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Cara Menulis Novel Dengan Baik

Suami Dengan Keuntungan

Nora hancur sebulan sebelum pernikahannya ketika ia menemukan perselingkuhan licik tunangannya. Saat ia mengelola pengkhianatan ini, ia menemukan sebuah komplotan mendalam untuk menghalangi dia dari mengklaim hak warisnya. Hancur tapi bertekad, Nora mengambil langkah berani untuk mengambil kembali kontrol atas hidupnya. Masuklah Demetri 'Setan' bagi mereka yang mengenalnya, seorang pria tangguh yang hampir tidak dikenalnya, yang menawarkan perlindungan dan dukungan sebagai imbalan atas pernikahan kontrak untuk memuaskannya. Dalam liku nasib, Nora menikah dengan Demetri untuk mengklaim warisannya dan melawan mereka yang berkomplot melawannya. Tapi saat dia bertarung dengan keluarganya sendiri dan banyak rival Demetri, akankah dia bisa menjaga diri dari jatuh cinta pada pria yang dikenal dapat menghancurkan orang lain di bawah tumit sepatu botnya. Petikan: Dia telah melupakan bahwa pria itu menakutkan dan langsung menantangnya. Bukannya berbicara, Demetri bangkit dari kursinya dan mendekatinya dengan sengaja. Meskipun hanya beberapa langkah, waktu tampaknya berjalan lambat bagi Nora. Ketika dia hampir dalam jarak sentuh, tangannya dengan lembut mendarat di lututnya, menggesernya ke samping. Sentuhannya bergerak dengan sedikit belaian, dan dia melangkah di antara kaki terbuka Nora. Nora duduk diam terpaku, matanya terbelalak seperti rusa yang tertangkap lampu sorot. Menangkap dagunya dengan jarinya, dia menaikkan wajahnya ke atas dan berbicara dengan santai, "Kamu istriku." Dia mengangguk perlahan dalam afirmasi sementara ibu jarinya perlahan mengelus bibirnya. "Aku telah memberimu waktu untuk mengumpulkan emosimu." Anggukan lain. Kegugupan Nora membuatnya menjilat bibirnya, sangat menyadari tatapan intensnya yang terpaku pada mereka. "Alasanmu untuk pernikahan adalah untuk mengamankan warisanmu dan menjauh dari cengkeraman ibumu." "Ya..." Nora berbisik dengan bingung. Kebingungannya bukan tentang pernyataannya, tapi tentang sensasi membingungkan yang mengalir dalam dirinya. Ada apa dengan dirinya? "Saatnya bagi kamu untuk memenuhi bagianmu dari kontrak, ya?" Dia melanjutkan. "Ya," Nora berbisik tanpa napas. Mengapa dia tanpa napas? Apakah tingkat oksigen di rumah telah turun? Apakah udara tiba-tiba menjadi tipis? Tiba-tiba, tangannya meninggalkan wajahnya, dan dia menonton saat Demetri mendekat. Saat itulah Nora memahami apa yang sedang terjadi. Semua ciuman menggoda yang membuat jantung berdebar yang telah dia baca di novel-novel akan mungkin menjadi kenyataannya. Namun ciuman yang diantisipasi tidak terjadi. Sebaliknya, dia berhenti di dekatnya dan memerintah, "Cium aku."
har_k · 15.5K Views

