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Après la Descente de la Montagne, Sept Grands Frères me Gâtent

Zhouzhou est née avec peu de chances, et après avoir entraîné la faillite d'un temple taoïste en mangeant, elle a finalement été chassée de la montagne pour mendier de la nourriture. Mais par inadvertance, elle a trouvé une source de subsistance à long terme. Après avoir adopté la petite Zhou Zhou, Madame Qin a immédiatement envoyé un message à son plus jeune fils, "Regarde, tu as une fille !" Qin Lie, qui aurait dû se réjouir de devenir père, est resté de marbre et a dit, "Envoyez-la loin." Les jeunes tyrans de la famille Qin, qui auraient dû se réjouir d'avoir une petite soeur, ont l'air dédaigneux et ont dit, "Nous n'en voulons pas. Elle ne sait que pleurer, pas amusant du tout." Même les ennemis jurés de la famille Qin attendaient avec impatience de voir Zhouzhou entraîner la famille Qin à la faillite. Cependant, Qin Lie signait des contrats tous les jours jusqu'à ce que ses mains en soient douloureuses, et la famille Qin prospérait, consolidant leur position en tant que famille la plus riche. Même le septième frère infirme de la famille Qin a pu se mettre à courir et sauter. Lors d'un banquet, les jeunes tyrans de la famille Qin ont entouré Zhouzhou, essayant de lui faire plaisir. "Soeur, nous te donnerons toute la nourriture délicieuse !" "Soeur, quel genre d'histoire veux-tu entendre aujourd'hui ? Frère te le dira !" Qin Lie s'est approché directement, a soulevé la petite fille et a jeté un regard froid à ses neveux, déclarant sa possession, "C'est ma fille !"
COL+Jin Gao · 28.2K Views

Sa Femme de Génie est une Superstar

Une hackeuse mondialement célèbre et fille de la famille criminelle la plus puissante qui a régné sur le bas monde international pendant de nombreuses générations est tuée lorsque leur organisation est anéantie en une seule nuit. Elle renaît dans le corps d'Iris Long, une chanteuse pop adolescente, une fêtarde sauvage et une gamine gâtée. Pour l'ancienne princesse des enfers qui a vécu une vie surprotégée et entravée, cette nouvelle vie est l'occasion de vivre enfin la vie de liberté et d'indépendance qu'elle a toujours souhaitée. Jin Liwei est l'homme le plus puissant du monde des affaires du pays. Froid et impitoyable, il est quelqu'un que seuls quelques-uns osent offenser. Lorsque la tristement célèbre Iris Long, qui poursuivait son jeune frère, sort d'un coma d'un an, son cœur insensible bouge pour la première fois et il tombe follement amoureux de cette fille de génie inattendue. Elle veut voler librement et monter haut dans le ciel. Il veut tout d'elle, pour l'attacher à lui et ne jamais la laisser partir. C'est son voyage vers la super célébrité. C'est son voyage pour l'accompagner. Ensemble, ils vont bouleverser le monde tout en faisant face à de nombreux défis. Mais que se passera-t-il lorsqu'elle découvrira qu'elle ne pourra jamais échapper aux ombres de son ancienne vie ? Pourra-t-elle toujours vivre sa vie de rêve de liberté et d'indépendance ? Sera-t-il capable de la protéger des dangers ? [Attention : Contenu Mature. La discrétion du lecteur est recommandée.] ### Instagram : Arria Cross (@arriacross) Serveur Discord :
ArriaCross · 115.2K Views

