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Manhwa Recap Br

Après sa transmigration, l'épouse en surpoids a fait son grand retour !

``` Qiao Mei s'est retrouvée dans un roman en tant que personnage secondaire portant le même nom qu'elle, mais qui manquait de présence. Ce personnage secondaire était une péquenaude qui ne pouvait pas se marier à cause de son obésité. Selon le scénario original, cette campagnarde Qiao Mei était une grosse fille gâtée par son grand-père. Toutefois, leurs parents étaient tous des personnes vicieuses et cruelles. Son grand-père ayant une santé fragile, une fois décédé, les parents se diviseraient pour s'accaparer ses biens. Par conséquent, le plus grand souhait de son grand-père était de marier Qiao Mei. Pour cela, il a même sacrifié et trahi le petit-fils de son ami, Xia Zhe. Le grand-père a enivré Xia Zhe et a fait en sorte que Qiao Mei prenne de force le bel et fort Xia Zhe avec son corps pesant plus de deux cents livres. Ensuite, le grand-père les surprendrait le lendemain et forcerait Xia Zhe à épouser Qiao Mei. Cependant, cela a finalement causé le début de la vie malheureuse de Qiao Mei. Aussi, dans l'histoire originale, Qiao Mei s'appropriait le mystérieux jade de Xia Zhe. Mais à cause de la stupidité de Qiao Mei, la sœur de son cousin l'avait trompée et lui avait fait donner le jade, ce qui résultait en la richesse de la famille de son cousin. Quand Qiao Mei a transmigré ici, c'était pendant l'instant gênant où elle faisait l'amour à l'homme après l'avoir enivré. Elle s'est réveillée avec confusion le lendemain et l'équipe du grand-père était déjà à la porte. Qiao Mei avait peur. Elle ne voulait pas suivre le chemin initial et épouser un homme qui ne l'aimait pas. Et donc, elle a menti et a chassé grand-père. Elle a également poussé l'homme dehors avant de se forcer à regarder son reflet bronzé et potelé dans le miroir! Hélas, elle pleurait face à son apparence laide... Comme un sumotori en sous-vêtement de grande taille, même les magasins de vêtements grandes tailles n'avaient pas de vêtements à sa taille. Et son visage était de la taille d'une pizza, une pizza brûlée! Qiao Mei a décidé de réformer sa vie! La première étape, perdre du poids! La deuxième étape, ranger sa chambre! Elle qui tenait à la propreté, bien que sa maison actuelle eût une grande cour, elle ne pouvait la décrire que comme désordonnée! La troisième étape était de tenir fermement le jade pour que sa cousine avide n'en ait aucune chance! Seulement, le grand et beau Xia Zhe ne devait-il pas la détester selon l'histoire originale? Pourquoi était-il de plus en plus gentil avec elle? ```
Mountain Springs · 83.1K Views

Tout le village prospère après avoir adopté une fille chanceuse

Lancement d'un nouveau livre ! "Petit Trésor Fortuné de la Famille Agricole : Briser les Frontières". Tous les investisseurs sont les bienvenus ! Description brève : (Renaissance + Agriculture + Grotte Magique + Écraser les Indésirables + Devenir Riche) Jiang Sanlang trouve une petite fille nouveau-née sur la colline, et l'élève comme sa propre fille. Peu après, sa femme stérile tombe enceinte de jumeaux. Puis, la famille Jiang est arrosée de bonne fortune, s'engageant progressivement sur la voie de la richesse alors qu'elle était sans le sou. Tous les villageois envient la bonne chance de la famille Jiang et veulent partager la fortune de la petite Enfant Fée. Yingbao agite sa petite main : Allez tout le monde, allons planter de l'or et du Xue'er. Je vous garantis de quoi manger pour un an, de devenir riche en deux ans, et d'atteindre le sommet de votre vie en trois ans. À la fin, tous les villageois deviennent effectivement riches, suscitant l'envie d'autres villages. Puis un jour, la famille qui avait abandonné la petite fille vient chez la famille Jiang pour réclamer leur enfant. Le village entier est en colère, les poings prêts à l'action à la porte : Bah ! Quelle honte pour des gens qui osent voler un enfant, ils devraient recevoir quelques coups de poing pour commencer. Yingbao meurt, puis se réincarne. Elle n'aurait jamais imaginé qu'elle était en réalité un 'personnage jetable' d'une histoire, et que toutes ses expériences étaient orchestrées pour faire avancer l'intrigue. Dans cette vie, Yingbao est déterminée à éviter l'héroïne principale et les personnages secondaires, fuyant tous les drames de l'histoire. Elle aspire à mener ses parents adoptifs et ses frères et sœurs vers une bonne vie, construisant un foyer prospère.
For a long time · 23.7K Views

Nach ihrer Scheidung wurde sie von ihrer mächtigen Geburtsfamilie willkommen geheißen!

