In The Case Of: Ixoria Belmont
Normal doesn't quite describe the life of a young Ixoria Belmont. While she doesn't seek out attention or drama, her alluring personality and looks seem to be the magnet that attaches her to these scenarios. With hair that is reminiscent of Hatsune Miku, a semi-goth/emo style and towering at 6'0, she definitely would be recognizable in a crowd and In the Case Of Ixoria Belmont, these factors prove to be a blessing as much as they are a curse.
Pronunciation: Iggs-or-ee-aa Bell-mont
Authors note: while the cover art is made by AI, the character design, name and lore are all my own. This story is written by me without the use of AI. Any future books I make that have artwork will be credited or labeled as AI.