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Klassic Shao Kahn

Gadis Peternakan yang Beruntung

Setelah meninggal secara tak terduga, dia dilahirkan kembali sebagai seorang gadis kecil berusia sepuluh tahun di keluarga petani kuno, dengan hanya beberapa ruangan di rumahnya dan lebih sedikit lagi lahan, belum lagi rumah tangga yang dipenuhi oleh orang tua, lemah, sakit, dan cacat. Untungnya, para tetua di keluarga itu baik dan jujur, saudara-saudaranya penyayang dan berbudi luhur, dan tetangga-tetangga hidup rukun dan ramah. Bagi Yang Mengchen, yang telah menderita siksaan dari kerabatnya dan bertahan dari berbagai ejekan dan omelan sejak kecil, ini sungguh merupakan berkah dari surga. Untuk mendukung keluarga yang ia cintai, ia dengan tegas mengambil tanggung jawab berat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Jika dia, seorang CEO korporasi modern yang pernah mendominasi dunia bisnis, tidak dapat memberi makan sebuah keluarga, lantas siapa lagi? Resep farmasi, membangun rumah kaca, membuka toko-toko... Tidak hanya keluarganya mulai hidup nyaman dan sejahtera, tapi dia juga memimpin desa-desa di sekitarnya dalam menciptakan pemandangan pastoral yang megah! Dengan uang dan ketenaran, saat dia tumbuh dewasa, Yang Mengchen memutuskan sudah waktunya untuk memilih suami, dan dengan demikian, pemuda-pemuda berbakat dari seluruh dunia mulai berdatangan kepadanya. Siapa yang tahu dewa kematian bermuka masam akan memblokade pintu masuk rumah Keluarga Yang? "Kamu terlalu tinggi, kamu terlalu pendek, kamu terlalu gemuk, kamu terlalu kurus, kamu terlalu gelap, kamu terlalu pucat, kamu tidak berpendidikan, kamu licik dan penuh tipu muslihat... Semua gugur!" Dalam sekejap, pintu masuk menjadi kosong, dan Yang Mengchen langsung marah, "Pangeran, kau telah mengusir semua orang. Bagaimana aku seharusnya memilih suami sekarang?" "Saya ingin melihat siapa yang berani menikahi Anda. Saya tidak keberatan mengirimnya ke Dunia Bawah sebagai pengantin pria!" Yang Mengchen... Seorang Pangeran tertentu menghitung kelebihannya dengan jari-jarinya: "Saya memiliki kekuasaan, prestise, dan substansi, tidak memiliki selir, tidak ada cinta rahasia, tidak berkeliaran— Saya mewakili standar tiga ketaatan dan empat kebajikan suami... Singkatnya, hanya saya, pria baik yang tak tertandingi, yang layak untuk Anda!" Pengawal: Oh Pangeran yang bijak dan gagah berani, apakah benar-benar bagus untuk begitu kurang dalam peran Anda sebagai suami?
Lan Shao · 44.7K Views

