Sun Wukong
After centuries of legendary exploits, Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, returns to his peaceful home on Flower Fruit Mountain, only to find himself restless once again. While wandering the wilderness, he stumbles upon a group of abandoned infant girls. Against his usual instincts, and perhaps out of curiosity more than compassion, he takes them in, vowing to raise and train them in his own chaotic and unpredictable way.
Through mischief-laden lessons and rigorous trials, Wukong teaches the girls how to survive in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving. From traversing dangerous terrains to fending off mystical threats, their bond grows stronger with every challenge. However, the journey is anything but ordinary, as the girls begin to surprise even Wukong with their resilience and ingenuity, proving to be far more capable than he first imagined.
Filled with fast-paced adventures, heartfelt moments, and Wukong’s signature humor, this is a story of growth, family, and the unpredictable paths that life can take. As mentor and students face trials together, they may discover that strength comes in many forms—and that even the smallest actions can lead to the most profound transformations.