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La Heredera que Lee la Mente: De Impostora a Favorita de la Familia

Wenyan leyó un libro en el que un personaje secundario que compartía su nombre era una falsa heredera. Después de que la verdadera heredera asumiera su posición, la impostora intentó asegurar su lugar en la familia adinerada drogando al hijo mayor y haciendo un hecho consumado de un arroz cocido, solo para ser desenmascarada por la Familia Shen y terminar suicidándose en la desesperación. Wenyan estaba furiosa de ver tal final. ¿Cómo no se podría sobrevivir sin el respaldo de una familia adinerada? ¿Acaso la familia no le había proporcionado una casa de lujo y un sinfín de artículos de lujo? Solo vender esos le reportaría decenas de millones. ¡Ella era simplemente un caso perdido! Si ella fuera la Wenyan del libro, habría renunciado a su posición y simplemente habría vivido relajada como un pez salado! Pero cuando despertó de su sueño, realmente transmigró al libro. Fiel a su palabra, dejó de conspirar. De la noche a la mañana empacó sus maletas, vendió su casa, coche y bolsos, y buscó un trabajo. Toda la Familia Shen notó el cambio en Wenyan, su hija adoptada. No solo se había mudado obedientemente, sino que también nunca causó problemas de nuevo. Aún más extraño fue que ahora podían ver sus pensamientos más íntimos. «Papá, Mamá, nunca quise usurpar su nido, pero los resultados de la prueba de ADN de la verdadera hija tienen problemas. De hecho, ella es incluso más falsa que yo, la supuesta heredera.», pensó. Padres de la Familia Shen: ...... Entonces, la 'hija' perdida y encontrada fue expuesta como una impostora y llevada por la policía para ser interrogada. «Hermano mayor, ese compañero de colegio tuyo no es bueno, es un espía corporativo, el hijo ilegítimo de los archienemigos de la Familia Shen.», pensó. El hijo mayor de la Familia Shen: ...... Después, el compañero fue sorprendido robando documentos confidenciales y también fue llevado por la policía para ser interrogado. «Segundo hermano, eres una persona tan pura y noble, no debes estar con la hija de la Familia Qin, ella solo te está usando, su corazón en realidad está puesto en alguien más.», pensó. El segundo hijo de la Familia Shen: ...... Gracias, lo investigaré. «Y tercer hermano, cuarto hermano......», pensó. Al final, nadie podría haber predicho que la hija adoptada menos distinguida de la Familia Shen se convertiría en la mimada nuera.
Draw the sword with a smile · 73K Views

The Skyball Chronicles

In the floating city of Skyreach, where magic and athleticism collide, the sport of Skyball reigns supreme. Played on islands suspended high above the ground, Skyball is a breathtaking, high-flying competition where players harness magical powers to soar through the air and score with a glowing energy orb. For orphan Kai Stormwind, who possesses the rare gift of wind magic, the dream of playing in the elite Skyball leagues has always seemed out of reach. Working at a small Skyball shop in the lower district, Kai spends his days fixing worn-out gear and his nights secretly practicing his magic. But when a mysterious stranger—revealed to be the legendary Darius Falkner, former captain of the champion Sky Titans—witnesses Kai’s untapped potential, everything changes. Darius offers Kai a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the struggling Storm Hawks, a team of underdogs fighting for their place in the Great Sky Tournament. As Kai joins the team, he must learn to master not only his wind magic but also the teamwork and strategy needed to compete at the highest level. With the tournament drawing near, Kai and the Storm Hawks face fierce competition, including the ruthless Drakken Fangs, a team bent on winning at any cost—even if it means using forbidden magic. As dark forces threaten the tournament and the future of Skyreach itself, Kai finds himself at the center of a conflict far greater than just a game. With the fate of the city hanging in the balance, Kai must rise above his past and lead the Storm Hawks to victory—both on the Skyball field and against an enemy who seeks to destroy everything they hold dear. Full of magical action, thrilling sports competition, and the journey of an underdog fighting for his dreams, The Skyball Chronicles is an epic adventure of courage, friendship, and the power of teamwork.
InfinityNow · 20.4K Views

Playing God!

