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Jung Daemon

Verliebt in meinen unfreiwilligen CEO-Ehemann

Das Aufwachen aus dem Koma war die geringste von Serenas Sorgen, als sie erfährt, dass sie verheiratet ist! Sie kann sich nicht mehr erinnern, wer sie ist. Ihre Eltern haben vor, sie zu töten. Was macht eine junge Frau in so einer Situation? Sie fängt natürlich ihren gutaussehenden, reichen Ehemann ein! Serena wird ihn nicht gehen lassen, bis sie die Wahrheit herausgefunden hat. Aiden Hawk hat aus Bequemlichkeit geheiratet. Von seiner Großmutter erpresst, hat er sich den perfekten Plan ausgedacht. Eine Frau auf dem Sterbebett zu heiraten und die Rolle ihres trauernden Liebhabers zu spielen. Wenn sie stirbt, kann er tun und lassen, was er will! Doch zur Überraschung aller kam sie lebend zurück! Mehr noch, sie klebt an ihm wie Leim! Wird ihre zufällige Ehe funktionieren oder werden sie für immer getrennt sein? *Picture credits: Queenfrieza Schnipsel: Ihre Augen weiteten sich vor Schreck, als er hinüberging und die Tür des Krankenhauszimmers mit einem Klicken verschloss. "Was tun Sie da?", fragte sie zittrig. Der Ausdruck auf seinem Gesicht gefiel ihr nicht. Er hob eine Augenbraue und zog grinsend den Mundwinkel hoch. "Was glaubst du denn, was ich tue?" "Warum... warum hast du die Tür verschlossen?" "Meine Frau ... Du bist nach so langer Zeit aufgewacht. Natürlich muss ich etwas Zeit mit dir verbringen, ohne dass du mich störst..." Serena beobachtete ihn, als er auf sie zuging, seine Anwesenheit schien den Raum zu erfüllen. Ihr Herz drohte ihr fast aus der Brust zu springen... Sie wollte vom Bett springen, aber ihre Beine waren nutzlos und sie hatte keine Kraft...
har_k · 22.6K Views

Verstrickt im Mondlicht: Unverändert

Der Packungsfehler zu sein ist schon schlimm genug. ABGELEHNT zu werden? Von deinem eigenen Schicksalsgefährten? Ja. DAS ist eine ganz neue Stufe des Abstiegs. Ava Grey ist der Rudeldefekt, eine wolfslose Shifterin. Sie kämpft sich durch ihr Leben mit dem vagen Traum von Freiheit. Ihre Chance kommt, als sie plötzlich erfährt, dass sie an der Lunar Gala teilnehmen wird, einem jährlichen Ball für junge erwachsene Shifter, die ihre Schicksalsgefährten finden wollen. Und sie findet ihn. Er ist schön und intensiv, und seine Küsse lassen das Verlangen wie eine Droge durch ihre Adern fließen. Bis er sie ABWEIST. Ava will nicht in ihr tristes Leben zurückkehren. Sie flieht und baut sich eine neue Identität auf, weit weg von ihrem Rudel und von ihrem Alphamännchen. Sie findet neue Freunde und wird sogar von einem witzigen Husky zwangsadoptiert. Doch gerade als sie sich eingewöhnt und ihr Glück gefunden hat, geschehen seltsame Dinge... Ihr Husky hat Geheimnisse vor ihr. Sie hört Geflüster, dass Shifter-Rudel überall auf der Welt nach ihr suchen. Und sie kann einen vertrauten Geruch in ihrer Wohnung riechen, der überhaupt keinen Sinn ergibt ... weil der Mann, zu dem er gehört, sie zurückgewiesen hat. [Cupids Quill Mar 2024 Eintrag] --------- Dies ist eine Wolfshifter-Romanze mit mehreren Auslösern, die gerne Hand in Hand mit all den dunklen Themen durch eine Wiese voller toter Blumen wandern. In diesem Buch finden Sie die höchsten Höhen und die tiefsten Tiefen. Lachen, weinen, wüten; du kannst alles tun, wenn du Ava auf ihrer gefährlichen Reise als Wolfswandler in dieser Generation von Werwolfsromanen folgst. Es gibt R18-Szenen, die in diesem Buch verstreut sind wie Süßigkeiten, die aus einer Pinata fallen. Bitte lesen Sie verantwortungsbewusst. ------- AUTORENDISKORD:
Lenaleia · 1.3M Views