La fille chanceuse de la ferme

Après être morte de manière inattendue, elle renaissait en tant que petite fille de dix ans dans une famille de fermiers de l'époque ancestrale, avec à peine quelques pièces dans sa maison et encore moins d'arpents de terre, sans parler d'un foyer composé de personnes âgées, faibles, malades et handicapées. Heureusement, les anciens de la famille étaient gentils et honnêtes, ses frères affectueux et bienveillants, et les voisins harmonieux et amicaux. Pour Yang Mengchen, qui avait souffert du tourment de ses parents et enduré toutes sortes de moqueries et de réprimandes depuis sa jeunesse, c'était véritablement une bénédiction du ciel. Pour soutenir la famille qu'elle aimait, elle prit résolument la lourde responsabilité de subvenir à leurs besoins. Si elle, une CEO d'entreprise moderne qui avait autrefois dominé le monde des affaires, ne pouvait pas nourrir une famille, alors qui le pourrait ? Recettes pharmaceutiques, construction de serres, ouverture de magasins... Non seulement sa famille commença à vivre une vie confortable et prospère, mais elle mena également les villages environnants à créer une scène pastorale magnifique ! Avec de l'argent et de la renommée, en grandissant, Yang Mengchen décida qu'il était temps de choisir un mari, et ainsi, de jeunes talents du monde entier commencèrent à affluer vers elle. Qui aurait su qu'un sombre dieu de la mort bloquerait l'entrée de la maison de la famille Yang ? "Tu es trop grand, tu es trop court, tu es trop gros, tu es trop maigre, tu es trop sombre, tu es trop pâle, tu es inculte, tu es trompeur et sournois... Tous éliminés !" D'un coup, l'entrée était vide, et Yang Mengchen était instantanément furieuse, "Prince, tu as chassé tout le monde. Comment suis-je censée choisir un mari maintenant ?" "J'aimerais bien voir qui oserait t'épouser. Je ne m'opposerais pas à l'envoyer dans le Monde souterrain en tant que marié !" Yang Mengchen... Un certain Prince énumérait ses mérites sur ses doigts : "J'ai du pouvoir, du prestige, et des biens, pas de concubines, pas d'amours secrètes, pas de frasques — J'incarne les normes des trois obéissances et des quatre vertus d'un mari... En bref, seul moi, cet homme sans pareil, suis digne de toi !" Les gardes : Oh sage et vaillant Prince, est-il vraiment bon d'être si en manque dans ton rôle de mari ?
Lan Shao · 62.8K Views

Das glückliche Bauernmädchen

Nach ihrem unerwarteten Tod wurde sie als zehnjähriges Mädchen in einer alten Bauernfamilie wiedergeboren, mit nur wenigen Zimmern in ihrem Haus und noch weniger Hektar Land, ganz zu schweigen von einem Haushalt mit alten, schwachen, kranken und behinderten Menschen. Glücklicherweise waren die Ältesten in der Familie freundlich und ehrlich, ihre Brüder liebevoll und gutmütig, und die Nachbarn harmonisch und freundlich. Für Yang Mengchen, die seit ihrer Jugend unter den Qualen ihrer Verwandten gelitten und alle Arten von Spott und Schimpfworten ertragen hatte, war dies wahrlich ein Segen des Himmels. Um die Familie, die sie liebte, zu unterstützen, nahm sie entschlossen die schwere Verantwortung auf sich, für sie zu sorgen. Wenn sie, eine moderne Konzernchefin, die einst die Geschäftswelt dominiert hatte, keine Familie ernähren konnte, wer dann? Sie entwickelte pharmazeutische Rezepte, baute Gewächshäuser, eröffnete Läden... Nicht nur ihre Familie begann, ein komfortables und wohlhabendes Leben zu führen, sondern sie führte auch die umliegenden Dörfer dazu, eine herrliche pastorale Szene zu schaffen! Als sie mit Geld und Ruhm aufwuchs, beschloss Yang Mengchen, dass es an der Zeit war, sich einen Ehemann zu suchen, und so begannen junge Talente aus der ganzen Welt zu ihr zu strömen. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein grimmig dreinblickender Todesgott den Eingang zum Haus der Familie Yang versperren würde? "Du bist zu groß, du bist zu klein, du bist zu dick, du bist zu dünn, du bist zu dunkel, du bist zu blass, du bist ungebildet, du bist hinterlistig und verschlagen... Alle eliminiert!" Im Nu war der Eingang leer, und Yang Mengchen war sofort wütend: "Prinz, Sie haben alle vertrieben. Wie soll ich mir jetzt einen Ehemann aussuchen?" "Ich würde gerne sehen, wer es wagt, dich zu heiraten. Ich hätte nichts dagegen, ihn als Bräutigam in die Unterwelt zu schicken!" Yang Mengchen... Ein gewisser Prinz zählte seine Verdienste an den Fingern ab: "Ich habe Macht, Ansehen und Vermögen, keine Konkubinen, keine heimlichen Liebesaffären, kein Flirten - ich verkörpere die Standards der drei Gehorsamkeiten und vier Tugenden eines Ehemannes ... Kurzum, nur ich, dieser unvergleichlich gute Mann, bin Eurer würdig!" Die Wachen: Oh weiser und tapferer Prinz, ist es wirklich gut, dass Ihr Eurer Rolle als Ehemann so wenig gerecht werdet?
Lan Shao · 18.4K Views

