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Odyssee des blinden Gottes

Was passiert mit einem Blinden und Machtlosen in einer trostlosen Welt, in der die Menschen am Rande der Ausrottung stehen, unzählige Kerker erobern und gegen wilde Bestien kämpfen? Nials glorreiches Schicksal wurde ihm genommen, als er erst drei Jahre alt war, und ließ ihn blind und ohne eine Spur von Mana zurück. 15 Jahre später musste er immer noch die Demütigung einer verkommenen Gesellschaft ertragen, die die Mächtigen bevorzugte. Die Gesellschaft nahm ihm fast seine Unschuld und seinen Glanz, zwang ihn zu reifen und gab ihm einen unbeugsamen Willen. Doch alles änderte sich in dem Moment, als er seinen Ursprung erweckte. Er verschlang uralte Flüche und schlachtete Götter und Teufel ab! Engel? Er wird sie in die Knie zwingen! Teufel und dergleichen? Alle werden in seinem Griff sein ** Auch wenn ich blind bin, sehe ich mehr als jeder andere! Ich verschlinge Flüche und kontrolliere die Dunkelheit. Merk dir meine Worte... [Ihr alle werdet vor mir knien müssen!] Greift mich an, Drachen, Engel, Teufel und Götter ... wenn ihr es wagt! Andernfalls wird mein Aufstieg euer Untergang sein! Verfolge die Odyssee eines gewöhnlichen, blinden Jungen auf dem Weg zur Gottheit, während sein Schicksal, das ihm einst genommen wurde, zurückgegeben wird. Werden Sie Zeuge seines Schmerzes und seiner Entwicklung zu einer Existenz, die selbst von alten Göttern und Unholden aus der Urzeit gefürchtet wird! ** [A/N: Das Verhalten des MCs in der Anfangsphase des Romans wird sich von dem unterscheiden, was die Synopsis vermuten lässt. Bitte beachte das beim Lesen :D]
HideousGrain · 55.1K Views

Seine Geliebte ist seine Ex-Frau

[Warnung: R18+] "Ihre größte Rache - ihn verführen, seine Ehe zerstören, sein Vermögen stehlen und zu guter Letzt... DUMP ihn." ***** Sabrina Williams' Leben zerbricht, nachdem sie den Betrug ihres Mannes und den heimtückischen Erwerb des Familienvermögens entdeckt hat. Nach einem tragischen Vorfall für tot gehalten, taucht Sabrina fünf Jahre später mit einer neuen Identität und einem brennenden Hunger nach Rache wieder auf. Ihre Rückkehr löst ein romantisches Chaos im inneren Kreis des CEO aus, eine schillernde Reihe attraktiver Junggesellen buhlt um ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Sabrina Williams findet sich im Zentrum eines romantischen Wirbelsturms mit unerwarteten Konkurrenten wieder - ihrer beschützenden besten Freundin, einem mächtigen Mafia-Boss und ihrem besitzergreifenden Ex-Ehemann. Die Bühne ist bereitet für ein pulsierendes Tauziehen - ein Aufeinandertreffen von Liebe und Rache, bei dem die Emotionen hochkochen. Die Spieler sind alle dabei, und das Spiel hat gerade erst begonnen! ***** Als sich ihr Skandal mit ihrem Ex-Mann im Internet verbreitet, wird sie als schamlose Mätresse, wertlose Hauszerstörerin und böse Schlampe beschimpft... doch mehrere mächtige Junggesellen verteidigen sie. CEO von Top Fashion Company: "Haters go to hell! PS: Den Models, die meine Göttin angefeindet haben, entziehe ich hiermit das Sponsoring unserer Marke." Präsident des größten Unterhaltungskonzerns: "Fake News! Wir werden rechtliche Schritte wegen Verleumdung meiner Göttin einleiten! Künstler, die sie verflucht haben, werden aus meinem Unternehmen verbannt." Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der größten Hotel- und Resortgesellschaft: "Haltet die Klappe, Bashers! Betretet nie wieder eines unserer Hotels und Resorts!" Herrschsüchtiger Mafiaboss: "Haltet euch zurück! Löscht diese bösartigen Kommentare, oder meine Bande wird euch zur Strecke bringen. Ich werde jeden töten, der es wagt, meine Königin zu verhöhnen! Alle: "..." Dann taucht inmitten des Chaos plötzlich ein Bekennerkommentar auf. FL's bester Freund: "Alle können dich hassen, aber ich werde immer für dich da sein. Sabby... Ich liebe dich... Ich liebe dich schon seit unserer Kindheit... Meine erste Liebe... und meine letzte." Ihr Ex-Mann kann nicht länger schweigen und erklärt es der Öffentlichkeit. Besitzergreifender Ex-Ehemann: "Sie ist nicht meine Geliebte. Sie ist meine rechtmäßige Ehefrau." FL Freund Lanny: "Rechtmäßige Ehefrau am Arsch! Crazy Jerk just die!"
ellezar_g · 19.2K Views