Die Erbin schlägt zurück

Sharon war eine gewöhnliche Person, während ihr Mann, Wallace Harris, ein vielversprechender und gut aussehender Mann war. Seine Familie gehörte zu den angesehensten und reichsten Familien in New York City. Dass sie Wallace heiraten konnte, war ein Zufall. In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Wallace nie mit Sharon geschlafen. Auch seine Familie überredete ihn immer wieder, sich von Sharon scheiden zu lassen. Es war die Geburtstagsfeier der alten Matriarchin der Familie Harris, und alle jungen Leute der Familie Harris hatten die teuersten Geschenke gemacht, um die alte Dame glücklich zu machen - alle außer Sharon. Sie bat Madam Harris um Geld für den alten Haushälter, Onkel Smith, da er kein Geld für seine medizinische Behandlung hatte. Aber wie zu erwarten war, wurde sie von der Familie Harris gedemütigt, als sie darum bat. "Die Familie Harris hatte noch nie eine arme Verwandte wie dich. Lass dich nie wieder in meiner Gegenwart blicken! Wallace hätte Crystal heiraten sollen. Sie ist sicherlich eine junge Dame, die es wert ist, in unsere Familie einzuheiraten", sagte Madam Harris. "Bitte weiß, wo du hingehörst und verschwinde von hier. Bleiben Sie nicht mehr in unserem Haus. Wie kann Wallaces Großvater so töricht sein, eine arme, nutzlose Frau wie dich mit meinem Sohn zu verheiraten?", sagte June, Wallaces Mutter. "Es sind nur ein paar Millionen Dollar, aber du bist so arm, dass du dir von unserer Familie etwas leihen musst. Wie kann eine Frau wie du es verdienen, mit Wallace zusammen zu sein? Wenn es Crystal wäre, hätte sie uns bestimmt nicht so blamiert!" An diesem Abend überreichte Wallace Sharon eine Bankkarte, auf der Millionen von Dollar standen. "Die Firma ist in der Entwicklung, deshalb habe ich nicht viel Bargeld. Du kannst das benutzen, um Onkel Smith zu helfen." Angesichts der Feindseligkeit der Familie Harris erklärte Wallace: "Da ich sie geheiratet habe, bin ich für sie verantwortlich. Egal, ob sie reich oder arm ist, Sharon ist meine Frau." Erst als eines Tages ein Fremder Sharon ansprach, wusste sie, dass sie eine Frau war. Erst da wusste Sharon, dass sie die Tochter einer angesehenen Familie war, die Anspruch auf ein Vermögen von mindestens zehn Milliarden hatte. Plötzlich besaß sie das größte Unternehmen in New York und eine Bankkarte, die Hunderte von Millionen an "Taschengeld" enthielt. Im Handumdrehen hatte sich ihre Identität verändert. Sie war nicht mehr die arme Schwiegertochter, die von der Familie Harris nicht bevorzugt wurde. Stattdessen war sie die angesehenste Person in New York geworden!
Mountain Springs · 94.9K Views


