In the year 2250, humanity’s most advanced achievement has taken shape—not in one, but two artificial intelligences with the power to feel emotions and grow. Nyuro and Auro, the world’s first sentient AI twins, begin their lives in peaceful innocence, raised by their creators, Vict and Annie, who love them as their own children. But this fragile peace is shattered when government forces target their family, leaving Nyuro and Auro orphaned and marked by tragedy.
Fueled by their loss and a promise left by their mother, the twins set out to find their mysterious uncle, a figure with unknown ties to them and a key role in their future. As they train under his harsh but protective guidance, they prepare for a journey driven by vengeance and a search for answers—seeking justice in a world that tore their family apart.
(Also another note. I am planning to finish this story, with two volume in mind. Right now what I had publish is only the first concept of the story, which will have many improvement by the end of the product. The complete first volume will be publish around mid next years. Thanks for reading :)