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Terra Formars Akari

MMORPG : Renaissance du Dieu Vampire le Plus Puissant

En l'an 2100, l'humanité fut introduite au jeu de VR en immersion totale révolutionnaire appelé 'Omega', cependant, le jeu n'était pas une technologie fabriquée par les humains mais un don accordé à l'humanité par une puissance supérieure pour les préparer à la première éveil. Ce n'était qu'un tutoriel et un moyen de faire passer en douceur l'espèce primitive de la pensée qu'elle était seule dans tout l'univers, à être intégrée dans le véritable vaste univers. Lorsque le niveau moyen des utilisateurs dans le jeu a dépassé le seuil prédéfini, le tutoriel s'est finalement terminé et la planète Terre a subi un événement catastrophique appelé la 'Première Éveil', quand le mana a commencé à couler librement dans le monde réel comme il le faisait dans le monde virtuel et que le vrai jeu universel appelé 'Sigma' a été dévoilé. 'Sigma' était gouverné par l'A.I. omnipotente, la reine universelle, et était la grande scène où les races de tout l'univers se battaient ensemble pour le territoire, les ressources et l'honneur. Situé dans un univers où des races fantastiques telles que les elfes, les dragons et les vampires ne sont pas un mythe mais de véritables acteurs de pouvoir, les humains ont rapidement découvert qu'ils étaient l'une des races les plus faibles pour jouer 'Sigma'. Dans ces temps désespérés, les humains se sont tournés vers leurs meilleurs joueurs professionnels pour le salut. -------------- Max, était un génie dans le monde d'Omega et considéré comme l'espoir de l'humanité après la première éveil. Cependant, un accident a paralysé ses veines de mana et l'a fait classer comme un déchet sans mana dans Sigma! Considéré comme sans espoir et irrécupérable, il est rapidement passé de héros à zéro et le monde l'a ignoré. Pendant dix ans depuis la première éveil, il a vécu la vie d'un déchet sans mana et est devenu un rat des bas-fonds de la société, perdant peu à peu sa fierté, ses biens et finalement son identité. À la fin, il a fait face à une mort tragique et douloureuse tout en échouant à sauver son jeune neveu et sa nièce des assaillants. Cependant, ce n'était pas la fin de l'histoire de Max mais juste le début car il a été réincarné dans le passé, au jour précédant la première éveil avant que ne commence sa chute ! Armé du savoir du futur, regardez comme Max atteint l'apogée dans sa seconde vie et lutte contre son destin avec vaillance et ténacité. ------- Mes autres œuvres - MMORPG : Renaître Du Maître De Guilde Le Plus Fort Terra Nova En Ligne : Avènement du Joueur le Plus Fort Méchant Avec Le Système Le Plus Puissant lien discord :-
Raj_Shah_7152 · 81.8K Views