"Sie wurde auserwählt, weil sie von Anfang an sein Recht war..." Einmal bei einer seltenen Gelegenheit, in der Nacht eines blauen Vollmonds, wird ein Mädchen aus einem Haushalt entführt, um den Bestien zu dienen, die sich Werwölfe nennen. Die Werwölfe waren es, die die Stadt beherrschten und alles kontrollierten. Sie sahen menschlich aus, aber unter ihrer menschlichen Fassade verbarg sich ein rücksichtsloses Monster, das nur darauf aus war, zu zerstören. Alle versuchten, sich zu schützen, aber tief im Inneren wussten sie, dass sie den Werwölfen nicht gewachsen waren. Arianne war ein kleines Mädchen, das anders als die anderen Menschen in der Stadt geboren wurde. Sie hatte lange rote Haare und wurde mit verschiedenfarbigen Augen geboren. Ein grünes und ein braunes. Niemand wusste genau, warum sie so geboren wurde, und es war nicht erblich bedingt. Auch ihre Mutter starb bei ihrer Geburt, und deshalb distanzierte sich ihr Vater Massimo von ihr und beschloss, stattdessen wieder zu heiraten. Er heiratete eine Frau namens Christine, die bereits ein außereheliches Kind, Rissa, hatte. Gemeinsam beschlossen Rissa und Christine, Arianne das Leben zur Hölle zu machen, wovor ihr Vater die Augen verschloss, was sich auf Arianne auswirkte und sie dazu brachte, sich von ihrer Familie und der Gesellschaft zurückzuziehen. Der Tag der Auswahl kam und Rissa wurde ausgewählt, um den Werwölfen zu dienen. Aus Angst um ihr Leben beschloss Rissa, ihre Mutter zu überreden, Massimo davon zu überzeugen, Arianne für die Auswahl vorzuschlagen. Ungeachtet ihrer schreienden Bitten und Tränen bot Massimo Arianne an, den Werwölfen zu dienen. Niemand weiß wirklich, was mit den ausgewählten Mädchen geschieht, und niemand hat sich die Mühe gemacht, danach zu fragen. Ohne zu wissen, welches Schicksal sie erwartet, beschloss Arianne, dem Werwolf Ivan Giovanni zu dienen, einem Alphatier, das für seine Skrupellosigkeit bekannt ist. Kann Arianne das Leben unter Werwölfen überleben? Was passiert, wenn sie mehr über ihre Identität herausfindet und die einzige Person, die ihr helfen könnte, Ivan ist? Was glaubst du, wird passieren, wenn sie herausfindet, dass Ivan der Junge war, den sie vor all den Jahren vor dem Tod bewahrt hat? HINWEIS: DAS UMSCHLAGBILD DIESES BUCHES GEHÖRT MIR NICHT. DAS BILD WURDE AUF PINTEREST GEFUNDEN.
DA_Aloera · 166.4K Views

Wiedergeburt des namenlosen unsterblichen Gottes

Die Erde hat eine merkwürdige Veränderung durchgemacht. Während sie sich um das Millionenfache ihrer ursprünglichen Größe ausdehnte, wurde ihre Bevölkerung plötzlich in zwei Hälften geteilt. Auf der einen Seite gab es eine Gruppe von technologisch fortgeschrittenen Menschen. Auf der anderen Seite wuchs und gedieh eine Welt der Kultivierung. Die Geheimnisse, die zu dieser Veränderung geführt haben, waren zu lange im Dunkeln verborgen... Bis zu dem Tag, an dem sich herausstellte, dass ein Junge, der auf der sterblichen Seite der Welt geboren wurde, das Talent hatte, in die Welt der Krieger einzutreten. Nachdem er beide Eltern durch eine verborgene Flut verloren hatte, beschloss er, alles, was er bisher kannte, hinter sich zu lassen und dieses Land der Gefahr zu betreten. Welche Wahrheiten würde er ans Licht bringen? Was würde er darüber erfahren, was die Sterblichen von den Kultivierenden unterscheidet? Welche verborgenen Übel wollten sicherstellen, dass sein Volk sich niemals erheben und die Macht erlangen würde? Und wie würden diese Übel... mit ihm umgehen? ---- Die Liste der Dinge, die ich hasse, ist ziemlich lang. Die erste ist, dass ich es am meisten hasse, getestet zu werden. Das zweite ist, dass ich es am meisten hasse, getestet zu werden. Die dritte ist, dass ich es am meisten hasse, geprüft zu werden. Die Tiefen des Ozeans sind zu seicht, das Licht der Sonne zu schwach, der Boden zu banal und der Himmel zu klein. Dass diejenigen, die in dieser farblosen Welt geboren wurden, sich für würdig halten, über mich zu urteilen... kann ich nur sagen, dass es lächerlich ist. Ich bin der namenlose unsterbliche Gott, denn selbst der Himmel ist nicht würdig, mir einen Namen zu geben. Selbst wenn ich mir meiner Identität nicht bewusst bin, werde ich die Ozeane austrocknen, bis nur noch rissiges Land übrig ist, ich werde die Sonne in endlose Dunkelheit stürzen, ich werde den Boden mit meinen Füßen zertrümmern und den Himmel mit meiner Klinge zerreißen. Bin ich zu arrogant? Welches Recht hast du, das zu denken? --- https:// www. /liushuo Kapitel-Belohnungssystem: (Die Basiskapitelanzahl beträgt 2/Tag und 14/Woche) Alle 100 goldenen Tickets - 1 zusätzliches Kapitel 2000 Münzen Geschenk (Drache) - 1 Extra-Kapitel 5000 Münzen Geschenk (Schloss) - 3 Extra-Kapitel 10000 Münzen Geschenk (Raumschiff) - 6 Extra-Kapitel 15000 Münzen Geschenk (Gachapon) - 10 Extra-Kapitel
Awespec · 60.4K Views