Legenda Raja Naga (The Legend of the Dragon King)

Zaman dewa telah lama berakhir, suara mereka tidak lagi terdengar di benua Douluo. Kemanusiaan berdiri di atas pengetahuan mereka, teknologi jiwa yang maju hingga tak terbayangkan. Manusia Douluo menemukan senjata pemusnah massal, baju besi mekanik, dan logam hidup. Dengan kemajuan ini, mereka pergi untuk manaklukkan lautan dan menemukan dua benua baru. Untuk mendorong teknologi baru ini, umat manusia memburu Soul Beast hingga ke ambang kepunahan. Yang dulu merupakan penguasa Douluo, sekarang beberapa Soul Beast yang masih hidup bersembunyi dalam relung tergelap dari tempat perlindungan mereka. Yang terlemah telah diburu, meninggalkan yang terkuat bersembunyi di jantung hutan. Soul Beast yang tidak ingin lenyap merencanakan pemberontakan untuk bertahan hidup. Di tengah-tengah ini, dewa dari era yang telah lama terlupakan terbangun di kedalam Hutan Besar Bintang Dou dengan tujuan memalas dendam untuk Soul Beast. Saat kegelapan merambah dari jurang maut, harapan ditemukan pada seorang anak laki-laki yang memiliki kekuatan melebihi keilahian di dalam dirinya – Tang Wulin! Harapan bagi manusia dan Soul Beast untuk hidup berdampingan. Dia menemukan jalannya ke aula Legenda Akademi Shrek, di mana dia belajar menggunakan kekuatannya yang luar biasa, berteman dan menemukan sekutu, akhirnya naik menjadi pemimpin yang menjulang tinggi. Saat ia belajar untuk menggunakan kekuatannya, bahaya mengintai di dalam bayang-bayang saat berbagai faksi manusia mengatur siasat dan merencakan untuk merebut Akademi Shrek. Tang Wulin menemukan ancaman bagi satu-satunya dunia yang dia tahu saat dia tenggelam lebih dalam tipu muslihat. Sementara itu, disamarkan oleh kekacauan dan tanpa sepengetahuan manusia, rencana Soul Beast terus berlanjut. Untuk mempertahankan apa yang dia cintai dan merebut kembali apa yang hilang, Tang Wulin harus mencari peninggalan legenda masa lalu dan membuka kekuatan penuh Raja Naga Emas! *************** Douluo Dalu 3: Legend of the Dragon King Long Wang Chuan Shuo, Author : Tang Jia San Shao, Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris dari Wuxiaworld
Sha1927 · 1.5M Views

