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[Romance Concluído.] obrigado por ler. Citação do Personagem Principal "No futuro, serei a pessoa mais rica da China e sentarei no meu trono com mulheres lindas em meus braços." **** Por favor, leia minha resenha ou leia o resumo até o final para que você saiba o que esperar deste romance ou de cada volume deste romance. Não consigo fixar minha resenha. (ordene pela resenha mais recente para o mais rápido.) *** novo romance= Sistema de Vinculação *** servidor discord= sinopse: Um dia, um jovem bonito morreu em um acidente de carro. Ele de repente acorda e se encontra em um lugar desconhecido, mas o que mais o surpreende é que ele está assumindo o corpo de outra pessoa. Ele se surpreende novamente quando descobre que está em um universo paralelo com as mesmas leis do seu mundo anterior. A princípio, ele só quer aproveitar a vida. Mas depois de aprender que seu predecessor deseja ser uma pessoa de sucesso e fazer sua família feliz, ele decide continuar o sonho de seu antecessor. Com o conhecimento de sua vida anterior, ele começa sua aventura para se tornar uma pessoa de sucesso, e claro, ele não esquece de seduzir lindas mulheres por onde passa. Acompanhe-o conforme ele embarca em sua jornada para se tornar uma pessoa de sucesso e conquistar os corações das lindas mulheres. *Tags= fatia de vida, de pobre a rico, ação, negócios, artes marciais, gangues, líder de gangue, líder feminina bonita, líder masculino bonito, interesses amorosos mais velhos, harém, MC cruel, múltiplas identidades, identidade secreta, R-18, romance, tempos modernos, MILF, amizade, guerra entre gangues, guerra contra escolas de artes marciais, tramas, traição, MC gênio, incesto, MC forte (OP no mesmo nível). *** enredo - primeiro volume = foco em relacionamento e negócios. A história é lenta e cheia de fatias de vida no início, mas melhora muito e o progresso da história se acelera mais tarde. Cometi tantos erros nos primeiros capítulos, mas por favor, dê uma chance. é repetitivo nos primeiros capítulos porque esta é minha primeira vez escrevendo uma história, então sou muito inexperiente. Tente, talvez você goste - segundo volume = Ajudando Lin Xing Xue e um pequeno problema. - terceiro volume = muitos problemas este volume está cheio de problemas, lutas e guerras. - último volume = a verdade, vingança, guerra e muitos problemas. este volume está em andamento agora ** Este romance contém conteúdo incestuoso, se você não gosta de incesto, isso significa que este romance não é para você. este romance também tem conteúdo R-18, então por favor não leia meu romance se você não for adulto. * Apoie-me: Não sou o dono da capa, peguei do Pinterest então se você é o dono da capa e quer que eu a retire, por favor me avise que imediatamente retirarei a capa.
Shooting_Star · 103.9K Views

A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa

``` 1º LUGAR / VENCEDOR DE OURO NA COMPETIÇÃO DE ESCRITA DE LOBISOMENS DA WEBNOVEL 2022 "Você é minha companheira..." Leland disse com uma voz rouca. "Você não sabe o que eu estou fazendo?" Ele a olhou com um brilho nos olhos, e naquele exato momento, Sophie pensou que poderia entendê-lo. Ela podia sentir suas emoções transbordando. Era isso que queriam dizer com o laço de companheiros? Ela podia sentir tanto desejo envolvendo Leland e ela simplesmente sabia o que ele queria. Ele a queria. Queria devorar seu corpo e marcá-la com suas mordidas de amor, queria que ela gritasse seu nome uma, e outra, e outra vez. Queria possuí-la e fazer amor com ela como se não houvesse amanhã. O homem subiu na cama e a beijou novamente. Cobria-a de beijos, das bochechas aos lábios, e depois passou para a clavícula. Logo, ela estava gemendo suavemente por causa da estimulação. Os sons que escapavam dos lábios dela soavam tão sexy em seus ouvidos e o excitavam terrivelmente. Se Leland não tivesse um autocontrole melhor, já teria rasgado as roupas de ambos e a penetrado imediatamente. No entanto, ele se conteve e tentou permanecer gentil. Esta era apenas a primeira noite deles juntos como marido e mulher de verdade. Esta noite, ele finalmente poderia dar a ela tanto prazer que ela iria querê-lo em sua cama todas as noites. O sexo que tiveram da última vez foi uma obrigação. Foi seco e ele fez apenas o mínimo necessário. Mas desta vez... ele iria devorar o corpo dela e fazer amor com ela de maneiras que apenas a sua luna merecia. Sua resistência era de primeira linha e ele poderia satisfazê-la a noite toda. ___________________ SINOPSE: O Rei, ou o Alfa? Quando ela pula os muros da academia para escapar de seus intimidadores, Sophie cai direto nos braços de Nicholas, o príncipe herdeiro do reino com uma disposição doce e ensolarada. Faíscas voam e o amor floresce entre a pobre órfã e o príncipe. Mas... de repente, Leland, o perigoso novo alfa da matilha de lobisomens mais poderosa do reino reivindicou-a como sua companheira?! Sophie está dividida entre dois homens. Um a chama de esposa, o outro a reivindica como sua companheira. O príncipe é caloroso e doce, seu amor é ardente como o sol. O alfa é frio e dominador, seu amor é tão pesado quanto a montanha e tão frio quanto o inverno. Com quem Sophie acabará quando ambos os lados travam guerra por sangue, ódio e vingança? Leland incendiaria o reino inteiro apenas para ter Sophie e vingar sua raça. Por outro lado, o recém-corado rei, Nicholas, luta para expulsar os lobisomens que o reino considerava monstros... enquanto mantém um segredo sombrio dentro de si — Ele também é um lobisomem. __________________ Nota: Este livro é um harém reverso, o que significa que a protagonista feminina acabará com vários protagonistas masculinos. A capa é minha, por Arkans LER MEUS OUTROS LIVROS? * The Alchemists - COMPLETO * The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETO * Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETO * O Príncipe Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * Encontrando Stardust - COMPLETO ```
Missrealitybites · 13K Views

Mia Não é uma Encrenqueira!