The Alpha's Blind Fate

[Warning: Contains Mature Content] "Beware of the tongue of a wicked woman. For it may tell a lie that would slay the world." Eighteen-Year-old rejected, wolfless and blind Zina is summoned to the capital to tell a vision for the ruthless and feared Alpha King of the North notoriously known as ‘The King Who Crowned Himself’. The result of Zina’s ‘false’ vision has the Alpha Prince and future Alpha Supreme, Daemon, banished from the capital to fight wars at the borders where only death awaits him in the hands of the famed Arising Rogues, and the even more famed Deformed. But Daemon survives fire, blood and claw, and not only does he survive, but six years later, he is back as Alpha Supreme, driven by vengeance against those who brought him down. Starting from his cunny siblings, to the eighteen-year old girl now twenty-four who spelt his destiny with just mere words, Daemon vows to leave no one unscathed. However Zina is well aware of her own treachery. Now the Theta to the same powerful werewolf house she told the dangerous lie against, and having tasted the bitter pill of betrayal from the very people she told the dangerous lie for, she is unwilling to resign to her fate just yet. But how do you melt the heart of a man that you once ruined? And how do you destroy a woman loved by all the common people, and perhaps, even the gods? Daemon will learn the hard way that not all vengeance can be taken, and not all debts can be collected. Secrets abound, the Deformed Werewolves are set to rise, and a rare chance at second mating befalls the two most unusual people. And now, one thing has become for sure—Daemon must first defeat the enemy outside, before he can truly confront her, who has become the enemy of his heart. **** Zina's back pressed against the wall as a taut body pinned her, their warmth mingling together. Four years of deadly anticipation had culminated into that very moment. His whispers caressed her ear, sending shivers that had nothing to do with the chill in the air down her spine. “Since you see visions so well, tell me Theta of my house, do you see the day you will die?” His breath ghosted over her skin, reminding her of a debt to be collected. Swallowing and maintaining a tight grip on her staff despite the body that burned against hers, she answered firmly. “I am afraid the gods haven’t shown me yet.” The man over her smiled shrewdly. His lips grazed her ear, his hot breath sending waves of sensation. “I believe in all of the names I have been called, one of them is god. So let me tell you that which you do not know… “…today is the day you will die.”
JaneSmitten · 297.7K Views

Love from the ashes

Love, Betrayal, Blood, but not Hatred. Only cold revenge, and a son to complete the family. "D" Section, a nonexistent military unit. "D" for dark, "D" for depth, "D"... for death. It demanded no attachment, and Daemon sacrificed love for it. Years later, the death of his teammates made him feel that he had done enough for the country, so he came back to the city he grew in. But can what has been forsaken be gained back? Because now Evelyn, the one to have breathed vitality in his numb, orphaned heart, had her own life, and a little boy calling her mother. Also, while he left his life full of dead bodies behind, did that life really let him go? From the ashes, will it love or... ? _ _ _ Two lovers who still love each other even with scars left behind by past events. They narrowly miss a chance to meet again and rekindle the lost spark, with him left with an empty heart, and her with her pain renewed, only buried because of the sun of her life, her son, their son… that he knew nothing about. They each continue with their own life in their own way. Their paths even almost become parallel to each other, almost taking the opposite direction with new commitments. But fate be damned, even if it now seems to push them toward each other. From the ashes, their love shall blaze anew. Or maybe not. Find the answer yourself. ___ First draft of characters image on my discord, a channel for fans to get together: Comment and review, don't forget.
LifeDayDreams · 37.4K Views

