BOLD: Tomorrow Really Never Comes.
Kazeem Olanbiwonnu emerged suddenly on the political terrain, he was a visionary determined to do things right and sanitize the political system in Nigeria, and bring his people out of religious, political, and tribal slavery at all cost. The people must have a sense of belonging to a nation from which they have been estranged even though they live in it. He sets out to remove the evil playmakers and their corrupt devices and manouvres from the picture to have a level ground for rulership when he attains power; he was helped by the Department of Secret Services who had initially recruited him. He succeeded and delivered his people, yet, despite it all, he must be betrayed to make him feel less of a god!! A northern conspiracy forced his “step down,” and the reversion to the old political status of Draconian laws; aided by the last person to ever cross his mind. Ifenkili; his loving wife.