``` A família Miller tinha um problema na família. Seu nome era Amelia Miller. Sua mãe morreu no parto quando ela nasceu. Sua madrasta caiu de uma escada enquanto estava grávida e morreu. O pai de Amelia a puniu fazendo-a enfrentar a parede no sótão. O sótão era escuro e úmido, e não havia luz do sol nenhuma. Ninguém lhe trazia comida, e Amelia achava que poderia muito bem morrer ali. Momentos antes de sua morte, ela discou um número que sua mãe lhe havia dito antes de falecer. Depois que ela desligou, ouviram-se sons de estrondo ao redor dela. A residência da família Miller estava cercada por um grupo de guarda-costas vestidos de preto. Oito homens saíram de seus carros, cada um com uma aura diferente. Eles foram diretamente para o sótão. O homem que os liderava ajoelhou-se e segurou Amelia, inconsciente, em seus braços. Ele tinha uma expressão solene no rosto. "A família Miller precisa ir à falência." Depois de dormir a noite inteira, Amelia acordou para descobrir que seu pai estava falido. Os membros de sua família estavam todos sem-teto. Enquanto isso, ela... Ela tinha oito tios e um avô bondoso que a amavam muito. O pai de Amelia se arrependeu do que fez, e estava relutante em aceitar o seu destino. E daí se Amelia estava agora levando uma boa vida? Ela ainda era a encrenqueira que causou a morte de sua mãe e a falência de seu pai! O que ele não sabia, é que depois que Amelia voltou para a casa de seu tio, a sorte deles só parecia melhorar. Até sua avó acamada agora podia levantar da cama e dançar na praça! Finalmente, um homem com ar de deus alegou ser seu pai. Ele a mimava ao ponto de todo o mundo sentir inveja dela. ```
Nunu · 27K Views

Marido Maligno, Esposa Gulosa: Compre a Senhorita Porca, Ganhe Pãezinhos de Graça

[Status: CONCLUÍDO] “Feng Tianyi! Seu irmão destruiu minha família Tang! Há algo de bom na sua família?” “En. Você não está vendo como nossos genes de boa aparência são passados para nossos filhos? Quanto à dívida da família Feng, eu vou pagá-la.” Ele disse descompromissadamente. Tang Moyu zombou e cruzou os braços sobre o peito. “Como você vai pagar por isso?” “Que tal eu te pagar com o meu corpo?” “...” Tão sem vergonha! O homem sentado em sua cadeira de rodas explodiu em uma gargalhada ao ver a expressão feia dela. “Senhorita Tang, não adianta fingir que você não viu, já que você praticamente subiu na minha cama e se aproveitou de mim.” Cinco anos atrás, Tang Moyu era a imperatriz do mundo dos negócios e estava no auge de sua carreira antes de ser reduzida a nada quando seu noivo se apaixonou por outra mulher. Tudo bem, já que não havia amor entre ela e Feng Tianhua, mas quem diria que essa ‘Cinderela’ era um lobo em pele de cordeiro? Então há Feng Tianyi, o infame sucessor da família Feng, um autor aclamado pela crítica que constantemente balançava a lista dos mais vendidos com seus livros. Os boatos dizem que ele era de cabeça quente e temperamental. Ele era tão implacável, que nem homens nem mulheres queriam sua companhia. Os rumores até diziam que seu rosto era tão bonito e fora deste mundo. Ele era praticamente um deus entre os homens. Era uma pena que ele fosse deficiente. Os dois nunca deveriam se encontrar novamente, mas um par de pequenos bolinhos doces interveio. “Tio, nós não temos dinheiro para pagar pelos danos.” disse o Pequeno Bolinho mais velho. "Meus manuscritos são inestimáveis”, respondeu o tio bonito com diversão. “Tio, se você não se importa, podemos pagar com a nossa Mamãe? Ela também é inestimável.” E assim o par de pequenos bolinhos doces e o tio bonito entraram em um acordo, mas quem diria que a mulher em questão era uma rainha gelada do inferno que tinha uma estranha afinidade por doces? —— Editor/revisor: ninaviews Capa do livro: Bizzybiin / direitos autorais 2020 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 31.4K Views

