I Grow Stronger After Every Revive
A seemingly ordinary college student’s life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident ends his journey on Earth—only for him to awaken in a strange, mystical world. Gifted with the extraordinary power of infinite revival, he discovers that every death and subsequent resurrection makes him stronger, faster, and more resilient.
But this is no ordinary second chance. In a land teeming with dangerous creatures, warring factions, and ancient legends, he must navigate the treacherous landscape while uncovering the true potential of his unique ability. As he learns to harness his powers, he begins to question the cost of his immortality and whether his new life is a gift—or a curse.
With every challenge he faces, he grows more powerful, drawing the attention of powerful allies and deadly enemies alike. Can he rise above the trials of this new world, or will he be consumed by the endless cycle of death and rebirth?
Embark on a thrilling journey of survival, growth, and self-discovery in this epic tale of reincarnation and unyielding determination.