100 Dias para Seduzir o Demônio

[Aviso: R18+] Quando o Ódio se transforma em Amor... e a Vingança se transforma em Paixão... Ele escolherá começar de novo com ela? ======= A alma de Phantomflake foi separada de seu corpo após ela cometer suicídio diante de seu inimigo, Nathan Sparks, o Líder Supremo da Máfia Syphiruz. Ela acordou apenas para descobrir que seu corpo (que estava em estado de coma) estava sendo mantido cativo por Nathan 'o Demônio!', que estava tentando prolongar sua vida. E qual era o motivo dele? Matar ela com as próprias mãos e torturá-la até a morte! Nathan tem um profundo ressentimento contra Phantomflake, pois ela foi quem assassinou a pessoa mais preciosa em sua vida. Ele queria vingança! E as coisas ficaram ainda mais excitantes quando uma criatura mágica apareceu diante da alma de Fantasma, dando a ela uma missão ridícula em troca de recuperar seu corpo. “Faça-o se apaixonar por você em 100 dias!” A criatura voadora disse, apontando suas pequenas patas para Nathan que estava parado sem expressão ao lado de sua cama de doente. Com os olhos arregalados, Phantomflake fez uma cara de 'você-deve-estar-brincando' para a criatura voadora. De jeito nenhum! Isso é uma missão impossível! Esse cara a detestava tanto. Como ela faria isso??! ****** Excerto: Nathan a agarrou pelo pescoço. "Não brinque comigo, Phantomflake." A voz fria de Nathan reverberou dentro do quarto, seus olhos ardendo de raiva. Mas Phantomflake apenas sorriu para ele, pressionando suas mãos contra o peito dele, seus dedos o provocando. "Você não pode me matar, Nate. Admita. Você já se apaixonou por mim." Com um movimento rápido, Phantomflake puxou a camisa dele, diminuindo a distância entre eles enquanto esmagava seus lábios contra os dele. Surpreendentemente, Nathan se viu respondendo a ela. Ele perdeu! Não conseguiu resistir a ela. ===== Sou dono da capa do livro (=";"=) Artista: Bea Cortez Junte-se ao servidor do autor para receber atualizações e anúncios sobre o livro. Link do Discord:
ellezar_g · 25.4K Views

Sua Esposa Gênio é uma Superestrela

Uma hacker mundialmente famosa e filha da família criminosa mais poderosa que dominou o submundo internacional por muitas gerações é assassinada quando sua organização é aniquilada em uma única noite. Ela renasce no corpo de Iris Long, uma cantora pop adolescente, garota festeira selvagem e patricinha mimada. Para a antiga princesa do submundo que vivia uma vida superprotegida e acorrentada, essa nova vida é uma chance de finalmente viver a vida de liberdade e independência que ela sempre quis. Jin Liwei é o homem mais poderoso no mundo dos negócios do país. Frio e impiedoso, ele é alguém que poucos se atrevem a ofender. Quando a infame Iris Long, que costumava perseguir seu irmão mais novo, acorda de um coma de um ano, seu coração insensível se move pela primeira vez e ele se apaixona perdidamente por essa menina gênio inesperada. Ela quer voar livremente e alcançar alturas além do céu. Ele quer tudo dela, amarrá-la a si mesmo e nunca deixá-la partir. Esta é a jornada dela para o super estrelato. Esta é a jornada dele acompanhando-a. Juntos, eles vão abalar o mundo enquanto enfrentam muitos desafios. Mas o que acontecerá quando ela descobrir que nunca poderá escapar das sombras de sua vida anterior? Ela ainda será capaz de viver seu sonho de vida de liberdade e independência? Ele será capaz de protegê-la dos perigos? [Aviso: Conteúdo Maduro. Discrição do leitor é aconselhada.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Servidor Discord:
ArriaCross · 143.2K Views

Spezialagent Wiedergeburt: Die omnipotente Göttin der schnellen Seelenwanderung

Sie ist die frisch gekürte beste Schauspielerin des Unterhaltungskreises und die lange verschollene zweite junge Dame der Familie Ye in der Kaiserstadt, was jeder wusste. Die älteste Tochter der Ye-Familie war der Vorsitzende der Fenghai-Gruppe, der dritte Sohn der Ye-Familie ein hohes Tier in der Kaiserstadt, aber die gefundene zweite junge Dame war nur eine Dekoration im Unterhaltungszirkel. Ihr Vater liebte sie nicht, ihre Mutter schätzte sie nicht. Doch niemand wusste, dass sie hinter dem Deckmantel einer bloßen Dekoration in Wirklichkeit eine außergewöhnliche Agentin war, die internationale Mächte als beunruhigend empfanden! Unerwartet machte sie einen Fehler, wurde ausgetrickst und verband sich versehentlich mit einem System, um Aufgaben zu erfüllen und Energie zu absorbieren. Seitdem dominierte sie in allen Paralleluniversen und schrieb das tragische Leben anderer um. Egal, in welcher Welt sie sich aufhielt, sie gedieh mühelos. Womit sie jedoch nicht gerechnet hatte, war die Begegnung mit einem mächtigen Mann einer geheimnisvollen Macht... Wenn sie endlich wieder zu alter Stärke zurückfindet, könnte sie ihre Identität als zweite junge Dame der Ye-Familie aufgeben; sie könnte das Erbe ihrer Familie ablehnen. Aber wenn sie nicht mit denen abrechnet, die sich gegen sie verschworen haben, wie soll sie dann ihrem hart erarbeiteten Titel als Chefagentin gerecht werden? Sobald ihre Identität vollständig aufgedeckt ist, wird ihre Zeit gekommen sein, zu glänzen! *** Der eine ist ein wunderbarer junger Krimiautor, der andere ein weltberühmter Chefagent - dies ist der Showdown zwischen zwei beeindruckenden Persönlichkeiten. *** Die alternativen Titel dieses Romans lauten "Die Heldin ist wirklich erstaunlich" und "Der Held ist wirklich gutaussehend". -【Refreshing】【Quick Transmigration】【1v1】
Road of Flowers · 10.4K Views