Die Braut des Werwolfkönigs

Warnung: Erwachsener Inhalt Auslöser-Warnung: Missbrauch, Trauma, Psychologisch *Es ist voll von roten Fahnen. Sagt mir nicht, ich hätte euch nicht gewarnt. Blue Learley, ein siebzehnjähriges Mädchen, lebte mit ihren Eltern und zwei Brüdern in einer Kleinstadt. Alles lief wie immer, bis zu jener schicksalhaften Nacht, die ihr Leben für immer veränderte. Demetrius Easton, der gnadenlose Werwolfkönig, hatte ein Auge auf sie geworfen und wollte sie als seine Braut. Als ihre eigenen Eltern sie an ihn verkauften, hatte sie keine Möglichkeit, ihm zu entkommen und niemanden, an den sie sich um Hilfe wenden konnte. *** "Ich möchte nicht zu lange wegbleiben. Manchmal habe ich Angst, der Vogel könnte wegfliegen." "Der Vogel hat kein Zuhause. Die Außenwelt ist für ihn gefährlich. Außerdem hat der Vogel drinnen schon seine Freiheit gefunden", sagte ich. "Der Vogel wird nicht wegfliegen." Du brauchst ihm also nicht die Flügel abzuschneiden, weil sie ihm gar nicht gewachsen sind. Das ist schon in Ordnung. Der Vogel mag den Käfig sowieso.' *** Unterstützen Sie meine anderen Werke: *Silence*- Es ist ein Krimi-Roman mit einer blühenden Romanze zwischen zwei Teenagern. Es geht um Liebe, Freundschaft und Verrat. Glauben Sie mir, die Wendungen werden Sie in Atem halten. Die Maske des Monsters, wo du die Liebe zwischen einem menschlichen Mädchen und einem furchterregend aussehenden Monster lesen kannst Das Cover ist nicht von mir. Quelle: Devianart
Proteety_Promi · 208.1K Views

Threads of Crimson and Gold

New trope (please try it, rewritten on 24.01.2024): Micheal von Shelb, a lazy genius with a penchant for offbeat inventions, wakes up to a brutal truth: he’s a side character in a multiverse of twisted romantic dramas where his family, future children, and even his legacy are casually erased by power-hungry authors. With Magda, his intelligent and no-nonsense wife (who’s also a supporting character in a “switched at birth” melodrama), Micheal vows to save their lives, protect their future, and rebuild the Empire through innovation and sheer audacity. Whether he's dodging political plots, perfecting horseless carriages, or making alliances with beastmen, Micheal has one goal: to carve a space where he and Magda can thrive, far from the claws of a cruel narrative. But the fate has other plans. As ancient rivalries between archmages, devils, and mythical creatures like mermaids resurface, Micheal’s quiet dream spirals into chaos. With wit sharper than a rapier and an unstoppable resolve, Micheal proves that even a side character can rewrite the script. Between inventing futuristic solutions and saving the day, Micheal’s true mission is impressing Magda, who may or may not be secretly stalking him from the foyer. Meanwhile, Micheal himself adjusts his routine to catch glimpses of Magda while pretending not to care. An average day in their life: 1:00 PM: Magda: “I must be punctual to observe my husband training in the garden—from my foyer, of course.” 1:15 PM: Micheal: “Must finish the training early to sneak a peek at my wife reading in her study—from the dining hall window. Definitely not creepy.” With its blend of humor, heartfelt romance, and action-packed multiverse chaos, Breaking the Multiverse is a read for those who enjoy clever protagonists, daring inventions, and a relationship that's equal parts banter and devotion—NO HAREM, just one unforgettable wife. The first volume is for the general audience, the second volume is for people who prefer to sip wine as they read. You can start reading from the second volume of you find the first volume too boring. ----- There are three couples: ML (genius, stalker) x FL (prodigy, stalker) 2ML (soldier) x 2FL (knight) 3ML (soldier) x 3FL (a court lady)
Ryha · 35.7K Views