Transmigrando de um mundo de zumbis para se tornar a esposa do rei mecha

``` Havia três palavras no Império Estelar do Sol para descrever a Scarlet Su: Inútil, lixo e estúpida. Mas um dia, a Conta Estrelar de Scarlet Su alterou o nome de usuário de 'A noiva do rei mecha' para 'O rei mecha é um fracasso.' De repente todos se perguntaram, que novo joguinho de chamar atenção ela estava inventando? Morrendo numa Terra infestada de zumbis, uma jovem mergulha por uma porta que deveria levar a um novo mundo maravilhoso, mas em vez disso, ela acorda no corpo de Scarlet Su, a esposa indesejada do general favorito do império e rei dos mechas. Ela se torna instantaneamente mãe do filho do general e a coproprietária de um planeta lixeira subdesenvolvido. Pelo menos, ela transmigrou com seu espaço de armazenamento, milhões de suprimentos e a vontade de trabalhar duro. Infelizmente, ela é enganada e acaba se tornando uma ceifadora neste mundo interestelar. Todas as semanas, ela deve entregar almas ao submundo ou arrisca perder sua recém-adquirida força mental e voltar a ser a velha Scarlet fraca e inútil. Ela passou de Scarlet a inútil para Scarlet a incrível, e seu marido de repente veio implorando desesperado pelo seu amor. Ela disse: "Fale primeiro com seu filho, ele é que está procurando por um pai." Mas o filho dele disse: "Você quer ser o meu papai? Entre na fila de pretendentes ali e preencha suas informações." Excerto: "Então o marido pródigo finalmente retorna após todo esse tempo e aqui eu pensava que você estava morto." ela disse sarcasticamente. "Cuide da sua língua Scarlet, eu ainda sou o seu marido." Scarlet riu e cruzou os braços, "Então você se tocou que é marido, como eu deveria reagir agora que você escolheu abraçar o título que tão facilmente quis descartar alguns meses atrás. Devo aplaudir e depois tirar minha roupa e te implorar para você me possuir?" ela revirou os olhos para ele e zombou. Ela observou seu marido andar lentamente em sua direção com um olhar furioso e focado nos olhos e se perguntou se o tinha provocado demais. "Você ousou me enviar papéis do divórcio, Scarlet, você perdeu a porra do juízo?" 'Não,' ela pensou, 'Ao contrário, você é quem perdeu o seu.' A foto da capa não é minha e pode ser retirada a pedido do proprietário. ```
1cutecat · 64.6K Views

His Naughty Lessons

[ Caution: High Heat Advisory ] “Harper, stop undressing me with your eyes. The plot isn’t going that way… YET.” Harper McKenzie, a newbie web novel author, has a problem — she struggles with romance scenes. As someone with almost nonexistent real-life experience in the matter, she can’t get the intimate chemistry right, and those chapters always come out dry and cringy. Fortunately for her, Harper finds a freelance editor willing to workshop her writing. But the surprise? That editor turns out to be her childhood friend and the very first crush of her life. What happens now when he offers her personal lessons on how to write the hottest romance … and love scenes? -------------- Note: this is a fun, cozy, sweet story with a low-drama plot. No love triangles, no misunderstandings, no memory loss / car accidents / terminal illnesses / etc.. Mature content abounds, starting out soft but heats up quickly. You’ve been warned! -------------- Sneak Peek: He slid her bra over her shoulders and, with impossibly quick and skilled work, tied the lacy garment around her wrists. “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered. Harper’s already faltering heartbeat faltered some more. The command in his tone was foreign, but it crashed over her like a heat wave, and even though she could barely begin to picture how salacious she must look, with her hands bound and thighs spread wide like an offering to be ravished, she could feel the scorching need coiling hotter and hotter in her core. Her body obeyed eagerly on its own accord, bringing herself fully open just like she was told. Eli grinned. Moving between her legs, he trailed hot kisses along her inner thigh, leaving sizzling little fires crackling in its wake. “Good girl. Now, what should your character say next?” A finger glided over her wet and wanting flesh in a slippery stroke, making her heart slam to a hard stop as a moan tore free. “Write the next line for me, what should I say before I unravel you with my tongue and make you scream my name?”
Witchhazel · 1.2M Views

Le petit chat du méchant