Nachdem Tan Ming schwanger geworden war, übergab ihr Mann ihr die Scheidungspapiere. Vor dreiundzwanzig Jahren war Tan Ming noch ein Waisenkind, das niemand wollte. Ihre Adoptiveltern hatten sie aus einem Waisenhaus adoptiert, weil sie sich keine eigenen Kinder leisten konnten. Tan Mings unglückliches Schicksal änderte sich dadurch jedoch nicht. Innerhalb eines Monats wurde ihre Adoptivmutter schwanger. Nach der Geburt ihrer jüngeren Schwester, Tan Si, wurde Tan Ming zur unbeliebtesten Person in der Familie. Seit sie ein Kind war, musste sie Tan Si in allem den Vortritt lassen. Ihre Eltern mochten Tan Si nur, weil Tan Ming nicht ihr leibliches Kind war. Vor drei Jahren wurde sie von der Familie Tan gezwungen, einen komatösen Mann zu heiraten, um ihre Geschäfte zu sichern. Zwei ganze Jahre lang lebte Tan Ming als Witwe. Bis vor einem Jahr, als ihr komatöser Mann unerwartet aufwachte, verliebte sich Tan Si auf den ersten Blick in ihn. Dieses Mal beschloss Tan Ming, nicht mehr nachzugeben. Sie versuchte entschlossen, die Verbindung zur Familie Tan zu lösen. Sie rechnete jedoch nicht damit, dass ihr am Ende die Scheidungspapiere zugestellt würden. Um der Kinder in ihrem Bauch willen wurde Tan Ming von ihrem Mann gezwungen, die Papiere zu unterschreiben. Als die Kinder geboren wurden, begleitete ihr leiblicher Vater eine andere Frau zu ihrem Schwangerschaftstest. Gerade als Tan Mings Welt am dunkelsten war, tauchten ihre echten Verwandten auf. Sie waren eine so wohlhabende Familie, dass sogar die Familie Tan zu ihnen aufschaute, und sie hießen sie zu Hause willkommen! Als sie nach Hause kam, war sie kein unerwünschtes Kind mehr. Sie hatte nicht nur Eltern, die sich um sie kümmerten, sondern auch drei Brüder, die sie sehr verwöhnten! Später bereute ihr Ex-Mann seine Entscheidung und kam, um sich persönlich zu entschuldigen. "Halt dich aus meinem Leben raus", sagte Tan Ming.
JQK · 80.8K Views

Die Braut des Werwolfkönigs

Warnung: Erwachsener Inhalt Auslöser-Warnung: Missbrauch, Trauma, Psychologisch *Es ist voll von roten Fahnen. Sagt mir nicht, ich hätte euch nicht gewarnt. Blue Learley, ein siebzehnjähriges Mädchen, lebte mit ihren Eltern und zwei Brüdern in einer Kleinstadt. Alles lief wie immer, bis zu jener schicksalhaften Nacht, die ihr Leben für immer veränderte. Demetrius Easton, der gnadenlose Werwolfkönig, hatte ein Auge auf sie geworfen und wollte sie als seine Braut. Als ihre eigenen Eltern sie an ihn verkauften, hatte sie keine Möglichkeit, ihm zu entkommen und niemanden, an den sie sich um Hilfe wenden konnte. *** "Ich möchte nicht zu lange wegbleiben. Manchmal habe ich Angst, der Vogel könnte wegfliegen." "Der Vogel hat kein Zuhause. Die Außenwelt ist für ihn gefährlich. Außerdem hat der Vogel drinnen schon seine Freiheit gefunden", sagte ich. "Der Vogel wird nicht wegfliegen." Du brauchst ihm also nicht die Flügel abzuschneiden, weil sie ihm gar nicht gewachsen sind. Das ist schon in Ordnung. Der Vogel mag den Käfig sowieso.' *** Unterstützen Sie meine anderen Werke: *Silence*- Es ist ein Krimi-Roman mit einer blühenden Romanze zwischen zwei Teenagern. Es geht um Liebe, Freundschaft und Verrat. Glauben Sie mir, die Wendungen werden Sie in Atem halten. Die Maske des Monsters, wo du die Liebe zwischen einem menschlichen Mädchen und einem furchterregend aussehenden Monster lesen kannst Das Cover ist nicht von mir. Quelle: Devianart
Proteety_Promi · 193.5K Views

Die Mietfrau des Milliardärs ist ein heißer Feger

"Ich lasse dich von heute Abend an oben sein, bitte lass dich nicht scheiden, Liebling!" ----- Evelyns märchenhaftes Leben gerät ins Wanken, als ein Fremder hereinkommt und behauptet, die echte Tochter der Familie Wright zu sein. Ihre beneidenswerten Privilegien? Weggefegt. Ihr makelloser Ruf? Beschmutzt. Ihre vierjährige Verlobung? Abrupt annulliert. Aber der schlimmste Verrat kam von ihrem einst so geliebten Vater, der sie verheiraten wollte, um eine geschäftliche Rechnung zu begleichen - mit einem Mann, der doppelt so alt war wie sie! Alle im Kreis waren bei dieser skandalösen Hochzeit dabei und wollten den Untergang der vermeintlichen Scheinerbin miterleben. Doch der Höhepunkt war nicht das, was selbst Evelyn erwartet hatte! Zevian Reign, der reichste Tycoon der Nation, bekannt dafür, der Traum jeder Frau und der Albtraum aller seiner Rivalen zu sein, hatte einen dramatischen Auftritt. Seine Ankunft verblüffte die Gäste, aber sein unverschämter Wunsch war noch verblüffender! Er forderte lässig, den Bräutigam zu ersetzen und die schöne Braut zu heiraten. Niemand wagte es, ihn herauszufordern, und niemand hatte den Mut, ihm nicht zu gehorchen. Es blieb ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als die Hochzeit zu beobachten. Und es war Evelyns Zeit, zu lächeln, denn sie war jetzt die Frau des Teufels. Und alle, die sie ruiniert hatten, würden es ihr zehnfach heimzahlen! ++++ [Auszug] "Warum sollte ich meinen Mann für einen Versager sitzen lassen?" Evelyn gluckste und verschränkte trotzig die Arme. "Er ist in allen Belangen besser als er." Ihr Blick wanderte zu ihrem Ex-Verlobten in der Nähe, und sie fuhr schmunzelnd fort: "Im Bett sogar viel besser." Als Annabelles Gesicht vor Verachtung errötete, klopfte Evelyn ihr auf den Rücken und beugte sich vor, um ihr eine weitere Ohrfeige zu geben. "Also, viel Glück beim Lecken meiner Reste, liebe Stiefschwester. Er ist eine perfekte Partie für dich."
Zelra · 24.5K Views

La Sorcière Maudite du Diable