Wheels Of Fate

Kang Seol: The main protagonist, a strong-willed and independent woman who juggles a demanding job as a taxi driver with martial arts training. She is known for her no-nonsense attitude and tough exterior but has a sharp wit and can be playful with her friends. Seol's concerns for her grandfather and his mysterious past play a pivotal role in her actions throughout the story. Jung Haesung: A mysterious and enigmatic figure with a calm yet intimidating presence. He is often seen in situations filled with tension, and his past actions are shrouded in secrecy. Despite his serious demeanor, he finds himself caught off guard by Seol's boldness and sharp humor. His ties to Seol's grandfather add layers of intrigue to his character. Chayoung: Seol's childhood friend, always full of energy and ready to cheer Seol on, even if their personalities clash at times. She's supportive and always ready to make Seol laugh, providing a lighter and more carefree contrast to Seol's intensity. Eunbi: Another one of Seol's friends, known for her maturity and often acting like a big sister. She provides Seol with guidance and a sense of stability during tough times, offering a calming presence amidst Seol's chaotic life. Grandfather Kang Seol: Seol's grandfather is a mysterious and influential figure whose past holds deep secrets. He is a quiet but powerful presence in Seol's life, and their bond is one of mutual respect and concern. Though his health is frail, his wisdom and knowledge of hidden events surrounding Seol's life are essential to understanding the larger mysteries. His connection to Jung Haesung and the dangers surrounding their family becomes crucial as the story unfolds.
elisabetholivia · 1.6K Views

The Ring Of Consistency

As the author of this book I should give a fair warning: the first chapters are a scam!! Okay, let me explain. The character that you most likely think is the protagonist, is not the protagonist. Why? Honestly, idk, I just felt like doing it. Makes the story feel more realistic and approachable because every character is worth something. The story follows a male lead, Ju Min-Jung, who at one point in his life was a normal middle-aged man from Korea. He gets transmigrated to a world called Einar as Lychipher Klein in which becoming quote-unquote a "god", is not just possible, but relatively common. Years have gone by in a flash and Lychipher has enjoyed a simple and laid-back life, going by the nickname of Whiskey. The story starts when a contracted guild summons the lovecraftian inspired eldritch entity known as Dietrich, which fragmented itself into several variants born from chosen women. The fragments each have the distinct feature of white hair and can be released when the variant is killed. When all the variants are killed each fragment will be fused allowing Dietrich to form in Einar. This quickly escalates into family feuds, mystery, mystism and the occult. Questions emerge perpetually the instant one is answered, mysterious forces are at work pulling the strings behind closed curtains and fate seems to be the greatest for of all.... What to expect: Firstly is the world of Einar. It's a world entirely fictional so don't try to wrap your head around the timeline because I honestly just smashed several themes that I liked together. Originally, I chose for late 16th century baroque and renaissance, but later I also added elements of the western victorian era, the wild west and more. Now the next thing to expect is probably not something you'll appreciate much, and that is slow pacing. I know, I know —you're probably screaming "whyyy!?". But it's best for the story to play out the way it should, ya' know- instead of rushing it. Besides, going for a mysterious factor demands slow pacing because otherwise the mystery is short-lived.
AlwaysCautious_7021 · 1.8K Views