``` « Quoi ?! Je me transforme en un petit chat... à la fin du monde ? » Kate regarda ses petites pattes avec désespoir. Elle jeta un coup d’œil aux autres qui étaient éveillés avec des capacités étranges et puissantes pendant qu’elle se transformait en un petit chat sans aucune capacité de combat. Elle avait envie de pleurer. Heureusement, ce petit chat a un propriétaire. Son professeur sévère qui paraissait froid et insensible. N’ayant d'autre choix, Kate ne peut que le suivre. ... Kyle regarda le petit chat dans son bras qui affichait un air innocent. Avez-vous déjà vu un chat agir de façon coquette après avoir volé de la nourriture pour cacher sa culpabilité ? Avez-vous déjà vu un chat prendre un bain avec tant de bonheur ? Avez-vous déjà vu un chat... se transformer en un petit enfant ? En regardant la petite fille aux oreilles de chat avec une queue mignonne, Kyle soupira et décida de devenir le père de la fille et de lui enseigner les rudiments du monde. Mais quand la petite fille aux oreilles de chat a soudain grandi pour devenir une adulte… Kyle se tut. ... Rejoignez le Discord pour discuter avec l'auteur et les autres lecteurs : ... Autres romans : - Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [terminé] - Under the Veil of Night [terminé] - 7 Path of the Lilies [en longue pause] - 1 Year of Beginning [terminé] - Villain Lady [terminé] - Science and Fantasy [terminé] - 2 Years of Restarting [terminé] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [en cours] - The Quiet Empress [terminé] ... Suivez-moi sur IG : @sora100518 ```
Sorahana · 58.8K Views


“Shut up!” He roared, as he tore my slave garment from my body in less than a second, leaving my body bare, except for my bra and panties. “Oh my…” He muttered devilishly with lust filled eyes, as he roughly grabbed the right cup of my bra, manhandling it as if to get a pre-feel of how the main softness will feel like. I had given up already, tired of writhing on the floor, tired of trying to wiggle out of his hold, and tired of pleading. What was the use? My legs were already held hostage in the confines of his own limbs, my throat was now sore, and all my plea fell on deaf ears. I shut my eyes tightly, already welcoming my cursed fate, when suddenly the door burst ajar. Who could that be? A savior or another foe? I opened up my eyes, already glazy with tears, and peered at the visitor. He was a man. A beautiful man. A beautiful, angry man. I couldn’t tell distinctively his facial features because of my tear clothed eyes, but even as I laid as dead underneath my assailant, I could feel his rage rolling over him like waves. “Who dares to interrupt my pleasure time? My assailant asked, about to turn his head way back to see who had been standing by the door, when suddenly, in a twinkle of an eye, his head went off flying from his neck, to the ground idly. And so, I screamed; especially as I felt his blood splatter all over my chest and face. But in my screaming and shocked state, I was still able to hear the first words of the man since he had stepped into the room. “How dare you to touch my mate?” He roared. ***** Olivera, the only wolfless girl in the Red Moon’s Pack was captured alongside her best friend by the deadliest pack in the entire region. While performing her slave duties for the new pack, she was almost raped by her taskmaster, but for the intervention of Raul, the Alpha of the pack, who is reckoned for his infamous curse, ruthlessness and womanizing traits. Journey along with Olivera, and see how a shy, seizure plagued wolfless girl tamed the big bad alpha, especially when it was discovered that she was a hybrid, the chosen world who would restore peace between the two supernatural realms at war.
nuvvy10 · 969.1K Views

A Esposa Doente do Bilionário

Uma menina pobre nascida com doença cardíaca congênita não tinha muitas esperanças para o futuro, mas sua vida dá uma guinada acentuada quando um homem rico e bonito a pede em casamento após seu transplante de coração. Foi a coisa mais surpreendente que aconteceu em seus 22 anos de vida. Abigail nunca imaginou que Christopher Sherman, um jovem empresário bilionário, se aproximaria dela e expressaria seu desejo de se casar com ela. Ela estava extasiada e aceitou sua proposta. Mas mal sabia ela que o belo rapaz de 32 anos tinha um motivo secreto para querer se casar com ela. Abigail entrou em seu mundo com muita esperança em seu coração. Mas casar-se com ele não era o final feliz. Era apenas o começo. Será que ela conseguirá impedir seu coração de se partir? O que acontecerá se ela descobrir seu verdadeiro motivo? ============= "A vida era fácil antes de eu me casar com você", disse Abigail com dor nos olhos. “Eu estava morrendo, mas eu estava feliz.” “Como assim?” Christopher agarrou seu braço. “Pare de falar besteiras e tome o remédio”, ele sibilou, colocando um comprimido em sua mão. Sob seu olhar ardente, Abigail se acovardou. "Você acha difícil atender ao meu desejo por um bebê? Já faz dois anos, Christopher." Ele não respondeu à sua pergunta. Tudo o que fez foi encará-la, agindo como mudo. “Por que sinto que você não se preocupa com meus sentimentos?” Abigail perguntou. “Você não me ama?” Seu silêncio foi a resposta clara.
Angelica2511 · 233.3K Views