Je suis une maman patronne qui veut se la couler douce

Tout le monde savait qu'après avoir été abandonnée par un homme volage, Mademoiselle Shen était devenue dévergondée et était tombée enceinte sans se marier. Après avoir été chassée de chez elle, elle tomba dans un état de désespoir. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing apparut néanmoins au banquet d'anniversaire de la vieille madame de la famille Chu. Tout le monde la raillait. « Ceux qui offrent des millions en guise de cadeau sont à une table, tandis que ceux qui offrent des dizaines de millions à l'autre. » « Mademoiselle Shen, combien avez-vous donné ? » La foule attendait qu'elle se ridiculise, mais Shen Ruojing sortit de derrière elle un adorable petit garçon et dit, « Excusez-moi Madame, à quelle table votre petit-fils aîné va-t-il s'asseoir ? » *** Mère et fils furent admis dans la famille Chu, et Shen Ruojing eut envie de passer ses journées à flâner, mais elle fut rejetée par la famille de diverses manières. « Nous avons des hackers de premier ordre, des maîtres de la musique, des experts en technologie… Tout le monde est renommé dans cette famille. Et vous, que nous apportez-vous ? » Shen Ruojing se caressa le menton. « Eh bien, toutes ces choses que vous avez mentionnées… Je m'y connais un peu en tout. » Ses trois adorables bébés se tenaient à côté d'elle et hochèrent la tête à l'unisson, « Nous pouvons témoigner que maman s'y connaît un peu en tout ! »
Mr. Yan · 258.9K Views

Der Ausgestoßene des Alphas: Der Aufstieg der Mondsänger.

"Ich will nicht als 'wolfsloser Abweichler' definiert werden Ich werde kein Spielball in den 'Spielen der Alphas' sein Und ich weigere mich, mich mit dem Fremden zu paaren, der in mein Leben gestürzt ist und alles auf den Kopf gestellt hat... Aber das könnte meine bisher größte Herausforderung sein." Das waren die Worte, die Lyla zu sich selbst sagte, als sie die jährliche Werwolf-Gala verließ, durchnässt von ihrem Schweiß und ihren Pheromonen. Noch vor ein paar Tagen war sie ein glücklicher Teenager, der in der menschlichen Welt lebte - sie wollte das College abschließen und weit weggehen, alles vergessen, was sie durchgemacht hatte, und ein neues Leben beginnen, aber jetzt ist sie mitten auf der Gala, auf dem Boden ausgestreckt, mit ihren Wünschen vor aller Augen, und Alpha Ramsey Kincaid - der Anführer der Lykaner auf dem Weißen Mondthron - streckt seine Hände nach ihr aus. Wenn sie sie annimmt, würde sie Schande über ihre Familie bringen, denn sie ist nicht in der Lage, sich mit irgendjemandem einzulassen, noch dazu mit einem Lykaner-Anführer, der nicht in ihrer Liga spielt, und wenn sie sich weigert, riskiert sie, ins Gefängnis des Rudels geschickt zu werden, weil sie während ihrer Läufigkeit nicht besser auf sich aufgepasst hat - ja, es war ein Verbrechen, dass sie ohne Wolf war. Doch als er sie berührt, regt sich etwas in ihr... Begierde? Ja! Von der Mondgöttin verborgene Mächte? Ja! Und vielleicht, nur vielleicht, die Regungen ihres vermissten Wolfes, dessen Stimme wilde Wölfe beruhigen und heilen kann ... Kann sie lernen, diesem Mann zu vertrauen, dessen Mund etwas anderes sagt und dessen Hände eine andere Sprache sprechen, oder würde sie zu einem Bauern werden - einer Schachfigur in den Spielen, die die Alphas spielen? Eines ist sicher - Lyla Woodlands hatte es satt, die kleine, schmutzige "wolfslose Abweichlerin" des Rudels zu sein. Es ist an der Zeit, dass dieses wolflose Wunder ihnen zeigt, was in ihr steckt. #Langsam brennen ~ Schlaue alte Prophezeiungen # Love Triangle - ML und FL beste Freundin #Bösewicht verliebt in FL Tritt meiner Discord-Gruppe bei:
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 391.1K Views