Idol Turned Actor

In the dazzling world of K-pop, Jung Minho was a name everyone knew. A once-beloved idol adored by millions, his career came to a devastating halt when a fabricated scandal tore apart his life. The lies spread like wildfire, leaving him to face a world that no longer believed in him. Overwhelmed by betrayal, stress, and depression, Minho makes the heartbreaking decision to end his life. But death is not the end for him. Minho wakes up seven years in the past, but not as himself. He finds himself in the body of Kang Hyunjae, an unknown amateur actor with a struggling career and nothing to lose. As Minho grapples with his new reality, a mysterious system appears before him. The system offers him one chance: if he can rise to the top of the acting world and become a globally renowned star, he will have the opportunity to reclaim his original life, free from scandal. Determined to rewrite his fate, Minho sets out on a grueling journey filled with cutthroat competition, grueling auditions, and the shadow of his former self. But the acting world isn’t any kinder than the idol industry, and the deeper he goes, the more he uncovers the truth about the people who betrayed him and the price of fame. Will Minho be able to overcome his inner demons, outshine the competition, and reclaim his life? Or will his second chance slip through his fingers as he faces new challenges, betrayal, and heartbreak in the pursuit of his dreams? The stage is set, the spotlight is on, and Minho must decide what truly matters in this dramatic tale of redemption, resilience, and revenge.
RA1N · 7.1K Views

AΩ: The 17th – Reincarnation of the all knowing Mastermind

(NOTICE) (*WARNING *Mature Audience*) (*WARNING *Parental guidance*) Novel contains (Violence, harmful behavior, Rape, Sexual content, Child trauma, slavery, Child abuse, incest, Explicit sex, smut, r18 - Adult content, Gore, Bloodshed, Extreme Violence, Mature content, Etc) (Average Chapter length 5000-1000) Xialdre is reincarnated as a baby, and he is a born genius. However, he was also born sociopathic, unable to understand the feelings of others. As this aspect of his personality continues to develop, his entire hometown will become a bloodbath upon his return, accompanied by his maid-slave. The ruthless prince came to terror in his hometown, he did whatever he wanted—Raping and killing without remorse, As this conflict erupted in his hometown, he immediately went to his house, where he found the head of his younger brother on the doorstep. He remained emotionless amidst the chaos. Entering his parents' bedroom, he saw his mother dead in his parents' own bedroom. Upon entering his older sister's room, he foresaw her being rape by none other than the prince himself in front of the rest of his family as tears drop in her eyes. His younger sister, lying in bed, watched in despair and pity as Satra, the ruthless prince, acted. His father, the butler, and Clementine's mother tried to save his father's daughter by fighting the golden knight protecting Satra. When they finally escaped, his younger sister and his slave were left traumatized. As they ventured out to seek revenge, Xialdre continued pursuing his true goal: finding Adonai. Along the way, they gained more comrades who would try their best to make Xialdre feel emotion for the first time. After the sudden genocide devastates his hometown, Xialdre shows no remorse as he departs, viewing everyone as mere tools, including his former compatriots. His journey sees him gradually enslaving others, testing their loyalty to him. As Xialdre ventures from country to country, his notoriety grows, marking him as the primary adversary across the entire Satalias Continent. Despite his cold demeanor, he begins to find a semblance of peace, though his icy nature remains unchanged from his previous life. Some allies abandon Xialdre, while those who stay gain the power to challenge even a demon lord. Those who left remain weaker in comparison, having forsaken their bond with him. Though his loyal allies may become his wives, Xialdre refuses to coerce their loyalty; he seeks true devotion without manipulation a second time. "I won't force loyalty. If they can't choose it willingly, they're not worthy," asserts Xialdre, maintaining his calm demeanor. As his journey continues, Xialdre gradually rediscovers emotions, yet his cold, sociopathic mindset persists from his former life. "Despite my desires, I used manipulation to make them mine. But if they choose to leave, I'll let them go," he remarks coldly. Those who remain as his allies do so willingly, finding fulfillment in obeying Xialdre's commands, seeing him as their master forever. "But still, Why not use manipulation if its easier than actually winning their heart manually" Xialdre questioned. Xialdre is a reincarnation of cosmic expansion, an AΩ. He seeks revenge on the Daemon Sultan, also known as Lord God Azathoth, after losing to him alongside Elohim Adonai, another AΩ. Xialdre's life and power will only return after the rest of his shattered existence fades away. In this current life, his seventeenth, he must wait until the rest of his lives die so he can return as the AΩ he knows he is. =============================== For more just read it, since If I continue it will only be spoilers, since this sypnosis is literally a spoiler itself. Read it if you got the balls to read it. This novel is meant to terrify, disturb, And heal you. So good luck reading it, Besides if you read this just don't say I didn't warn ya.
FakeMast3rmind · 39.9K Views

