Chronicles of Fates Path
In a world where centuries-old cultivation arts meet pockets of advanced technology, a young martial artist named Lan Zhuoran embarks on a perilous journey to protect a legendary artifact known as Skyfire Protocol. Once a simple resident of the remote Baihe Village, Lan Zhuoran finds his life turned upside down when a wounded stranger—Yin Feiyan—collapses at his door. Clutching the mysterious relic that blends science and magic, Feiyan pleads for help, warning of the merciless Black Wolf Syndicate that hunts her down.
Bound by duty and guided by his late father’s teachings, Lan Zhuoran teams up with Feiyan and the enigmatic archer Gao Tianrong. Together, they traverse treacherous canyons, haunted ruins, and war-torn hamlets in a race to reach the capital. There, a secret council might possess the power to safeguard Skyfire Protocol—or exploit it for darker ends. As rival clans, mercenary forces, and hidden factions vie for control of the relic’s immeasurable might, Lan Zhuoran must hone his cultivation skills and remain steadfast in the face of betrayal, bloodshed, and the daunting weight of fate.
At once epic in scope and intimate in character, Chronicles of Fate’s Path delves into themes of loyalty, hope, and sacrifice. In a land torn between tradition and technological wonder, will the trio’s courage be enough to protect a relic that could either heal a suffering empire—or destroy it entirely?