Shadows of a Hero’s Fate
In a world untouched by the Age of Heroes, a young man destined for obscurity is given an extraordinary second chance. After a tragic death, he encounters the enigmatic Demon of Humanity, who offers him a new life and the power to lead humanity against an impending darkness. Gifted with holy magic and hailed as the kingdom’s first hero, he embarks on a journey to vanquish evil and inspire hope.
But as the hero's light shines brighter, shadows begin to grow within him. Each use of his divine power brings triumph, yet it also chips away at his humanity. Friends and allies question his choices, but he dismisses their concerns, believing his transformation is necessary for the greater good. Unbeknownst to him, his descent into darkness is orchestrated by the very force that gave him life—a plan centuries in the making.
As the lines between hero and monster blur, the hero finds himself battling not just external foes but the corruption within. When he finally confronts the truth of his destiny, he must choose between redemption or ultimate damnation.
The Corruption of Light is a gripping tale of heroism, sacrifice, and the thin line between savior and destroyer. In the end, the hero’s story will spark the Age of Heroes—but at a devastating cost.