Jatuh Cinta dengan Raja Binatang

[LENGKAP] Reth bergerak mendekati Elia, dagunya rendah sehingga bayangan dari rahang kerasnya membelah kerah bulu tebal di rompinya. Rambutnya jatuh menutupi matanya dalam perkelahian, sehingga ia menatapnya melalui rambutnya seperti singa di dalam rumput. Setiap langkahnya, langkah anggun dan bergulir mengingatkannya pada pemangsa yang mengendap-endap mendekati mangsanya. Meskipun lantai hutan penuh dengan ranting dan daun, ia tak membuat suara sedikitpun. “Si-siapa kamu?” Elia tergagap, mundur sambil mengangkat tangan. Dia mengikuti langkah demi langkahnya sampai Elia menabrak pohon di belakangnya—dan tidak berhenti sampai ia menjulang di atasnya, begitu lebar bahu dan dada Reth membentuk dinding di depannya. Dia bisa merasakan panas yang terpancar dari kulit Reth dalam udara malam yang sejuk. “Saya adalah Raja Leonine.” Suaranya adalah kerikil yang dalam dan serak. Di belakangnya, paduan suara desah, auman, dan cuitan persetujuan meningkat dari orang-orang yang menonton. “Dan kamu adalah?” “Elia,” ia berbisik. “Elia,” ia mendengus, mendekat lebih jauh, membawa dengan dirinya aroma pinus dan hujan serta musk yang khas dari sesuatu yang sangat maskulin. “Saya Reth.” Ia mengucapkan namanya dengan gulungan aneh di tenggorokannya. “Saya adalah Raja Binatang. Saya adalah Pemimpin Klan, dan saya adalah Alfa dari WildWood.” Beberapa geraman muncul dari kerumunan di belakangnya saat itu, namun ia mengabaikannya. Elia menelan ludah ketika ia mendekat sampai rambut kasar di dagunya menggesek pipinya. “Saya adalah Raja,” katanya, “Dan kamu akan menjadi pasangan saya.” Hutan di belakangnya meledak. ****** Elia adalah seorang mahasiswi miskin sampai malam ketika ia dibawa ke dunia Anima—diperintah oleh manusia yang jantung kuno mereka berdetak dengan darah binatang. Di sana ia dipaksa mengikuti pertarungan sampai mati. Tapi ketika Elia selamat, dan menolak untuk membunuh lawannya yang terakhir, Raja harus membunuh Elia sendiri, atau mengambilnya sebagai pasangan. Reth, Raja Binatang yang brutal dengan darah singa, mengejutkan semua orang ketika ia memilih Elia yang lemah, manusia, untuk menjadi Ratu-Nya. Ia menjanjikan semua kemewahan dari kekayaan dan posisinya—tapi ia jelas: Elia tidak akan menghangatkannya di tempat tidur. Ia memilihnya untuk mengalahkan mereka-mereka yang mencoba membuatnya terjebak dengan menggabungkan garis keturunan Leonine-Nya dengan Serigala. Elia memerlukan bantuan dari Anima untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan memerintah mereka dengan baik. Namun, Serigala yang dendam hanya melihat manusia lemah yang telah membuat mereka malu. Saat Elia dan Reth semakin dekat, Serigala bertekad untuk menghancurkannya. Apakah Reth dan Elia mengakui perasaan mereka satu sama lain tepat waktu untuk berjuang demi Kerajaan—dan nyawa mereka—melawan suku serigala yang jahat? Ataukah Serigala akan membunuh Elia dan merebut tahta? [Konten matang - tidak ada kekerasan seksual] Cover Art digunakan dengan izin hak cipta berbayar. Diilustrasikan oleh Aenaluck--lihat lebih banyak seni menawan dan dukung mereka di
AimeeLynn · 26.3K Views

Novel Extras Survival

Kim Yong reads novels in his free time but one Novel that caught him the most in the charm of its story is the Novel "Astral Hero Return" a generic Harem novel as the Astral Hero tries to defeat the bad guy in that case the Demon King and builds his harem to an extent where you ask yourself why would they need 20 wives to live a normal life or to win somehow against the bad guy as all his wives cheer for him Kim Yong found the Story intriguing not because there was a harem but how the characters feeled so alive for him as he knows them in addition to that he longs to exist in such a world especially this one However "The Novel will take a break for Personal reason and I don't know when i will come back." The Novel he was so obsessed with so that he wrote over 30 notebooks of his theories and thoughts of how things could work or how many powers exist in the world suddenly decided to take a break at the start of the next arc 'Demon ladies' as he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day he finds himself in the exact novel he longed to live in. But he has no time to relax since he remembers he is not the only reincarnated person in addition does he will need to face the final villains to change the fate of the world and find out the truth behind his existence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: Hello to the people who will try to read the first novel of mine. The first twenty chapter are pretty bad since they were my first attempt to write a novel in english and at that point the story was only a concept with no real conclusion or consequences. If you find any mistakes or bad phrased english sentences please comment under them and help me out to make the novel an enyoyable story to read. I hope some of you still will enjoy reading the novel and stay around to see the conclusion of the story.
Jokergamer_2005 · 219.2K Views