Protected By a Mafia Boss

"Carmine... I'm about to...." "Not before I taste you." He delivers me, permitting my legs to drop. "Taste..." He slides down my body and throws my legs over his shoulders with my back squeezed against the chilly metal wall. His warm, thick tongue plunges inside my hot pussy. "Fuck..." I toss my head back, scaling the wall, yet he grasps my thighs, holding me set up. His tongue twirls around my clit, sucking and licking in a way that creeps me out. I curve into him, riding his face, grasping his hair. Sweet delivery is inside my grip, and he keeps sucking, licking, focusing on the areas that settle on me wriggle and decision his name. The stars glint behind my shut eyes, and I open them, gazing at the roof. My shirt is open, Carmine is between my thighs, and give up is torn from my spirit. My climax collides with me like a wave, shaking my entire body and making me pant for air. Carmine clutches me until the last quakes die down before he stands up and kisses my temple delicately. "Much obliged to you," I murmur energetically, resting up against him for help as we both catch our breaths. "That was only the tidbit." Carmine sneers and presses a modest kiss all the rage before at long last squeezing the lift button and getting it under way once more. "Imagine a scenario where somebody saw us." I look at the camera, feeling anxious briefly at the prospect of my own standing and vocation. "They'll be biting the dust to understand how I intend to treat you." With his lips squeezed against my neck, the lift entryways open on the highest level of the extravagant inn, and he ventures out. A dazzling perspective on the city underneath should be visible from the glass walls, the horizon with lights that sparkle and shimmer in the evening. The impression of the actual room is reflected against them, making a wonderful sight. "This is lovely." "Not more lovely than you." He accumulates me in his arms and conveys me inside. He thuds down on the love seat that sets before the lit chimney. With the perspectives on New York around midnight radiating through the windows, he starts to take off my garments. I rapidly copy him, anxious to taste him the manner in which he tasted me. I push his coat off, dropping it to the floor. Then, at that point, I unfasten his dress shirt, tearing his undershirt until I'm holding his solid arms and kissing across his characterized chest, the skin of which I scratched with my nails during my delivery. "You're awesome." "I'm a long way from it, bellissima. Presently, let me see you." He pulls from me and stops to respect me for one minute. The white ribbon bra differentiating against the tan skin and dim twists falling thickly over my shoulders. "Strip for me."
Elizabeth_Solomon · 4.6K Views

My Boss Who Is Secretly A Vampire

[Mature Content] A humble shop owner struggling to make ends meet in the modern world, storms into a company to demand her money back for a defective vibrator when she meets the arrogant and dangerous boss, Alaric Draconis. In a twisted tale of rags to riches, love and war; something dark lies just beneath the surface, challenging Ari's world as she knows it. There are things out there that prey on humans, hidden councils that keep mortals oblivious to the bloodthirsty beasts that lurk in the shadowed streets of Seattle Washington. In a world of witches, ghosts, succubus', werewolves, and vampires, Ari is the most dangerous piece in the game: a blood doll that strengthens a vampire's ability. The ultimate weapon between warring supernaturals. —————————————————————- Ari used a single hand to dig into her bra, retrieving her cellphone. "I will not grovel like some sinner in church. Are you secretly some kinky priest?" She waved the device at the door guard. The threat was mostly empty. She couldn't really afford to be involved with the authorities and explain why she'd stormed into the building to begin with. The silence grew as she waited with baited breath. Please let this work. Please let this work. She prayed in her mind. "I don't think you understand, Ms. Ari. A man such as myself doesn't aim for success with the idea of only pleasing some of his genuine audience he appeals to. The goal is perfection, and I've had that for ten years until today. I couldn't care less if you were God," He spoke lowly, then said. "If I can't handle a woman with a mouth I shouldn't run a company." Alaric chuckled lowly beneath his breath and rested a fisted hand against his mouth where he bit on each knuckle slowly. This woman surely had an interesting thought process, especially the vocabulary of words she used in a sentence when speaking about him. "A priest?" His naturally almond shaped eyes seemed to almost narrow more than they had, smooth wrinkles scattering at the corner of each eyelid. Another glint of red light flashed onto the surface of those Grey hues from the various city lights flashing through the large floor to ceiling windows. Dark clouds loomed behind him, and when he stepped forward and crossed the room, he'd seemed like he flew down from them; some fallen angel who'd descended from grace. The speed was quick. In one blink he stood in front of her, his hand coiling around her wrist tightly. "I've been many things in my life, but priest isn't one. I've been an angel, helping those in the community stand on their feet. I've been patient, and I've been the devil to those whom I dislike. Being on my bad side isn't where someone would like to stay if they had any sense. Apparently you don't have that. Let me tell you exactly what would've happened had you called the police. They would've come right in here and ignored everything they saw. Why? Because money and fear keeps people's mouths closed." Yanking her lifted arm downward, he forced her onto her knees before him, his gaze glinting in the darkness. "And only an idiot would forget to apologize when they attempted to swindle someone out of their league. If you want a new product, fine. But you won't be getting your money back. Remove your rude comment off my site and all will be forgotten."
TheLastRemnants · 32K Views

