Seth Of Aeloria
In a war-ravaged world where magic reigns supreme, Elrianon, a fallen elven general cursed by his own pursuit of forbidden knowledge, must navigate the ruins of his homeland. After barely surviving an assault led by the dark sorcerer Zorath, Elrianon finds himself at the heart of a brewing alliance with human forces. Haunted by whispers of ancient power and driven by a need for vengeance, he struggles to control a dangerous grimoire that holds the key to unimaginable blood magic.
While Elrianon wrestles with the dark temptations of the book, he is forced to take on the mantle of leadership, training human soldiers to face Zorath’s ever-growing army. But as the king and his council seek to understand the enigmatic elf and the dark power he carries, the lines between ally and adversary begin to blur.
As the looming threat of Zorath's forces approaches, Elrianon must decide: will he sacrifice his soul to destroy his enemy, or will he find a way to lead his people to victory without falling to darkness?