Reality Novel

Again and again. Over a thousand times Rayhan failed to save the world, to save the ones that he loves but he keeps failing. But he was still determined to win. Valen mumbled and snickered as he read his favourite novel. Smack! Valen fell to the floor and dropped his phone, with one hand on his throbbing cheek, he looked to see who had hit him but he already knew. His breathing, unsteady and his heart pounding. Valen stood up and went back to his seat ignoring the dark haired fiend that had struck him. Smack! Valen was hit again by the fiend. This time, Valen lost his timid coolness, but before he could fight back, he heard screams and felt the school building shake. He looked around to see what was happening and his body trembled with fear and excitement. He saw a raven black haired male with sharp brown eyes and a chiselled jawline. It was Rayhan. And with him was his cohort. Valen was confused, more so shocked. But before he could take it all in, he saw all sorts of monsters and beasts pouring out the 'gates'. All of the students in the school attempted to flee but as some succumbed to the monsters they all ran to hide. At the moment the heroes, along with Rayhan, fought the strongest and didn't seem to understand their situation, Valen on the other hand hid inside his locker. He never knew that the novel he loved reading all these years would be real, better yet come to his life. At first, it was very popular but soon, only Valen was left. Valen closed his eyes and waited for the chaos and turmoil to pass with time, hours and hours flew and it seemed the situation was calming down a bit. Valen left the safety of the locker and looked around. He looked left and then right; nothing. He walked around the hall and from time to time he would look outside the windows to see if the heroes were still fighting the major beasts; which they were. Tack! Tack! Tack! A hideous Cerberus charged at Valen and lunged in his direction, Valen clumsily threw himself out of harms way in an attempt to save himself. The Cerberus charged again, this time there was no chance of his prey escaping, Valen found himself backed up against a wall, on his left and right were more walls and behind him was the door to the janitor's room. The Cerberus opened it's maw, revealing it's long sharp teeth and bit into Valen's arms and forearms as he protected his head. Valen gritted his teeth and his mind was blind with fury. He couldn't die, not when his favourite novel somehow came to life. Not before he met the Hero and his cohort. Valen screamed as the pain and agony of his arms being torn off suddenly became unbearable. Valen soon saw dark, he was losing consciousness. System Alert! Achievement reached New Skill unlocked! Berserker [??? Rank] Name: Valen Arrenhoun Age: 17 Sex: Male Race: Human Rank: Awakened G Rank Potential: [???] Skills: Berserker... Manuals: None
Mighty_Milk · 7.5K Views

Assassination in novel

Soo hee , who was in assassination organisation Suddenly transferred in a novel she once read She was born within the organisation headquarters with several experiments on her Focused mainly on whether humans can manifest mana or not That illegal organisation was sponsored by billionaires . Also backed by the government as top secret !! at the age of 7 years old she concurred mana and had potential assassination experience with 3 more experimented childrens However, this came to an end , by the order of government officials she's now with a new adoptive family, not a good one . Nevertheless , She is living her daily life in highschool has friends but with a fake mask . she was enjoying the evening mesmerizing breeze on top of the terrace of school but suddenly someone pushed her , " What , what's happening!!? ,this can't be , "I can't use my magic " "The time froze " , what's happening " I'm suddenly loosing my sight , this can't be " tsk tsk how long you are going to sleep "what " wt.. opening her eyes , an unfamiliar celing , a window with very little light and a cold attic ....Da dun .... " did someone just pushed me off bed " , my lady how long are you going to sleep , sleeping and dreaming won't help you escaping reality just eat and put my work at ease " she looked like a maid dark brown hairs ... " Soo hee : what's your name ? , haa ! hahaa have you finally lost it , well you can call me miss Betty ! soo hee : Betty ..... o_o wait !! Betty volsky, hmmmm .. why , have you finally lost your mind , so what !! it's me soo hee : this can't be she looked at the mirror in front of her , an anonymous girl was sitting at floor she looked at her frail hands what!! seriously!! " am I , In my novel , no way !! status window : Welcome my esteemed player !!... Survive .. !! quest
Khushi_9736 · 719 Views

Assassin in novel

Soo hee , who was in assassination organisation Suddenly transferred in a novel she once read She was born within the organisation headquarters with several experiments on her Focused mainly on whether humans can manifest mana or not That illegal organisation was sponsored by billionaires . Also backed by the government as top secret !! at the age of 7 years old she concurred mana and had potential assassination experience with 3 more experimented childrens However, this came to an end , by the order of government officials she's now with a new adoptive family, not a good one . Nevertheless , She is living her daily life in highschool has friends but with a fake mask . she was enjoying the evening mesmerizing breeze on top of the terrace of school but suddenly someone pushed her , " What , what's happening!!? ,this can't be , "I can't use my magic " "The time froze " , what's happening " I'm suddenly loosing my sight , this can't be " tsk tsk how long you are going to sleep "what " wt.. opening her eyes , an unfamiliar celing , a window with very little light and a cold attic ....Da dun .... " did someone just pushed me off bed " , my lady how long are you going to sleep , sleeping and dreaming won't help you escaping reality just eat and put my work at ease " she looked like a maid dark brown hairs ... " Soo hee : what's your name ? , haa ! hahaa have you finally lost it , well you can call me miss Betty ! soo hee : Betty ..... o_o wait !! Betty volsky, hmmmm .. why , have you finally lost your mind , so what !! it's me soo hee : this can't be she looked at the mirror in front of her , an anonymous girl was sitting at floor she looked at her frail hands what!! seriously!! " am I , In my novel , no way !! status window : Welcome my esteemed player !!... Survive .. !! quest
Khushi_9736 · 693 Views
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