The Runaway Huntress

*WPC #139 FL-modern werewolf Silver Tier ************** "I'm done playing nice, mate." His guttural voice was a threat. He wanted to force himself on her. He wanted her submission to come to him and be protected. Melisca was staring into his blood-red eyes. The grass field in it was gone. It was now a burning lava. Yes, she felt fear, but she was more furious about what he wanted for her. "You are my fated mate. My luna. Your rightful place should be right by my side, not running around spilling blood." Her face contorted in constant anger. If only looks could kill, his gorgeous head would have already been separated from his neck. "I don't want to be Luna for the people I hate." Her teeth gritted. She should have been scared. He can easily snap her slender neck. But her courage or stupidity prevailed over common sense. ******************** Too much for being a werewolf. A werewolf that can never shift. But that's the last of her concerns. For she had a pack to hunt, a family to revenge, and a life to survive. Melisca Lorwey is a half-blood wolf and human. Exiled by her father's clan and hated by her mother's side. When both of her parents died, she had no one else but herself alone. Witnessing how her parents had been murdered, she decided to hunt the killers as her life mission. Though she can't shift, she still had the abilities of a wolf. Then someone adds up to her life complications. Ezekiel Rawson Stavrus made her mission even harder to accomplish. She doesn't want anyone to distract or, worse, stop her plans. The very last thing she needed was the most powerful and possessive alpha chasing after her. So the moment she heard him say, “Mine." She fled away like her life's on the line. --------------------------- AN: This is not your typical romance. It focuses in bloody revenge, duties, and responsibilities first. Love isn't everything for the characters. It could be all or nothing in their wicked world of greed, power, and darkness. Shared universe with my other story. > SYSTEM MISSION: TAME THE MAFIA BOSS Please check it out as well. Thank you.
IzannahFrame · 203.1K Views

Bought By The Devil In Suit

“Five million dollars may have bought my chains, but it didn’t buy my loyalty — and it definitely didn’t buy my heart. I never dreamed my life would come down to a transaction of five million dollars. But my father’s betrayal puts me at the mercy of Adrian Costa, the ruthless Sicilian, head of Cosa Nostra whose name makes the mafia world quake with fear. Including me. He bought me in an auction saying he saved me, but did he? He is dark and dangerous, more dangerous because I have done underhanded work against him using my hacker identity, CIPHER. I swear that I will escape his gilded cage. Each of our battles ignites a deadly game of power and lust, while resisting him might just cost me everything. As secrets unravel and Adrian’s enemies close in, I find myself faced with the ultimate dilemma: Will I fight for my freedom, or will the king I hate become the one man I cannot live without? ***** “You think you can outrun me, Elena? You're wearing my ring on your finger.” I don’t flinch, meeting his gaze with defiance. “So what? I don’t belong to you.” He leans in, his lips brushing against my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. “You don’t, yet. But I can make you. Do you want that?" I swallow hard, my pulse racing. “Don’t flatter yourself.” Adrian chuckles darkly, his hand lingering on my waist. “Trust me, I’m not the one who needs to be flattered.” ***** # Dark Mafia Romance #18+ #Hacker Female Lead and Italian Mafia Lord # Touch her you die #Marriage contract # He falls first #Fast Paced #Strong FL and ML #A Not so cute Pet (Oh he is cute. Don't go by his looks) #HEA
dream_ash · 1.1K Views