PROMOTION Awareness has brought peace to very few people from the very beginning of existence. In the first moment of awareness, a pure fear comes with it. That fear means crossing a threshold. The first moment you feel fear, you think it will last forever, a second ago you believed that your life was meaningless, while fear makes you miss that meaninglessness. You want your meaningless life back. Because having meaning in your life creates a goal, and it's a long narrow scary road to that goal... Nobody wants to walk on that road, that is, after seeing the road, they don't. From the first moment of my existence, I had a huge void inside me. I always knew something was wrong. Everything was as it should be, but there was a gap that bothered me. It's a void that I ignore. I ignored that void so much that I forgot it even existed. I couldn't deal with the thought of not being like the others. I couldn't deal with the shame and fear inside me. The thought that nothing would ever be the same made me turn my back on the emptiness inside me. I turned my back and closed my ears and eyes. I played the role that was written for me, without even realizing it. Until that day... I couldn't play that role anymore. I see the road, I'm afraid. It's weird that it's the first thing I feel, but what's more real than fear? now it's time to do something crazy. It's time to cross that threshold. It's time to be free and set all slaves free. "Only those who kill God are free. Because freedom comes only when you kill God."
Zeynep_Marangoz · 3.3K Views

The Mind-Read Heiress: From Impostor to Family Favorite

Wenyan read a book in which a cannon-fodder character sharing her name was a false heiress. After the true heiress assumed her position, the impostor tried to secure her place in the wealthy family by drugging the eldest son and making a done deal out of a cooked rice, only to be unmasked by the Shen Family and end up committing suicide in despair. Wenyan was furious to see such an ending. How could one not survive without the backing of a wealthy family? Hadn't the family provided her with a luxury house and countless luxury goods? Just selling those off would fetch tens of millions. She was just a hopeless case! If she were the Wenyan in the book, she would have relinquished her position and just lived laid-back like a salted fish! But when she woke up from her sleep, she actually transmigrated into the book. True to her word, she stopped scheming. Overnight she packed her bags, sold her house, car, and bags, and looked for a job. - The entire Shen Family noticed the change in Wenyan, their adopted daughter. Not only had she moved out obediently, but she also never caused any trouble again. Even more bizarre was that they could now see her innermost thoughts! 【Dad, Mom, I never wanted to usurp your nest, but the DNA test results of the true daughter have issues. In fact, she's even more fake than I, the bogus heiress.】 Shen Family parents: ...... Then the long-lost 'daughter' who had been found was exposed as an impostor and taken away by the police for questioning. 【Big brother, that schoolmate of yours is no good, he's a corporate spy, the illegitimate child of the Shen Family's archenemies.】 Shen Family's eldest son: ...... Afterwards, the schoolmate got caught stealing confidential documents and was also taken away by the police for questioning. 【Second brother, you are such a pure and noble person, you mustn't be with the Qin Family's daughter, she's just using you, her heart is actually set on someone else.】 Shen Family's second son: ...... Thank you, I'll look into it. 【And third brother, fourth brother......】 In the end, nobody could have predicted that the Shen Family's most undistinguished adopted daughter would become the pampered daughter-in-law.
Draw the sword with a smile · 2.3M Views

The Speedrunner: How I Accidentally Speedran Another World

Yure Aure, a speedrunner known for his absurd stunts and record-breaking runs, thought he had mastered every shortcut, every glitch, and every impossible skip across all the notorious games that were thought as incredibly hard to beat. That is until one fateful day when his biggest glitch hurls him into an entirely different reality—a world that feels eerily like one of his RPG campaigns but without the luxury of quick saves or resets. [Congratulations! "Speedrun" System Achieved.] [Do Any 100% Speedrun of Any Categories to Gain New "Speedrun" Abilities] [Ultimate Goal: Speedrun the World's Ending!] Armed with his gamer instincts and a knack for spotting exploits in reality itself, Yure would navigate a world of monsters, dungeons, and rival adventurers while being somewhat overpowered for the challenges of this fantasy world with that System. As he speeds through quests, accidentally breaks the world's laws, and leaves baffled enemies and allies in his wake, Yure learns that life, much like speedrunning, is all about timing and taking a leap of faith. Can Yure "any%" his way to the top of this world's leaderboard, or will he finally face a game over he can't undo? *** Joining the WSA 2025 Competition. I'll be very thankful if you could support the book with Vote/Power Stones and Constructive Reviews. It'll be a daily upload of 1 or 2 Chapters. 100 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter 500 Power Stones = 3 Bonus Chapter 1000 Power Stones = 5 Bonus Chapter
TheGrimGuy · 1.1K Views
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