Eternal Ascension: Chronicles of the Azure Void
The story follows Lei Tian, a young outcast with a mysterious origin, as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth of his past, ascend through the ranks of martial cultivation, and confront an ancient conspiracy that threatens the entire world. Starting from humble beginnings in the Azure Spring Village, Lei Tian discovers a fragmented jade pendant containing the remnant will of an ancient entity, Void Sovereign, granting him forbidden knowledge of cultivation techniques lost to time.
As Lei Tian climbs the social and martial ladders, he is drawn into conflicts among sects, empires, and even celestial realms. Along the way, he unravels the truth about the Azure Void Clan, his birthright, and their connection to the lost Eternal Realm. The journey tests his resolve as he grapples with the heavy burden of power, betrayal, and destiny.