Mr CEO, I Will Do Anything For My Baby

Hearing the door knob clicked, Bryce turned around to see a woman who had just stepped into his room and closed the door behind her. Huh! What is she doing? He was confused. Looking at her to explain why she's here, he blinked as Mel began to remove her clothes. Her eyes determined and the style and movement in which she was getting rid of her clothes was like that a high class seductress. He was too shocked to talk until her bra came into view. "Hum, what are you doing, Miss Melanie?" He asked, trying not to stammer. Mel paused and looked up at him. She had no idea why he's helping her, because she had nothing to give in return, so she deducted that he must want her body. She might not have anything, but she's a great beauty with and alluring body. To top it, even though she isn't happy with what she's about to do, she's sure she could give him a night to remember. She want something to make him keep helping her. She felt so confident that she could get her son back, because of this man in front of her. "I, hum thought you would want a nice time and relax after. I can do anything, but please don't give up on me. I can't live without my son." She said, tears already welling up in her eyes. Bryce's heart was shook greatly, but still composed himself. He chuckled softly. "Miss Melanie, if you have my body, I'm afraid you will have a debt to pay then, because as you can see, it's very precious." He said in praising tone for himself and Mel couldn't help but smiled softly. He then look at her seriously, "I will never get tired. You will get him back and I will support any revenge you want on them. Don't worry." He said and even though she was touched, she still couldn't believe someone would be this nice. "And you want nothing in return?" She asked and he shook his head. "I don't want anything in return. If I need something from you, I will work for it separately." He said in a mischievous tone and she wondered if he will ever want something from her, but still asked him again..... "Then, why are you helping me?" "Because I believe in love and what I see between you and your son is a type of love to be protected. I crave to be the protector of that." He replied with confidence ******* There are different types of mother in the world and if ranks were issued, she will be among the top. She's the definition of a mother.A mother who will do anything for her baby. A mother who will defend even the sweat that has been dabbed off her baby's forehead. You can't talk about anything related to her baby anyhow and not answer to her right there and then.If her baby is sick, she's sick.If her baby cries, she doesn't understand herself. Call her an obsessed mother, but that was how she believes she could protect her child. She wouldn't leave a room for him to be taken away.She will do anything for her baby .…… Meet CEO Desmond Bryce. A man who believed in feelings and couldn't look away from a struggling citizen.He couldn't stand injustice.Call him nosy, but that's him. He just couldn't help it, especially when he saw the sincerity involved.He was the gentle type when you're gentle and could give it hot when you think you're blazing. His motto; you get what you offer, so don't mess with me .…….. The love of a mother for her child and the heart that couldn't look away from injustice. This brings them together. Not this!Meet baby poop. The child that has the best mother in the world and his existence gives his mother the best man on earth. He brings them together.
May1st · 56.7K Views