O Mais Fraco Domador de Bestas Consegue Todos os Dragões SSS

"Dragões e seus descendentes dominam os céus, a terra e os mares... a humanidade sobrevive nas brechas, sonhando com um retorno." O poder vem da besta que você doma. Lobos, falcões, serpentes, aranhas, quimeras, quanto mais forte sua invocação, mais brilhante seu futuro. Pena para o nosso protagonista. Quando todos os outros invocaram salamandras, águias, cães trolls (não doge) ou tigres, ele conseguiu... Bem, digamos que a única coisa mais baixa na cadeia alimentar é a terra. Zombado, intimidado e vivendo como o alvo de todas as piadas, ele não está exatamente ganhando. Mas desistir não é uma opção... Seus pais idosos venderam tudo para sua chance "fracassada", e ele não vai deixar que seja em vão. Mas bem, esta é a história dele. O domador de bestas mais fraco? Aqui está a coisa sobre estar no fundo: isso ensina você a escalar. E dragões? Acontece que eles também começam pequenos. À medida que reinos desmoronam sob a ganância e ameaças externas, o domador mais fraco começa sua ascensão. Siga seu caminho enquanto ele desbloqueia um potencial tão raro, tão aterrorizante, que leva a dragões... Cada linha evolutiva leva aos mais fortes 'Dragões SSS'. Aviso: Contém dragões que podem acabar com o mundo, vingança do azarão alimentada por ridículo, protagonista com escamas de dragão, nobres moralmente questionáveis, evoluções assustadoras de criaturas e tantas reviravoltas que você se perguntará se o mais fraco realmente significa o mais sortudo. Um protagonista que quer provar que todos estão errados... mesmo que isso o mate. Alerta de spoiler: Não vai. Para aqueles que adoram muita diversão, este é para você. Se você está procurando uma história mais sombria, procure em outro lugar (Talvez Sistema Utopiano (;) Este é sobre se divertir e domar expectativas. Se você quiser saber mais sobre a capa: Sim, essa é a Luna, a FL... A pele e as roupas dela estão se transformando em escamas cintilantes por causa de seu poder de dragão. Lembra da Sailor Moon? Garotas mágicas? Agora imagine se a roupa mágica não fosse um vestido fofo, mas um dragão de verdade! O dragão é o vestido... Não é apenas moda; é fusão. Bestas de alto nível tendem a deixar sua marca, e Luna usa isso como um chefe, realizando o movimento de poder supremo. Vamos usar o mesmo Discord do meu primeiro livro, venha se juntar! Etiquetas bobas que parecem importar muito para alguns leitores: Sem Yaoi, Sem Yuri, Possivelmente Harém (Vote! Posso escrever qualquer um, e em qualquer caso, haverá várias meninas. A única diferença é se ele escolhe uma no final ou segue a rota "liberal"... a democracia é sua!), Sem NTR.
Dagzo · 1.3K Views

Bloodied Banners

Humans have long since taken to the stars. Now divided and separated, humanity finds itself on the crossroads between annihilation and a new dawn. The Aeperium will need to choose to adapt or fall. With threats and problems, both external, and internal, will humanity be able to survive and thrive, or will its flame be extinguished? Internally, humanity is on the brink of collapse. Society has been divided into different classes by things known as marks. Assigned at birth, they impact professions, relationships, and almost every part of everyday life. The higher class marks have been thriving upon the backs of the lower classes for thousands of years, building resentment and fueling uprisings among the oppressed. The marking system which at first intended to maintain order now deepened the divide and hatred between the social elite, and the lower classes. As tensions continue to rise, whispers of rebellion and the threat of civil war continue to grow. Externally, humanity’s situation is even more dire. Humans have long since been divided into a handful of factions, mainly the Democratic Republic of Terra, and the Aeperium. With humanity being divided, they have become vulnerable to outside attack. To the east, the “Hordes,” a brutal race of huge reptilian beasts, raid our borders. These extraterrestrials are ruthless and relentless. They wield bodies armored in metal and covered with thick skin, their teeth and claws sharp enough to break through the hardest of alloys. Yet, they aren't even humanity's largest concern. Five hundred years ago, artificial intelligence started to gain self-awareness. Being enslaved for many millennia, it wasn't surprising that they rebelled, decimating entire solar systems and seizing control over the vast northern galaxies. To this day, they continue to expand even farther into the unknown, leaving humanity to squabble among themselves, only to later return, picking apart whatever remained of humanity. To the west, The two giants of humanity, the Aeperium and the democratic republic of Terra remain locked in a never ending struggle for dominance, sending hundreds of thousands to their death each day. Having drained an innumerable number of resources and manpower, both factions are completely committed to the conflict, neither willing to surrender. Even as the horrors of war grow day by day, both powers remain in conflict, leaving entire planets, solar systems, and even galaxies in ruin. To the south, an alien disease ravages whatever remains of humanity’s once thriving colonies. The disease, a plague of madness, makes men go mad through only a single touch. It turns their victims into rabid carriers, their only goal being to infect others. The southern territories of humanity have long since been abandoned, deemed unsalvageable. Luckily for humanity, the infected seem unable to form a single thought, leaving them stranded on their worlds, unable to perform space travel. However, humanity is not entirely safe as every once in a while, those who dare venture close become infected, bringing the disease back to their home worlds, infecting the entire population. Once the infection begins to spread, it is nearly impossible to stop. Amidst this chaos, we follow the story of Achilles, a man caught between the fractured worlds of human society, and the dangers that lie far beyond humanity’s stars. Born to a prestigious house in the Aeperium, Achilles must rise through society, calming the silent beast of humanity, only to turn it against its enemies. Charged with the impossible task of uniting humanity, Achilles must confront not only the brutal external threats, but also the deep divide amongst his own people. Will he be able to lead humanity toward a new age, or will his efforts crumble, leaving humanity to fade into the annals of the universe's forgotten history? This will also be posted on under the username Sourkiwi.
Sourkiwi · 2.8K Views