Général, Votre Femme Vous Demande de Revenir à la Maison Pour l'Agriculture

``` # VIE DE FAMILLE Su Xiaoxiao faisait la sieste mais a ouvert les yeux pour découvrir qu'elle avait été transmigrée et se trouvait maintenant dans le corps d'une fille bien en chair. D'une docteure militaire distinguée, elle était devenue une gourmande et une paresseuse. De plus, elle terrorisait souvent les gens du village en compagnie de son père et de son frère. C'était pourquoi personne aux alentours ne voulait l'épouser. Bien que sa famille soit parvenue à arranger un mariage avec une famille illustre, le marié s'est enfui le jour du mariage. Quand son père a dit qu'il lui attraperait un mari, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il le fasse littéralement en capturant Wei Ting avec un sac après qu'il eut été épuisé de combattre des brigands. Su Cheng souriait mystérieusement à sa fille. "Papa a une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle. Laquelle veux-tu entendre en premier ?" "L'une ou l'autre." "J'ai capturé un mari pour toi. Il est cent fois plus beau que He Tongsheng ! Tu vas définitivement l'aimer !" "Alors, c'est quoi la bonne nouvelle ?" demanda-t-elle dans un état second. Su Cheng décida de se laisser porter par le courant et changea ses mots. "La bonne nouvelle c'est que tu n'as plus besoin de donner naissance ! Mon gendre nous a déjà donné des enfants !" Après s'être mariée, Su Xiaoxiao menait une vie trépidante à réformer son père gangster et son frère cadet pour le mieux, à sauver la vie de son époux magnifique, et à élever ses trois canailles... En outre, elle devint inopinément l'une des dames les plus puissantes de la dynastie Yan ! ```
Pian Fangfang · 58.3K Views

100 Days to Seduce the Devil

[Warning: R18+] When Hate turns into Love... and Vengeance turns into Passion... Will he choose to start over with her? ======= Phantomflake's soul got separated from her body after committing suicide in front of her enemy, Nathan Sparks, the Supreme Leader of Syphiruz Mafia. She woke up only to find out that her body (which was in a coma state) was being held captive by Nathan 'the Devil!', who was trying to prolong her life. And what was his motive? To kill her by his own hand and torture her to death! Nathan has a deep resentment against Phantomflake as she was the one who assassinated the most precious person in his life. He wanted revenge! And things just got more exciting when a magical creature appeared in front of Phantom's soul, giving her a ridiculous mission in exchange of regaining her body back. "Make him fall in love with you within 100 days!" The flying creature said, pointing his small paws at Nathan who expressionlessly stood next to her sickbed. With her eyes going round, Phantomflake made an 'you-got-to-be-kidding-me' face at the flying creature. No way! That's a mission impossible! This guy loathed her so much. How would she do that??! ****** Excerpt: Nathan grabbed her by her neck. "Don't play tricks with me, Phantomflake." Nathan's cold voice reverberated inside the room, his eyes burning with rage. But Phantomflake just smirked at him, pressing her hands against his chest, her fingers teasing him. "You can't kill me, Nate. Just admit it. You've already fallen for me." With one swift move, Phantomflake pulled his shirt, closing their gaps as she crushed her lips against his lips. Surprisingly, Nathan just found himself responding to her. He lost! He couldn't resist her. ===== I owned the Book Cover (=";"=) Artist: Bea Cortez Join Author's server to get updates and announcements about the book. Discord link:
ellezar_g · 3.4M Views

His Mistress is His Ex-Wife

[Warning: R18+] "Her Greatest Revenge--Seduce him, Break his marriage, Steal his fortune, and lastly... DUMP him." ***** Sabrina Williams' life crumbles after discovering her husband's deceit and the underhanded acquisition of her family's fortune. Presumed dead after a tragic incident, Sabrina reemerges five years later with a new identity and a burning hunger for revenge. Her return sparks romantic chaos amongst the CEO's inner circle, a dazzling array of handsome bachelors vying for her attention. Sabrina Williams finds herself at the center of a romantic whirlwind with unexpected contenders– her protective best friend, a powerful Mafia Boss, and her possessive ex-husband. The stage is set for a pulsating tug-of-war—a clash of love and revenge with emotions running high. The players are all in, and the game is just getting started! ***** When her scandal with her Ex-husband spreads on the internet, bashers curse her tagging her as Shameless Mistress, Worthless Homewrecker, and