```` L'histoire d'un homme qui apporte la mort et d'une fille qui la nie. ---- Sur la montagne hantée dans le royaume, ils disent qu'il y avait une sorcière. Elle était née princesse. Mais même avant sa naissance, le prêtre l'avait déclarée maudite et avait exigé sa mort. Ils empoisonnèrent la mère pour tuer le bébé avant qu'elle n'accouche, mais le bébé naquit d'une mère morte — un enfant maudit. Encore et encore, ils ont essayé de tuer le bébé mais elle a miraculeusement survécu à chaque tentative. Abandonnant, ils la laissèrent sur la montagne hantée pour mourir mais elle survécut encore sur cette terre aride — Une sorcière ‘Pourquoi ne mourra-t-elle pas ?’ Des années plus tard, le peuple en eut finalement assez de la sorcière et décida de brûler la montagne. Mais le Diable arriva à son secours et la prit avec lui loin de cet endroit en flammes, car mourir n'était pas son destin même à ce moment-là. Draven Amaris. Le Dragon Noir, qui régnait sur les êtres surnaturels, le Diable que personne ne souhaitait croiser. Il haïssait les humains mais cette certaine fille humaine l'attirait vers elle chaque fois qu'elle était en danger. ‘Est-elle vraiment humaine?’ Il prit l'humaine avec lui et nomma cette fille étrangement tenace “Ember”, un morceau de charbon ardent dans un feu mourant. Une âme teintée de vengeance et des ténèbres de l'enfer, qui s'élèverait des cendres pour accomplir sa revanche. ------ Ceci est le deuxième livre de la série des Diables et des Sorcières. 1er livre - La fille de la Sorcière et le fils du Diable. 3ème livre- La Fiancée du Diable. Tous les livres sont liés les uns aux autres mais vous pouvez les lire indépendamment. ````
Mynovel20 · 65.4K Views