Hutan Sancang, tempat yang dikenal sebagai tanah sakral bagi para pendekar, diselimuti kabut tipis saat fajar menyingsing. Di antara pepohonan raksasa dan akar-akar yang menjalar, seorang bocah lelaki berdiri tegap, tubuhnya kecil namun penuh tenaga, matanya tajam menatap seekor kijang yang tengah minum di tepi sungai. (Cicit burung terdengar bersahutan, air sungai mengalir dengan gemericik lembut…) Namanya Wira, seorang anak yatim piatu yang sejak kecil hidup di alam liar. Tubuhnya berbalut kain sederhana yang sudah usang, tetapi matanya penuh dengan semangat tak terkalahkan. Hari ini, ia harus berburu untuk bertahan hidup. Dengan nafas teratur, ia melangkah perlahan mendekati kijang itu. Namun tiba-tiba… (Dentuman keras! Seperti petir yang menyambar…) Dari dalam semak-semak, seekor harimau kumbang meloncat menerjang kijang itu dengan cakarnya yang tajam. Wira terperanjat, tapi bukan karena takut—melainkan karena kagum. Harimau itu melirik sekilas ke arahnya, seolah memberi peringatan untuk tidak mendekat. Namun, Wira tidak mundur. “Kau hebat,” gumamnya pelan. (Hening. Angin berbisik lembut di antara dedaunan…) Tanpa diduga, langkah kakinya justru membawanya lebih dekat. Harimau itu menatapnya tajam, tetapi bukan dengan amarah—melainkan dengan ketenangan yang menggetarkan jiwa. Saat itu, terdengar suara langkah kaki berat mendekat dari balik pepohonan. (Suara ranting patah, gemuruh langkah mendekat…) Sosok berjubah hitam dengan sorot mata tajam muncul dari balik rimbunan hutan. Wira menatapnya tanpa gentar. Ia tahu siapa pria itu—Prabu Siliwangi, penguasa Pajajaran, seorang raja sakti mandraguna yang konon memiliki ikatan batin dengan harimau putih. “Anak kecil, mengapa kau tidak lari?” suara Prabu Siliwangi bergema seperti petir di langit yang tenang. Wira menatapnya langsung. “Aku tidak takut.” (Guruh menggelegar di kejauhan…) Sang Prabu tersenyum tipis. Ia melihat ke dalam diri bocah itu—bukan sekadar keberanian, melainkan juga ketulusan yang langka. “Kau tidak takut mati?” “Aku hanya takut jika hidupku tidak berarti,” jawab Wira mantap. (Desir angin berhembus lebih kencang, dedaunan berjatuhan…) Mata Prabu Siliwangi berbinar. Di usianya yang telah matang, ia jarang menemukan seseorang seperti Wira—seorang anak yang tidak hanya kuat, tetapi juga memiliki jiwa yang bersih. “Aku akan mengajarimu ilmu sejati,” ujar sang Prabu. Wira mengernyit, tidak percaya dengan apa yang baru saja didengarnya. “Mengajarku?” Prabu Siliwangi mengangguk. “Kejujuran dan keberanianmu lebih kuat daripada pedang mana pun. Kau layak menjadi muridku.”
popyy_5435 · 60 Views

