Wild Planet: The Legend of Mufasa
"I Mufasa, son of Shendu the Great and Kora the Beserk, I promise by the name of my ancestors, as my father and my father's father did, to guide my people and honor my tribe ... ROOOOAAAR!".
A story about an ordinary person on Earth who unfortunately died and ended up reincarnating in a world totally different from the one he already lived.
A world with magic! However primitive ....
A place full of dangers and the unknown! Come and see how Mufasa is born and grows in this exciting world!
Follow its history full of dangers, schemes, battles, blood and love!
Come see the one who, because of his birth, was considered a trash.
But that did not succumb to mediocrity and did not become victimized.
And with his own effort and without waiting for any miracle or luck, found with his own blood, sweat and intelligence the strength to turn the corner and become unparalleled !!