Evil Slut... however several mighty bachelors unite to defend her. CEO of Top Fashion Company: "Haters go to hell! PS: to those models who antagonized my Goddess, I hereby take our brand sponsorship from them." President of the Largest Entertainment Company: "Fake news! We will take legal action for slandering my Goddess! Artists who cursed her will be banned from my company." Vice Chairman of Biggest Hotel and Resort Company: "Shut up, Bashers! Don't ever step in one of our hotels and resorts!" Domineering Mafia Boss: "Back off! Erase those malicious comments, or else my gang will hunt you down. I'll kill everyone who dares ridicule my Queen! Everyone: "..." Then a confession comment suddenly pops up amidst the chaos. FL's Best friend: "Everyone can hate you but I'll always be there for you. Sabby... I love you... I've been loving you since our childhood years... My first love... and my last." Her ex-husband can no longer stay quiet and declares to the public. Possessive Ex-husband: "She's not my mistress. She's my legal wife." FL Friend Lanny: "Legal Wife your Ass! Crazy Jerk just die!"
ellezar_g · 1.4M Views

The General's Wife Wants to Leave

Experiencing a suffocating marriage with the man whom she was arranged to marry made Joanna want to leave him. But it was a failure as she died as the wife of the man who abandoned her and her son before they divorced. On the verge of her death, she made a wish to not encounter him again if there was a next life. She wished for the end of their fate only in this lifetime. She wanted to forget everything about him. However, when she opened her eyes again, she found herself in the room of the mansion of the man she just married. She was awakened by a dream that seemed to be a nightmare of her past life. She didn’t remember completely everything that had occurred in her past life and the dream was fragmented. But deep inside her heart, she only felt one thing. She was adamant about leaving him, to be far away from him. Therefore, she left his mansion just before she met him in person in the present lifetime. However, what she didn’t expect was that the so-called husband pursued her, not allowing her to leave him. Would Joanna be successful in leaving the man in this lifetime? Would fate play the same tragedy as her past life? --- As he pulled his finger away from her soft, warm lips, he said, “It is good you stopped winding up, Joanna. Otherwise, I would have used the other method to make you stop blabbering over the same, boring topic endlessly.” When he noticed the stubborn woman was about to prove herself to be stubborn, the man leaned forward in a swift movement, facing the woman’s stupefied face which was an inch away from his. “Continue to blabbering, don’t blame me if I apply my other method right now,” the man murmured above her breath, trailing his gaze from her quivering eyes to her lips before moving it back to her now widened eyes. --- *Cover doesn’t belong to the author. Credit to the artist/owner.
g_ara · 646.3K Views

Rise of the Dragon Prince

Born into the prestigious Dragonian bloodline, Jack's life takes a cruel turn when he's cast out of his maternal family, left with nothing but scars of betrayal and whispers of a legacy he knows nothing about. Ridiculed by society and tormented by the powerful Lockwood family, Jack struggles to find his footing in a world that seems determined to crush him. Just when his despair threatens to consume him, Jack discovers the memory balls left behind by his parents—mysterious artifacts infused with their knowledge and wisdom. From his mother's teachings on business acumen to his father's mastery of martial arts and survival, Jack begins to unlock hidden talents and a potential far greater than he ever imagined. But the journey to reclaim his identity is fraught with danger. As Jack struggles to rise from obscurity, his enemies grow relentless. Rivalries ignite, secrets from the past resurface, and alliances are tested. When Jack's path crosses with Kross, a ruthless kingpin indebted to the Dragonian name, the pieces of a larger mystery begin to fall into place. Determined to carve his destiny, Jack must master the lessons of his past, confront the shadows of his lineage, and embrace the power within him. With courage forged in adversity and an indomitable spirit, Jack’s rise will be nothing short of legendary. This is the story of the boy who was discarded, the rival who became a hero, and the prince who will reclaim his throne. The dragon sleeps no longer. The world will tremble before his roar. ---
Lanze_G · 3K Views
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