Lord of Caldera

In a world where kingdoms rise and fall, a seasoned player unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the very game he once mastered—Caldera. However, his new life as a ruler comes with a crushing twist: severe debuffs and harsh restrictions on his talents make survival nearly impossible. Against overwhelming odds, he fights tooth and nail to carve out a legacy. Despite his brilliance in strategy and marvels in combat, failure becomes his ultimate fate. But fate offers him another chance. Reborn at the start of the game, now without the crippling debuffs and armed with all the knowledge, experience, and hard-won lessons of his previous life, he faces the world anew. This novel is a bit fast-paced compared to current mainstream trends. It will delve into human nature and how far people are willing to go for meager profit. Most characters will be evil, and even the good ones only appear good because the actions they take align with their own interests, rather than being motivated by true goodness. For any questions about this novel, feel free to leave a comment on my first review, where I will be answering any inquiries or questions regarding the story. I hope you have a great time reading this! If you’d like to support this novel, please rate it or leave any kind of comment or join my studio over at discord where we have a dedicated space to Lord of Caldera Fans: Any feedback will help it gain more exposure. Thank you! I will be posting this story on as well although only free chapter just like here. if you read on both platforms and like the novel do leave me some review there as well thank you.
Aurora22 · 937K Views

The Alpha's Fated Outcast: Rise Of The Moonsinger.

“I will not be defined as a ‘wolfless deviant’ I will not be a pawn in the 'games Alphas play' And I refuse to be mated to the stranger who crashed into my life and turned everything upside down… Only that might be my biggest challenge yet.” Those were the words Lyla chanted to herself as she left the annual werewolf gala, drenched in her sweat and her pheromones. Only days ago, she was a happy teenager existing in the human world – trying to get through college and go far away, forget everything she’s been through and start life afresh but now, she’s in the middle of the gala, sprawled on the ground with her desires in everyone’s face and Alpha Ramsey Kincaid – the Lycan leader of the White Moon Throne extending his hands towards her. If she takes it, she would bring dishonour to her family because she is in no state to be mingling with anyone, talk more of the Lycan leader who was out of her league and if she refuses, she risks being sent to the pack prison for not taking better care of herself during her heat - Yes, it was a crime for her to be without a wolf. But when he touches her, something inside her stirs… Desires? Yes! Powers hidden by the moon goddess? Yes! And maybe just maybe, the stirrings of her missing wolf whose voice can calm feral wolves and heal … Can she learn to trust this man whose mouth says a different thing and his hands speak another language or would she become a pawn – a piece of chess in the games ‘Alphas play’? One thing’s for certain- Lyla Woodlands was done being the pack’s little, dirty ‘wolfless deviant’. It’s time this wolfless wonder showed them what she’s made of. #Slow burn #Wispy old prophecies # Love Triangle - ML and FL best friend #Villian in love with FL Join my discord group:
Ejiofor_Dorcas · 2.4M Views