Thank you for checking out this novel! I'm excited to share that it will soon have a manhwa webtoon adaptation. Please be sure to visit and support the webtoon by voting—your support means the world! Blood pooled across the floor, the sharp metallic scent mixing with the stifling air. Their teacher’s lifeless body lay crumpled, a gaping hole where his forehead had been. The entire class stood frozen, paralyzed by fear as the strange, unfeeling object hovered, its crimson sensor scanning the room like a predator sizing up its prey. Jin Dalle’s heart thundered in her chest, her trembling hands gripping the edge of her desk as her wide, terrified eyes darted toward the window. Above the school, it loomed—a machine neither bird nor beast, its cold, metallic surface glinting in the sunlight. Then, like a curtain of despair, an impenetrable barrier encased the campus, a shimmering dome stretching across the horizon. A cold, mechanical voice pierced the silence: "Commencing Operation REJUVENATION. Initiative 21—status: green. Attention: all humans in Zone 1 (Paradisus). Only two subjects will be permitted to exit the dome alive. Any attempt to escape will result in immediate incineration. T-minus 1,260 seconds to initiation." Panic erupted as the weight of the announcement settled. This was no test, no cruel joke. It was survival—an unspeakable game of life and death. Jin’s knees buckled under the pressure. She couldn’t kill. How could she? But survival demanded more than resolve; it demanded blood. Beside her stood Choi Minhee, her expression cold, her resolve sharper than a blade. Minhee didn’t flinch at the thought of taking a life—she would do whatever it took to survive, even if it meant staining her hands red. Together, they must navigate the abyss of betrayal, desperation, and despair. Trust is fragile, and hope is fleeting. As the dome becomes their battlefield, only two truths remain: death lurks in every shadow, and luck, that fickle mistress, could be their savior—or their undoing. Jin and Minhee must fight through hell, clinging to their wits, their instincts, and the faint, fragile thread of fortune. In a world where survival comes at the cost of humanity, who will be left standing when the dome finally falls?
Rene_Tokiori · 1K Views

Rebirth; I'm Reborn as Elves God 'Teruk'