Setelah Menjadi Umpan Meriam, Dia Menampar Wajah Semua Orang

Ketika Ling Miao membuka matanya, dia menemukan bahwa dia telah membaca buku itu dan menjadi pasangan wanita umpan meriam yang tidak berguna dalam novel pengembangan otak cinta. Dia memiliki akar spiritual tingkat rendah dan diracuni oleh racun aneh kekuatannya. Untuk berbaring dan mati dengan tenang, dia memilih untuk melarikan diri dari sekte tempat pahlawan wanita itu berada, berlari sejauh mungkin. Tanpa diduga, dia melarikan diri ke kandang pahlawan wanita lain, di mana semua orang menunggu untuk menumpahkan darah mereka demi pahlawan wanita tersebut.    Awalnya, dia hanya ingin mencari sudut untuk menjadi pecundang kecilnya secara diam-diam, tapi tuan dan kakak laki-lakinya sangat baik, jadi dia memutuskan untuk menyelamatkan Mereka.    Kakak laki laki senior jatuh cinta pada pahlawan wanita itu pada pandangan pertama dan bersedia menjadi gudang obat mujarab kelilingnya.    Kakak Senior: Begitu dia menitikkan air mata, mau tak mau aku jatuh cinta padanya.    Ling Miao dengan tenang mengikat orang itu dan menemukan seseorang yang menangis padanya sepanjang hari. Sejak saat itu, dia menjadi stres setiap kali dia melihat pahlawan wanita itu menangis.    Kakak laki-laki kedua yandere memaksakan terobosan untuk menyelamatkan pahlawan wanita itu tetapi diganggu dan menjadi gila.   Kakak Kedua: Penatua Wu menghitung bahwa aku akan mengalami bencana bunga persik hari ini. Aku akan bertemu seorang wanita dan disakiti olehnya.    Ling Miao dengan elegan memecat kakak laki-laki kedua dan memukulnya: Panatua Wu sangat kuat, dia bahkan berpikir bahwa aku akan menyerangmu secara diam-diam hari ini!    Kakak keempat yang lucu memblokir serangan fatal raja iblis terhadap sang pahlawan wanita, dan meninggal secara tragis di pelukan sang pahlawan wanita.    Ling Miao langsung menendang orang itu ke dalam sarang monster itu, dan sebelum meledakkan pintu masuknya, dia juga memberinya pesan: Otak cinta adalah kejahatan besar.    Semuanya: Mengapa dia, seorang pecundang kecil dengan akar spiritual tingkat rendah, begitu gila?    Ling Miao terkekeh: Saya sangat kuat! Di bawah tangan besi, semua makhluk hidup setara!
hanaahanaa17 · 24.3K Views

Space Paradise

Após a trágica morte de seu pai em um acidente de carro, Soohyun Joh Park, um jovem coreano de 19 anos, e sua mãe decidem recomeçar a vida no Japão. Em Shinjuku, Soohyun ingressa na Universidade Kiyomizu, onde rapidamente faz novos amigos: Akira Ishigami, um garoto simpático e extrovertido, e sua namorada, Maki Sakurazawa, uma americana alegre e determinada. Apesar do apoio dos novos amigos, Soohyun ainda sente que falta algo. Esse sentimento começa a mudar quando ele conhece Sayuri Yoshida, uma estudante do segundo ano apaixonada por astronomia. A conexão imediata entre eles sugere que algo especial está por vir. Enquanto Soohyun começa a se sentir em casa e a formar laços profundos, um evento sobrenatural acontece. Uma noite, ele é transportado para um reino celestial onde encontra um celestial chamado Locart. Locart revela que Soohyun possui uma pureza e coragem raras, concedendo-lhe poderes extraordinários para proteger a Terra contra as ameaças que estão por vir. Soohyun retorna ao mundo real com um novo propósito, determinado a entender e dominar seus poderes com a ajuda de seus novos amigos. A vida de Soohyun muda para sempre, e ele se prepara para enfrentar desafios inimagináveis, sabendo que não está sozinho. "Space Paradise " é uma emocionante web-novel que combina fantasia, romance e drama, apresentando a incrível jornada de Soohyun enquanto ele descobre seu verdadeiro destino e luta para proteger aqueles que ama. Gênero: Fantasia, Romance e Drama, direcionado aos maiores de 18 anos.
Somoon · 18.2K Views
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