Harem Domain: I Fucked The Goddess of Lust, So What

[5 Spell Books] [280 Spells and Rituals] [Ressuration Completed [System initializing… Synchronization in progress…] [Synchronization Complete] [Harem Codex Initiated] Every normal thing in his life took a great turn after he Fucked the goddess of lust. This is what I was born to become 'A Monster.' They will fear me! They will crumble in my presence! My purpose is not to save but to destroy, my legacy will be remember forever... Azrael was once the kingdom’s deadliest weapon, forged in the shadows by the criminal elders and a king who demanded perfection. But when his humanity cracked under their brutal training, they abandoned him to a witch-run asylum, branding him broken and useless. Left to rot in despair, Azrael met his end in the ward—until the witches intervened. Out of pity and defiance, they performed a forbidden ritual, combining 280 spells from five ancient grimoires. Their sacrifice gave Azrael a second chance, transmigrating his soul into a new body. He awakens with a system unlike any other: a reality-bending tool granting him the ability to charm and seduce powerful women, each conquest unlocking new powers and revealing deeper truths about his own existence. In a world where women dominate 75% of the population, Azrael uses his newfound abilities to climb the ranks of society, assembling a loyal and influential harem. But as his strength grows, so do the secrets surrounding his rebirth. Each revelation pulls him closer to uncovering the true nature of the system and the conspiracies that reach far beyond his betrayal. Is he the master of his destiny, or just a pawn in a greater game? -___ A/N: Sypnosis not long, but gives all it should give, before you judge, read up to the first 15 chapters and leave a review once done..... See y'all in the book. You want a wise MC? You got it! You want an MC who will turn out not to merciful? You got it! Fast paced story? You got it! Something a little bit new, and out of the ordinary? You got it! Level up of both the MC and Villain and system? You got it! [Adventure, Action, R18, Isekai, System, weak to strong, Handsome ML, Beautiful FLs, Demons, Monster Girls, Beasts, Apocalypse: All Check ..] 2 chapters/day 100 power stones for 2 bonus Chaptes 200 Golden Tickets for 5 bonus Chapters 1 Magic Castle for 10 bonus Chapters. .... link to the discord group
JJ_Francis · 76.8K Views

Reign of the Time Gap Queen

Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators series will continue in this Novel. Time is at the brink of running out for Kai to find a safe place to hide Victoria from the Vampire Covenant as other threats begin to rise. Vampires from other dimensional worlds begin to lurk on Earth as they await the go-ahead to kill Victoria. Worry strikes Kai's mind and heart because he doesn't know if she'll get her votes, but even if she does, it's inevitable that vampires from every species will strike to kill his mate. With time slipping away, he and his friends also keep trying to search for Grandpa Vlad, the Collin Coven Headmaster because he needs his help to prepare for a rumored Vampiric World War Three to transpire. Not to mention, it's time they all faced their biggest rivals who want to steal Victoria and Kai's sister-in-law Zoey to make their Coven the strongest. Can Kai take on these threats from other Alpha vampires that either want his mate for themselves or wish to kill her? Will Kai be able to transform Victoria into her true form as a vampiress or will her fate to live be demised too soon? While Kai and his friends are doing what it takes to ensure his pregnant mate survives long enough to turn her on the Brightest Blue Moon, Victoria still struggles to keep her time-gap gift under control. As the Brightest Blue Moon nears, her psychic time-gap gift to mentally travel to the past keeps getting stronger. At the same time, she's trying to prepare herself for motherhood to care for her immortal babies. Nothing gets any easier when she has countless maniac vampires and their Alphas trying to kill her. In her futile attempt to keep herself and her unborn vamp babies protected against these intelligent vampires, she learns quickly that it's nearly impossible. As usual, she fights for her survival. At the same time, she's drawn closer to Kai because of the blue moon, but a part of her heart is still snared by her first lover. Between their ups and downs as a fated couple, they always find a way to balance each other. The first novel called: "Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators" is still under editing and needs to be rewritten to fix some flaws I made with the FL, but it is completed. "DO NOT" let those flaws reflect on this novel because it will take time to fix them. This is my first time writing a series like this, so it's been a learning experience for me with writing a Fl. The story isn't all romance. This storyline runs deeper than that, and the vampires aren't weak. Also, it's only labeled as historical because the FL can mentally travel to past events in ancient times. This second Novel will be dark, gory, murderous, bloody, and steamy hot like the first one. You've been warned. Further warnings will be added as needed in certain chapters. Recaps will be added to grasp certain events and the vampires' way of life. Overall, the story will take a whole new direction, so you can read it as a standalone if you don't wish to read it the first novel. I will leave reference chapters from the first novel for you to read if you want to glance at it. Enjoy the action and suspense with these bloodthirsty vampires and vampiresses. Feel free to follow me on Discord: sara88#4303
Sara_Weber_9938 · 119.6K Views

