescue Specialist team declared gleefully after what felt like an age. I was shocked to learn that they had successfully recovered everything for me, even though I had assumed everything was gone. Knowing that contacting Asset Rescue Specialist was the right decision filled me with relief and thankfulness. In managing the fallout from the swindle and getting back what was properly mine, they had been my beacon of light. From that day on, I vowed to be more vigilant and cautious with my investments, knowing that there were expert teams like Asset Rescue Specialist ready to help in times of need. And as I watched my ETH investment grow once again, I knew that I had learned a valuable lesson in resilience and trust. The magic of the Asset Rescue Specialist team had truly saved the day.  Send a DM via:Contact Email; assetrescuespecialist (AT) qualityservice (DOT) com Thanks. Wei Chong
Wei_Chong_0217 · 166 Views
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