An Unordinary Man in an Ordinary World

Genius, Prodigy, Envied, Lucky—Alexander was all these things. Now, people didn’t even know if he was alive. Thousands died during the attack on the Bellmont Duchy. Alexander Bellmont disappeared, his body never to be found. ----- Alex was alive, but barely. In a move against the Daemon attacking the Duchy, Alex had sacrificed himself to bring his enemy with him. Surprisingly, while supposed to be a suicide attack, Alex lived, finding himself deep underground in a dungeon. While Alex makes his way out, he must gain the strength to survive and thrive in this unfamiliar world. More than 5,000 miles from home, Alex is forced to make a new start as a human in the unfriendly Daitya Empire. Even with the power to return home, Alex is at a crossroads. Alex feels guilt for the thousands of people who died in the Daemon attack, including his best friend, who passed in front of his eyes. As the cause behind the attack, Alex is reluctant to return home and place his family in more danger. He could stay here, but that would mean abandoning everyone he loves back home and starting from scratch in a new world. Alex’s life in the Daitya Empire is a rollercoaster, and his responsibilities only add to his journey of self-destiny. Not only does he have to work his way up in his new life, but remnants of his old life start returning to him. Alex holds a secret. He knows of his past life, but it is only now that the memories start trickling in. While dealing with his current life, Alex also has to deal with his past life. Alex wrestles with his own identity while experiencing the duties of an adult in a brutal world.
Lapuleu · 34K Views

Dreams Across Borders: Timing and Choices

“In the end, fate and timing do not happen, out of coincidence. They are products of earnest, simple choices, that make up miraculous moments. Being resolute, making decisions without hesitation… that is what makes timing. He wanted her more than I did. And I should have been more courageous. It was not the traffic light’s fault. It was not timing. It was my hesitations.” – Jung Hwan, reply 1988 New Beginnings in Seoul follows Alex Daniels, an Indian student and K-drama enthusiast, as he embarks on a journey to Seoul National University. Enchanted by the city's vibrancy, Alex hopes for a fresh start away from the judgmental environment of his home in Chennai. However, life in Korea brings its own complexities, far from the idealized world of his favorite dramas. On his first day, Alex meets Ji-hoon, a charismatic and compassionate student volunteer who helps him navigate the sprawling campus. Ji-hoon's warmth and charm immediately draw Alex in, sparking a connection that promises friendship and perhaps more. They exchange numbers and plan a Friday night outing for Korean BBQ and soju, setting the stage for an evolving relationship. But Ji-hoon’s seemingly perfect exterior masks a deeper, hidden turmoil, leaving Alex to wonder if there’s more to Ji-hoon than meets the eye. Alex also befriends Yuna, a spirited Korean student with her own struggles. As Yuna becomes a close ally, she offers Alex a window into the nuances of Korean culture and the shared challenges of acceptance in a society that mirrors the stigmas he faced back home. Together, they navigate the unspoken rules of relationships, both platonic and romantic, in a society that is accepting on the surface but deeply complex beneath. As Alex’s new life unfolds, he finds himself grappling with the scars of his past, the cautious thrill of a new connection, and the unraveling secrets that Ji-hoon and Yuna bring into his world. The city he once saw as a dreamland becomes the backdrop for an emotional journey of growth, trust, and self-discovery. New Beginnings in Seoul is a story about love, resilience, and the courage to uncover the truths hidden behind carefully curated facades. It’s a tale that reveals how real life, though far from the perfection of a K-drama, can still hold its own kind of magic.
San_Eun · 644 Views
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