In a land where ancient magic and myths exists, a young man named Richard stumbles upon a long forgotten journal that speaks of a darkness so great, it threatens to destroy and enslave the entire world. But with the help of an old friend, Richard embarks on a dangerous quest to find the Dragon's Tooth, a powerful sword that was created by his grandfather.
As they traveled through the land and battle dangerous enemies, Richard begins to realize the true extent of his destiny.
The fate of world was in his hands, and the young man is the only one who can save it. But the journey is filled with dangers, and Richard must confront his own doubts and fears in order to be victorious before it's too late.
Meanwhile, the ruthless Queen Helen will stop at nothing to claim the Dragon's Tooth for herself, and enslave the world with her dark magic and legion of knights. Her power is strong, and she has been undefeated for years.
The blood moon is fast approaching, and that will be the time when the queen will absorb its power, the power of immortality. She will become unstoppable.
But only the blade of the DRAGON'S TOOTH can end her rein.