Stealing The Protagonist’s Yandere Lovers

The world of the novels is filled with countless fantasies, it’s a way for people to escape away from reality into their little world hidden deep inside from others. There are a lot of protagonists and antagonists, and also various supporting roles that spice up things here and there, but what if suddenly you are forced and dragged to one against your will. Elandor was one such successful person, but who kidnapped him? Will he be able to find the answers he seeks while he sets out on his journey filled with countless surprises. {Although the ending is rushed due to my poor health and various other reasons, all in all it’s a pretty decent read to pass time.} [No NTR, No yuri but includes netori] Won Third prize in Yearly Harem genre contest. Additional tags- (No system) (twisted love) (yandere) (manipulative mc) (cunning mc) (loyal love interests) (obsessive love) (clingy lovers) (fast-paced) (strong to stronger) (early romance)(special abilities) (unique cultivation technique)(villian mc)(shameless mc) (Polygamy) (transmigration) (multiple worlds) (blackmail)(manipulation)(toxic love) (Previous life talents) (maids) (tsundere) (regret?) Season 1 is upto 82 chapters rest of the story is Season 2. ************ [Warning -R18 with No beta mc, plus if you are here to watch hundred of chapters just to see mc bootlicking FL or here for a spineless/dense mc getting better as the plot goes on, then you are at a wrong place dear!]. #####—-Very Important Author Note——#### I can’t edit initial few chs for small mistakes as it has hundreds of paragraphs and chapter comments, if I did that then those all will be automatically deleted by the Webnovel. Also, this book contains scenes of blackmail, low degree forced scenes and lots of manipulations with heroines which everyone may not like as this book is made for only a few like-minded limited audience. Hope you all are having a nice day! Discord- c2#8780 ………… {Cover is made and edited by me using a free-to-use online Fotor AI tool.} **English used is mostly Uk/British version.
Sheizzcoldasice · 3.4M Views

His Mistress is His Ex-Wife

[Warning: R18+] "Her Greatest Revenge--Seduce him, Break his marriage, Steal his fortune, and lastly... DUMP him." ***** Sabrina Williams' life crumbles after discovering her husband's deceit and the underhanded acquisition of her family's fortune. Presumed dead after a tragic incident, Sabrina reemerges five years later with a new identity and a burning hunger for revenge. Her return sparks romantic chaos amongst the CEO's inner circle, a dazzling array of handsome bachelors vying for her attention. Sabrina Williams finds herself at the center of a romantic whirlwind with unexpected contenders– her protective best friend, a powerful Mafia Boss, and her possessive ex-husband. The stage is set for a pulsating tug-of-war—a clash of love and revenge with emotions running high. The players are all in, and the game is just getting started! ***** When her scandal with her Ex-husband spreads on the internet, bashers curse her tagging her as Shameless Mistress, Worthless Homewrecker, and Evil Slut... however several mighty bachelors unite to defend her. CEO of Top Fashion Company: "Haters go to hell! PS: to those models who antagonized my Goddess, I hereby take our brand sponsorship from them." President of the Largest Entertainment Company: "Fake news! We will take legal action for slandering my Goddess! Artists who cursed her will be banned from my company." Vice Chairman of Biggest Hotel and Resort Company: "Shut up, Bashers! Don't ever step in one of our hotels and resorts!" Domineering Mafia Boss: "Back off! Erase those malicious comments, or else my gang will hunt you down. I'll kill everyone who dares ridicule my Queen! Everyone: "..." Then a confession comment suddenly pops up amidst the chaos. FL's Best friend: "Everyone can hate you but I'll always be there for you. Sabby... I love you... I've been loving you since our childhood years... My first love... and my last." Her ex-husband can no longer stay quiet and declares to the public. Possessive Ex-husband: "She's not my mistress. She's my legal wife." FL Friend Lanny: "Legal Wife your Ass! Crazy Jerk just die!"
ellezar_g · 1.4M Views