The Lucky Farm Girl

After dying unexpectedly, she was reborn as a ten-year-old little girl in an ancient farming family, with barely a few rooms in her house and even fewer acres of land, not to mention a household of the old, weak, sick, and disabled. Fortunately, the elders in the family were kind and honest, her brothers loving and good-natured, and the neighbors harmonious and friendly. For Yang Mengchen, who had suffered from her relatives' torment and endured all sorts of mockery and scolding since she was young, this was truly a blessing from heaven. To support the family she loved, she resolutely took on the heavy responsibility of providing for them. If she, a modern corporate CEO who had once dominated the business world, couldn't feed a family, then who could? Pharmaceutical recipes, building greenhouses, opening storefronts... Not only did her family start living a comfortable and prosperous life, but she also led the surrounding villages in creating a magnificent pastoral scene! With money and fame, as she grew up, Yang Mengchen decided it was time to choose a husband, and thus, young talents from around the world began to flock to her. Who knew a grim-faced god of death would be blocking the entrance to the Yang family's home? "You're too tall, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, you're too dark, you're too pale, you're uneducated, you're deceitful and sly... All eliminated!" In a moment, the entrance was empty, and Yang Mengchen was instantly furious, "Prince, you've driven everyone away. How am I supposed to choose a husband now?" "I would like to see who dares to marry you. I wouldn't mind sending him to the Underworld as a groom!" Yang Mengchen... A certain Prince counted his merits on his fingers: "I have power, prestige, and substance, no concubines, no secret love affairs, no gallivanting— I embody the standards of a husband's three obediences and four virtues... In short, only I, this unparalleled good man, am worthy of you!" The guards: Oh wise and valiant Prince, is it really good to be so lacking in your role as a husband?
Lan Shao · 1.2M Views

Zither Emperor

Nine-tiered zither notes shake the cosmos, who dares not know their master upon hearing? Rainbow-colored magic represents ranks, heroically raising the grand curtain. The Zither Emperor, bringing revolutionary changes to this continent. Accompanied by the emergence of the once in eternity Pure Qinxin, a generation Zither Mage, is born quietly in the blue sky and sea. This is the story of an innocent boy gradually becoming the emperor of zithers, pioneering Music Magic, overturning prior settings. Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet - the rainbow-grade becomes the standard of measurement for all martial skills and magic. A profession once considered as useless as chicken ribs, because of his emergence, becomes an immortal legend and myth. He, on the other hand, is like a dazzling new star making it impossible for anyone to ignore his radiance. Even the nearly invincible dragons cannot lift their arrogant heads in front of the Zither Emperor, for before them is someone god-like... Pioneering Music Magic, overturning prior settings, the rainbow-grade will become the standard of measurement for all martial skills and magic. Dragons are no longer invincible creatures, this will be a novel high with dragons. The Divine Music Master, a branch of the Spirit Mages, the most noble but useless profession on the Ryuzakinus Continent. But, is it really useless? The once in eternity Pure Qinxin, a generation Zither Mage, is quietly born in the blue sky and sea. This is the story of an innocent boy gradually becoming the emperor of zithers. But, is he really just the emperor of zithers?
Tang Jia San Shao · 404.5K Views

Chronicles Of Dragon Emperor

This Story Have Biggest Chapters you have ever seen. And yes One chapter needs over two weeks to make. It's Not just Filling up words, but the words have actual emotions in it It's short summarized Version of "Soul Land III" (also known as "Douluo Dalu III: The Legend of the Dragon King") is a Chinese web novel written by Tang Jia San Shao, and it is the third sequel in the "Soul Land" series. The story takes place 10,000 years after the events of the previous two sequels. The Tang Sect, now renamed the Tang Outer Sect, has lost its prestige and is no longer a powerhouse in the world of soul masters. The story follows a young boy named Tang Wulin, who was born with a unique soul power, as he embarks on a journey to become a powerful soul master and revive the Tang Sect. Along the way, Tang Wulin makes new friends and allies, including Gu Yuena, a girl with a mysterious past and powerful soul power, and Xie Xie, a thief who is also a talented soul master. Together, they face various challenges and obstacles, including the threat of the Abyssal Douluo, a powerful enemy that seeks to destroy the world of soul masters. As Tang Wulin and his friends grow stronger and face more challenges, they uncover secrets and conspiracies that threaten not only their own lives but also the fate of the entire world. With determination, courage, and their unique soul powers, they strive to overcome these challenges and protect the world they love.
A_Fiction · 23.6K Views

The Villain Becomes the White Moonlight.