"Why- WHY?" Eris screamed in pain as he was showed towards the dirty train road it looked ugly and disgusting but his mind was over his mother who was looking at him with a disgusted and annoyed face. He opened his mouth again trying to ask some questions but his voice got caught in his throat.. he couldn't belive his own mother did that to him. He was a Trash it was true but he always tried his best. He never treated anyone badly he always helped grannies and street animals. He may have 'F - Class' talent that made him trash on outside but his soul was pure. "You dare to speak? I'm not your mother! I was never one, never will! We kidnapped you from Hissel family! You are their missing child! We thought you will achive at least 'A' or even 'SSS' talent but NO! YOU TRASH! YOU WILL DIE TODAY!" The woman screamed at the shocked boy who was still wincing in pain. Eris looked at his mother and her bodyguards. Who was looking at him with grin.. like mocking ones.. "Mo-" his voice got caught in his throat. Even his mom said she hated him. He at least wanted to get a hug.. his 'mom' was his favourite person in whole world.. He only knew her and his dad all his life. He now understood why he was not alowed to get outside. He slowly brought his hands to his normally white ,but due to blood ,red hair and he let out a sob as he shaked his head again and again. In his mind he repeated 'I'm a trash.. I'm not loved..' over and over as he was doing this his mom slowly walked away giving one last grimace of disgust towards him. As people left he heard a low and a robotic cold voice. [SYSTEM - 01 WANTS TO GIVE 'PURE HUMAN' A GOOD LIFE] Eris ignored the voice as his world was slowly turning black due to big blood loss and pain of abandonment. He couldn't scream nor talk.. he was in so much pain and shock. [SYSTEM - 01 SUGGESTS YOU TO ACCEPT] After a few seconds of no answer robotic voice continued. [SYSTEM - 01 ASKS NICELY AGAIN] ... [SYSTEM - 01 THINKS YOUR NOT SMART SO SYSTEM FORCED YOU TO ACCEPT] [SYSTEM - SYNCHRONIZATION IS STARTING! ACCEPT/REFUSE] As the world turned black the guy stared at the blue screen as it said Accept or Refuse. He didn't understand what it meant but he saw some heros use this screen.. But he didn't wanted to be a hero.. he was a useless trash how couls he? He tried to touch Refuse but the Refuse turned into 'Accept' [SYSTEM - 01 - SYNCHRONIZATION IS DONE] As the System - 01 screamed Eris flinched and opend hia mouth "What- I.. What's gonna happen I'm not dead?" [System - 00 laughs at player 'Eris'] [System - 01 clears throat and kicks System - 00 away. System-01 gives good reward to 'Pure Human'] As the Systems messed around Eris was looking around he thought he died. He tried to ignore the robotic voice but it failed as he was now in his brain looking around. He knew lots of webtoons and manhwas.. He always wanted to be a hero like them but he was a trash.. he knew what System meant tho. He thought it was all dream and will vanish soon but it didn't so after System - 01 said it will give rewards he jumped in excitement. His blue eyes and white as ghost skin shined in happines. He could finnaly be happy and achive his dreams! He could finally save street animals as much as he wanted and help orphaned children in his free time! He promised hisself he will live his next life to fullest! With this System - 01 started to talk in his cold voice. [SYSTEM - 01 has gifted you SSS+ CLASS know as 'Beauty&Pure and Wish God Jenura's Son' "Uhm- what?" ~ [Welcome to the world where Elves rule! Humans are seen as nothing but slaves! Your the son of a almighty God! Beauty is everything for Elves! So you better find the priest of your mother's church! before crazy people finds you and takes you instead!] A cold robotic voice made Eris gulp. "Ah ####." ~ In this world! Eris will shine and rise to top of the gods! He will fight with other god's sons/daughters among other kinds! cover from pinterest
U_Ryu2 · 2K Views

Reign of the Time Gap Queen

Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators series will continue in this Novel. Time is at the brink of running out for Kai to find a safe place to hide Victoria from the Vampire Covenant as other threats begin to rise. Vampires from other dimensional worlds begin to lurk on Earth as they await the go-ahead to kill Victoria. Worry strikes Kai's mind and heart because he doesn't know if she'll get her votes, but even if she does, it's inevitable that vampires from every species will strike to kill his mate. With time slipping away, he and his friends also keep trying to search for Grandpa Vlad, the Collin Coven Headmaster because he needs his help to prepare for a rumored Vampiric World War Three to transpire. Not to mention, it's time they all faced their biggest rivals who want to steal Victoria and Kai's sister-in-law Zoey to make their Coven the strongest. Can Kai take on these threats from other Alpha vampires that either want his mate for themselves or wish to kill her? Will Kai be able to transform Victoria into her true form as a vampiress or will her fate to live be demised too soon? While Kai and his friends are doing what it takes to ensure his pregnant mate survives long enough to turn her on the Brightest Blue Moon, Victoria still struggles to keep her time-gap gift under control. As the Brightest Blue Moon nears, her psychic time-gap gift to mentally travel to the past keeps getting stronger. At the same time, she's trying to prepare herself for motherhood to care for her immortal babies. Nothing gets any easier when she has countless maniac vampires and their Alphas trying to kill her. In her futile attempt to keep herself and her unborn vamp babies protected against these intelligent vampires, she learns quickly that it's nearly impossible. As usual, she fights for her survival. At the same time, she's drawn closer to Kai because of the blue moon, but a part of her heart is still snared by her first lover. Between their ups and downs as a fated couple, they always find a way to balance each other. The first novel called: "Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators" is still under editing and needs to be rewritten to fix some flaws I made with the FL, but it is completed. "DO NOT" let those flaws reflect on this novel because it will take time to fix them. This is my first time writing a series like this, so it's been a learning experience for me with writing a Fl. The story isn't all romance. This storyline runs deeper than that, and the vampires aren't weak. Also, it's only labeled as historical because the FL can mentally travel to past events in ancient times. This second Novel will be dark, gory, murderous, bloody, and steamy hot like the first one. You've been warned. Further warnings will be added as needed in certain chapters. Recaps will be added to grasp certain events and the vampires' way of life. Overall, the story will take a whole new direction, so you can read it as a standalone if you don't wish to read it the first novel. I will leave reference chapters from the first novel for you to read if you want to glance at it. Enjoy the action and suspense with these bloodthirsty vampires and vampiresses. Feel free to follow me on Discord: sara88#4303
Sara_Weber_9938 · 111.4K Views