Ruthless Villainess Forced To Travel through Realms To Save Every FL

Popularly known as the Crimson Shadow, Nys Nightblade and The Devil’s Bride, Katarina has always been a villainess since she was born. Her parents were popular assassins, and their only daughter was brought up to follow their footsteps. Rina killed without hesitation, and her jobs were always quick, clean and smooth. Everything was going well for Rina until she got killed by the people she has always trusted… But, luckily for Rina, her story didn’t end there. Instead, her story has just begun! ~~~ [Yuri System]: Rina, you’ve been granted a second chance. Rina: Oh my god, thank you so much, oh merciful system. [Yuri System]: There’s a clause, dear favored Villainess. Rina: There is? What kind of clause? [Yuri System]: The God of vengeance has decided to put your great skills to good use first. Rina: ~ shocked & confused ~ Rina: What? How? [Yuri System]: The God of Vengeance has decided that you’d have to travel through multiple Realms, and defeat every enemy against each female lead in each Realm. [Yuri System]: After that, you’d be able to live the rest of your life however you want. Rina: Well, that sounds super easy! I’ll be done in no time. [Yuri System]: There’s a few more things, dear favored Villainess. ● You need to kill EVERY enemy against each female lead, until each female lead is completely safe. ● You need to TAME every female lead in every realm and make them fall for you. ● You’re gonna be granted a COMPANION, and you’d both have to face these missions together. Rina: WHAT? I ONLY WORK ALONE! [Yuri System] That is the only way. Rina: Who is this companion anyway? [Yuri System]: You’d see. Rina: … [Yuri System]: … Rina: … [Yuri System]: . . . GOOD LUCK, DEAR FAVORED VILLAINESS!
Bree_Airee · 63.5K Views

The CEO'S Rental girlfriend: can't help falling for you

[COMPLETED] “Can I trust that your feelings won't impact this?” he asked, staring at her with a menacing intensity. “I'm here for the job. You require someone to play a role, and I simply need payment. This is strictly a business deal. Let's both wear our brightest smiles," she replied, maintaining a serene expression not flinching a bit at the intensity of his stare. *** “What if a client develops feelings for you?” he inquired. Venessa's heart skipped a beat at his words but she was still able to maintain her composure. “My job forbids it, as long as I'm bound by the contract,” she murmured, just audible enough for him to hear. *** Vanessa, an ordinary college student, lands a job at an escort rental agency after losing her previous one in an unfortunate incident. There, she encounters Jayden, a successful CEO seeking a rental girlfriend who won't fall for him, as he's still enamoured with his celebrity partner. However, despite his intentions, Jayden ends up falling in love first because he can't help but fall for her charms. As their professional arrangement becomes increasingly complicated, both must grapple with their growing feelings and the boundaries of their business relationship. Will Jayden accept his newfound emotions, and will Venessa remain strictly professional or succumb to love? *** This book has a little element of fantasy as the male lead comes from a secret clan of immortals. Seat back a enjoy how mysteries are unravelled and our Ml and Fl fall in love.
jodiekesh27 · 635K Views

The Supreme Alpha

Duke lost his family during the werewolf war and Seraphina became his light in the darkness. Duke is adamant about protecting Seraphina and reclaiming what was his by birth, even if he needs to risk his life by awakening the powerful beast that sleeps within him. Seraphina paid a heavy price in exchange to be with the love of her life. Others made that choice for her. She is determined to get stronger so that she can regain what's lost, and she swore to secure everything that's dear to her. Will she be able to fulfill that promise when the man she loves needs to risk his life if he wants to live? Join Seraphina and Duke as they uncover their pasts and build their future while fighting against the vicious creatures who see them as a threat. --- FL and ML are both strong, smart, and they would do anything for each other. Expect drama, mystery, and romance in a modern fantasy setting. If you are under age 18 or sensitive to adult content, I suggest you skip this novel. This is the second book in the series Amara, and you can read it independently. --- Book 1 in the Amara series, "Amara - Reunion", will give you a better understanding of the hardships Seraphina and Duke went through in order to be together. --- Connect with me and other fellow readers, and see additional photos. Facebook: Discord: Instagram: --- I own the cover. --- Give my other novels a try!
RedSonia · 1M Views
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