In the Year 2030, Mankind faced extinction against invading Aliens. These humanoid Aliens were vastly superior in every aspect compared to an average human, they could mow buildings,form valid scientific theories, travel over few kilometers over a blink of an Eye.
All appeared to be lost when unexpectedly, An interesting Scientist made a breakthrough with his research, he found that the Aliens otherwise known as Mulkers had a very similar DNA with humans and discovered that the powers of the Mulkers stem in their blood, with this knowledge, he artificially created hybrids that were on par with the opposing Mulkers. His results however were imperfect as they had certain problems, these hybrids were prone to mental attacks due to the conflicted blood within them and would sometimes rage out harming friends alike alongside this, they had very fast growth which limits their lifespan to the maximum of 3 years.
Join the story as our not so perfect fill for heroes face off against this overwhelming threat, Will they be the ones to rescue mankind or are they just ticking bombs ready to blow up Man's hope.
Check out my Isekai epic Fantasy series : Epic of Unemployed Mercenaries in a Fantasy World.