"In a world where everyone possesses unnatural powers, Nehora is the rare exception—born without any abilities of his own. But that doesn’t stop him from dreaming big. Chosen to attend the prestigious India No. 1 Academy because of his remarkable physical strength, Nehora hopes to prove himself in a world that values power above all. Unwilling to give up, Nehora vows to find another way to gain the strength he seeks.
Then, one day, something mysterious changes within him, turning his life upside down. Nehora has one ultimate goal—to explore the vast universe beyond Earth, a privilege reserved only for the strongest.
As he trains at the academy, Nehora meets a fellow student named Reasouji, who shares the same goal of becoming the strongest. Both driven by their desire to break through their limits and reach the stars, they begin to compete fiercely against one another. But only one can emerge as the greatest of them all. With every step, Nehora’s journey becomes more intense, more dangerous, and more mysterious. The universe awaits—but can he overcome the challenges ahead and prove that he is truly worthy of it?