In a world where science crushed magic in a 450-year war, the Alheim Federation of Styxx reigns supreme. Powered by the god of steam and innovation, the Federation’s mana-fueled technology—floating cities, anti-magic barriers, and steel golems—makes them unstoppable. The Katri continent, once a battleground, is now their empire, the largest and most advanced of the twelve continents.
But after 200 years of exile, the magical nations unite, sparking a rebellion to reclaim their place in the world. As war spreads across continents, Levin Moracle, a high-ranking Federation noble, grapples with loyalty and morality, while Cruise, a girl blessed by a witch goddess, emerges as a symbol of defiance.
While the world fractures in war, a forgotten threat awakens in the shadows—a void consuming the land, promising annihilation beyond imagination. As magic, science, and faith collide, Levin and Cruise must confront their destinies in a battle not just for supremacy, but for survival itself.
In a world torn between progress and tradition, innovation and regression, truths and falsehoods, the fate of Magic, science and all that lives hangs by a thread
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