Road Tripp

Devin and Masha sitting with her ass in his lap as he powers through I don't know how many plates of food and she just keeps hopping up to get more and feed him. Jun and Lilly in quiet planning mode considering they are not going to be at school next year. Ben and Liz are kinda on the outside of the group and have been most of the time. I think things have been tense concerning the big trip but I'll ask about that when we are closer to leaving. Kyle and Hanna are chit chatting with everyone, Kyle being brought in still threw a lot of people outside of the group but we got him healed and while there could have been some sort of explanation I don't feel the need to do so to everyone in the school. Isaac and Allison are my second biggest concern this year as the two of them have been dating like it's a soap opera. They are doing fine then he fucks it up and comes to the group to talk to her then they get back together for a week or two before another blow up. Finally, my biggest concern is Natsuko. After everything that has happened and all we've been through after Kori 'settled the score' with Heather at Johnny's place my little assistant has been less involved and more distant than I've ever seen her. I'm still enjoying the personal time I'm getting with my crew all the while Kori and I have been planning for the trip. I've been working out the trip list. She's been on the more 'important' job of making sure it'll be a fun trip. I'm pretty sure a bunch of teenagers in a couple RV's driven by bikers being tailed by a U-Haul carrying two bikes is gonna be fun for all. The backyard party ends in the late afternoon and while most of the crew heads off to home, I wait till all the guests leave before putting on my coat and grabbing Katy by the hand and dragging her off to my bike. She's wearing a confused look as I hand her the spare helmet but she's not fighting me as we head off to my only true private spot nowadays, the shack at Johnny's. My bike is a regular feature and as soon as I'm off there is someone to walk it to a small garage Johnny had built for the equipment. The place has really changed, it's still got the trailers stacked up like ghetto apartments and teenage outcasts running around but once I get past the 'courtyard' and into the main section it's tools equipment and then the green houses. Still marvel at the work Johnny has put in becoming a 'legitimate businessman' but I've got more important things on my mind as I walk past it all and to my shack. A little expansion on the shack and the bed were done just so I could hold meetings there with my people but other than that it stays untouched by others. I get Katy inside and sit her down on the bed after closing the door. I take notice of my confused 'Bad' girlfriend, tight jeans that are torn up with hard black boots. I know she's got one of her tank tops under her leather jacket. I take my leather jacket and hood off and set it on the chair, then kick my boots off before slowly pulling my t-shirt off. Katy starts to pick up on what's happening and starts to undress taking her own coat and boots off as I get my pants down and kick them to the side. I move up to her and help her with her top revealing her large breasts clasped together in a purple and black bra, her pants come off to show me matching panties before I throw the former to the floor. I pull her up off the bed to sit up and kiss Katy gently on the lips which catch her off guard for only a moment before I have arms wrapped around my neck. Katy leans back, we keep kissing as she takes me with her to the bed, slowly we work our limbs tightly but tenderly around each other as I feel myself getting hard against Katy's covered mound.
Fredrick_Udele · 33K Views

Blood Bound to Elias

[Warning: Mature Content R18+] "My blood is keeping you alive, so from today belong to me." - Elias Stone --------- Do you know the story of the boy who cried wolf? Amaira was the girl who cried, vampire! Of course, no one believed her because vampires don't exist, but how else would you explain what she saw that night? Her sexy and handsome neighbor, Elias Stone devouring a woman's exposed neck! "You're crazy!" they said. "Stop reading so many weird books!" they said. But Amaira knew what she saw and she was going to prove it! After many failed attempts, she finally got into his house disguised as a babysitter for his baby brother, Kenneth. 'Don't put your hand near the baby's mouth was the only rule given to her by Mr. and Mrs. Stone, but what choice did she have when the baby started choking on God knows what? Amaira stuck her finger in baby Kenneth's mouth and one bite from him changed her life forever because it was how she became a ghoul and ended up being bound to the devil. ----- Excerpt They told her to stay away, he was unstable under the curse of the red moon, but being bound to him, Amaira could feel how much he needed her and could hear his voice in her head begging her to come to him. Without seeing her, Elias could tell she was there when a surge of sexual desire infiltrated his body. "You shouldn't be here?" he started, keeping his gaze solely on the ground. "I could hurt you." Despite his warning, Amaira didn't leave but instead went closer to him. "Look at me, Elias." When he rose his head to look at her, she met his red eyes with her blue ones, "You won't hurt me." With those words, Amaira slipped off her coat before pulling her turtleneck blouse over her head and unhooking her bra. Her jeans went after, shortly followed by her lace panties. She was fully exposed in front of the horny devil chained to the wall. His hunger for her increased tenfold, but while the rest of his body betrayed him, words of concern still managed to leave his lips, "You'll freeze to death." Amaira had no idea what took over her, but all she knew was that she needed to please him. She smiled innocently before tracing the bulge in his pants with her index finger, "Then how about you warm me up?" {This story contains r-18+ explicit content, BDSM, horror, and gore} [Please check the author's review before proceeding to the story :)] Check out my other novels: Never A Bride [Ongoing] Blood and Butterflies [Ongoing] Let's connect: Instagram: dolly_.roma Discord: DollyRoma#7887 ** The beautiful cover art belongs to me and was commissioned by elkshan (Find her on Instagram)
DollyRoma · 1.1M Views

He is a Nymphomaniac.