Shao Lingheng is Du Yan's dish, the most perfect. The following is the perfect recipe for a cooking nightmare, also known as "How to be a Qualified Villain BOSS" [Youth Pain Nightmare, the male protagonist was drunk and cheated on the female protagonist to get pregnant and aborted] Du Yan: I want to give the male protagonist good physical hygiene education, I refuse to go in bed with him until marriage, educate the male protagonist to take advantage of me, and then finally wait to be killed by him. Male protagonist: Follow your will, take away your power, just to keep you. [ It's a nightmare of a historical conspiracy film, the supposed hero used the heroine and destroyed her country and her family] Du Yan: I want to become the heroine, lift up my skirt × bigger than you, deceive the hero to use the hero, and finally wait to be killed . Male protagonist: You hate this dynasty, then as you wish, I will destroy it for you. [Nightmare in the ghost movie, the male protagonist ordered Geqite to kill all his teammates] Du Yan: I will kill the male protagonist to turn him into a ghost, bully the male protagonist and make him angry, and finally wait to be killed by him. Male protagonist: If I become a ghost, I can always haunt you, then I am willing. ...... So much trouble, all to eat! As the only bloodline left by the mythical beast birch in the low demon plane, Du Yan, who was awakened, fell into a miserable situation of not having enough to eat every day. Until he met Shao Lingheng, the actor who was too deep into the play and was plagued by nightmares every night. However, anything can be unpredictable. Shao Lingheng: That person is the cinnabar mole in my heart, the white moonlight on the horizon, he gave everything for me. Du Yan: Wait, are we not on the same page? [CP: Shao Lingheng × Du Yan]
EIRO · 6.8K Views

The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time (BL)

When a wrong path is chosen, it isn't surprising to have a miserable ending. "Before didn't I mention about how blind you are? Look at you now! Since you are so ignorant and stupid, next time, just ignored the other people and follow me alright? Base on our intertwined deep fate of being enemies in this life, I am sure that we will meet again in our next life!" With bloodstained lip, Shao Cheng let out an ironic smile, betrayed by his loved one, Ren Yuan who is his greatest enemy of all time has given him comfort and satisfaction on his moment of death, which is rather ridiculous considering the two of them have been trying to kill each other. How come this enchanting man is being strangely gentle and considerate toward him? "Alright, If I meet you again. I'll follow you this time." -------------------------------------------------- The second life he was given has been full of mistakes, errors, and blunder. Losing their game of conflict, Shao Cheng will listen to Ren Yuan's word this time. Later on, a beautiful young man with a cold expression dressed in a snow-white robe follows behind an older exquisite young man dressed in a gorgeous crimson robe. "Aren't you going home soon? How long are you going to keep following me around!?" Shao Cheng's sapphire eyes suddenly dim down turning pitiful causing the young man dressed in crimson robe to become guilty and panic inside. "Alright, alright! Just follow me! This Big Brother is powerful, so protecting a single person wouldn't be difficult!" So a clueless and ignorant crimson robe young man let a wicked person follow along his side which he, later on, learned to have an abnormal ability. I seemed to hear him talking to a bird? Hey, why are you showing tender expression to a plant? MC (SHAO CHENG IS GONG/TOP) WARNING! BL, Boy Love, Yaoi, Don't Read It If You Don't Like it! Mature Content! BTW! There Will Be Writing Mistakes, Spelling that will be accidentally Miss, and Grammars - Just want to let you know before you start reading it. IF You Don't Like it and Can't continue reading it because of the writing problems, Please Just Try To Be Respectful and Quietly Leave. Thank You. I, as the author, know the problem, but I want to continue writing, so thank you. Editor: Dreamer (Chapter 285+) Mc White Robe (GONG/ATTACK/SEME) x ML Crimson Robe (Shou/Bottom/Uke) Buy me Coffee? Appreciate it ^^ DISCORD: LoveableChubby#1263 First Time Server, Please Become A Member? Haha Commission Book Cover! :)
LoveableChubby · 2.7M Views
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