Stained Sand
Title: Stained Sand
In the bustling streets of Mumbai, Rohan, an ordinary high school student, has learned to live with the occasional tremors of life—both literal and metaphorical. However, when an inexplicable event disturbs the peaceful rhythm of his world, Rohan finds himself trapped in a surreal battle between reality and something far more sinister.
One morning, while Rohan gets up with playful teasing from his younger siblings, Aarav and Aryan, there is something in the air that is very disconcerting: sand everywhere in great and menacing stretches, as if overnight, has swallowed up the familiar world. The streets start shifting, the school ground begins to shift, even the skies seem to have had the laws of nature torn apart. There's something unnatural with the sand, a weight in the air-as if eyes were watching him, waiting for him to make a move.
It all happens when Rohan finds himself faced with a strange man who comes from the sky, garbed in flowing white robes, and tells him that he is very, very far from ordinary. Actually, Rohan leads a life full of hidden powers, wanted by darker forces, even though he has lived an apparently very mundane life in Mumbai.
As the man with strange abilities challenged Rohan, manipulating the sand around them into deadly weapons and illusions, Rohan realized that he was no longer a student. He would have to stand up to the forces of this mysterious stranger, who either wanted to wake up his latent powers or destroy him once and for all. With the sand constantly shifting, it reveals more and more of its secrets, and Rohan comes to understand that his life is connected to something much greater than he could have ever imagined: bound by ancient powers, forgotten gods, and a dimension-spanning conflict.
Torn by his own identity and the depth of his powers, Rohan must fight his way through this new world full of fatal enemies, obscured truths, and dark alliances. But sand is not his only enemy: old friends, childhood memories, and even the ones he loves may be part of a larger game that may destroy everything he holds dear.
Can Rohan find out about his powers before it is too late, or will the dunes of destiny bury him and the world in an eternal storm?