The Underworld...
Home to mythical creatures that reside in the 9 circles. The majority of these creatures being demons.
In the 9th circle, Cocytus, the home of high-ranking demons, is the most diplomatic of the 9. Then there are the other 8. The 1st circle, Acheron, home to the lowest-ranking demons, is the most chaotic and disgraceful of the 9.
Angelo resides in the 2nd circle, Asphodel. It wasn't the 1st circle, but it was near that level.
Angelo was born from a demon that resided in the 9th circle. But he was placed in the 2nd. The reason why is because he was also human. A hybrid, a being looked down upon in the underworld.
Wanting to prove himself, he enrolled in the demon academy where all demons go to after they reach the right age.
With his knowledge and power, he will prove himself and take the throne that lays empty, waiting for a usurper.