Rhehan expected her to fall for his wicked smile. The moment he tried to touch her uncovered thigh , he was thrusted with a tight slap on his right cheek. The beautiful woman sitting in his front cursed him and stormed out of the cafe. The nymphomaniac within him took a break again and he could not even sleep. He had to take revenge for the slap. How dare she hit him like that? Doesn't she know who he is? How can a girl possibly be not affected by his looks and wealth? ..... The next day he entered the same cafe and ordered everyone to move out. Nobody had the courage to refuse him. As soon as the girl was also about to leave, he held her waist and pushed her closer to his already lusty body. It was just the two of them in the cafe. " Not you my dear," he said holding her waist and feeling her curves on his hardness. ..... What will prevail Love or Lust? For a nymphomaniac man like Rhehan is it possible to love anybody in his life? Get ready to experience a rollar-coaster ride of Love, romance, mystery, magic and action.? P.S. Since many people are confused about me using the term Nymphomaniac for a male, I would like to clarify that there is a reason I have done that! Part 1 (Finished) Paert 2- Married To a Nymphomaniac read on Readamo, Toimoi, Lereader, Novelenders, Easynovel, Noveloasis, Yumread, Upnovel. Happy reading! ********** Join me on my discord server, for more interactions and updates! ************* Other Novels- 1.When Love Happens! 2. The Perfect War Story... 3. Pool Of Lust 4. It started with a bra 5. Oath of seduction 6. When the clouds Lie (Readamo) 7. Help the CEO is seducing me (Goodnovel)
Alaheeza · 11.9M Views

The Perfect War Story.......

Warning: Contains adult content. A story about seduction, lust, deception and power! .......... What happens when the country's two youngest and most successful lawyers, end up meeting in the courtroom? One is the charming and crude male, Austin, who has to now face his five year old crush Linda, a pure beauty with brains. Will it turn out to be love or war? *********** You have not even given me any time Linda. That is not fair." He held the girl's wrist pulling her closer to him. The girl was startled a bit and then looked in the man's eyes with surprise. His dark eyes were filled with love and pain, and he was looking at the girl with much resolve. "Austin what are you doing?'' Austin smirked a bit and then planted a quick peck on her cheek with much love and adoration. "I have not learnt to accept defeat. And this time all I want is you. I want to touch your body once again, this time without alcohol. I want to feel these beautiful lips on my lips once again and suck them very hard. I want to enter you once again and hug you for life. And I will keep convincing you, till you do not say yes to me." He smiled a bit and then instantly turned around walking away towards his car. In just another few seconds the man waved her good bye and was already driving away. Part 2 - The Pool Of Thirst And Sins ********** Other Novels- 1. He is a Nymphomaniac 2. When Love Happens! 3. The Girl Under Red Umbrella 4. It started with a Bra 5. My Three Husbands
Alaheeza · 1.4M Views

Poisonous Lips

WARNING!!! MATURE CONTENT! Parent guidance is strongly advised. EXCERPT: "The rest of the guys in the circle began shouting joyfully as the naked ones took away my trouser and panties, took away my pullover and bra all at once hence, I was completely naked on the ground. All their d**ks became arose, completely stiff, pointing in my direction. I have always loved the sight of dicks with full girth, but these looked ridiculously bigger, and girth than the usual d**ks I have seen and, truth be told, I became fearful for my life. For a short while, they halted the process and remain stiff like a polo collar, but I was still being held against my will to the ground. The one holding the staff stood up and walked slowly to where we were with a cup of palm wine still in his hands as he swung in the palm wine in one draught and threw away the cup instantly. Tonight is one of the blessed nights that we will always want to remember. Let the initiation begins." He announced as he lifted up his hands and gave a short, mirthless laugh. The others wouldn't allow him to stop laughing. They took up the laugh at once except those who were frozen as they kept me pinned in my position. Before I could blink an eye, I already saw the middle man naked as he quickly came on top of me while the others paved the way for him. Two of the naked guys kept pinning my hands to the ground, and another two did the same to my feet. The moment I felt his ride inside me, my drunkenness cleared away from my eyes as my eyes stopped turning and I started struggling to overcome all of them, but to no avail. He gave me a slap and slap again and again until I stopped trying and allow him to dangle on me until he was done. I wouldn't know if the idea was to make me feel pain as the sex wasn't enjoyable, not even for a little. It was full of pain and endurance. He kept swinging faster in a single position and rapid slaps which landed dirty on both of my cheeks as he lifted his head up and opened his horrible stinking mouth only for me to feel him release his white horrible substances inside of me as he slaps his d**ks on my vagina and walked away." ---------------------------------------------------------------- The company we keep can either contribute to our success or destroy us at the very end, so they say. This was the case of Shade, whose friend Cynthia became a wolf in sheep's clothing. For the love Shade had and Cynthia could not get, Cynthia did everything and anything she could to make sure everything ends bitterly for Shade. Day after day, as she continued to dwell in her evil mindset, she found confidence among the children of the night and from there, her true colour was revealed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER!!! Cover art is not mine. Send me a message for removal. Contact information Discord: @sam-crowned00#2457 Instagram: @sam_crowned1 Facebook: @samcrowned Twitter: @sam_crowned
Samcrowned00 · 406.2K Views
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