Fallen General's Omega (BL)

I watch him, his green eyes brimming with concern as he gently massages my scarred leg. The sensation is both soothing and a stark reminder of my own inadequacy. The once-feared Crimson General, a symbol of power and invincibility, is now nothing but a frail shadow of his former self. I’ve been abandoned, left to decay in this forsaken place, my family and comrades long forgotten. Darkness had become my only solace, and I had resigned myself to it. Then he arrived, a beacon of light in my endless night. His presence, his care—it’s more than I ever deserved. Yet, I find myself clinging to him with an intensity that borders on madness. I hate that I need him so desperately, that his every action and word have become my lifeline. It consumes me, a torment I can't escape. "You don't have to do this. Please, don’t do this. I’m nothing. You deserve better. Leave. Please," I beg, my voice trembling with raw anguish, the very words tearing me apart. He continues his work, seemingly unaffected by my pleas. "Why are you here? Look at me! I’m nothing." Desperation and anger swell within me, mixing into a maelstrom of anxiety. I can’t comprehend the emotions coursing through me. "You're my alpha, where else would I be?" he responds softly, his gaze unwavering, as if my pleas were mere background noise. My heart races, torn between overwhelming relief and paralyzing dread. In that moment, I realize the truth: you would have to tear him from my cold, lifeless arms. I’m never letting go. - General Thorne, betrayed and broken, finds new life and love with Omega Noelle, who nurses him back to health. Their deepening bond reveals Thorne’s softer side, offering a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, Thorne’s past soon catches up with them, threatening their newfound peace. **** STOP!!!! HERE IS 9 REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS A SHOT 1. Omegaverse 2. The Alpha is a greenflag. 3. Fluff, and cheesey cliche romance. 4. Faceslapping and revenge. 5. Smut, with no dubcon or noncon. 6. OP husband. 7. Really cliche plot honestly. Those historical manhwas but make it gay. 8. The omega/bot is not a pushover. 9. I'm asking you give it a shot please.
Sofie_Vert01 · 877.1K Views

Transmigrated into a Manhwa! ?

Edward Blake never imagined that death would be the least of his worries. When a tragic accident thrusts him into the pages of Obsidian Chronicles, a manhwa he barely remembered reading, he wakes up as Edward Arclight, the disgraced Duke of a crumbling estate in the mighty Aurelis Empire. Once a powerful family that shaped the empire’s history, the Arclights now hold nothing but a hollow title and a barren land plagued by unrest and debt. The world Edward finds himself in is one of magic intertwined with relics of advanced technology. After an apocalypse a thousand years ago shattered civilization, humanity rebuilt from the ashes, blending ancient tech with powerful magic to forge kingdoms and empires. Yet this fragile society now faces a growing threat—the return of the Demon King, a malevolent being sealed away by ancient heroes during the apocalypse but never truly defeated. Edward’s headache intensifies when he realizes the manhwa’s destined protagonist—the hero meant to lead the charge against the Demon King—doesn’t exist in this version of the story. With no chosen savior and no script to follow, Edward is left with one horrifying conclusion: the responsibility to save the world might fall to him. But Edward Arclight is a duke in name only, and his people, bitter and downtrodden, see him as a symbol of failure. With dwindling resources, fractured alliances, and a land teetering on rebellion, Edward must rise from obscurity to rebuild the legacy of his house. Along the way, he discovers hidden truths about the apocalypse, the origins of the Demon King, and the mysterious artifacts of magic and technology that could hold the key to saving—or dooming—the world. Caught in a web of political intrigue, ancient prophecies, and the looming shadow of annihilation, Edward must rally reluctant allies, outwit his enemies, and awaken the power hidden within his family’s forgotten heritage. In a world where magic and technology collide and destiny has been thrown into chaos, the forgotten duke must rewrite his own fate and face the ultimate question: Can a side character defy fate and become a hero?
Epsilon224 · 151 Views
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